15:04:32 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:04:32 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/07/15-hcls-irc 15:04:43 rrsagent, make logs public 15:06:10 present+ hsolbrig 15:06:45 JimB has joined #hcls 15:07:25 Gaurav has joined #hcls 15:07:49 Brad has joined #hcls 15:09:28 Present: David Booth, Harold Solbrig, Emily Pfaff, Brad, Sajjad, Darrell Woelk, EricP, Gaurav Vaidya, Gerhard, Jim Balhoff, Sajjad, Sivaram Arabandi 15:10:17 Brad: SureScripts, AI expert ssystems 30 years, implemented our own RDF model of FHIR. 15:13:08 Darrell: Green Room tech, working w startups in Health tech, work w FHIR. Help companies integrate w EHRs and med devices. Worked w ont in the 1990s. Int in how we move this into the mainstream. -- integrate FHIR into knowledge graph world, and int in JSON-LD. int in SOLID. 15:14:33 Emily: Asst Prof, UNC Chapel Hill, EHR data, started in rel data world, but wrote dissertation on how FHIR/RDF could be used as common data across institutions. 15:15:51 Eric: Long-time RDF geek and HCLS group. Did the first mapping of FHIR to RDF with Josh Mandel. Also works on the SOLID project. 15:16:32 Gaurav: Sem web technologist at rennaisance computer institute. Emily's talking about working w FHIR/RDF. 15:17:39 Gerhard Korrer: Austria, EHR records, doing PhD related to FHIR/RDF. 15:18:16 Gopi: Marquette Dental School, Wisconsin, worked on Yosemite Project for quite a while. 15:19:41 Jim Balhoff: Work w Gaurav at UNC. Background in bio, now working w bio ont, OBO Foundaries. OWL reasoning to bio data. Trying to apply ShEx to Gene Ontology annotations. Gaurav and I also working w Harold on cancer data. 15:22:28 Sajjad Sein: Google Healthcare, transforming initiatives, CDA to FHIR. Did work on ont mediation. https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/healthcare-data-harmonization/tree/master/mapping_configs Next step is FHIR to FHIR/RDF. Mostly the only way out of EHR is v2 messages. If they can be put into FHIR, then that will bring it to FHIR/RDF. 15:24:26 Sivaram: Previously active in HCLS. Physician, in sem web field 15+ years. Worked w David at Cleveland Clinic. Since then working on different disease areas at NIH. Consulting for 8-9 years, knowledge eng. Worked w OBO Foundary ont. Worked on Mayo project w Harold converting HL7 v3 data into RDF. 15:24:40 ... Houston. 15:34:37 Topic: FHIR/RDF Goals and Status 15:34:53 Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BJ8QlxJzEHd-Y6LrNU-DQ8snp-nG-IKYp3hSfYYPYkY/edit#slide=id.gb4376a16c6_0_29 15:35:51 Eric: Using standards without having to invent our own approach. Focus on patient control of their own data. 15:36:04 s/Using/SOLID is using/ 15:36:14 ... Using HAPI FHIR server. 15:36:40 (slide 6) 15:37:51 harold: FHIR RDF provides linkage within the FHIR itself, object of one observation becomes the subject of another. One challenge after putting it into FHIR RDF is how to separate them back out again into FHIR resources. Ont let us start to reason about what's in the database. 15:38:13 ... Ont allow bridging from SNOMED to NCI. Can also get into wikidata. 15:38:32 (slide 7) 15:40:34 harold: Aggregated phenopackets datawith other data. 15:40:36 (slide 9) 15:41:31 harold: Can we define JSON-LD rules to map FHIR JSON to RDF? The JSON-LD @context says how to map it. 15:42:09 ... The @context is decoupled, and you can use different @contexts for different use cases. 15:42:57 sajjad: On slide 9, Is JSON-LD a data transformation language? Harold: Yes. 15:43:56 ... No namespaces on the left, but they exist on the right. When we transform FHIR to RDF, is it specifically FHIR RDF? 15:44:50 harold: The example on slide 9 is misleading, because it isn't a FHIR example. Just showing JSON-LD mapping idea. But we have a full mapping into the FHIR namespace. 15:45:17 ... FHIR/RDF says what is asserted in the FHIR record. 15:45:32 (slide 11) 15:46:16 harold: Project connected SNOMED CT and other ont w FHIR data and used a reasoner to draw interesting conclusions. 15:48:32 harold: fhir.ttl is an ont of FHIR, and gives you URIs for all nodes in a FHIR resource. 15:49:57 (slide 13) 15:50:22 harold: TermInfo problem. How to get from a code in one system to a code in another? 15:50:43 ... We've been able to determine all the facts we know about something, then select what we want. 15:51:01 ... JSON-LD is round-trippable: We can generate FHIR/RDF from other RDF. 15:52:10 sajjad: JSON-LD is instance data to instance to instance data. What about structure definitions? Schema info, like on slide 11? How did these classes come into existence? 15:52:35 harold: Current mapping is from structure defs to RDF triples. Now working on mapping structure defs. 15:54:38 (slide 17) 15:55:21 harold: FHIR server implementers were willing to implement FHIR/RDF if demand were demonstrated. JSON-LD makes the implementation task much easier. 15:56:00 ... Right now all of the target nodes are bnodes, but that makes it harder to use in the common cases. 15:56:54 Topic: Wiki 16:00:22 harold: Suggest add a link to tutorial. 16:01:00 sajjad: Maybe walk through a small resource in FHIR, and show the JSON-LD and the resulting FHIR/RDF. 16:02:20 harold: Examples also exist in the FHIR spec. 16:02:32 http://build.fhir.org/patient-example.ttl.html 16:03:05 eric: I can show a FHIR example with SOLID. 16:05:38 ACTION: David to add link to FHIR JSON-LD playground. 16:06:33 ADJOURNED 16:06:39 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:06:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/07/15-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 16:10:35 s/Brad,/Brad Simons,/ 16:12:15 i/Brad: SureScript/Topic: Introductions 16:13:26 i/Brad: SureScript/David Booth: Working w RDF and applying it to healthcare for several years. Started the FHIR/RDF effort a few years ago w Harold and others 16:14:09 i/Brad: SureScript/Harold Solbrig: Soon-to-be retired asst prof at Johns Hopkins Univ. Worked on various FHIR/RDF projects. 16:14:18 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:14:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/07/15-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 16:14:26 Meeting: FHIR/RDF 16:14:29 Chair: David Booth 16:14:32 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:14:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/07/15-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 16:16:24 s/Gerhard,/Gerhard Kober,/ 16:16:39 s/Gerhard Korrer/Gerhard Kober/ 16:17:40 s/Sajjad,/Sajjad Hussain,/ 16:18:15 s/EricP,/Eric Prud'hommeaux,/ 16:20:00 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:20:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/07/15-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 16:20:49 s/Sajjad, Sajjad/Sajjad/ 16:20:55 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:20:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/07/15-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 16:24:36 i/eric: I can show/ACTION: Harold to prepare a FHIR JSON-LD example 16:25:15 s/ADJOURNED/ACTION: David to add links to tutorials 16:25:53 s|Topic: Wiki|Topic: FHIR/RDF group wiki 16:25:58 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:25:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/07/15-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 17:08:51 s|s/Sajjad, Sajjad/Sajjad/|| 17:08:57 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:08:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/07/15-hcls-minutes.html dbooth