14:54:55 RRSAgent has joined #web-adv 14:54:55 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/05/11-web-adv-irc 14:54:58 RRSAgent, make logs Member 14:54:59 Meeting: Improving Web Advertising BG 14:55:01 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-web-adv/2021May/0003.html 14:55:05 zakim, clear agenda 14:55:05 agenda cleared 14:55:13 Chair: Wendy Seltzer 14:55:13 Scribe: Karen Myers 14:55:25 agenda+ Agenda-curation, introductions 14:55:25 agenda+ Issues and Pull Requests in the web-adv repo https://github.com/w3c/web-advertising/issues https://github.com/w3c/web-advertising/pulls 14:55:28 agenda+ Dashboard highlights? https://w3c.github.io/web-advertising/dashboard/ 14:55:31 agenda+ AOB 14:55:32 queue= 14:55:36 present= 14:57:49 bmay has joined #web-adv 14:58:01 present+ 14:58:03 benhum has joined #web-adv 14:58:13 GarrettJohnson has joined #web-adv 14:58:17 present+ 14:58:18 present+ 14:59:04 lbasdevant has joined #web-adv 14:59:06 present+ 14:59:14 present+ 14:59:31 present+ 14:59:35 jbryson3 has joined #web-adv 14:59:47 Michael_L has joined #web-adv 15:00:22 peligio has joined #web-adv 15:00:24 ErikAnderson has joined #web-adv 15:00:26 jdelhommeau has joined #web-adv 15:00:30 present+ 15:00:31 Brendan_IAB_eyeo has joined #web-adv 15:00:35 present+ 15:00:46 wbaker has joined #web-adv 15:00:52 shigeki has joined #web-adv 15:00:52 present+ 15:00:56 present+ 15:01:19 dmarti has joined #web-adv 15:01:26 nics has joined #web-adv 15:01:32 present+ 15:01:34 present+ 15:01:38 eriktaubeneck has joined #web-adv 15:01:40 present+ 15:01:40 agenda 15:01:43 agenda? 15:01:48 AramZS has joined #web-adv 15:01:50 bLeparmentier has joined #web-adv 15:01:52 FredBastello has joined #web-adv 15:02:01 present+ 15:02:10 Wendy: As people are arriving, take a look at the agenda 15:02:17 ...Starting with agenda curation and introductions 15:02:29 ...Issues and pull requests; a bit of maintenance and group management 15:02:38 ...how we are managing items in this Github repo 15:02:41 seanbedford has joined #web-adv 15:02:47 <_apascoe> _apascoe has joined #web-adv 15:02:48 ...and look at dashboard issues from external repositories 15:02:51 mjv has joined #web-adv 15:02:53 ...and any other business 15:02:53 zakim, take up agendum 1 15:02:53 agendum 1 -- Agenda-curation, introductions -- taken up [from wseltzer] 15:02:53 present+ 15:03:01 present+ 15:03:09 rstringham has joined #web-adv 15:03:11 kleber has joined #web-adv 15:03:24 present+ 15:03:41 ...Any other business or items to bring to our attention for future meetings? 15:03:41 Wendy: Any introductions? Anyone new to the group to introduce 15:03:41 Jonas: Hi, I'm Jonas Frederiksen, from a DSP 15:03:43 ...trying to catch up 15:03:48 Wendy: Welcome Jonas 15:03:59 Grant Nelson: I'm a product manager at TripleLift 15:04:05 Wendy: Good to meet you, Grant 15:04:13 ...a reminder that we are keeping minutes and queue in the irc 15:04:19 ...use "irc.w3.org" 15:04:24 aireyb has joined #web-adv 15:04:24 benhum has joined #web-adv 15:04:27 arnoldrw has joined #web-adv 15:04:28 ...channel "web-adv" 15:04:29 LesC has joined #web-adv 15:04:41 present+ 15:04:42 CHarris has joined #web-adv 15:04:46 ...use "q+" to add yourself to the speaker queue 15:04:47 jeff_burkett_gannett has joined #web-adv 15:04:49 zakim, take up agendum 2 15:04:49 agendum 2 -- Issues and Pull Requests in the web-adv repo https://github.com/w3c/web-advertising/issues https://github.com/w3c/web-advertising/pulls -- taken up [from wseltzer] 15:04:52 present+ 15:05:01 present+ 15:05:07 Mike_Pisula has joined #web-adv 15:05:16 present+ 15:05:35 viraj_awati has joined #web-adv 15:05:42 Wendy: I wanted to do some looking at issues and pull requests in our Github repo 15:05:42 ...which we use to collect info from other places 15:05:42 ...Readme has gotten very long 15:05:42 ...it's great that we are doing lots of work 15:05:42 ...and creating