IRC log of MiniApp on 2021-06-24

Timestamps are in UTC.

11:53:02 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #MiniApp
11:53:02 [RRSAgent]
logging to
11:53:32 [xfq]
Meeting: MiniApps WG Call
11:53:34 [xfq]
11:53:37 [xfq]
present+ qing
11:53:41 [xfq]
11:56:34 [angel]
angel has joined #miniapp
11:59:13 [xfq]
present+ angel
11:59:17 [xueyuan]
xueyuan has joined #miniapp
11:59:27 [xfq]
present+ aaron_wentzel
12:00:14 [xfq]
present+ martin
12:00:50 [xfq]
present+ yongjing
12:00:55 [martin]
martin has joined #miniapp
12:00:55 [xfq]
present+ zhoudan
12:01:01 [martin]
present+ MartinAlvarez
12:01:38 [xfq]
present+ yanyumeng
12:01:47 [xfq]
present+ Wenli_Zhang
12:01:54 [xfq]
present+ tomayac
12:02:25 [xfq]
rrsagent, make log public
12:02:29 [xfq]
rrsagent, make minutes
12:02:29 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate xfq
12:02:52 [xfq]
yongjing: review the deliverables
12:03:02 [xfq]
... Issues & PR discussion
12:03:11 [xfq]
... White paper maintenance
12:03:35 [xfq]
... Next teleconference time
12:03:55 [xfq]
... we published manifest as fpwd
12:04:07 [xfq]
... also published lifecycle
12:04:09 [QingAn]
QingAn has joined #miniapp
12:04:27 [QingAn]
12:04:30 [xfq]
... packaging
12:04:50 [xfq]
... perhaps we can get conclusion at the end of this call
12:05:05 [xfq]
... the plan is to reach fpwd in Q2
12:05:19 [xfq]
... we have a few PRs under discussions
12:05:36 [xfq]
present+ shuo_wang
12:05:47 [xfq]
present+ Changhao_Liang
12:05:59 [xfq]
present+ xiaoqian
12:06:06 [xiaoqian]
xiaoqian has joined #miniapp
12:06:31 [xfq]
zhoudan: core change is the uri syntax part
12:06:39 [xfq]
... changed the chinese text
12:06:44 [xfq]
... not english yet
12:06:54 [xfq]
... i'll translate it and update the images
12:07:04 [xfq]
... hope you can give me some advice about the syntax
12:07:23 [xfq]
present+ zitao_wang
12:07:48 [xfq]
yongjing: we can review it later
12:07:55 [xfq]
... any update on widget?
12:09:41 [xfq]
... let's go through the issues and prs
12:09:48 [xfq]
12:09:53 [xfq]
martin: old PR from May
12:10:28 [xfq]
[martin introduces the pr]
12:11:23 [xfq]
yongjing: i reviewed this and approved it on github
12:11:25 [xfq]
... any comments?
12:11:50 [xfq]
... i propose that we merge this pr
12:12:15 [xfq]
12:12:32 [xfq]
[zitao introduces the pr]
12:14:06 [xfq]
zitao: For min_platform_version, proposed to add a platform_version object, that contains min_platform_version, target_platform_version, and release_type
12:14:45 [xfq]
yongjing: any comments from xfq?
12:14:47 [xfq]
xfq: lgtm
12:14:58 [xfq]
yongjing: any other comments?
12:15:12 [xfq]
... I propose that we merge this PR
12:16:11 [xfq]
12:16:38 [xfq]
zitao: propose to add two attributes to support the selection of color mode and device types
12:18:33 [xfq]
qing: is there a plan to make a normative list of possible values in the manifest spec?
12:18:49 [xfq]
zitao: not currently to make it more flexible
12:19:03 [xfq]
... to make it support current and future devices
12:19:58 [xfq]
zhoudan: i think there should be a default mode for each miniapp
12:20:15 [xfq]
... i don't think this member is needed
12:20:20 [xfq]
zitao: it's optional
12:20:45 [xfq]
zhoudan: ok
12:20:52 [xfq]
... i need more time to look at this proposal
12:21:18 [xfq]
yongjing: i encourage group participants to look at this proposal and comment on github
12:21:48 [xfq]
12:21:56 [xfq]
martin: large pr
12:22:25 [xfq]
[martin introduces the pr]
12:23:33 [xfq]
martin: Simplification of algorithms
12:24:42 [xfq]
... added a note about file names
12:26:16 [xfq]
... follow the current status of the CSS standards
12:26:31 [xfq]
... several open issues
12:26:40 [xfq]
... like the markup language
12:26:56 [xfq]
... MiniApp vendors, please share your opinions
12:27:53 [xfq]
... please review
12:28:47 [xfq]
yongjing: i encourage group participants to look at #27 and provide feedback on github
12:29:13 [xfq]
... back to the pr
12:29:18 [xfq]
... i propose that we merge this pr
12:30:13 [xfq]
... back to addressing
12:30:38 [xfq]
... we can discuss it but don't have to make decision today
12:31:05 [xfq]
zhoudan: main difference is that there are two formats of uri
12:31:18 [xfq]
... first is custom scheme
12:31:41 [xfq]
... platform://miniapp/foo
12:31:47 [xfq]
... second is https
12:32:16 [xfq]
... like
12:32:18 [xfq]
... using deep linking technology
12:32:31 [xfq]
... we can discuss further after i translate it into english
12:33:07 [xfq]
yongjing: i have some comments personally
12:33:17 [xfq]
... i understand you proposed two solutions
12:33:39 [xfq]
... but i remember most of the pushback was to the first solution
12:33:47 [xfq]
... https is preferred
12:34:17 [xfq]
... i'm not sure if preserving the custom scheme is good
12:34:32 [xfq]
zhoudan: we don't need to register the custom scheme in iana
12:34:58 [xfq]
yongjing: i understand that
12:35:19 [xfq]
... but there may be concern about the custom scheme solution
12:38:05 [xfq]
aaron: curios about the use case
12:38:31 [xfq]
zhoudan: the legacy solution should also be supported
12:40:44 [xiaoqian]
scribe+ xiaoqian
12:41:05 [xiaoqian]
xfq: we can wait for the recharter regarding those two issues of the white paper
12:41:25 [xiaoqian]
... if there is a broken link, we can fix in place
12:41:27 [angel]
+1 to handle the charter issue later
12:41:39 [xiaoqian]
... for those other editorial changes, we can leave it open
12:42:28 [xiaoqian]
yongjing: #90, opened long time ago
12:42:37 [xiaoqian]
... seems outdated to me
12:42:41 [xiaoqian]
... shall we close it?
