14:44:39 RRSAgent has joined #rdf-star 14:44:39 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/04/09-rdf-star-irc 14:44:41 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:44:42 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), pchampin 14:44:46 meeting: RDF-star 14:44:48 chair: pchampin 14:45:09 date: 9 April 2021 14:45:19 present+ 14:45:34 Previous meeting: https://w3c.github.io/rdf-star/Minutes/2021-03-26.html 14:45:34 Next meeting: https://w3c.github.io/rdf-star/Minutes/2021-04-16.html 14:48:28 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star/2021Apr/0002.html 14:48:28 clear agenda 14:48:28 agenda+ Announcements and newcomers 14:48:28 agenda+ Open actions 14:48:28 agenda+ RDF-star and dataset canonicalization 14:48:28 agenda+ Old or new media-types for RDF-star 14:48:31 agenda+ Open-ended discussions 14:57:49 pchampin has joined #rdf-star 14:59:48 rivettp has joined #rdf-star 14:59:55 james has joined #rdf-star 15:00:01 present+ 15:00:13 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 15:01:14 ora has joined #rdf-star 15:01:24 present+ 15:01:35 william has joined #rdf-star 15:02:55 AndyS has joined #rdf-star 15:03:04 present+ 15:03:36 present+ 15:04:38 present+ 15:06:10 zakim, pick a scribe 15:06:10 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose ora 15:06:57 scribe: ora 15:07:08 zakim, next agendum 15:07:08 agendum 1 -- Announcements and newcomers -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:08:11 new member: Julián 15:09:20 pchampin: I will take some time off next week, will not be on next call 15:09:35 pchampin: who will be the chair? 15:10:26 pchampin: propose we skip next week 15:10:38 q? 15:11:10 pchampin: new pull request from gkellogg 15:11:16 q+ 15:11:21 pchampin: Trig* 15:11:28 ack gkellogg 15:11:43 s/Trig*/Trig-star/ 15:12:06 gkellogg: still some questions to be worked out 15:12:28 gkellogg: e.g., ordering 15:13:02 pchampin: examples in abstract syntax is a good idea 15:13:21 andys: prefer Turtle* first 15:13:58 Julian has joined #rdf-star 15:13:58 q+ to say that there is a TriX-star implementation (!!) 15:14:19 gkellogg: will do a PR for ordering 15:14:31 TallTed has joined #rdf-star 15:14:37 q? 15:15:39 ACTION: gkellogg to reorder the concrete sections: Turtle-star, TriG-star, N-Triples-star, N-Quads-star 15:15:56 q? 15:16:01 ack AndyS 15:16:01 AndyS, you wanted to say that there is a TriX-star implementation (!!) 15:16:30 andys: I did a TriX-star implementation, for no reason whatosever 15:16:46 s/whatosever/whatsoever 15:17:14 q? 15:17:27 zakim, next agendum 15:17:27 agendum 2 -- Open actions -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:17:43 pchampin: no open actions 15:17:49 I updated my TriX implementation too :) 15:18:17 Julian has joined #rdf-star 15:18:41 The 2nd draft discussion -- https://w3c.github.io/rdf-star/Minutes/2021-03-19.html#t04 15:18:46 topic: publishing a new draft 15:18:47 pchampin: canonicalization will probably not make it to the next draft 15:19:33 pchampin: we discussed that a new draft sooner rather than later would be a good thing 15:19:45 pchampin: publish often and early 15:19:59 pchampin: some things are pending... 15:20:51 pchampin: 5 PRs 15:21:11 pchampin: some have no impact on the draft 15:21:44 pchampin: test suite 15:21:46 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star/pull/149 15:22:41 phampin: does not stop us from publishing 15:22:52 s/phampin/pchampin 15:23:42 (audio weirdness, did not capture everything...) 15:24:01 now fine again... 