15:48:09 RRSAgent has joined #silver-conf 15:48:09 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/04/08-silver-conf-irc 15:48:24 Meeting: Silver Conformance Options Subgroup 15:48:30 Date: 8 Apr 2021 15:48:35 Chair: sajkaj 15:48:42 rrsagent, make log public 15:48:49 agenda? 15:48:56 regrets: Peter_Korn, Azlan_Cuttilan, Todd_Libby, Wilco_Fiers, John_Northup 15:49:24 Agenda+ Agenda Review & Administrative Items 15:49:24 agenda+ Assigned github issues https://github.com/w3c/silver/labels/Subgroup%3A%20Conformance%20Options 15:49:27 agenda+ Use Cases Discussion (Continued) 15:49:29 agenda+ Other Business 15:49:32 agenda+ Be Done 15:51:42 agenda? 15:51:50 present+ 15:55:03 regrets+ Rachael 15:58:24 KimD has joined #silver-conf 16:02:48 Bryan has joined #silver-conf 16:03:03 present+ 16:03:07 JF has joined #silver-conf 16:03:13 Present+ 16:04:27 present+ 16:04:53 scribe: JF 16:04:56 sgenda? 16:04:59 agenda? 16:05:08 zakim, take up iotem 1 16:05:08 I don't understand 'take up iotem 1', JF 16:05:18 zakim, take up item 1 16:05:18 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Administrative Items -- taken up [from sajkaj] 16:05:48 JS: pretty standard - remind that we need to create an April report 16:06:15 propose we will deliver that on the 30th, but also note that the 29th is a full-day workshop 16:06:45 Jeanne: p[erhaps have the report ready for the 29th then? 16:06:59 JS: OK, we can add that to the list 16:07:29 there is a list with items that we should look at, and there are also some github comments 16:07:34 zakim, next item 16:07:34 agendum 2 -- Assigned github issues https://github.com/w3c/silver/labels/Subgroup%3A%20Conformance%20Options -- taken up [from sajkaj] 16:07:47 https://github.com/w3c/silver/labels/Subgroup%3A%20Conformance%20Options 16:08:05 JS: there are two issues we need to review 16:08:56 Kim: looks like comment from an email 16:09:27 [reads comment aloud] 16:10:14 JS: Kim read issue 450 16:10:42 believe this mirrors one of our existing points in our google doc - principle 5 (thrid usecase) 16:10:51 Bog posts, tec. 16:10:58 s/Bog/Blog 16:11:27 q? 16:11:28 JS: summarizes that if we are too strict it will be ignored or will drive people away 16:12:18 Jeanne: notice that it splits 3rd party content into 2 categories: contractual or copyright implications, and then 3rd party 'user-generated' content 16:12:35 were forcing that kind of content into accessiblity may be difficult 16:12:42 so found the split useful 16:12:46 to think about' 16:13:43 JS: agrees - two very different scenarios, and thinks we've already started down that path 16:13:53 example - travel site 16:14:22 so that things that are contracted have a higher bar. But then there are items like payment processing where you can demand minimums in the contract 16:14:46 other services like google, facebook, AWS, etc. - all have sign-in services (federated authentication) 16:14:50 Q+ 16:15:03 those could likely have higher bars 16:15:29 but being overly strict may introduce problems 16:16:10 Jeanne: thinks there are 3 categories: personal users - low burden, contracted material - higher bar, and then copyrighted material (eg Library of Congress) 16:16:22 q+ 16:16:54 JS: interesting use-case, but believes there are exemptions in place to address the needs of a11y 16:17:11 BB: +1 - have seen that before and it is quite specific 16:17:48 Q+ to ask where this will be leading us to? 16:18:40 JS: relays an experience of encountering copyright barriers 16:19:06 q?ack jf 16:20:26 JF: asks about how to integrate copyrighted content into a conformance model 16:20:37 ack jf 16:20:37 JF, you wanted to ask where this will be leading us to? 16:20:39 ack br 16:20:40 JS: think we can't just throw our hands up 16:21:26 BT: usecase: If I go to a restaurant and posts a photo of a menu item and post it on social media, is it the same as, say, the restaurant owner? 16:22:06 Jeanne: maybe they need different rules, but thinks the owner is responsible for text alternatives for their menu. But if it's a patron, then the responsability falls to the poster 16:22:18 q? 16:22:19 so we may need seperate rules to cover scenarios like that 16:22:29 not sure where the line is however 16:22:39 q+ 16:22:47 BT: and that's what I am trying to understand - is it based on role, or on something else? 16:23:22 where does the decision take place 16:23:55 JF: how do you annotate that? 16:24:09 JS: concerned that we are getting outside of what W3C can normatively say 16:24:24 believes this is Best Practice guidance, but worried that we are crossing a line 16:24:44 this discussion is already fairly US-centric, need to think about i18n 16:25:32 Jeanne: at this point, just trying to think about use-cases. 