IRC log of wot on 2021-06-09
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 12:02:07 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #wot
- 12:02:07 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 12:02:17 [kaz]
- meeting: WoT-IG/WG
- 12:02:25 [kaz]
- chair: McCool
- 12:02:54 [kaz]
- present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Lagally
- 12:03:29 [kaz]
- present+ Sebastian_Kaebisch
- 12:03:32 [sebastian]
- sebastian has joined #wot
- 12:03:34 [kaz]
- scribenick: sebastian
- 12:04:42 [dape]
- dape has joined #wot
- 12:06:47 [sebastian]
- topic: Review minutes from last week
- 12:06:58 [kaz]
- -> June-2
- 12:07:31 [sebastian]
- any comments / objections?
- 12:07:59 [sebastian]
- no
- 12:08:21 [sebastian]
- topic: Invited expert
- 12:08:50 [sebastian]
- MM: new application from Debbie Perouli from Marquette University
- 12:09:43 [sebastian]
- ... plan is to invite her to next f2f
- 12:10:02 [kaz]
- present+ Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima
- 12:10:03 [kaz]
- q+
- 12:10:10 [kaz]
- rrsagent, make log public
- 12:10:15 [kaz]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 12:10:15 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate kaz
- 12:10:54 [sebastian]
- ... decide then to accept the application
- 12:12:04 [kaz]
- q-
- 12:12:17 [sebastian]
- topic: Quick updates
- 12:12:24 [kaz]
- q+
- 12:12:50 [kaz]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 12:12:50 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate kaz
- 12:12:58 [sebastian]
- MM: IG charter expires at the end of June and need to re-Charter
- 12:13:55 [kaz]
- kaz: will generate a Strategy funnel issue for that purpose
- 12:14:02 [kaz]
- i/will/scribenick: kaz/
- 12:14:08 [kaz]
- scribeinck: sebastian
- 12:14:11 [sebastian]
- .. draft for re-charter is the copy of the current charter
- 12:15:03 [sebastian]
- MM: provide a comment on the Linked Data Signatures WG Proposed Charter
- 12:15:41 [McCool_]
- McCool_ has joined #wot
- 12:15:44 [McCool_]
- 12:15:56 [matsuda]
- matsuda has joined #wot
- 12:16:07 [mlagally]
- mlagally has joined #wot
- 12:16:37 [sebastian]
- MM: Smart Cities Workshop take place in 2 weeks
- 12:16:48 [kaz]
- q+
- 12:16:54 [sebastian]
- ... currently the recording started of the presentation
- 12:17:22 [sebastian]
- ... however, only the head is recorded without the slides
- 12:17:51 [sebastian]
- ... plan is do recording with slides
- 12:17:54 [kaz]
- -> fyi, video site for the AC meeting
- 12:19:03 [sebastian]
- MM: shows the WoT slides
- 12:19:06 [kaz]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 12:19:06 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate kaz
- 12:19:39 [kaz]
- q?
- 12:20:42 [sebastian]
- Kaz: I have to clearify the new recording proposal with the Workshop chairs
- 12:21:11 [kaz]
- s/clearify/clarify/
- 12:21:34 [kaz]
- s/Workshop chairs/workshop chairs and program committee./
- 12:21:46 [Ege]
- Ege has joined #wot
- 12:22:12 [sebastian]
- MM: Testfest taking place this week
- 12:23:50 [sebastian]
- ... identify testing gaps and create test plan for CR transition
- 12:24:20 [kaz]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 12:24:20 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate kaz
- 12:24:21 [sebastian]
- ... be aware that the TF meetings are cancelled this week
- 12:25:47 [sebastian]
- MM: vF2F agenda not ready yet, e.g., timing is missing by the TFs
- 12:25:50 [kaz]
- s/scribeinck:/scribenick:/
- 12:25:52 [kaz]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 12:25:52 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate kaz
- 12:26:10 [sebastian]
- ML: please plan 3h for the Architecture
- 12:27:01 [sebastian]
- ... 2h Profiles and 1h Use Case
- 12:28:03 [kaz]
- i/IG charter expires/subtopic: IG Charter/
- 12:28:40 [kaz]
- i|provide a comment|subtopic: Linked Data Signatures|
- 12:28:56 [McCool_]
- 12:29:00 [kaz]
- i|Smart Cities Workshop take|topic: Smart Cities Workshop|
- 12:29:22 [kaz]
- i|Testfest taking|subtopic: Testfest|
- 12:29:42 [kaz]
- i|vF2F agenda not|subtopic: vF2F|
- 12:29:46 [kaz]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 12:29:46 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate kaz
- 12:29:53 [sebastian]
- How about invited talks?
- 12:30:15 [kaz]
- q+
- 12:33:02 [kaz]
- action: kaz to ask ITU-T SG20, ECHONET and ISO TC184/SC4 about their participation in the vF2F
- 12:34:12 [sebastian]
- MM add some times to potential talks of our liaison partners (ITU-T, ECHONET, OPC UA, etc)
- 12:35:30 [sebastian]
- in addition an open day is planned to have external talks
- 12:35:56 [mlagally]
- q+
- 12:36:28 [kaz]
- ack k
- 12:37:07 [sebastian]
- ack ml
- 12:37:13 [kaz]
- i|vF2F agenda not|->,_June_2021#Virtual_F2F vF2F wiki|
- 12:37:39 [kaz]
- s/topic: Smart Cities Workshop/subtopic: Smart Cities Workshop/
- 12:37:43 [kaz]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 12:37:43 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate kaz
- 12:37:49 [sebastian]
- ML: some days the meetings start later, is this intended?
