IRC log of pronunciation on 2021-06-09

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:12:17 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #pronunciation
13:12:17 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:12:19 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
13:12:22 [paul_grenier]
zakim, clear agenda
13:12:22 [trackbot]
Meeting: Spoken Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference
13:12:22 [trackbot]
Date: 09 June 2021
13:12:22 [Zakim]
agenda cleared
13:12:28 [paul_grenier]
Agenda+ Agenda Review & Announcements
13:12:30 [paul_grenier]
Agenda+ TPAC Meetings
13:12:34 [paul_grenier]
Agenda+ i18n
13:12:37 [paul_grenier]
Agenda+ Other Business
13:13:01 [paul_grenier]
chair: paul_grenier
13:59:02 [paul_grenier]
13:59:58 [ADR]
ADR has joined #pronunciation
14:01:15 [janina]
janina has joined #pronunciation
14:01:22 [janina]
14:01:57 [ADR]
14:02:05 [Roy]
14:03:04 [irfan]
irfan has joined #pronunciation
14:03:49 [irfan]
14:04:46 [SteveNoble_]
SteveNoble_ has joined #pronunciation
14:08:42 [irfan]
Chair: Paul
14:08:45 [irfan]
Scribe: Irfan
14:08:48 [SteveNoble_]
14:08:53 [mhakkinen]
mhakkinen has joined #pronunciation
14:08:56 [irfan]
zakim, next agenda
14:08:56 [Zakim]
agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Announcements -- taken up [from paul_grenier]
14:09:06 [irfan]
zakim, agenda?
14:09:06 [Zakim]
I see 4 items remaining on the agenda:
14:09:07 [Zakim]
1. Agenda Review & Announcements [from paul_grenier]
14:09:07 [Zakim]
2. TPAC Meetings [from paul_grenier]
14:09:07 [Zakim]
3. i18n [from paul_grenier]
14:09:07 [Zakim]
4. Other Business [from paul_grenier]
14:09:13 [mhakkinen]
14:09:38 [irfan]
agenda+ feedback
14:10:20 [irfan]
mhakkinen: will talk to Glen Gorden. Janina will reach out to NVDA.
14:11:15 [irfan]
janina: I did write an email to NVDA and will remind them again
14:11:28 [irfan]
zakim, next item
14:11:28 [Zakim]
agendum 2 -- TPAC Meetings -- taken up [from paul_grenier]
14:12:27 [irfan]
Roy: had a short presentation about our FPWD. got feedback from w3c team. got invitation for a joint meeting at TPAC.
14:12:50 [irfan]
janina: lets get this info on APA wiki page
14:13:20 [james-gable-nwea]
james-gable-nwea has joined #pronunciation
14:13:52 [irfan]
Roy: got feedback from Kaz and he is interested in our work and want to have further discussion with us in long term.
14:15:17 [Roy]
epub 3 wg ->
14:15:36 [irfan]
zakim, next item
14:15:36 [Zakim]
agendum 3 -- i18n -- taken up [from paul_grenier]
14:16:04 [irfan]
paul_grenier: any comfortable looking into the document and give us some feedback about the work that we need to do
14:18:17 [Roy]
Wide review ->
14:20:41 [irfan]
action: ADR to review the i18n document
14:20:42 [trackbot]
Error finding 'ADR'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
14:21:12 [irfan]
action: Alan to review the i18n document
14:21:20 [trackbot]
Error creating an ACTION: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail <> with details about what happened.
14:21:52 [irfan]
action: Alan to review the i18n document
14:22:02 [trackbot]
Error creating an ACTION: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail <> with details about what happened.
14:22:31 [irfan]
zakim, take up item 5
14:22:31 [Zakim]
agendum 5 -- feedback -- taken up [from irfan]
14:23:30 [irfan]
mhakkinen: comments from vendor was about mapping to the a11y API. this is the discussion that I need to talk to them and ask them to join our next group meeting.
14:24:53 [irfan]
zakim, next item
14:24:53 [Zakim]
agendum 3 -- i18n -- taken up [from paul_grenier]
14:25:03 [irfan]
zakim, close this item
14:25:03 [Zakim]
agendum 3 closed
14:25:04 [Zakim]
I see 1 item remaining on the agenda:
14:25:04 [Zakim]
4. Other Business [from paul_grenier]
14:25:08 [irfan]
zakim, next item
14:25:08 [Zakim]
agendum 4 -- Other Business -- taken up [from paul_grenier]
14:25:51 [irfan]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:25:51 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate irfan
14:26:05 [irfan]
zakim, close this item
14:26:05 [Zakim]
agendum 4 closed
14:26:06 [Zakim]
I see nothing remaining on the agenda
14:26:14 [irfan]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:26:14 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate irfan
15:51:24 [janina]
janina has left #pronunciation
16:00:37 [paul_grenier]
16:00:46 [paul_grenier]
paul_grenier has left #pronunciation
16:01:34 [becky]
becky has joined #Pronunciation