12:59:06 RRSAgent has joined #epub-fxl 12:59:06 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/04/27-epub-fxl-irc 12:59:08 RRSAgent, make logs Public 12:59:09 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), wendyreid 12:59:56 meeting: Fixed Layout Accessibility TF Telco April 27, 2021 13:00:02 date: 2021-04-27 13:00:06 chair: wendyreid 13:00:15 regrets+ laurab 13:00:20 KenJones has joined #epub-fxl 13:00:43 gpellegrino has joined #epub-fxl 13:00:56 present+ 13:01:00 present+ 13:01:25 present+ 13:02:30 duga has joined #epub-fxl 13:02:37 present+ 13:03:03 scribe+ 13:03:22 wendyreid: this week the biggest thing was the outline for the best practices documentation 13:03:28 ... i plan on getting it into github 13:03:31 ... there' 13:03:41 ... there's a respec format for WG notes 13:04:02 ... probably better to just do it in github directly vs doing it in G Docs and then having to translate 13:04:37 ... then we can use the normal issues, PRs, etc. 13:05:00 ... putting the outline on screen share now 13:05:03 rsosolen has joined #epub-fxl 13:05:13 ... we probably already have content for a lot of these areas 13:05:55 ... start with introduction (standard W3C) > purpose, challenges and limits of FXL, overview of document 13:06:52 ... high level topics include reading order, alt-text/extended desc, navigation (toc, section markers and landmarks), perceiving content (readability, contrast), MO, tables, a11y metadata 13:07:14 ... there's going to be a lot of cross-referencing between this doc and a11y 1.1/a11y techniques 13:07:28 q? 13:07:42 q+ 13:07:48 ack KenJones 13:07:51 KenJones: i like it 13:08:08 ... the main one for me is tables 13:08:24 q+ 13:08:35 ... would be nice to have examples of all of these things done well 13:08:37 scribe+ 13:08:40 ak MattChan 13:08:43 ack MattChan 13:09:02 MattChan: Laura just confirmed with me that Anansi is going to be able to provide samples to use in this document 13:09:17 ... I don't think we'll have tables, but we'll have children's content 13:09:45 wendyreid: i've sent email to business group to ask members if anyone would be willing to donate 13:09:57 ... no response yet, but we have a meeting today, we'll see 13:10:15 q+ 13:10:18 ack gpellegrino 13:10:26 ... we're only looking for samples, so a couple of pages, nothing more than what you would see for free online 13:10:39 gpellegrino: talked to cristina about some italian publishers we can ask 13:11:17 ... one publishes FXL for children, the other is a big publisher that uses FXL for print replica for books that are text driven but the authors and agents want to have same look as paper version 13:11:36 ... do you think this second category would be useful? 13:11:50 wendyreid: i think so, there are interesting things that are done with the styling of those books 13:12:02 gpellegrino: okay, i will check 13:12:45 wendyreid: i'll get the github setup this week 13:13:01 ... hopefully mgarrish can give us some guidance on updating the Daisy KB 13:13:19 ... whether he prefers we open issues, or submit PRs directly 13:13:43 ... other stream of work is the experiments 13:13:52 ... business group is thinking right now about FXL embedded in reflowable 13:14:08 ... they are having that conversation today, hoping to come up with some use cases 13:14:23 ... our other experiment was to try out flexbox to see what we can achieve 13:14:32 ... gpellegrino has volunteered 13:14:45 ... what can we commit to getting done in the next week or two? 13:15:14 q+ 13:15:19 ack gpellegrino 13:16:00 gpellegrino: is there anyone who can help us with the CSS side? using the new features? 13:17:03 wendyreid: yes, there are also lots of good resources out there about flexbox, etc. 13:18:37 ... for the outline, does anyone want to take on doing a first draft of any of those sections? 13:18:59 ... that we can then collaboratively sharpen up? 13:19:01 q+ 13:19:04 q+ 13:19:13 ack KenJones 13:19:33 KenJones: i'll be happy to take on some of those, don't mind which ones apart from tables 13:19:46 ... can you let me know which ones? 13:19:50 ack rsosolen 13:20:09 rsosolen: i can help with a11y metadata, but pretty much anything else too 13:20:25 ... also willing to help with the experiments 13:20:59 ... i can also find some information about the tables best practices 13:21:35 q+ 13:21:53 ack gpellegrino 13:21:53 wendyreid: rsosolen can do tables and a11y metadata for FXLs 13:22:06 gpellegrino: question about experiments and javascript 13:22:21 ... a lot of FXL use javascript, but some RS will not support this 13:22:42 ... is it fine if we start without javascript, and add best practices for scripts in a second round? 13:22:54 ... may be too much to tackle everything all at once 13:23:11 wendyreid: yes, let's see what we can do without it for now 13:23:43 ... KenJones can tackle reading order, navigation best practices for now 13:23:53 ... in the best practices 13:24:08 KenJones: can you share an example for formatting? 