12:33:12 RRSAgent has joined #rqtf 12:33:12 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/07/07-rqtf-irc 12:33:14 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:33:17 Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference 12:33:17 Date: 07 July 2021 12:33:57 agenda+ XR Accessibility User Requirements: issues. 12:33:57 agenda+ WebXR Layers API level 1 review. 12:33:57 agenda+ Accessibility of Remote Meetings. 12:33:57 agenda+ Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements. 12:33:57 agenda+ Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements. 12:34:00 agenda+ Miscellaneous topics. 12:34:11 zakim, clear agenda 12:34:11 agenda cleared 12:34:21 agenda+ XR Accessibility User Requirements: issues. 12:34:21 agenda+ WebXR Layers API level 1 review. 12:34:21 agenda+ Accessibility of Remote Meetings. 12:34:21 agenda+ Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements. 12:34:21 agenda+ Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements. 12:34:23 agenda+ Miscellaneous topics. 12:34:58 present+ 12:35:01 chair: jasonjgw 12:47:18 scott_h has joined #rqtf 12:52:50 janina has joined #rqtf 12:58:49 present+ 13:00:50 JPaton has joined #rqtf 13:00:52 present+ 13:02:27 SteveNoble has joined #rqtf 13:02:27 zakim, next item 13:02:27 agendum 1 -- XR Accessibility User Requirements: issues. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:02:31 present+ John_Paton 13:02:37 present+ 13:03:20 scribe: SteveNoble 13:03:37 jasonjgw: Made editorial review and edits to a branch on GitHub 13:04:00 Raja has joined #rqtf 13:04:23 jasonjgw: Also opened a number of issues; Josh will review when he returns from holiday 13:04:50 jasonjgw: List of issues are linked to the meeting agenda 13:06:11 zakim, next item 13:06:11 agendum 2 -- WebXR Layers API level 1 review. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:06:11 jasonjgw: Will need to postpone discussion until Josh is her 13:07:13 judy: Is there a timing framework for this? 13:07:42 API captions -- is there a link to it? 13:09:40 janina: Will need to coordinate with Josh next week when he returns 13:11:00 janina: There has been no APA action to this point; it is an early document 13:11:45 jasonjgw: There is a link to the API in the meeting agenda 13:12:30 zakim, next item 13:12:30 agendum 3 -- Accessibility of Remote Meetings. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:12:35 Thanks -- I'll read this prior to next week meeting 13:14:01 Remote meetings wiki https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/task-forces/research-questions/wiki/Accessibility_of_Remote_Meetings:_Structured_Draft 13:14:19 scott_h: We started with a Wiki, where we put in sections 13:15:04 scott_h: Sections such as need for procurement, how to deliver remote meetings, different types of platforms, etc. 13:15:32 scott_h: We added a lot of definitions 13:16:30 scott_h: It would be good to have people review the new structure on the wiki 13:17:25 scott_h: Suggest that we all can add more content if that is needed 13:18:15 scott_h: Also examine the appendix, and consider if anything there should be merged into the main document 13:18:53 What is the process for editing? Like regular wikipedia? 13:19:15 scott_h: One focus we suggest in particular is what we say about immersive captions 13:20:42 • Behaviours "pin" a number of people, not just one person. 13:20:50 Judy has joined #rqtf 13:20:53 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/task-forces/research-questions/wiki/Accessibility_of_Remote_Meetings:_Structured_Draft 13:20:59 ** where would it go? how do you handle multiple people 13:21:21 ** allow ability to move the captions, don't force it at a single place 13:24:54 Also, want to see spatial locations preserved 13:25:03 it is important for gestures and sign communication 13:25:07 judy: there could be several different windows a user may want to pin 13:25:43 judy: users need to know how to do this pinning - should be obvious to users 13:26:41 Raja: it would be good to have a common layout 13:27:32 q+ 13:27:33 q+ 13:27:34 Raja: Either a pin or a layout that remains the same 13:28:16 scott_h: The layout of screens will not be the same for everyone, so this could be a problem 13:28:47 Judy: In some situations, people will want to customize their personal layout 13:29:22 Judy: So, maybe giving people several options and user choice? 