13:26:01 RRSAgent has joined #epub 13:26:01 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/04/09-epub-irc 13:26:03 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:26:04 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), dauwhe 13:26:12 Meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telecon 13:26:20 Date: 2021-04-09 13:26:26 Chair: dauwhe 13:26:54 dauwhe has changed the topic to: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2021Apr/0007.html 13:29:07 Karen has joined #epub 13:29:41 ivan has joined #epub 13:30:32 Chair: wendy 13:30:32 Date: 2021-04-08 13:30:32 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2021Apr/0007.html 13:30:32 Meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telco 13:44:43 Yes, I am fine 13:54:32 dkaplan3 has joined #epub 13:57:53 avneeshsingh has joined #epub 13:57:57 present+ 13:58:06 present+ 13:58:07 present+ 13:58:11 present+ 13:58:28 MattChan has joined #epub 13:59:24 MasakazuKitahara has joined #epub 13:59:30 present+ 13:59:42 toshiakikoike has joined #epub 13:59:43 wendyreid has joined #epub 13:59:51 CircularKen has joined #epub 13:59:56 present+ 14:00:02 present+ 14:00:04 present+ CircularKen 14:00:10 present+ 14:00:17 present+ 14:00:19 BenSchroeter has joined #epub 14:00:21 gpellegrino has joined #epub 14:00:37 present+ 14:00:56 scribe+ 14:00:59 mgarrish has joined #epub 14:01:48 dlazin has joined #epub 14:01:53 duga has joined #epub 14:01:56 George has joined #epub 14:02:00 present+ 14:02:04 present+ 14:02:05 present+ george 14:02:05 present+ brady 14:02:08 present+ charlesL 14:02:13 present+ 14:02:18 CharlesL has joined #epub 14:02:18 present+ dlazin 14:02:27 present+ billk 14:02:50 wendyreid: welcome 14:02:51 TOPIC: Overview of TFs 14:02:53 present+ 14:02:57 wendyreid: we've had 2 TF meetings 14:03:11 ... FXL a11y TF, and virtual locators TF 14:03:23 ... both TFs have figured out what they want to work on, and are starting up 14:03:27 Bill_Kasdorf_ has joined #epub 14:03:30 ... FXL a11y meeting every tuesday 14:03:46 ... still working out timing of virtual locators TF, since it is more international 14:03:58 ... more issues with timezones 14:04:06 present+ mgarrish 14:04:53 ... FXL a11y is focusing on updating Daisy KB info with problems that we see in the content today, write some best practices documentation, and experimentation with using more modern CSS (e.g. grid, flexbox) instead of hacking in functionality in spec 14:05:13 ... virtual locators TF trying to figure out use-cases 14:05:31 ... there is now a wiki if you have use cases to add 14:05:49 ... still trying to figure out a date for the scripting meeting 14:06:04 ... it will not currently be a TFs, but rather a series of a couple meetings 14:06:19 present+ teenya 14:06:23 Teenya has joined #epub 14:06:23 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/wiki/Use-Cases-for-Virtual-Locators 14:06:24 ... please send Doodle to anyone interested in working on epub scripting 14:06:37 q? 14:06:37 q+ 14:06:42 ack gpellegrino 14:06:42 present+ (Apologies for tardiness) 14:06:51 gpellegrino: can you please reshare Doodle for scripting? 14:07:01 https://doodle.com/poll/q9uwcpfep62wkty9?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link 14:07:26 TOPIC: Testing Update 14:08:05 dlazin: good morning, all. I've made a few first steps, and would like to talk about how you can contribute 14:08:16 present+ 14:08:44 tinyurl.com/epub-tests 14:09:12 ... i've complied a spreadsheet, it is a catalogue of all the normative statements in the RS spec 14:09:32 ... it is no longer exactly accurate, since we've been making modifications to the spec 14:09:41 ... let's just focus on the MUSTs for now 14:09:54 ... there are ~186 normative statements in RS spec 14:10:11 ... some might require multiple tests per line 14:10:38 ... among these 105 MUSTs 14:11:26 ... in the github tests repo, dauwhe has contributed some and I have written some 14:11:42 ... currently organized according to the order of the spec 14:11:45 Garth has joined #epub 14:12:05 ... I've started writing tests for the media types 14:12:24 ... dauwhe has written a test template that anyone can use 14:12:51 q? 14:13:14 present+ Garth 14:13:20 ... getting through 105 MUSTs will be a lot of work, so please contribute if you can 14:13:28 q+ 14:13:32 ack ivan 14:13:44 ... put your name in the far right column to claim a particular statement if you're writing a test for it 14:13:49 ... please only claim one at a time 14:14:32 ivan: let's say I put in an XHTML containing a jpg, then I make it an epub using my own machine? 