12:43:00 [xiaoqian]
dan: I'll ask him to take care of it later
12:43:53 [xiaoqian]
xfq: #9, lgtm
12:44:20 [xiaoqian]
... propose some new text about new page
12:44:24 [xiaoqian]
... APIs about events
12:44:33 [xiaoqian]
... components related APIs
12:45:25 [xiaoqian]
... comments were about the terms
12:46:07 [xfq]
xiaoqian: PR opened by me
12:46:13 [xfq]
... will solve the conflict
12:46:21 [xfq]
... and ask the group to merge it
12:46:59 [xiaoqian]
topic: AoB
12:47:13 [xiaoqian]
xfq: what's the plan for lifecycle?
12:47:28 [xiaoqian]
... any issue before we go to wide review?
12:47:55 [xiaoqian]
QingAn: three issues left
12:48:01 [xiaoqian]
... I'll look into them
12:48:32 [xiaoqian]
... let's see what comments we can get from the community
12:49:17 [xiaoqian]
xfq: fyi, the i18n WG is working on a guide of developing localised manifest
12:49:38 [xiaoqian]
12:49:52 [xiaoqian]
yongjing: is it a joint-work with the WebApps manifest?
12:50:03 [xiaoqian]
xfq: not yet, still an early draft
12:50:39 [xiaoqian]
yongjing: I think the web apps manifest has similar discussion about localisation
12:50:55 [xiaoqian]
... and we are following those guidance
12:51:22 [xiaoqian]
... if the i18n wg are also having conflicting specs
12:51:31 [xiaoqian]
... it may case confusion
12:51:48 [xiaoqian]
... but it's good that some professionals are handling these issues
12:52:03 [xiaoqian]
... we can put our localisation issues on hold
12:52:44 [xiaoqian]
yongjing: there are some other important technical open issues
12:53:20 [xiaoqian]
martin: we have discussion related topics in the CG
12:53:51 [xiaoqian]
... about the UI components, what's our proposal
12:54:08 [xiaoqian]
... I've opened a few issues
12:54:25 [xiaoqian]
... maybe we can update our explainers in the CG
12:54:37 [martin]
Some comments here :
12:54:47 [xiaoqian]
... to work with Open UI, and other similar framework
12:55:06 [xiaoqian]
yongjing: the file format of the page layout is also very critical
12:55:32 [xiaoqian]
... the current implementation is not valid xml file
12:55:52 [xiaoqian]
... we should think about whether we can change xml to html
12:56:00 [martin]
12:56:03 [xfq]
rrsagent, make minutes
12:56:03 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate xfq
12:56:20 [xiaoqian]
dan: I suggest create a spec m-a-ml
12:56:37 [xiaoqian]
... neither xml nor html can meet our need
12:56:49 [xiaoqian]
yongjing: do you have plan to work on it some time soon?
12:57:02 [xiaoqian]
dan: we can start it soon
12:57:23 [xiaoqian]
yongjing: it can be challenging
12:57:43 [xiaoqian]
... we should be prepared for the comments
12:57:50 [xfq]
ack martin
12:57:53 [xiaoqian]
dan: we can start from an explainer
12:58:10 [xiaoqian]
martin: two comments about this open issue
12:58:26 [xiaoqian]
... opt1. create a new mark-up
12:58:38 [xiaoqian]
... a lot of new work and to-be-defined
12:58:50 [xiaoqian]
... opt2. an extension of html
12:59:14 [xiaoqian]
... discussion the specific need of mini app-ml
12:59:38 [xiaoqian]
s/discussion the/discuss the
12:59:55 [xiaoqian]
... I suggest we continue the discussion about the pos and cons in this thread
13:00:31 [xiaoqian]
yongjing: let's continue the discussion and see if we can find consensus
13:00:59 [xiaoqian]
martin: it's just some suggestion to help find the best solution and to get help from other groups
13:01:22 [xiaoqian]
yongjing: next call, 29 July
13:01:50 [xueyuan_]
xueyuan_ has joined #miniapp
13:01:59 [martin]
Thank you!!
13:02:08 [xiaoqian]
13:02:14 [xfq]
rrsagent, make minutes
13:02:14 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate xfq
13:08:52 [xfq_]
xfq_ has joined #MiniApp
13:23:17 [martin]
martin has joined #miniapp
13:23:59 [xfq__]
xfq__ has joined #MiniApp