13:47:37 RRSAgent has joined #epub-a11y 13:47:37 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/04/08-epub-a11y-irc 13:47:47 Zakim has joined #epub-a11y 13:47:58 zakim, this will be epub-a11y 13:47:58 ok, avneeshsingh 13:48:25 present+ 13:48:40 chair: avneeshsingh 13:57:28 wendyreid has joined #epub-a11y 13:58:23 BenSchroeter has joined #epub-a11y 13:58:25 MattChan has joined #epub-a11y 13:59:33 mgarrish has joined #epub-a11y 13:59:47 present+ 14:00:11 gpellegrino has joined #epub-a11y 14:00:21 present+ 14:00:52 present+ 14:01:02 CharlesL has joined #epub-a11y 14:01:04 present+ 14:01:10 present+ 14:01:43 scribe+ 14:02:01 https://w3c.github.io/epub-specs/epub33/a11y/index.html 14:02:15 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1600 14:02:15 TOPIC: Source-of example to techniques document 14:02:42 mgarrish: just a question going back to 3.1 when we were expecting to drop refines 14:02:50 present+ 14:03:03 ... up to 3.1 we used to say it was required to put source-of when you had pagelist 14:03:11 ... that is gone now 14:03:18 q? 14:03:28 ... do we still want to recommend source-of? 14:03:39 ... given that there can be multiple dc:source elements in an epub 14:03:55 q? 14:03:57 ... the example would mostly be for guidance, an example 14:04:10 avneeshsingh: so it would not be normative, it would be a technique 14:04:13 q+ 14:04:21 mgarrish: yes, just a demonstration 14:04:27 ack gp 14:04:44 gpellegrino: i think this requirement is checked by epubcheck or ACE 14:05:10 q? 14:05:12 George has joined #epub-a11y 14:05:15 mgarrish: yes, it is required to have dc:source, but not required to have that source identified by this attribute 14:05:29 present+ 14:05:34 q+ 14:05:37 avneeshsingh: so, should we include an example of this in the techniques? 14:05:41 ack charles 14:05:42 ... i think there is no harm in it 14:06:17 CharlesL: in GCA we just got a book from WIPO, and they have a dc:source, but they had a refines there pointing to ONIX codelist 5 14:06:36 ... instead of pointing to something about pagination 14:06:41 q? 14:06:46 gpellegrino: that means that the source code is an ISBN 14:07:09 CharlesL: we've been recommending the use of source-of in GCA 14:07:19 Proposed: Add accessibility technique for dc:source metadata. 14:07:29 +1 14:07:30 +1 14:07:30 +1 14:07:31 +1 14:07:32 +1 14:07:35 +1 14:07:40 resolved 14:07:43 +1 14:08:22 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1608 14:08:24 TOPIC: Where is the right place to put the language about RS a11y? 14:08:42 avneeshsingh: this used to be in the appendix 14:08:52 mgarrish: this was considered out of scope for ISO 14:08:59 ... they wanted to focus spec on just the content aspect 14:09:08 ... so this went into the appendix in a11y 1.0 14:10:06 q+ 14:10:12 q? 14:10:13 ... question is whether we should be incorporating this into RS spec 14:10:33 ... part of the problem is that we can't tie this to a specific test suite 14:11:25 ... there are also questions about CSS overrides, etc. and we can't really mandate a particular solution 14:11:40 ack tzviy 14:11:40 ... but we can at least flesh out this recommendation language in the RS spec 14:11:57 tzviya: agreed, but I think this is an opportunity for us to work with SILVER 14:12:31 q? 14:12:32 q+ 14:12:45 ack wendy 14:12:50 q+ 14:12:52 avneeshsingh: so for our current revision of the spec, are we leaning towards including this sort of language in the RS spec, or keep it in the a11y spec? 14:12:59 wendyreid: agree with mgarrish 14:13:10 q+ 14:13:22 ack george 14:13:53 ack mg 14:14:04 George: including it in RS spec would make it more obvious to RS developers that a11y is important 14:15:02 q? 14:15:17 Proposed: add informative text for reading systems accessibility in the reading systems specifications/guidelines. 