14:15:03 dlazin: there might be a script in the repo that does that, but I've just been using eCanCrusher 14:15:10 * to Ivan: https://www.docdataflow.com/ecancrusher/ :) 14:15:11 q+ 14:16:02 ivan: i think we should try to make a service online to help people create those epubs, or a set of instructions to help people figure out what they need to install on their machine 14:16:08 ack dauwhe 14:17:12 dauwhe: i tried to automate a bunch of stuff when I started testing, but the only thing that really saved time was that little testing template that is already up there in the repo 14:17:21 q+ 14:18:05 dlazin: i'm happy to do a little introduction for people who are new to epub authoring 14:18:17 ack ivan 14:18:49 ivan: we eventually need a way to prepare a report of our testing 14:19:05 ... makes sense to think about metadata about our testing now, rather than when we already have 200 tests... 14:19:20 dlazin: can you take a look at the spreadsheet and call out what we are missing? 14:19:33 ... we'd export the spreadsheet to JSON when we are done 14:19:49 ... but yes, let's set it up so that it contains all the metadata that we'll need 14:20:06 TOPIC: WebIDL/epubReading System 14:20:08 tinyurl.com/epub-tests for the testing spreadsheet :) 14:20:10 https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/SvqIOfmv/ 14:20:13 scribejs, issue 1610,1420 14:20:16 https://tinyurl.com/epub-tests 14:20:22 https://github.com/[w3c/epub-specs#1](https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1610)420 14:20:22 https://github.com/[w3c/epub-specs#1](https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1610)610 14:20:55 ivan: we have a separate section with a small webIDL describing the RSO 14:21:01 ... i have two questions 14:21:17 ... first, should it be normative? (it currently is) 14:21:21 there's also https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/716 14:22:01 ... second, if normative, we may run into the problem that webIDL is considered by browser implementors as something they have to implement 14:22:24 ... other specs I've worked on have used webIDL, and it has gotten us into trouble 14:22:33 q+ 14:22:41 ... I'd prefer to avoid this if possible 14:23:06 ... the spec also calls it a JS epubReadingSystem object, but webIDL is supposed to be language independent 14:23:12 ack dauwhe 14:23:41 dauwhe: is there something in W3C policy that says if you use webIDL then all browsers must implement it? 14:24:00 ivan: no, BUT i'd rather not get into this type of discussion about formalities down the line 14:24:20 q+ 14:24:36 ... some other people might disagree with me and say that implementation is required 14:24:45 ack duga 14:25:22 duga: i think webIDL is for things intended to be implemented by browsers 14:26:03 ... but it does seem to be a normative requirement because of statements that we make later on in the appendix 14:26:17 wendyreid: can someone please explain the importance of webIDL? 14:27:29 https://www.w3.org/TR/epub-rs-33/#app-epubReadingSystem 14:27:36 q? 14:27:40 q+ 14:27:45 q+ 14:27:57 duga: we were just trying to describe the RSO stuff using webIDL 14:28:19 tzviya: one of our goals is the define the role of the RS more clearly, and I'm not sure that this section does that? 14:28:35 dauwhe: I think it does, webIDL is the industry standard for describing APIs 14:28:35 ack Garth 14:28:57 Garth: maybe we can just describe it in JS? 14:29:07 ivan: I think yes 14:29:09 q+ 14:29:49 ack mgarrish 14:29:55 q+ 14:30:00 Garth: so webIDL might be fine to use, but if JS is also fine to use, then maybe we can resolve this small thing by just using JS 14:30:17 q+ 14:30:21 mgarrish: some time back there was also discussion about maybe dropping RSO entirely... 