lots of info for people to read 15:05:43 ...But it also means it gets challenging to navigate, particularly for new people coming in 15:05:45 https://github.com/w3c/web-advertising#readme 15:05:51 ...Trying to figure out where they should pay attention, and where to get started 15:05:57 jordan_m has joined #web-adv 15:06:04 ...I think that we have been spending quite a bit of time talking and using the use cases document 15:06:11 maddy has joined #web-adv 15:06:13 ...and might want to raise that in prominance 15:06:21 Kelda_Anderson has joined #Web-Adv 15:06:23 ...and similarly look at things that we are paying less attention to 15:06:28 ...and move them to them to the side 15:06:36 ...one issue was raised regarding the success criteria 15:06:37 Jukka has joined #web-adv 15:06:41 ...pull request 112 15:06:48 present+ 15:06:56 https://github.com/w3c/web-advertising/pull/112 15:07:00 ...as chair I would like to make this repository useful to its participants and reflect what the group is working on and looking at 15:07:06 present+ 15:07:11 cpn has joined #web-adv 15:07:28 q+ 15:07:31 q? 15:07:38 ack AramZS 15:07:42 ...I see some discussion between Aram and James 15:07:42 ...on how we can accurately describe the state of the success criteria 15:07:42 ...as a pointer for people about what we are working on and how 15:07:43 Aram: Since this is my pull request, I will speak to it 15:07:43 benhum has joined #web-adv 15:07:53 ...My concern is not the insistence of the success criteria 15:08:01 ...I have other issues with content outside this pull request 15:08:12 ...Issue I have is that people come to repo and look at Readme as a guide 15:08:20 gendler has joined #web-adv 15:08:26 ...and the current structure implies that the success criteria is used by all participants 15:08:31 ...and is a key piece of our methodology 15:08:36 ...I don't see it that way 15:08:40 ...myself or for my org 15:08:41 present+ 15:08:45 ...other publishers have said the same 15:08:57 ...I don't necessarily disagree with every part of it 15:09:22 q+ 15:09:41 ...but status as a proposal vs. a formal thing we use is something we highlight 15:09:41 ...My initial proposal is to remove it from Readme 15:09:41 ...a problem we have is people write proposals which is great 15:09:41 ...but then a general view that as soon as a proposal is there, it will be a 'thing' 15:09:42 ...we have a nuanced view 15:09:46 ...as people look to Readme 15:09:58 ...to extent we have an output and what it is intended to do, it can be misleading 15:10:01 ...it is what it is 15:10:13 ...we cannot teach everyone who arrives our Readme procedure 15:10:25 ...But in this case, it represents info that is being discussed elsewhere 15:10:32 s/procedure/all of W3C procedure/ 15:10:38 ...the DIG proposal is happening in an entirely different area of W3C 15:10:41 benhum has joined #web-adv 15:10:43 q+ 15:10:51 ...and don't think it represents the group; also a naming conflict 15:11:02 ...in discussion of pull request, we agree not everyone uses this 15:11:41 ...so it should be represented in this doc in another way 15:11:41 ...Counter thing 15:11:41 ...I am going to try to represent counter argument 15:11:41 ...Like EU Authority, PRAM and @ 15:11:41 ...are strongly invested in this document 15:11:45 q+ to suggest moving it to "proposals" 15:11:52 ...their interests should be considered but not nec steer this group 15:12:01 ...making sure it's clear this doc does not represent the whole of this group 15:12:09 ...and it is a proposal and not our actual operating procedure 15:12:12 ...That's it for me 15:12:27 ...Apologies if I misrepresented anyone's viewpoint, not seeing James or Josh on the queue 15:12:27 ack next 15:12:38 Michael_L: I think part of what Aram is talking abou 15:12:44 ...is not just the success critiera doc 15:12:47 aditya has joined #web-adv 15:12:49 ...there is no agreement on what our goal