14:15:25 +1 14:15:26 +1 14:15:27 +1 14:15:29 +1 14:15:30 +1 14:15:31 +1 14:15:34 +1 14:15:35 juliette_alexandria has joined #epub-a11y 14:15:37 +1 14:15:40 resolved 14:15:44 q+ 14:15:48 present + 14:16:10 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1599 14:16:16 q- 14:16:18 TOPIC: dc:source where there is no page source 14:16:45 mgarrish: the reason i opened this issue is to deal with dc:source for epub with no print equivalent 14:17:18 ... we have a requirement where if you have pagelist then you have to identify source, but when there is no print equivalent there is no source 14:17:24 q? 14:17:26 q+ 14:17:28 ... so the epub became its own source 14:17:33 ... doesn't really make sense 14:17:45 ack ben 14:18:02 ... so suggest that where there is no print equivalent that we relax this requirement 14:18:15 q+ 14:18:26 q+ 14:18:29 BenSchroeter: tie to virtual page numbers, which are often determined by RS, and therefore could not be included in epub metadata when created 14:18:32 ack charles 14:19:01 CharlesL: that would be if there are no pagebreaks in the epub itself 14:19:20 ... if there were already pagebreaks in the digital only epub, then the RS would just use those 14:19:39 q? 14:19:44 BenSchroeter: but if they're included in the epub, then they aren't virtual anymore, right? 14:20:03 mgarrish: yeah, this is a source of confusion. What it means for a pagebreak to be "virtual" 14:20:35 avneeshsingh: CharlesL can you open a new issue to discuss these sorts of use-case issues? 14:20:43 CharlesL: yeah 14:20:45 ack georrge 14:20:56 TOPIC: Plan for creating EUAA explainer 14:21:20 Cristina: we've started working on the document, we're about half way done at this point 14:21:33 ... the first sharable draft should be ready within 10 days or so 14:21:48 ... we will share around for review and comment before sending to commission 14:22:12 ... the idea is that we will put not only epub, but also metadata 14:22:22 ... i.e. ONIX and Schema 14:22:44 q+ 14:22:48 q? 14:23:05 ... we're going to give the context that there are already industry wide standards 14:23:20 ... and then present the mapping we've done between the requirements of the EUAA and the a11y spec 14:23:34 ... and that the spec has been created in open process, from non-profit org 14:23:48 ... and then similar sections re. metadata 14:24:24 ... for metadata we have to explain that the existing format is used throughout the value chain 14:24:50 ... and then we can show that required metadata about a11y is included in the prevailing metadata format 14:24:52 ack george 14:25:06 ack tz 14:25:13 tzviya: I'd love to help 14:25:41 q? 14:25:55 ... Laura Brady and I wrote a small explainer about EUAA, specifically targeted towards a N.American publisher audience 14:26:24 avneeshsingh: about the mapping document, is it now outdated because our a11y spec has evolved? 14:26:41 q? 14:26:47 ... e.g. the EUAA requirement that DRM not block a11y, and the changes our to distribution section 14:26:59 Cristina: we probably won't put the table into the explainer 14:27:19 ... the readers of the explainer will not be technical, so we will describe it 14:27:30 q+ 14:27:31 q? 14:28:10 ack george 14:28:32 George: should table be converted into something in HTML so it is easier to reference? 14:28:51 q? 14:28:53 gpellegrino: sure, I can do that and publish it in a repo. Just tell me which one. 14:29:01 avneeshsingh: sure, I will get back to you 14:29:10 q? 14:29:58 TOPIC: Page source when no source document (continued) 14:29:58 Topic: back to source no source issue 14:30:46 CharlesL: so if we're not going to have dc:source for digital only documents, how are RS to know that pagebreaks exist in the document? 