14:30:46 ack dla 14:31:00 ivan: if we turn that section into informative only, then that allows us to bypass formal objections down the line? 14:31:41 ack duga 14:31:42 dlazin: are we currently just discussing the question of how to DOCUMENT RSO? And how widely implemented is it? 14:31:58 dauwhe: some do, some don't 14:32:24 Garth: do we care about the requireness of this given that support isn't unanimous 14:32:48 duga: not sure how common this is. We should write a test and try it in some RSes 14:32:57 ... has anyone in this call implemented it? 14:33:31 q+ 14:33:32 ... yes it is normative now, and there are MUST statements that point to this, but on the other hand we might spend a lot of time on this only to find out that no one really uses it 14:33:34 q? 14:33:52 ... if no one implements this, then we can decide whether to drop it or make it non-normative etc. 14:34:14 ack dauwhe 14:34:31 ... and publishers should tell us if they use JS in their epubs, and if yes, then have they relied on this being available 14:34:49 dauwhe: we've used this because of the state of epub interoperability 14:35:11 ... we use this to figure out which RS our epub is in 14:35:20 q+ 14:35:21 ... e.g. UA sniffing 14:35:28 ack dla 14:36:15 dlazin: speaking of interop, one of the testing questions is: When we identify that not RS currently supports, e.g. Opus, does that mean that it ought not to be a core media type? 14:36:42 ... my feeling is that giving guidance on where we want to go is a pathway towards future interop 14:37:25 ... but when we mandate things that are not widely used, that leads RS implementors to not know what to trust 14:37:39 ack CircularKen 14:37:46 ... and I'm happy to write a test about this 14:38:45 CircularKen: a lot of FXLs with interactive content rely on scripting, so this is important 14:39:02 dauwhe: it is possible to support scripting without relying on webIDL 14:39:44 ivan: for now, do we say that this thing should be implemented by RS? 14:39:55 s/webIDL/epubReadingSystem Object/ 14:40:11 ... the other possibility is that we keep as normative requirement, but flag as at risk 14:40:35 +1 to ivan, flag at risk and keep as normative requriement for now 14:40:46 ... I'm leaning towards the second option, plus, rewording the section using JS 14:41:43 Proposed: Flag appendix A as at-risk, keep as a normative requirement and test implementation, remove the WebIDL 14:41:52 +1 14:41:53 +1 14:41:55 +1 14:41:55 +1 14:41:58 +1 14:41:58 +1 14:41:59 +1 14:42:00 +1 14:42:01 +1 14:42:02 +1 14:42:06 +1 14:42:10 +1 14:42:14 +1 14:42:14 +1 14:42:17 Resolved: Flag appendix A as at-risk, keep as a normative requirement and test implementation, remove the WebIDL 14:42:34 TOPIC: CSS Direction 14:42:34 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1614 14:42:43 scribejs, issue 1614 14:42:53 q+ 14:43:22 ivan: in the core spec, there is an item which says that RS must not use CSS features for direction and bidi 14:43:26 > Because HTML UAs can turn off CSS styling, we recommend HTML authors to use the HTML dir attribute and element to ensure correct bidirectional layout in the absence of a style sheet. Authors should not use direction in HTML documents. 14:44:09 ... in the CSS documentation this is advice based on the fact that certain browsers may not implement CSS 14:44:26 ... core spec turns this into a MUST 14:44:45 ... should we depart from CSS spec in this way? 14:45:09 ... if we keep it as it is, then what should RS do if they do encounter CSS that uses these features? 