is 15:13:00 ...different proposals, discussions on what is threat, not a threat 15:13:14 q+ 15:13:41 ...But almost every doc I have read makes these assumptions on what our success criteria 15:13:41 ...having trouble on any doc on what/whom it represents 15:13:41 ...Would be worthwhile to have discussion on what exactly different groups define as privacy 15:13:50 ...and separate out threats to this group's and that group's definition of provacy 15:13:53 s/privacy 15:13:58 q+ to note that I am not trying to set specific goals just note that this document does not reflect all of our goals and also what I see as what we get out of this group 15:13:58 q? 15:14:12 ...if we don't have a clear goal, we can have some sub-definitions 15:14:13 ack next 15:14:14 wseltzer, you wanted to suggest moving it to "proposals" 15:14:26 Rotem has joined #web-adv 15:14:28 Wendy: In the W3C context, we have the Privacy Interest Group has a draft threat model document 15:14:29 joshua_koran has joined #web-adv 15:14:29 q+ 15:14:43 ...not getting as much attention, but a place to collect what is the privacy thread model of the Web 15:14:46 ...that group welcomes input 15:14:53 ...In this group we have sort of settled on a model 15:14:59 wegmannt has joined #web-adv 15:15:14 link to the privacy thread model please? 15:15:41 ...of hearing proposals, discussing them, but not explicitly calling for a group consensus 15:15:41 ...because BG doesn't have a formal role in W3C process the way a working group does 15:15:41 ...not as relevant to get to consensus here 15:15:41 ...probably why these docs should go to the status of proposals 15:15:44 ...that have been discussed 15:15:48 ...have them as reference 15:16:01 ...and people who want to have consensus and can take to W3C IGs and WGs 15:16:06 ...for consensus 15:16:11 ...they are designed to find consensus 15:16:17 ...My specific proposal for this document 15:16:21 q? 15:16:36 ...is not to remove the success criteria doc, and re-label it as a proposal and reflect that status 15:16:37 ack next 15:16:45 Arnaud: I am a bit puzzled by Aram's intervention 15:16:49 ...I find it concerning 15:16:50 imeyers has joined #web-adv 15:16:56 ...on which authority to remove some contribution 15:17:00 ...either because of naming 15:17:07 present+ 15:17:42 ...from beginning, the lack of some success critiera 15:17:42 ...so we know what we are discussing and what we are trying to achieve 15:17:42 ...we all have our own perpsectives 15:17:42 ...but it is a perspective on trying to define an angle 15:17:42 ...I would prefer to have something to discuss against it 15:17:44 ack next 15:17:45 AramZS, you wanted to note that I am not trying to set specific goals just note that this document does not reflect all of our goals and also what I see as what we get out of this 15:17:45 ... group 15:17:56 Aram: to be clear, I do not want the success criteria doc to be removed 15:18:03 ...just want to see it changed status 15:18:13 ...and I don't want to discuss this group's success criteria 15:18:19 raj has joined #web-adv 15:18:27 ...Personally, this group's goal is to understand proposals and to represent a variety of businesses by 15:18:29 ...documenting 15:18:37 ...Thanks to Ben from FB for documenting many use cases 15:18:55 ...there is a way to document different success criteria and define their viewpoints and perspectives 15:19:02 ...but presenting as "the group's" success criteria 15:19:15 I agree with Aram 15:19:18 zakim, close queue 15:19:18 ok, wseltzer, the speaker queue is closed 15:19:31 +1 Aram 15:19:42 ...is not neutral and is misleading to new members 15:19:42 ...we have done that before 15:19:42 ...the set of people in this group is so diverse 15:19:42 ...I don't think we can come to a single set of success criteria; why I think it's misleading 15:19:45 ...Not to get rid of the doc 15:19:53 ...just concerned that new members and