14:30:48 q+ 14:31:17 ... this is not necessarily an a11y thing 14:31:31 ack goerge 14:31:36 ... but the distinction between embedded pagebreaks and pagebreaks created dynamically by RS is still important 14:31:51 George: i think RS putting in its own pagebreaks is a really bad idea due to lack of consistency 14:32:01 ... having pagebreaks come from publisher is ideal 14:32:24 ... but we know that some distributors are planning to put in their own pagebreaks where they don't already exist because they see the value of it 14:32:36 q+ 14:32:48 ack geo 14:32:53 q+ to propose source 14:32:54 ack ben 14:33:11 BenSchroeter: i don't think we can make it a requirement, but we can make it a strongly worded best practice 14:33:44 avneeshsingh: dc:source is not only for print equivalent, it could also be for FXL version, PDF, etc. 14:33:45 ack tzk 14:34:00 q+ 14:34:11 tzviya: we have digital only pubs, and we included page numbers 14:34:22 ... i think we made the dc:source the same as the ISBN of the epub 14:34:43 q+ 14:34:45 avneeshsingh: yes, this was the state of things in a11y 1.0 14:34:48 q? 14:34:56 ack tzv 14:34:56 tzviya, you wanted to propose source 14:35:10 tzviya: and then publishers would decide where to put those digital only pagebreaks in 14:35:10 ack george 14:35:24 ... and maybe we can just write some best practice about how to do that 14:35:49 George: that algorithm is sometimes determined by the authoring tool used by the publisher 14:35:50 q+ 14:36:00 ack charles 14:36:29 CharlesL: to tzviya's point, I think the whole self-referencing thing was what mgarrish was trying to get away from 14:36:41 ... though I liked it 14:36:53 q+ 14:37:05 avneeshsingh: this issue will surface again the virtual locators group 14:37:11 ack wendy 14:37:18 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/wiki/Use-Cases-for-Virtual-Locators 14:37:28 wendyreid: we have a wiki right now where we're gathering use-cases 14:37:39 ... these questions are worth including 14:37:48 ack geor 14:38:58 George: why is self-referential source bad? Maybe we can just clarify in the spec that where there is no print equivalent then the source should just be the epub itself 14:39:22 avneeshsingh: CharlesL you can open a new issue about these various use-cases 14:39:27 q? 14:39:36 q+ 14:39:40 TOPIC: AOB? 14:39:57 ack gp 14:40:28 gpellegrino: in a11y 1.1 we don't mention about FXL anywhere. Do you think we have to mention it? Or say there is no solution to have them fully accessible right now? 14:40:49 ... the current spec can mislead publisher into thinking that all epubs can be fully accessible right now 14:40:51 q? 14:41:20 q+ 14:41:24 George: i think we should be careful when it comes to FXL guidance. I've read FXLs that have been okay, but I'm not sure what the publisher had to do to get it that way 14:41:51 q? 14:41:59 avneeshsingh: what gpellegrino is suggesting is more of cautionary language, i think 14:42:23 ack wendy 14:42:59 wendyreid: i think it's worth mentioning in a11y 1.1 that FXL books are different from reflow... 14:43:26 ... even though you can apply many of the principles of a11y spec to FXL book and get something very readable 14:43:40 q? 14:43:46 ... just highlight that there are special considerations for FXL content 14:44:00 avneeshsingh: anything else? 14:44:31 George: there are videos produced by education and outreach group and they would like to know if publishing is properly represented in their content. They're looking for a review. 14:44:41 ... should I post this to the epub 3.3 list? 14:44:56 q? 14:44:59 ... its more of a publishing in general question, although it does involve a11y 14:45:16 tzviya: I'll add it to the steering committee agenda this week 14:45:22 ... can you link me to it? 14:45:29 George: yes, i'll dig it out and send it to you 14:46:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:46:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/08-epub-a11y-minutes.html avneeshsingh 14:47:36 rrsagent bye 14:48:21 zakim, bye 14:48:21 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been avneeshsingh, wendyreid, BenSchroeter, gpellegrino, mgarrish, CharlesL, tzviya, George 14:48:21 Zakim has left #epub-a11y 15:09:51 CharlesL has left #epub-a11y 16:10:32 Ralph has joined #epub-a11y 16:10:40 rrsagent, please draft minutes 16:10:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/08-epub-a11y-minutes.html Ralph 16:11:26 Ralph has left #epub-a11y