15:24:16 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star/pull/129 15:24:30 pchampin: long standing PR: clarification of SPARQL functions 15:24:46 james: that's what I wanted to add 15:25:01 pchampin: olaf wanted to remove some examples 15:25:14 pchampin: recommend merging anyway 15:25:18 q? 15:25:43 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star/pull/155 15:26:12 pchampin: recent PR: extending the overview with examples using annotation syntax 15:26:38 pchampin: propose we leave a few days for people to react, merge next week 15:26:53 pchampin: after these merges we should publish 15:27:28 PROPOSAL: merge PR 129 and 155 after a few days, and then release next public draft 15:27:34 +1 15:27:41 +1 15:27:42 +1 15:27:56 ora: +1 15:28:07 +1 15:28:08 +1 15:28:20 +1 15:28:30 +1 15:28:36 present+ 15:29:02 +1 15:29:04 pchampin: reminding we are not a formal group, wrt. voting 15:29:35 RESOLVED: merge PR 129 and 155 after a few days, and then release next public draft 15:29:48 q? 15:30:10 andys: what is the most pressing issue to close? 15:30:28 pchampin: I will be back the week after next 15:30:48 pchampin: several active issues 15:31:27 pchampin: we are in pretty good shape overall 15:31:48 pchampin: but still: introducing a new IRI 15:31:56 pchampin: mime-type 15:32:33 pchampin: do we want to include something about SHACL, possible SHEX? 15:32:43 andys: I think no need to do that 15:33:09 andys: once there is a CG report (our target), then the SHACL group can react 15:33:19 andys: similarly for SHEX 15:33:31 gkellogg: we did not address JSON-LD either 15:34:24 andys: label open issues as "discussion items"...? 15:34:56 pchampin: Notation3, semantics (at least) belong there 15:35:21 STRAWPOLL: we won't include anything in our report about SHACL not SHEX 15:35:47 +1 15:35:50 +0 15:35:54 +1 15:35:57 ora: +1 15:35:58 +1 (better to come from those communities) 15:35:59 +1 15:36:04 I think we should at least mention SHACL and OWL with an outline of possible impact 15:36:05 +1 15:36:07 -1 15:36:39 pchampin: I did not mean to not mention at all 15:37:07 pchampin: the idea is not to ignore, we can give some "leads" 15:37:28 rivettp: should be fine 15:37:32 FYI: OWL-star https://w3c.github.io/rdf-star/UCR/rdf-star-ucr.html#compact-serialization-of-owl-graphs -- from https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star/issues/148 15:37:34 +1 15:38:19 pchampin: next public draft is very close to a final report 15:38:28 q? 15:38:30 pchampin: editorial changes notwithstanding 15:38:43 zakim, next agendum 15:38:43 agendum 3 -- RDF-star and dataset canonicalization -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:38:55 pchampin: this was raised by gkellogg 15:39:26 pchampin: there is a W3C WG charter proposed, linked data signature 15:39:41 pchampin: standard way of signing RDF datasets 15:39:51 pchampin: hence canonicalization 15:40:15 pchampin: question was raised about RDF* during preparation 15:40:33 pchampin: RDF* included in the proposed charter 15:40:47 s/RDF*/RDF-star/ 15:41:03 pchampin: understanding that RDF-star will not be a Rec by then 15:41:17 (thank you AndyS) 15:41:54 pchampin: dataset defined in terms of triples, nothing about embedded triples 15:42:06 pchampin: clarification is needed 15:42:49 gkellogg: canonicalization is challenging (math proofs), extending to RDF-star could be problematic 15:43:30 gkellogg: RDF-star dataset transformed to RDF dataset could be signed 15:43:43 gkellogg: but now we would have two versions of the same 15:44:30 gkellogg: let's not use language that restricts our work too much 15:44:40 q? 15:45:21 andys: how about a short section about principles (embedded triples, etc.), any future work on RDF will need to deal with these 15:45:34 andys: that is, set requirements rather than offering solutions 15:45:47 gkellogg: they may not heed any of that 15:47:16 gkellogg: solution may involve introduction of a new vocabulary 15:47:48 gkellogg: make it possible to do a reverse transformation 15:48:28 andys: RDF-star system understand embedded triples natively, this may be a problem 15:48:37 pchampin: hidden IRIs... 15:48:59 andys: my point was that they are not isomorphic 15:49:13 gkellogg: canonical does not have to imply isomorphic 15:49:31 andys: what if two different things have the same canonicalization, because we missed something? 