those external to group 15:20:04 ...see this doc, which is long, and not get a good understanding of what this group is 15:20:07 ...All I am looking for 15:20:17 ...is to move it to stating it as a proposed success criteria 15:20:27 ...and to make it clearer what the work of this group is 15:20:36 ...having it well defined on the Readme is counterproductive 15:20:47 q+ 15:20:55 ...To listen, give feedback, state use cases, and state our various view points is the main purpose of this group 15:20:57 ...and that is fine 15:21:26 ack next 15:21:42 ...to get consensus on standards, it happens elsewhere in W3C 15:21:42 ...not trying to get rid of or eliminate 15:21:42 ...just make it clearer to how it affects this group 15:21:42 Wendy: I closed the queue 15:21:42 Michael_L: sounds like there is some interst 15:21:50 ...to have people define their individual success criteria 15:22:07 ...A bit meta; I wrote a doc for myself to understand definitions and consistency threats 15:22:10 I think it would be cool to share that document via a PR yes! 15:22:15 ...a tool for me, but I could make it more available 15:22:20 ...so others can use as guide 15:22:29 ...I can present at future meeting if there is interest in that 15:22:32 ...To Aram's point 15:22:36 btsavage has joined #web-adv 15:22:43 q? 15:22:44 ...the way we are defining threats on various documents 15:22:56 ...the threats are not one group's or one collective's opinion 15:23:41 ...there are in some, not others...issues solved by another thing 15:23:41 ...If we want to clarify what is consensus and what is not, we have to look at a lot more than just this Readme 15:23:41 Wendy: I acknowledge that 15:23:44 ...what I have seen work best is that the authors of docs manage it and state accurately what it is 15:23:49 q+ 15:23:53 ...and guide people as to whose viewpoints are reflected there 15:24:01 ...that can provide a set of opinions 15:24:13 ...and from that people can determine where they see consensus or not yet consensus 15:24:31 ...We don't have the mechanism here to produce a joint document that reflects all of the different opinions 15:24:37 ...and the "one right way" to handle privacy 15:24:42 ...many ways to get there 15:24:46 https://github.com/w3c/web-advertising/pull/112 15:24:48 ...Seeing many others wanting to join the queue 15:24:53 ...Suggest we go back to pull request 15:24:56 ...link is in irc 15:25:22 I have altered the PR to move the link to "Proposals" 15:25:29 zakim, reopen queue 15:25:29 ok, wseltzer, the speaker queue is open 15:25:42 ...and maybe we can resume that asynchronously 15:25:42 ...I wanted to invite other issues that people wanted to raise 15:25:42 ...or questions 15:25:42 ...if there are others we can come back to this one 15:25:42 Aram: noting as part of this discussion 15:25:51 ...rename it "proposed success standards" 15:25:57 Wendy: Thanks, Aram 15:26:04 ...other open pull requests that we have 15:26:07 https://github.com/w3c/web-advertising/pulls 15:26:09 q+ 15:26:20 ...updating to the common user flows document 15:26:29 ...do we have somebody who is maintaining that document 15:26:35 ...and take a look at pull request 96 15:26:45 Ben: I created that doc and could look at the pull request 15:26:54 Wendy: Thanks very much, Ben 15:26:56 ...other things? 15:27:26 https://github.com/w3c/web-advertising/pull/113 15:27:42 ...We have mapping of SWAN community proposal 15:27:42 Aram: Regarding mapping of SWAN community proposal... 