13:54:44 RRSAgent has joined #w3process 13:54:44 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/05/26-w3process-irc 13:54:46 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:54:47 Meeting: Revising W3C Process Community Group 13:55:12 jeff__ has joined #w3process 14:01:27 present+ 14:01:35 present+ 14:01:50 scribe+ 14:01:51 plh has joined #w3process 14:02:06 scribe+ 14:02:16 scribe- 14:02:29 Topic: PSIG Report 14:03:07 wseltzer: I thought David was drafting a note for PSIG 14:03:33 TallTed has joined #w3process 14:03:34 florian: we're simplifying the wording. we have a draft of a note waiting on the pull request 14:03:46 wseltzer: ok, nothing new from PSIG yet until the note is sent 14:03:55 ... making it clear what we need from them 14:03:56 present+ 14:04:06 present+ 14:04:17 present+ 14:04:22 topic: P2021 Final cleanup 14:04:40 subtopic: Improve the wording on normative requirements related to registry values 14:04:53 David: from https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/534 14:05:08 ... any comment on that PR? 14:05:11 q? 14:05:11 q? 14:05:19 +1 to merge 14:05:43 ... can we approve this pull request? 14:06:01 ... ok approved to merge #534 14:06:15 subtopic: 45-day rejoin window 14:06:24 David: from https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/531 14:06:36 ... it's part of PP FAQ 14:06:48 ... this is about adding it to the Process 14:06:53 q+ 14:07:09 florian: this is not a verbatim copy of the FAQ since it doesn't include good standing 14:07:16 ... and we don't have good standing anymore 14:07:36 ... imho, we shouldn't rush this one 14:07:39 q+ 14:07:46 ack ws 14:07:57 wseltzer: alternative is drop the 45 days window because there is no authority for it 14:08:12 ... this came up because we need to revise the FAQ for PP2020 14:08:23 ... so we're looking at each question 14:08:35 from the FAQ: "Individuals who were in good standing before that Call for Participation may attend any meetings held within forty-five (45) days of the Call for Participation even if they have not yet formally rejoined the group (i.e., committed to the terms of the charter and patent policy). 14:08:35 " 14:08:49 ... we'd like a better source for the 45 window otherwise we're keeping people away from the groups 14:09:06 florian: you can participate as observer 14:09:18 ... if that's not it, I'm not sure 14:09:24 q? 14:09:30 ack jef 14:09:38 jeff: it seems the concern is around good standing, or the lack of 14:09:56 ... why don't we clarify the FAQ as well to remove the good standing 14:10:24 q+ 14:10:31 first have to decide what has authority (FAQ or this doc or some other doc); then all non-auth docs should be brought to match that auth 14:10:36 ack fanta 14:11:02 fantasai: if we don't put this in the document, for existing groups, the chairs aren't to prevent folks from attending 14:11:07 q+ 14:11:19 ... so don't think this is problematic 14:11:51 ... the text is a bit unclear. is it about rejoining or joining the group for the first time? 14:12:11 q? 14:12:14 ... I'm not too concerned by the way 14:12:28 ack plh 14:12:47 scribe+ 14:12:57 q+ to comment on observers 14:13:07 plh: If we don't say, then when recharter, will kick everyone out of the group on that date 14:13:14 plh: This allows keeping people in the group 14:13:21 plh: through our systems 14:13:26 q? 14:13:31 plh: we could [...] 14:13:37 ack ws 14:13:45 florian: Are people able to make contributions without signing up to PP? 14:13:46 scribe+ 14:14:13 fantasai: does this apply rejoining the group or joining the group in the first place? 14:14:23 s/apply/apply to/ 14:14:45 wseltzer: it begins with "Individuals participating in the [=Working Group=] or [=Interest Group=] before that Call for Participation" 14:14:56 ... what needs to be clarified/ 14:15:04 q? 14:15:07 q? 14:15:09 fantasai: sounds good 14:15:27 dsinger: we can open a very large can of worms on policies 14:15:35 ... but this is current practice 14:15:46 ... the original FAQ was vague 14:15:59 florian: agree this is not creating new problems 14:16:05 wseltzer, maybe insert "When rechartering a group," or something at the start of the sentence? 