12:05:44 RRSAgent has joined #wot-uc 12:05:44 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/05/25-wot-uc-irc 12:05:51 meeting: WoT Use Cases 12:06:10 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, David_Ezell, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:07:19 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/IG_UseCase_WebConf#Agenda_25.5. 12:08:00 present+ Philip_Tran 12:08:50 McCool has joined #wot-uc 12:08:58 scibenick: McCool 12:08:59 philip_tran has joined #wot-uc 12:09:04 topic: minutes 12:09:33 ml: reviews May 4 minutes 12:11:22 q+ 12:14:16 de: hubs in retail focus on localization and portability 12:14:33 mm: edgex just an example, need to look at how to capture uc and requirements 12:14:43 ml: anyway, any objections to the minutes? 12:14:53 ... hearing none, published 12:15:03 kaz: we also need to look at May 11 minutes 12:15:16 i|reviews|-> https://www.w3.org/2021/05/04-wot-uc-minutes.html May-4| 12:15:16 https://www.w3.org/2021/05/11-wot-uc-minutes.html 12:15:19 ml: review May 11 minutes 12:15:40 ... right, that was when Soumya presented 12:15:58 i|May 11|-> https://www.w3.org/2021/05/11-wot-uc-minutes.html May-11| 12:16:14 ... also the ITU-T liaison; I guess we are still waiting for their response 12:16:46 ... and Soumya presented several use cases that touched on AR/VR and edge cases 12:18:02 ... planned to come back with a UC contribution 12:19:07 mm: now I'm wondering if Soumya knows about the meeting schedule; has the wiki page been updated? 12:19:17 ml: let me check... 12:20:45 ml: any objection to publishing the minutes? 12:20:59 ... hearing none, to be published 12:21:53 topic: issue review 12:23:46 ml: as a general comment, there are a lot of things commented out in the index.html that need to be filled in 12:23:57 ... have created issues for many of these 12:24:41 ... and also, added several hidden citations so references show up but document does not cite them in visible content 12:25:03 ... also, it would be better to use re-spec references as opposed to local ones 12:25:16 ... mizushima-san, do you think you can look into this? 12:25:33 q+ 12:26:02 q- dezell 12:26:03 ms: I am willing to check the links, but in some cases there are no data 12:26:17 ... for example, MMI-2.1, etc. what are these? 12:26:27 ml: those are a bit special 12:27:39 mm: btw, MMI stands for "multimodal interface" and may or may not be in respec (was a CG note, I think) 12:28:07 ml: some things we need local refs, but if is it an RFC, etc. there should be an official ref for that 12:28:41 kaz: we need to look at refs; but I did make a PR to update the publication, and some of those changes were reference fixes 12:29:14 ... but, respec has a bug that is introducing white space and breaking some things, so... 12:29:36 ml: why don't you work with mizushima-san and see if you can sort out the references? 12:30:21 action: kaz to work with mizushima-san on specref database 12:31:40 topic: PRs 12:31:51 https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/134/files 12:32:01 kaz: this updates various things for publication 12:32:19 ... fairly large, but we need to merge it as a basis for discussion 12:32:26 ml: it's all editorial cleanup? 12:32:32 kaz: yes, and there is a summary 12:33:09 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/134#issue-652247919 summary of the changes 12:33:17 ... fixing broken links, mention of "master" converted to "main", duplicate ids, etc. etc. 12:34:09 ml: other PRs 12:34:17 ... cultural spaces 12:34:32 https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/131 12:36:02 ... is intro contributions, as an HTML file 12:36:24 kaz: unfortunately he modified the template directly, so we need to fix the PR 12:37:09 mm: and we can ignore the markup and formatting for now, will fix when we roll up into index.html 12:38:31 ... I think the environmental control requirements are new here 12:38:46 ... it's true that art museums etc. have special requirements 12:39:20 ml: knowledge representation of locations... 12:39:29 mm: so, geolocation? 12:39:40 ml: related to energy consumption as well 12:39:45 ... also person tracking 12:44:39 ml: so let's add some comments 12:45:03 mm: needs citation for definition of "trustworthy" and "trust degree" since actually uses a numerical value 12:45:20 ml: (add comments) 12:45:27 mm: a discussion of accessibility 12:46:37 ... would also be useful, not sure if is already in there 12:46:55 mm: regarding the template issue, we can fix, but will require some cutting and pasting 12:48:46 ml: also some discussion of welcome messages, environmental and lighting controls, etc. 12:49:29 mm: interesting discussion here, because you might not want heating/humidity to vary too much, but temporarily brightening lighting might be ok 12:49:41 ml: perhaps they missed location? 12:50:48 mm: person might be given a guide that has a tracker 12:51:06 ... also, some museums have "linear" exhibits, some are branching 12:52:02 ... for location, need something more specialized to indoor 12:54:12 mm: does he mean some visitors have more rights than others, e.g. rights to take photographs? 12:55:26 mm: would imagine tracking artifacts is something you'd want to do in a museum 12:55:58 q+ before the end of the meeting would like to talk about Conexxus User stories 12:56:00 ... and correlate that with visitors, environmental controls, etc. 12:57:50 ml: so summary, we accept it, once they mix the name conflict, we can revisit in next call 12:57:59 topic: Connexxus User Stories 12:58:26 de: IoT group in connexxus had made progress on user stories 12:58:33 ... outdoor and indoor 12:58:50 ... are 11 in the outdoor, about 15 for indoor 12:59:01 ... wondering if we can make use of some of these here 12:59:08 ... have identified stakeholders 12:59:32 ... end users, why do they care (what do they want to know...) 12:59:44 ... relates to security and discovery 13:00:22 mm: sounds like it has a lot of useful material 13:00:31 ml: is there a presentation or summary? 13:00:37 de: is a word document 13:00:57 ... one thing they are trying to reason about is abstracting these into a set of thing descriptions 13:01:17 ... is it possible to abstract three of these as TDs? 13:02:11 ml: no use case meeting next week... in two weeks 13:02:56 mm: can we get access to the document? 13:03:11 ml: more productive to have a presentation... 13:03:19 ... we can aim for four weeks out 13:03:28 de: can't make the next meeting 13:04:00 mm: could we switch around parts of architecture and use case calls? 13:04:40 de: that might work, I will talk to jack d about it 13:05:08 ml: any other business? 13:05:32 ... no, let's adjourn; thanks, all. Note: no UC or Arch call next week. 13:52:29 rrsagent, make log public 13:52:34 rrsagnt, draft minutes 13:52:46 d/rrsagnt, draft minutes// 13:52:53 s|d/rrsagnt, draft minutes//| 13:53:10 s/rrsagnt, draft minutes// 13:53:15 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:53:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/25-wot-uc-minutes.html kaz 15:04:58 Zakim has left #wot-uc