15:27:42 ...I am wondering 15:27:42 ...I don't have a problem with SWAN being added, just have it be in matching style 15:27:51 q+ 15:27:55 ...I do wonder, in case where we believe when something is authored to address a use case 15:28:01 ...but we all don't agree that it's a use case 15:28:08 ...ok to merge once markdown is made 15:28:13 ...wonder if there is a situation as here 15:28:17 ...outside this pull request 15:28:33 ...where a proposal states it addresses a use case, but some don't think it addresses the use case 15:28:44 ack next 15:28:44 ...If it reads that it claims to address this use case 15:28:47 ...just curious 15:28:59 Michael_L: I think this relates to what I said before 15:29:04 ...relates not just to SWAN 15:29:34 q+ 15:29:38 ack next 15:29:39 ...other proposals state they do something, but not sure if they do 15:29:39 ...I'm putting work into analyzing self consistency 15:29:39 ...I am treating it as a claim 15:29:43 ack next 15:29:49 q+ 15:29:51 ...not sure what to do if proposal says it "solves X" but it doesn't "solve X" 15:29:57 Aram: This is interesting discussion 15:30:05 ...making up here...this allows you to verify your audience 15:30:17 ...but I look at it and I don't see that it addresses the problem, the use case 15:30:22 ...I wonder if it makes sense 15:30:29 ...hesitate to suggest additional work 15:30:40 ...but maybe break out these use cases into their own stand-alone documents 15:30:50 ...as we are seeing these community proposals get more extensive and detailed 15:30:52 q+ 15:31:01 ...ability to parse in just a table format is more difficult 15:31:18 q- later 15:31:34 ack next 15:31:41 ...maybe more markdown, linked to the table 15:31:41 ...so there can be more detailed discussion, what they do and don't do 15:31:41 ...Not sure if people are interested in that or not 15:31:41 ...Seems to be a way to handle it; a notion way 15:31:41 ...maybe it works 15:31:42 Kris_Chapman: On a related note 15:31:49 ...I do think there is something towards needing to 15:32:03 ...to indicate whether we think all the use cases are accurate or portrayed 15:32:07 ...Thinking it would be nice 15:32:13 ...if something talked about a general status 15:32:22 ...We get these proposals; some just linger 15:32:33 ...and you wonder if it is still being acted on, is it dead in the water 15:32:39 ...I like the way the browser vendors 15:32:46 q? 15:32:46 ...when putting out their "intent to" notices 15:32:48 q+ to point to the Testing Opportunities section added to see if that meets Kris_Chapman's need here 15:32:55 ...state if their proposals are supported by other vendors or not 15:32:58 ...I think we should do the same 15:33:13 ack AramZS 15:33:13 AramZS, you wanted to point to the Testing Opportunities section added to see if that meets Kris_Chapman's need here 15:33:40 ...not only are the use cases there, but which browsers have shown any support for this or not 15:33:40 Wendy: Thanks, Kris 15:33:40 Aram: So I also noticed that we needed more of a status of these issues 15:33:40 ...I see the pull request has been approved 15:33:41 ...I added a testing set to the Readme 15:33:45 https://github.com/w3c/web-advertising#testing-opportunities 15:33:46 ...Like to see other places 15:33:55 ...Google has done it; see that Criteo has as well 15:34:01 q+ 15:34:08 ...Maybe this is a place to answer questions that Kris brings up 15:34:15 Wendy: Thanks, Aram, for bringing this up 15:34:26 ...I merged it because I thought it was uncontroversial addition 15:34:31 ...to the Readme 15:34:42 ...Agree that the Criteo ML challenge sounds like a good one to add there 15:34:46 q? 15:34:51 ...To the question of adding more information to the use cases document 15:34:56 ...or extending it in additional documents 15:35:04 ...whichever people are likely to do the work 15:35:12 q+ 15:35:42 ...to maintain 15:35:42 ...I want to really thank Ben for the initial setup of the document 15:35:42 ...that has been helpful to give people a framework 15:35:42 ...to add opinionated segments about what use cases they see, and significant detail about what is required 15:35:55 ...to meet those use cases; and to help evaluate; and proposal authors can say what they are doing to meet use cases 15:36:20 ...and those whose use case it is, can see if it meets my business needs; or does it characterize