14:16:09 ... we can revisit this next year 14:16:20 "When a group is re-chartered" 14:16:30 q? 14:16:33 ack ds 14:16:33 dsinger, you wanted to comment on observers 14:17:12 fantasai: suggestion: add "When a group is re-chartered" at the beginning 14:17:15 +1 "when rechartered" 14:17:25 wseltzer: ok 14:17:36 q? 14:17:52 dsinger: ok, consensus on merging #531 with suggested edits 14:18:26 q+ 14:18:35 subtopic: Reorganize the Process document 14:18:46 dsinger: from https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/529 14:19:03 dsinger: should we merge this before presenting for review? 14:19:18 q- 14:19:21 florian: I can provide diffs but I'd like to land the PR 14:19:49 fantasai: we can be clear on whether we're prepared to resolve 14:20:01 dsinger: can we point folks to the pull request instead of merging? 14:20:15 s/we're prepared to resolve/we resolve to merge, let Florian figure out timing/ 14:20:42 florian: my intent is to have both versions in any case. I'd like the top of the tree to have the reorg 14:21:02 dsinger: any objection to merge then? 14:21:07 sgtm 14:21:29 dsinger: ok, merge #529 with diffs 14:21:52 Topic: Provide facilities for the Team to maintain orphaned Notes 14:22:04 dsinger: from https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/533/files 14:22:52 florian: this allows the Team to make class 1 changes, as well as errata and team corrections 14:23:48 q? 14:23:51 plh: doesn't solve updating the example besides adding a Note but it's a move in the right direction 14:24:00 dsinger: any objection? 14:24:16 fantasai: +1 to merge and let's keep the issue open 14:24:42 Topic: APA Chairs feedback 14:24:52 dsinger: from https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/535 14:25:36 florian: she wants Notes to have horizontal reviews, requesting all Notes to be first published as a draft 14:25:57 jeff: this could be a new issue for Notes. But for Statements, they have to go through horizontal reviews 14:26:38 dsinger: the Notes are products from the Working Groups. For endorsement, you need Statement 14:27:19 dsinger: ok, no change this year. 14:27:32 s/for Notes/for Notes, which we can debate for P2022/ 14:27:47 dsinger: we'd like to address Notes and horizontal reviews for the next Process iteration 14:28:05 q? 14:28:22 i/dsinger: the Notes are/florian, fantasai: +1/ 14:28:57 plh: should we rename the issue or creating a new one? 14:29:43 jeff: should be a new issue since we addressed it for Statements 14:29:50 dsinger: I'll respond on the issue 14:29:55 q? 14:30:07 q+ 14:30:12 ack jef 14:30:51 David++ 14:30:52 Topic: CfC 14:31:01 +1 ship it 14:31:07 dsinger: we're closing the CfC at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2021May/0008.html 14:31:16 q? 14:31:26 q+ 14:31:38 Proposed: send Process 2021 to AB/W3M with a request to send to the AC 14:32:01 fantasai: I prompted the AB and Jeff prompted W3M 14:32:25 ack je 14:32:34 Process 2021 is current draft + today's pull request 14:32:44 s/request/requests/ 14:32:57 q? 14:33:13 Resolved: send Process 2021 to AB/W3M with a request to send to the AC 14:34:59 Topic: AOB 14:35:38 florian: I'll do some clean-up through GitHub issues. Any non-addressed issue will be pushed to next iteration 14:35:47 dsinger: sure, create a milestone as needed 14:36:07 ... we'll do a massive triage meeting soon 14:36:18 Topic: Next meeting 14:36:41 dsinger: I'm away for the next meeting 14:36:46 fantasai: I'll chair 14:37:01 ... on June 9, if needed 14:37:46 [adjourned] 14:38:33 florian: feel free to look at the change section 14:38:40 https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Process/Drafts/#changes 14:38:50 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 14:38:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/26-w3process-minutes.html plh 14:59:04 jeff_ has joined #w3process 15:21:14 tantek has joined #w3process 15:22:54 tantek has joined #w3process 15:49:22 I've landed all the things I was supposed to land. Links to snapshot taken prior to merging the reorg, as well as a diff between that an P2020 can be found in the changes section: https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Process/Drafts/#changes-2020 16:45:47 Zakim has left #w3process