16:25:34 q+ 16:25:40 ack s 16:25:54 q? 16:26:32 ack dk 16:26:38 ack KimD 16:26:44 Kim: wanted to ask if this is a use-case. Have struggled with this and am unsure 16:27:03 we have a product that courts use, where people can upload evidence for 'sharing' 16:27:03 q+ 16:27:37 ack sajkaj 16:27:38 here there are very complex 'images' or (content) - and how do we provide text alternatives there? 16:27:47 JS: This is a very interesting question 16:28:27 JS: describes experience of being on a jury and dealing with visual evidence 16:28:45 Q+ 16:29:23 Iim: what I've recommended that the system must *allow* the addition of alt text, but not 'required' (enforced) 16:29:33 s/Tim/Kim 16:29:43 ack jf 16:30:26 q? 16:30:50 JF: Plus 1 to Kim 16:30:57 JS: we have a second issue 16:31:33 Next issue is #362. Like that #450 has surfaced 3 different scenarios 16:31:42 [Kim reads out comment] 16:32:44 Jeanne: I think this item is mis-filed - not relevant to this group 16:33:22 Jeanne will re-assign this to somebody else 16:33:39 ACTION: Jeanne to re-asing Issue #450 to another group 16:33:39 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 16:34:31 zakim, next item 16:34:31 agendum 3 -- Use Cases Discussion (Continued) -- taken up [from sajkaj] 16:35:00 JS: there are others we've not touched on yet 16:35:29 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GyUYTnZp0HIMdsKqCiISCSCvL0su692dnW34P81kbbw/ 16:35:55 [looking at other issues on the google doc] 16:36:44 Looking at Principle 5 Use cases (B & C) 16:38:24 JS: notes similarities to Issue #450 - but bullet list is more expansive 16:38:44 Q+ to comment on "highly technical" 16:39:43 ack me 16:39:43 JF, you wanted to comment on "highly technical" 16:39:58 defining "highly technical" will be problematic 16:40:19 Jeanne: last bullet sounded like if yo don't make your software, you're not responsible 16:40:19 q+ 16:40:27 JS: Agree, can't use that as an excuse 16:40:33 ack b 16:40:34 ack br 16:40:51 BT: what were the 3 initial buckets? 16:41:22 Jeanne: personally generated 3rd party, copyrighted material, contracted third-party (login services, news feeds, etc.) 16:43:01 JS: attempting "highly technical" - consider EDU content (advanced math) - but we already are starting to see how to address this (ref: content Usable) 16:43:52 question around submitting work by student 16:44:11 Q+ 16:44:52 BT: likes seeing the split between University and student - whatever technology supplied by EDU owns the responsibility 16:44:59 JS: takes us back to Kim's comment 16:45:13 ack jf 16:46:03 q+ 16:48:55 ack KimD 16:49:18 KD: this may not be the right spot - what about patent applications? Does that fit into the same or similar use-case 16:49:23 +1 Kim 16:51:01 Kim: does this mean we might need an excemption category? 16:51:46 JS: we could likely draw a line of what can and cannot be achieved - where we know how to implement and can advise that 16:51:56 Kim: continues to trip up over plain language 16:52:24 Jeanne: what plain language talks about is giving orgs the ability to write plain language summaries 16:52:47 JS: Kim is suggesting that they can't - the judge can come back and say you've mis-represented what i meant 16:53:10 it's a legal thing - but can be applied to medical or other fields as well 16:53:26 Jeanne: would be curious to hear from Bruce about how the US Fed deals with this 16:53:38 they have statutes, etc, already 16:53:52 Jeanne: this is something that the plain language folks need to work out 16:54:08 JS: thin this may still fall to us - this is going to require a negociation 16:54:27 Jeanne: think we need to figure out what/where this will apply 16:55:01 JS: We have the responsibility of defining what 'success' looks like, not who is responsible for implementing 17:00:04 scribe: Kim 17:00:38 JS: where summary provides a danger or legal interpretation, perhaps an exemption 17:02:48 Kim: perhaps different levels of plain language summaries? One that doesn't involve interpretation as much 17:03:18 i.e., more summarizing content than interpretation 17:04:19 KimD has left #silver-conf 17:05:37 zakim, bye 17:05:37 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been sajkaj, Bryan, JF, KimD 17:05:37 Zakim has left #silver-conf 17:05:42 rrsagent, make minutes 17:05:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/08-silver-conf-minutes.html sajkaj 17:11:55 Jemma has joined #silver-conf