things the way I think it should 15:36:20 ack next 15:36:23 ...use that information 15:36:24 ack next 15:36:29 Kris: I was going to reply to Aram 15:36:33 ...the testing opp could work 15:36:39 ...expand beyond testing to when appropriate 15:37:00 ack next 15:37:04 ..what the browsers think and more general status on whether proposers are continuing; if active or stagnant 15:37:41 Ben: This is great feedback on how to improve this document 15:37:41 ...can we use composition to make it filtered by use case of stakeholder 15:37:41 ...back to success criteria discussion 15:37:41 ...difficult to represent for all participants 15:37:54 ...perhaps each stakeholder could state the critical use cases to be solved 15:37:55 q+ 15:38:04 ...and pull in from central use cas doc 15:38:09 ...and maybe this status is a good idea 15:38:15 ...get a read on the viability of proposals 15:38:35 ...there are spectrums: no browsers endorsed; one or two browsers endorsed; etc. 15:38:50 I like that idea, Ben 15:38:52 ...define use cases in one place; make your own grid and filter it dynamically 15:38:56 I think this is a really cool idea and I also do not know how to handle that via Markdown 15:39:00 ack next 15:39:01 Wendy: Invite ways to achieve it, here or offline 15:39:14 q+ 15:39:42 Michael_L: I agree with a lot of what Ben said 15:39:42 ...get weigh in from perspective of various groups 15:39:42 ...we should not only go based on browser by-in 15:39:42 buy-in 15:39:54 ...no sure if business case; track use case from each group's perspectives could be useful 15:40:00 ...not sure of optimal way to do it 15:40:07 ...but evaluating proposals for self-consistency 15:40:14 ...a small piece but could be useful in finding things 15:40:24 ...within a privacy threat perspective 15:40:35 ...ask if my current tool for doing that might be something interesting to see 15:40:35 Yes, interested to see it! 15:40:41 ...ask people to look and get feedback 15:40:45 Wendy: I see some interest in the irc 15:40:54 ...I will echo that if you would like to offer a demo 15:40:59 Yep, sounds interesting. Thanks! 15:41:12 q? 15:41:42 ...to help us understand what you are meaning by "self-consistency" in proposal evaluation 15:41:42 ...and I'll talk to colleagues who have worked with other tracking tools...can I use 15:41:42 ack me 15:41:44 ...to see if there are pieces of technical infrastructure to note where things are and pulling together 15:41:51 ...of other components within a document 15:42:01 ...Any other issues or pull requests that people would like to raise? 15:42:09 https://github.com/w3c/web-advertising/issues 15:42:12 ...Sometimes we have used the issues as places to store information 15:42:19 ...we have an issue like 104 on related meetings 15:42:30 ...I don't expect to close that since it's a pointer to other activities 15:42:46 ...others are listings are places where people are holding discussions 15:43:00 ...and get questions like 'where do I discuss something that are non-advertising use cases' 15:43:03 q? 15:43:15 q? 15:43:18 q+ 15:43:23 ack next 15:43:41 ...and go to where they are being incubated 15:43:41 ...Take a look at the issues 15:43:41 ...and see if there are other things to raise or suggest closing, let me know 15:43:41 Ben: We could have a step towards a vision of what I was saying before 15:43:43 ...create a doc 15:43:54 ...that contains the viewpoint of various stakeholders on various issues 15:44:06 ...we had an interesting discussion on privacy breakout 15:44:13 ...with myself and John Wl 15:44:18 ...one use case was measurement 15:44:27 ...reporting to an advertiser what they got 15:44:31 ...reporting might be better term 15:44:37 ...separate use case is optimization 15:44:48 ...how one uses data to decide which ad to show to which person 15:44:52 ...way to find relevant ads 15:45:00 ...John's response was really relevant to me 15:45:40 ...at