13:24:28 wendyreid: look at the source HTML for the epub spec, or the audiobook spec 13:24:32 ... it's very basic 13:24:42 gpellegrino: there's also a guide for W3C respec somewhere 13:24:55 https://respec.org/docs/ 13:25:02 wendyreid: here it is 13:25:30 ... don't worry too much about the syntax, not to difficult to go back and fix after 13:25:51 ... seems like we have everything we can do for now assigned 13:26:09 shiestyle has joined #epub-fxl 13:26:15 ... gpellegrino can you think of a couple ideas for experiments? 13:26:29 ... will make it easier to assign experiments to people in future 13:27:06 ... AOB? 13:27:22 KenJones: i've got questions that I started posting to the Daisy KB, e.g. for image descriptions 13:27:53 ... another one, where there's a very annotated scientific image, how do we describe it? e.g. medical text with diagram of the heart 13:28:09 q+ 13:28:34 ack gpellegrino 13:28:34 wendyreid: i believe Daisy has guidance in the rest of the KB, e.g. in the image maps section? 13:29:03 gpellegrino: you can check diagram standard for how to describe image, and on epubtest.org there is a test for how to insert long desc in reflow epub 13:29:21 ... those two resources together should give you an idea of best practice for your use-case 13:29:24 q+ 13:29:26 ack KenJones 13:29:26 http://diagramcenter.org/table-of-contents-2.html 13:29:51 http://epubtest.org/test-books 13:30:14 KenJones: might a very visual document be rendered in a more textual way? i.e. converted from FXL to a reflow text 13:30:25 ... are we allowed to recommend that as a secondary method of consuming the content? 13:31:07 q+ 13:31:07 wendyreid: depends how you do it. e.g. A book with mixed modalities, with a complicated map or something, and then the accompanying section just describes the same thing in text 13:31:13 ack duga 13:31:20 ... we've talked about alternative renditions, but that's not supported 13:31:52 duga: are you looking at a way of algorithmically converting FXL to reflow? (e.g. RS turns FXL cookbook into a reflow) 13:32:07 KenJones: yes, so, like a fallback for a small screen or a screenreader 13:32:14 ... a secondary way of showing the same file 13:32:45 duga: right, so changing the styling so that it works in reflow, maybe merging across page breaks in the FXL 13:33:19 media queries :) 13:33:20 wendyreid: so like, interchangable style sheets, one for FXL and one for reflow 13:33:37 KenJones: yes, and discarding the positioning style 13:34:03 duga: I think its an interesting idea that is better than multiple renditions, it makes the content more accessible to all 13:34:09 ... but this might not be in scope 13:34:27 wendyreid: gpellegrino mentioned media queries, but RS also support these in weird ways 13:34:53 ... you could do it with CSS, but what you can't do is toggling back and forth between FXL and reflow 13:35:06 ... e.g. Kobo uses different renders for FXL and reflow content 13:35:21 ... we'd have to tell RS when and how to switch 13:35:38 duga: you could just re-open the content in the alternate renderer 13:36:01 ... still more simple than mixed modalities 13:36:38 wendyreid: so what would be the trigger? how would an epub tell RS that feature is available in the book? 13:36:52 KenJones: maybe if both accessMode textual and accessMode visual? 13:37:15 duga: basically we're just marking a part of css as "for flowing mode" 13:37:51 q+ 13:37:54 ... there are also layout considerations where we want to combine FXL pages into a single flowing page 13:38:05 ... not that simple 13:38:07 ack gpellegrino 13:38:19 ... may want to recharter if we tackle this, because it would require spec changes 13:38:45 gpellegrino: when you produce FXL you have to give viewport info, so when you switch to reflow mode, what happens with the viewport? 13:39:23 wendyreid: yes, so the epub would need to tell RS that it can switch from FXL to reflow, and when it switches to flowing mode, what RS is allowed to ignore/change from the FXL 13:39:31 ... so yes, this would require spec change 13:39:41 ... but agree that this is worth exploring 13:40:03 ... maybe we can suggest this to CG to do the initial experimentation 13:40:13 ... especially as spec is heading towards CR by the end of this year 13:40:30 q+ 13:40:31 ... i'll setup meeting with Mathias and Zheng 13:40:34 ack KenJones 13:43:22 duga: we should also make sure that people from WG are going to the CG meetings where this is discussed 13:44:04 wendyreid: okay, so we all have our list of action items 13:44:12 ... and we'll report in on progress next week 13:47:28 zakim, end meeting 13:47:28 As of this point the attendees have been gpellegrino, MattChan, KenJones, duga 13:47:31 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 13:47:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/27-epub-fxl-minutes.html Zakim 13:47:34 I am happy to have been of service, wendyreid; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 13:47:38 Zakim has left #epub-fxl 13:47:44 rrsagent, make logs public