14:45:12 ack dauwhe 14:45:35 dauwhe: epub says that you can't use CSS direction since epub 3.0 14:45:41 ... this is enforced in epubcheck 14:46:20 q+ 14:46:22 ... CSS group is very adamant that this is the wrong way to provide info about text direction 14:46:30 q+ 14:46:32 ... preferring use of HTML attribute dir 14:46:46 ... everyone seems happy with this state of things 14:47:12 q+ 14:47:15 ... understand that current language is slightly different from CSS, but i just don't see the value of changing this right now 14:48:05 ... there are other examples where epub spec has been more stringent than average 14:48:14 ack mgarrish 14:48:21 ... in terms of what RS should do if they see it, I think they should just follow the CSS 14:48:27 ... no special treatment necessary 14:48:54 mgarrish: RS interop is critical, part of the rationale for having these requirements 14:49:32 ack duga 14:50:10 duga: this wasn't just fantasai's opinion, she was a representative of the CSS WG 14:50:52 ack ivan 14:51:07 ... also, if you use epubcheck as part of your ingestion pipeline, you might reject an epub if you include this sort of CSS 14:51:20 q+ 14:51:38 ivan: current the RS spec doesn't say anything about this, even though we so strongly say this in core 14:51:53 s/current the/currently the 14:52:09 ... uncomfortable with the disconnect 14:52:10 ack dauwhe 14:52:21 q+ 14:52:22 ... also, the language needs to be updated to account for SVG 14:52:38 ack tzviy 14:52:52 dauwhe: comfortable with not putting any special requirements on RS when they see this 14:52:57 q? 14:52:59 q+ 14:53:04 ack Garth 14:54:06 Garth: could we acknowledge this in RS spec, and specifically say that an RS is able to do whatever it feels is appropriate? 14:54:19 dauwhe: yes, I would agree 14:54:42 Proposed: Amend the RS section to allow RSs to do whatever they "damn well" please with CSS direction 14:54:45 +1 14:54:46 +1 14:54:46 +1 14:54:47 +1 14:54:48 +1 14:54:48 Damn well +1 14:54:50 +1 14:54:52 +1 14:54:53 +1 14:54:55 +1 14:54:56 +1 14:54:59 +1 14:55:14 Resolved: Amend the RS section to allow RSs to do whatever they "damn well" please with CSS direction 14:55:48 TOPIC: AOB? 14:56:00 wendyreid: it is (virtual) F2F season 14:56:13 ... thinking of making it similar to what we did with the TPAC one 14:56:14 +1 14:56:26 ... i.e. 3 hour at JP time, followed next day by 3 hour at this time slot 14:56:58 q+ 14:57:03 ... thinking of May 13/14 or May 27/28 14:57:08 ack ivan 14:57:38 ivan: May 13 may conflict with public holiday in some parts of EU 14:57:50 ... some people may have holiday plans around that time 14:58:16 gpellegrino: no, that's no a problem for us 14:58:22 q+ 14:58:23 s/no a problem/not a problem 14:58:28 ack dlazin 14:58:41 https://w3c.github.io/epub-specs/epub33/rs/#dc-creator 14:58:42 dlazin: couple quick questions about testing philosophy 14:58:55 ... that is a single para with 2 normative statements in it 14:59:07 q+ 14:59:09 q+ 14:59:11 ... should that be one test, two tests? 14:59:37 dauwhe: i don't think the division of the spec text should affect testing 14:59:44 ... comfortable treating those as separate tests 14:59:50 +1 to dauwhe 15:00:00 ack dauwhe 15:00:02 ack ivan 15:00:13 ivan: very often text in spec is structured to increase readability 15:00:33 ... in practice there are two tests, regardless of how the text is 15:00:42 q+ 15:01:21 dlazin: we are driving towards more interop, so when we can't find independent RS implementations, what do we do? Do we revisit the "mustness" of it? 15:01:25 ivan: yes 15:01:39 dlazin: what about minor RS support? 15:01:42 CharlesL has left #epub 15:01:54 ivan: it's not up to us to make that minor/major distinction 15:02:07 ivan: also, we have a mandate to maintain backwards compat 15:02:53 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:02:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/09-epub-minutes.html ivan 15:04:23 zakim, end meeting 15:04:23 As of this point the attendees have been tzviya, dkaplan, avneeshsingh, ivan, MasakazuKitahara, toshiakikoike, wendyreid, CircularKen, MattChan, dauwhe, gpellegrino, duga, 15:04:26 ... mgarrish, george, brady, charlesL, dlazin, billk, teenya, (Apologies, for, tardiness), BenSchroeter, Garth 15:04:26 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:04:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/09-epub-minutes.html Zakim 15:04:29 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:04:33 Zakim has left #epub 15:04:45 dkaplan3 has left #epub 15:04:49 rrsagent, bye 15:04:49 I see no action items