this time Safari is only trying to solve the former use case, and not solve optimization use case 15:45:40 ...That was particularly helpful to me 15:45:40 ...and also helpful for others 15:45:45 ...The Trade Desk...talking about use cases for connected TVs 15:45:59 ...getting people on the record to state where they stand on various use cases could be quite helpful 15:46:05 Wendy: That is an expression of intent 15:46:18 ...or interest in 'is this use case one we might impliment" 15:46:25 ..."actively won't"; "might consider" 15:46:30 ...that could be an interesting document 15:46:36 ...and see what sorts of feedback it would get 15:46:54 Ben: If I were to point out a skeleton of such a document 15:46:54 q+ 15:46:59 ...would anyone be willing to go on the record 15:47:00 I would 15:47:05 ...using whatever value you want 15:47:21 q+ 15:47:42 ...and not constrain what you say 15:47:42 ...but something short to put into the grid 15:47:42 ...I know it's hard to put one's stance on the record in some large orgs 15:47:42 @: yes 15:47:42 @: yes 15:47:42 Kris: yes, I could for SF 15:47:47 ...and could share more 15:47:50 Ben: Awesome 15:47:59 I would love to see that too! 15:48:00 ...perhaps PRAM could comment? Anyone here? 15:48:02 q+ 15:48:08 Wendy: not sure 15:48:12 ack Michael_L 15:48:19 Michael_L: First of all, I like this idea 15:48:24 ...we could use a document like this 15:48:26 q+ re "null value" 15:48:30 ...one thing I am worried about and should address 15:48:36 ...there has been a certain chilling effect 15:48:43 ...if it could impact their company with smaller publishers 15:48:50 ...I speak with publishers about every single proposal 15:49:29 q+ 15:49:41 ...and what I have heard a lot is we don't want to make waves; we don't want to disclose our opinions 15:49:41 ...due to deals we are making 15:49:41 ...controversial opinions might be understated in such a document 15:49:41 Wendy: We can only get what information we can get 15:49:41 ...I queued up to note we might have plenty of "no entries" 15:49:49 ...with no public or official opinion by a various sector 15:49:51 q+ 15:49:57 ...we are not in a position to force people to fill out info 15:50:10 ...but where they are willing to share that could help guide people to understand the status of proposals 15:50:12 ack AramZS 15:50:13 q- 15:50:14 Aram: I was going to add 15:50:29 ...there is obviously, some things are easier or harder to contribute public opinion 15:50:44 ...this is the sort of place, where trade groups could step in like PRAM, @ 15:50:56 s/@/LMC, DCN/ 15:51:05 ...ways for them to communicate their viewpoints without exposing themselves to how they conduct their business 15:51:09 ack next 15:51:42 ...inviting them seems like a good way to go 15:51:42 Wendell: I participate in quite a number of these groups 15:51:42 ...from web side in W3C 15:51:42 ...to industry groups and have visibility on a few more 15:51:42 ...one of things stiking here 15:52:05 ...level of uncertainty in trade press, and to cut that uncertainty 15:52:14 ...gets back to our shop...'they allowed it to be uncertain' 15:52:23 ...they could have been clear, but left it vague 15:52:31 ...there are only two builders of the tech here 15:52:42 ...not entirely clear what they are doing to do; that is why we are here 15:52:47 ...we have done our own analysis 15:52:52 ...hard to predict the future 15:53:01 ...we have gone through our 'five stages of grief' 15:53:42 ...interdiction, such as threat models 15:53:42 ...our analysis shows they are fairly doable 15:53:42 ...against a thread or adversary 15:53:42 ...a lot of writing on that 15:53:42 ...what will be launched now or soon 15:53:46 ...Other area is business continuity; what will continue and what will be stopped 15:53:52 ...that is where vagueness comes in 15:53:59 ...Will use the word "stakeholders" 15:54:02 ...they are not all equa 15:54:04 l 15:54:13 ...some have a lot, others a little, some not at all 15:54:22 ...governments and the builders of the software themselves 15:54:25 q? 15:54:26 ...others are along for the ride 15:54:26 q+ 15:54:33 q+ 15:54:34 ...these groups are not largely talking to each other 15:54:37 q+ 15:54:43 ...or acknowledging each other's concers 15:54:54 ...we have unique opportunity to get answers to these questions 15:55:06 ...I am supportive of getting a matrix for a sort of 'can I use' facility 15:55:10 q+ 15:55:27 zakim, close queue 15:55:27 ok, wseltzer, the speaker queue is closed 15:55:42 ...we have some of it written down, but not everyone agrees 15:55:42 ...that web will be stateless, and have to login 15:55:42 ...and have to log out after an event 15:55:42 ...that is not widely agreed on 15:55:45 ...even though one of builders of software is headed in this direction 15:56:01 ...we should have more humming or checkmarking to get the web we want 15:56:10 ...shows a lack of commitment by those in power to command and control 15:56:14 ...and also a lack of understanding 15:56:25 ...for those trying to participate in the origin trials 15:56:35 ...a lot of learning about how ad tech really works; how grubby it is 15:56:46 ...not clear that is widely understood outside the trade 15:56:56 ...or part of browser's requirements to continuity 15:57:09 q- 15:57:41 ...good to define a set of processes, wants, etc. 15:57:41 ...looking for a formal answer to this continuity side stuff 15:57:41 ...wrap up there 15:57:47 Wendy: Just to respond to one point on your perception of where the power is 15:57:54 ...in W3C, every participant has an equal voice 15:58:00 ack next 15:58:02 ...we try to maintain in all of our conversations 15:58:03 bhumphry has joined #web-adv 15:58:03 bhumphry has joined #web-adv 15:58:17 Brian: I hear a lot of concern about where are we going and how are we going to get there 15:58:24 ...and who will tell us when we are off the road 15:58:26 ...all valid concerns 15:58:39 ...to Ben's request for clarity, they do put out regular blog posts 15:58:48 ...maybe we put thought behind specific questions 15:59:05 ...state of affairs has been browsers present, and everyone decides what to do about 15:59:28 ack aram 15:59:29 q- 15:59:31 q- 15:59:42 ...Maybe a new approach about what will or will not be incorporated in your roadmaps 15:59:42 Wendy: one minute left with many on queue 15:59:42 ...be brief 15:59:43 Aram: just sounds like there is support for Ben's doc and we should go forward 15:59:53 ...and support for expanding the use case doc outside of what can be fit 16:00:06 Thanks Aram! 16:00:11 ack next 16:00:13 ...I will see if I can work up an expanded link doc; links to blogs, discussions around definitions and use cases it falls into 16:00:28 Michael_L: yes, sounds like support for Ben's doc 16:00:42 ...I will refine my consistency tool so we can discuss different privacy definitions 16:00:52 ...and I can present that when convenient, but I have to do more work there 16:01:01 Wendy: Great, I will coordinate with you offline 16:01:05 [adjourned] 16:01:42 ...thanks all, and thanks to Karen [scribe] 16:02:10 arnaud_blanchard has joined #web-adv 16:05:09 arnaud_b_ has joined #web-adv 17:05:56 Karen has joined #web-adv 17:34:22 arnaud_blanchard has joined #web-adv 17:37:23 bLeparmentier has joined #web-adv 17:39:15 Karen has joined #web-adv 18:04:14 AramZS has joined #web-adv 18:15:30 arnaud_blanchard has joined #web-adv 18:39:23 bLeparmentier has joined #web-adv 18:44:06 hober has joined #web-adv 20:31:55 arnaud_blanchard has joined #web-adv 20:59:38 Karen has joined #web-adv 21:55:54 Karen has joined #web-adv 22:02:14 arnaud_blanchard has joined #web-adv 22:18:42 arnaud_blanchard has joined #web-adv 22:58:12 bLeparmentier has joined #web-adv 23:54:51 wbaker has joined #web-adv 23:57:22 wbaker has joined #web-adv 23:58:59 wbaker has joined #web-adv