12:02:27 RRSAgent has joined #silver-functional 12:02:27 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/04/16-silver-functional-irc 12:02:41 trackbot, start meeting 12:02:41 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 12:03:10 JakeAbma has joined #silver-functional 12:03:22 Zakim has joined #silver-functional 12:03:31 trackbot, start meeting 12:03:31 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 12:03:46 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bsze5rAu-6tkWBTGyrcm4tdsGvZAaEBBUCDsQZngl2k/edit#gid=39173941 12:03:48 Sorry, MichaelC, I don't understand 'trackbot is still not set up'. Please refer to for help. 12:04:21 meeting: A11Y Functional Needs work session 12:04:28 rrsagent, make log world 12:04:38 present+ 12:04:43 present+ 12:04:45 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aCRXrtmnSSTso-6S_IO9GQ3AKTB4FYt9k92eT_1PWX4/edit# 12:04:50 present+ 12:04:53 present+ 12:05:30 scribe: joconnor 12:05:53 JA: Discusses user needs, a la usefulness of master list 12:06:10 Other groups are looking forward to seeing this work happen 12:06:41 Jake thinking about previous work, and also what boundaries should be... 12:06:49 should they cover criteria etc 12:07:09 MC: The criteria or the needs had to be written a certain way? 12:07:16 JA: 12:08:51 Discusses the creation of user needs 12:09:21 visible and hidden content must be in parity 12:09:21 MC: Content should be equivalent 12:09:44 JA: A thing may be accessible but not match, due to a11y name diffs 12:10:04 MC: MIssion statements vs user needs 12:10:17 **Jake, I am so happy you are here 12:10:28 MC: These kinds of exploration are useful 12:10:51 MC: Josh and I were doing a top down approach 12:11:17 you are looking bottom up 12:11:21 we need to do both 12:11:50 MC: Maybe we need to look at bottom up and see what we get 12:12:01 q+ to support looking at that 12:12:13 MC: Could be helpful with gaps 12:12:37 Top down is helpful for generating diffs, and seeing things we may not have figured 12:13:01 If we can't map a clear user need to this guidance then we may not have needed it 12:13:04 ack me 12:13:04 joconnor, you wanted to support looking at that 12:13:39 q+ 12:13:46 https://www.nngroup.com/articles/user-need-statements/ 12:13:52 JOC: Looking at this a different way could be helpful 12:14:28 MC: Defining terms is whats needed? 12:14:34 JOC: Yes. 12:14:51 JA: I'm wondering what the user needs are, under the SCs 12:15:26 JA: THere may be two needs that have to work together. 12:16:29 JA: Describes plus and minus of various approaches to definitions 12:17:22 q+ to restate the initial scope of the work 12:19:09 q+ 12:19:16 ack charles 12:19:28 CH: I put a link in IRC.. 12:20:24 We are speaking around the need for a definition in a dual broad and granular way, or a narrow contextual user need 12:21:20 We could approach user need in the context of use 12:21:45 JA: Did you think of how to mould that into a master list? 12:21:56 we have a lot of situations to cover 12:22:41 CH: I think we are saying the same things, I'm ok with some ambiguity, as to where they are being applied. 12:23:26 q+ to mention avoiding problems 12:23:26 ack me 12:23:27 joconnor, you wanted to restate the initial scope of the work 12:23:32 q+ to ask about non-a11y user needs 12:23:38 JOC: +1 to Charles 12:24:22 https://www.gov.uk/service-manual/user-research 12:24:36 https://www.gov.uk/service-manual/user-research/start-by-learning-user-needs 12:24:38 q+ to ask how much to focus on Silver / W3C defs vs attempting to find global ones 12:25:03 q+ to consider a descriptive rather than prescriptive approach 12:25:48 http://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/user-needs-restructure/fast/index.html#collected-user-needs 12:26:30 q+ to mention in-development vs final 12:26:37 ack me 12:26:37 MichaelC, you wanted to mention avoiding problems and to ask about non-a11y user needs and to ask how much to focus on Silver / W3C defs vs attempting to find global ones and to 12:26:40 ... consider a descriptive rather than prescriptive approach and to mention in-development vs final 12:27:10 JOC: We do need get on the same page, with user needs - whether its from Gov.uk or NN as a template 12:27:39 MC: I wonder how much we need to look at a11y needs on one layer, and usability needs on another 12:28:31 Operating a control is a usability need... 12:28:52 but if there is an issue on a deeper level for