13:29:36 janina: Three considerations 13:30:04 janina: Maybe a standard configuration; could be a defaulyt that allows users to modify 13:30:31 janina: Important that the user can pin some windows that always remain in place 13:30:50 q+ 13:30:54 ack ju 13:30:59 ack ja 13:31:05 janina: There may also be a need to support multiple monotors 13:31:41 q+ 13:31:53 Judy: When people go on/off video mute, Zoom will downgrade people who are not using their camera 13:32:23 Raja: It would help to have a standard layout for a smaller group 13:32:38 Raja: Large meetings are more difficult 13:33:27 scott_h: What about leeting the meeting host set this up? 13:33:46 Raja: That could help, but may be too much for the host to manage 13:33:48 q+ to agree that the host may not be the best arbiter of positioning 13:34:11 ack ra 13:34:15 scott_h: Don't think this is available in current platforms, but this might be recommended 13:34:28 q+ 13:35:01 janina: Don't think making the host responsible is the best choice; let the users do this 13:35:14 q+ 13:35:23 Judy: +1 to Janina 13:36:09 ack ju 13:36:13 ack ra 13:36:15 Judy: Pinning windows and controlling this behavior may take some time to resolve 13:36:34 Raja: In a small group meeting, the same layout is possible 13:37:28 scott_h: Let's look at the next point 13:37:56 • Incorporate captioning into products 13:38:24 ** where would it go? how do you handle multiple people 13:38:54 ** allow ability to move the captions, don't force it at a single place 13:38:55 q+ 13:39:02 ack ja 13:39:02 janina, you wanted to agree that the host may not be the best arbiter of positioning 13:39:26 There is a default expectation of captions at bottom center of screen. and to allow user to move captions 13:39:51 Judy: Did we mean caption in meeting platforms? 13:41:19 Judy: Font size of captions is often too small to see; should be able to resize 13:41:33 janina: should be also to have a high contrasty mode 13:41:58 s/high contrasty/high contrast/ 13:42:00 Yes, users should be able to adjust size, contrast, etc. Isn't that already in general caption guidelines? 13:42:47 janina: There may be a lot of wording in the MAUR we could use 13:42:48 For XR, the new thing is the addition of the third dimension (z axis) 13:43:02 * • Allowing superimposition of a/few windows, like a captions window 13:44:41 scott_h: What use case are we talking about? 13:47:21 Judy: This may refer to people who want to position in a side window. 13:47:53 Raja: We need more guidance on 3D 13:48:17 Raja: This is for online meetings and XR? 13:48:40 Judy: This is about online meetings; not XR 13:49:15 Raja: For internet meetings, where captions are and being able to pin them for the person speaking 13:49:35 Raja: How to identify who is speaking 13:50:01 Raja: If captions move, it is hard to follow, so that is another concern 13:50:37 scott_h: So giving the user the ability to set this will be best 13:51:36 q+ 13:52:20 Judy: Adjust size of different windows 13:53:06 Judy: a way for the individual to modify this (e.g., have the speaker window larger) 13:54:27 Judy: Next item deals with obfuscating objectionable language - this is likely not in scope 13:54:37 jasonjgw: +1 13:55:02 Judy: Item about low bandwidth 13:55:52 Judy: Unsure if there is a realistic way to enforce bandwidth requirements 13:56:55 scott_h: Perhaps the ability to prioritize audio, video, captions 13:57:47 q+ 13:58:09 jasonjgw: Work is ongoing on natural language processing 13:58:55 jasonjgw: Continuing progress on the media synchronization document as well 13:59:23 ack ju 13:59:31 zakim, bye 13:59:31 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been janina, Joshue, SteveNoble, scott_h, jasonjgw, John_Paton 13:59:31 Zakim has left #rqtf 13:59:36 rrsagent, make minutes 13:59:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/07/07-rqtf-minutes.html jasonjgw 14:28:59 janina has left #rqtf 16:01:15 becky has joined #rqtf 17:44:19 MichaelC_ has joined #rqtf