15:50:07 andys: you may need to know that something was originally RDF-star 15:50:20 Link to RDF C14N draft: https://json-ld.github.io/rdf-dataset-canonicalization/spec/ 15:50:43 pchampin: introduce reification predicates only for this purpose? 15:51:21 pchampin: an RDF graph using these would be identified as coming from RDF-star 15:52:06 gkellogg: canonicalization algorithm should introduce extensible steps [?] 15:52:45 gkellogg: it is not our job to solve this, but make it possible for future groups to solve it 15:53:12 gkellogg: this is not simple to implement 15:53:48 gkellogg: math proof is required, changing the algorithm would invalidate the proof 15:54:09 andys: IRI spec explains how to turn an IRI into a URI 15:54:39 pchampin: what do we do after publishing the 2nd draft? 15:55:00 andys: mention it in the charter... 15:55:19 andys: we will not be recommending changes to the algorithm 15:55:46 gkellogg: similar to n3 and lists 15:56:09 pchampin: we will liaise at some point 15:56:25 pchampin: not much more we can do 15:56:44 pchampin: no time to discuss media type this time 15:56:46 q? 15:57:17 Topic: open-ended discussion 15:57:24 gkellogg: namespace for hidden triples? 15:57:47 pchampin: type for hidden triples? 15:58:12 andys: new extension namespace for all groups to use 15:58:25 andys: "rdfx" 15:58:46 pchampin: temporary use? 15:59:00 andys: that is the idea, but reality may be different 15:59:19 andys: creating things is easy, getting rid of them not so much 15:59:59 pchampin: we could create a temporary RDF-star namespace, just as easy to fix (or not) 16:00:16 q+ 16:00:56 pchampin: put a time extent on these 16:01:19 e.g. https://w3.org/ns/rdfx 16:01:31 andys: what's under "ns" at W3C? 16:02:07 scribe: pchampin 16:02:16 ora: I don't understand the need for that NS 16:02:21 ... namespaces are cheap 16:02:30 ... the essential thing is that they must be unique 16:02:46 ... This notion of shared namespace is a misuse of the concept. 16:03:21 ... It may create clashed, which namespaces were invented to prevent. 16:03:31 I think rdf namespaces are a mess because we have too many - people don't know when to use rdfs vs rdf 16:04:19 yes, indeed 16:04:20 scribe: ora 16:04:43 q? 16:04:54 gkellogg: there is a difference between something that is eventually meant for, say, the RDF namespace, as opposed to something that remains separate 16:04:56 ack ora 16:05:16 thanks! 16:05:19 We need a CG to discuss transitional IRIs :) 16:05:46 bye 16:06:07 zakim, end meeting 16:06:07 As of this point the attendees have been pchampin, rivettp, james, ora, AndyS, gkellogg, TallTed 16:06:09 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:06:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/09-rdf-star-minutes.html Zakim 16:06:12 I am happy to have been of service, AndyS; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:06:16 Zakim has left #rdf-star 16:06:25 rrsagent, please make logs public 16:06:35 rrsagent, please excuse us 16:06:35 I see 1 open action item saved in https://www.w3.org/2021/04/09-rdf-star-actions.rdf : 16:06:35 ACTION: gkellogg to reorder the concrete sections: Turtle-star, TriG-star, N-Triples-star, N-Quads-star [1] 16:06:35 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/04/09-rdf-star-irc#T15-15-39