a user with diff AT that may be different 12:29:04 q+ to usability v accessibility 12:29:43 MC: I've been thinking of user needs as a proscriptive list, or is it a descptive list. 12:29:53 q+ to talk about descriptive list 12:30:06 MC: It could be added to... 12:30:27 Should that be in Silver etc, ours may not be the exclusive authorative list 12:30:41 We may need to couple with other work 12:30:45 ack charle 12:30:45 CharlesHall, you wanted to usability v accessibility 12:30:46 q+ 12:31:21 CH: That is the line between the user need and the access need etc 12:31:36 12:31:55 The later describes the result and what the outcome of not being able to do something may be. 12:31:59 MC: LIke it 12:32:03 ack me 12:32:03 joconnor, you wanted to talk about descriptive list 12:35:09 JOC: FAST isn't normative and should provide overall guideance to provide information for those who dont know much about a11y and are developing specs 12:35:29 JA: If we look at our list.. 12:35:38 12:36:55 q+ 12:37:09 q+ 12:37:13 q+ to advise not taking current list too literally 12:37:35 q+ to say it might be best just to define and work with different levels 12:37:39 q+ to speak to the potential redundancy of some of the FAST items 12:37:45 ack jak 12:38:06 JA: Some of these items may be on the same level. 12:38:18 There may also be a way bigger list 12:38:26 JA: So what do y'all think? 12:38:43 ack me 12:38:43 MichaelC, you wanted to advise not taking current list too literally and to say it might be best just to define and work with different levels 12:39:03 MC: I say don't assume that this list is totally authorative.. 12:39:16 your analysis is helpful 12:39:33 We may need to work in various levels of detail - we may be better doing that.. 12:39:47 maybe not worry about too formal defs of what goes where.. 12:41:03 JA: Can we use this layered approach as a way to create user needs? 12:41:22 Levels can be, 1 - you can use content, 2 - navigation etc 12:41:31 So the user need may have several parts 12:41:58 MC: I've an editorial role - I don't have lists with only one sub item 12:42:06 we may have multiple items.. 12:42:13 This could be a useful proposal 12:42:17 ack char 12:42:38 CH: I appreciate the question of granularity... 12:42:53 but I think these examples are more broad 12:43:03 I'd change the wording as I think they are diff things... 12:43:29 What they need is the user need, how they do that is different - functional 12:43:40 navigation and interaction are two distinct things 12:43:45 so they should be higher level 12:44:07 challenging to define and measure and vary 12:44:20 CH: Higher level example is a good. 12:44:30 JOC: +1 to charles 12:47:31 q? 12:47:33 ack me 12:47:33 joconnor, you wanted to speak to the potential redundancy of some of the FAST items 12:47:41 JOC: 12:48:41 MC: Am not sure of how to proceed. 12:49:00 JOC: Lets pick some of these user needs and see if agree on the common sets of terms etc 12:49:23 the primary or high-level scope of a user need should probably be singular purpose, like operate a control 12:50:18 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eJkgXqbh7dx3uD6XAy8XAANmwfbbVZ5GKb_gbsUdkVs/edit#heading=h.n89ecixaq6rg 12:51:10 MC: Lets use the Functional needs doc 12:52:30 MC: Lets walk through the list, we can edit as we go etc 12:52:55 CH: What is the concensus on users plural vs user 12:55:12 JOC: We are addressing potential groups of related needs. Suggested the plural 12:55:27 JA: I think of them as singular. 12:56:55 JOC: We need to use the correct term - worthwhile spending time on figuring it out 12:57:09 JA: There are single vs group dynamic 12:57:25 CH: I don't see it as a group - but hear what Josh is saying 12:57:44 The plural of user implies that the perception relates to more that one 12:58:02 Plural implies multimodality 12:58:48 JA: Should the need not be upfront? 12:58:54 CH: Depends on context 12:59:15 + to plural for now 12:59:51 +1 to plural for now 13:06:11 13:58:34 MC: V productive session 13:58:46 Do we want to continue in this format time? 13:58:50 What works? 13:59:00 CH: This time works well for me. 13:59:13 JA: Me too, we need two hours, wfm 13:59:22 JOC: Works for me 13:59:37 MC: We will skip the Thurs slot 13:59:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:59:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/16-silver-functional-minutes.html joconnor 15:04:00 Zakim has left #silver-functional