- 12:38:10 [sebastian]
- MM: there seems some conflicts based on the doodle results
- 12:38:17 [McCool_]
- q?
- 12:38:35 [sebastian]
- topic: publication status
- 12:38:53 [kaz]
- q+
- 12:38:55 [sebastian]
- MM: we have Use Case Note updated
- 12:39:06 [sebastian]
- ... Discovery is published
- 12:39:09 [kaz]
- s/publication/Publication/
- 12:39:13 [sebastian]
- ... TD is published
- 12:39:15 [dezell]
- dezell has joined #wot
- 12:39:25 [dezell]
- present+ David_Ezell
- 12:40:00 [sebastian]
- topic: Liaisons
- 12:40:27 [sebastian]
- MM: no formel response yet from ITU-T
- 12:40:38 [kaz]
- q+
- 12:41:02 [kaz]
- -> ITU-T SG20 liaison statement (not on the joint meeting but AI standards)
- 12:41:12 [sebastian]
- ... I will take care on that
- 12:43:29 [kaz]
- s/... I/MM: I/
- 12:43:37 [kaz]
- s/on that/of that/
- 12:43:59 [sebastian]
- Kaz will check the status with ECHONET
- 12:44:58 [sebastian]
- MM: I plan to attend the next WISHI meeting, June 17
- 12:45:48 [kaz]
- q?
- 12:45:50 [kaz]
- q-
- 12:46:03 [sebastian]
- are some news somewhere else?
- 12:46:05 [sebastian]
- not really
- 12:46:10 [kaz]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 12:46:10 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate kaz
- 12:46:12 [sebastian]
- topic: TF report
- 12:46:37 [sebastian]
- scripting
- 12:47:18 [kaz]
- i/scripting/subtopic: Scripting/
- 12:47:23 [sebastian]
- Daniel: no call last time. The f2f has not a specific session, however, we can contribute in each other TF session
- 12:47:52 [sebastian]
- ... Cristiano and Zolan will be availble, I will be on vacation
- 12:47:56 [sebastian]
- security
- 12:47:58 [sebastian]
- no call
- 12:48:01 [sebastian]
- discovery
- 12:48:10 [sebastian]
- talked about the testing
- 12:49:15 [sebastian]
- we have made some revisions and cleanups in the document
- 12:49:28 [kaz]
- s/security/subtopic: Security/
- 12:49:36 [kaz]
- s/discovery/subtopic: Discovery/
- 12:49:54 [sebastian]
- we have a good shape now
- 12:49:56 [sebastian]
- marketing
- 12:49:59 [sebastian]
- no call
- 12:50:03 [sebastian]
- use case
- 12:50:04 [sebastian]
- no call
- 12:50:12 [sebastian]
- TestFest
- 12:50:40 [sebastian]
- collecting TDs for testing
- 12:50:53 [kaz]
- s/marketing/subtopic: Marketing/
- 12:51:01 [kaz]
- s/use case/subtopic: Use Cases/
- 12:51:09 [sebastian]
- for discovery its a different test and it is a more live testing
- 12:51:11 [kaz]
- s/TestFest/subtopic: Testfest/
- 12:51:34 [kaz]
- q+
- 12:52:28 [sebastian]
- there are different test like p2p, interactions, directory
- 12:53:05 [sebastian]
- Kaz: do we have VPN?
- 12:53:25 [sebastian]
- MM: not needed, we mainly create the test report
- 12:53:26 [kaz]
- s/have/need/
- 12:53:41 [kaz]
- s/report/report by local tests/
- 12:54:08 [kaz]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 12:54:08 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate kaz
- 12:54:59 [sebastian]
- Thing Description
- 12:55:17 [sebastian]
- merge some PRs and did some cleanup
- 12:55:23 [sebastian]
- Architecture
- 12:55:37 [kaz]
- s/Thing Desc/subtopic: Thing Desc/
- 12:55:48 [kaz]
- s/Architecture/subtopic: Architecture/
- 12:56:00 [sebastian]
- did some progress on Profile. Hope Ben is joining next week
- 12:56:13 [sebastian]
- topic: Publication schedule
- 12:56:36 [sebastian]
- MM: we updated the dates of the expected publications of our documents
- 12:57:06 [sebastian]
- ... for Security the plan is July
- 12:57:37 [sebastian]
- ... for TD CR Transition 15 July
- 13:00:00 [sebastian]
- ... also see
- 13:00:50 [sebastian]
- adjourn
- 13:02:07 [kaz]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 13:02:07 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate kaz
- 13:02:08 [ktoumura]
- ktoumura has left #wot
- 13:08:25 [Mizushima]
- Mizushima has left #wot
- 14:37:41 [dsr]
- dsr has joined #wot
- 14:41:53 [dsr]
- dsr has joined #wot
- 14:42:39 [dsr]
- dsr has joined #wot
- 15:07:19 [dsr]
- dsr has joined #wot
- 15:08:01 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #wot