11:05:18 RRSAgent has joined #wot-script 11:05:18 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/07/26-wot-script-irc 11:05:24 meeting: WoT Scripting 11:06:10 regrets: Zoltan 11:06:25 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Daniel_Peintner, Cristiano_Aguzzi 11:06:35 AGENDA: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Scripting_API_WebConf#Agenda 11:07:14 cris has joined #wot-script 11:07:21 scribenick: kaz 11:07:43 topic: Minutes 11:07:54 -> https://www.w3.org/2021/07/19-wot-script-minutes.html July-19 11:08:02 dp: don't see any issues 11:08:15 ... any objections? 11:08:22 Mizushima has joined #wot-script 11:08:23 (none; approved) 11:10:09 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 11:11:15 topic: Vacation plan 11:11:26 dp: not decided yet 11:11:41 ca: maybe I can tell more next week 11:12:09 s/not/planning to take off but not/ 11:12:19 topic: Publication plan 11:12:24 dp: aiming September 11:13:36 kaz: we should maintain the schedule somewhere, e.g., a separate section within the agenda wiki 11:13:43 topic: Issues 11:13:47 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/329 11:13:50 s/Issues/PRs/ 11:14:00 -> PR, https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/327 11:14:18 s/329/329 feat: move thing-description types to a dedicated package/ 11:14:33 s/PR, h/h/ 11:15:10 s/327/327 related Issue 327 - Publish Thing Description schema and Types in another npm package/ 11:15:22 ca: 2 directories about TypeScript definition 11:16:18 ... npm workspace is used 11:16:26 -> https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v7/using-npm/workspaces npm workspace 11:17:14 ca: we don't need to publish the whole mechanism 11:19:11 ... use git tag to mark the history (e.g. git tag thing-description@1.1.0-DATE) 11:19:14 dp: make sense 11:20:48 ... but we'll get too many texts 11:21:01 s/get too many texts/get too many tags 11:21:04 ca: this is completely optional 11:21:52 q+ 11:22:14 dp: we can ask Zoltan, etc., about opinions 11:23:14 kaz: why do we need this complicated mechanism? 11:23:22 ... do we need/want to maintain all the versions? 11:23:49 dp: we can see the content of each version using the tags 11:24:00 ack k 11:26:51 kaz: it's just that we want to provide some specific version of Scriping API (and typescript-based definition for tha) with some specific version of TD 11:26:54 ... e.g., TD 1.1 11:27:14 ... do we really need to maintain all the versions using this mechanism? 11:27:27 dp: we just need some specific version. that's true 11:28:20 ... but evolution of the Scripting API spec should be also recorded 11:31:44 kaz: do we want to distribute Scripting API implementations using to people automatically? 11:34:43 dp: probably we should ask Zoltan, etc., for opinions 11:35:20 ca: it's optional but might be confusing 11:35:38 ... let's stick with the current workflow for a while 11:37:09 s/e.g., TD 1.1/in that case, we can simply mention this version of Scripting API should be used with that version of TD, etc./ 11:39:15 ... btw, the current folder structure seems a bit strange 11:39:51 ... but changing the package name would not be good 11:40:57 dp: "wot-type-definitions" vs "wot-typescript-thing-description" 11:41:14 s/type-/typescript-/ 11:41:53 ca: need consistency 11:42:44 s/description"/description" vs "wot-thing-description-types" 11:47:56 dp: would like to change the version number from "1.0.0" to "0.0.1" 11:48:16 ... other than that point, would like to hear Zoltan's opinion as well 11:49:15 ... (adds a comment to issue 329: add "private" to package.json so that it cannot be published) 11:49:57 ... would like to stop here today 11:49:59 ca: ok 11:50:32 [adjourned] 11:50:40 rrsagent, make log public 11:50:46 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:50:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/07/26-wot-script-minutes.html kaz 13:35:31 Zakim has left #wot-script