15:59:15 RRSAgent has joined #apa 15:59:15 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/24-apa-irc 15:59:17 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:59:17 Zakim has joined #apa 15:59:19 Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference 15:59:19 Date: 24 March 2021 15:59:27 agenda? 15:59:39 present+ 15:59:42 agenda+ Agenda Review & Announcements; Charter; Time Changes 15:59:42 agenda+ New Group Calendaring Service - 15:59:42 https://www.w3.org/blog/2021/03/group-calendaring-service-enters-beta-test/ 15:59:42 agenda+ Task Force Updates 15:59:43 agenda+ FAST Progress 15:59:43 agenda+ New Charters Review 15:59:44 https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Horizontal+review+requested%22 15:59:44 agenda+ Horizontal Review Issues Tracker 15:59:44 https://w3c.github.io/horizontal-issue-tracker/?repo=w3c/a11y-review 15:59:44 agenda+ new on TR http://www.w3.org/TR/tr-status-drafts.html 15:59:45 agenda+ CSS Update (Amy) https://github.com/w3c/css-a11y/issues 15:59:45 agenda+ Actions Checkin (Specs) 15:59:46 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/track/actions/open 15:59:46 agenda+ Other Business 15:59:46 agenda+ be done 15:59:58 present+ 16:00:01 chair: becky 16:00:13 present+ 16:00:23 jasonjgw has joined #apa 16:00:30 present+ 16:02:34 JF has joined #apa 16:02:40 Present+ 16:02:45 IanPouncey has joined #apa 16:02:53 agenda? 16:03:07 present+ 16:03:11 FredrikFischer has joined #apa 16:03:23 present+ 16:03:28 amy_c has joined #apa 16:03:30 regrets, Gottfried Zimmerman 16:03:31 present+ 16:03:34 present+ 16:03:51 zakim, pick a victim 16:03:51 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose JF 16:03:59 Janina is. 16:04:09 chair: becky 16:04:33 chair ? 16:04:45 Chair: becky 16:04:47 The EU is phasing daylight time out, by the way. ItÄs projected to be phased out in 2023. 16:04:57 zakim, who is chair? 16:04:57 I don't understand your question, JF. 16:06:55 The trouble is, it has to be implemented on all the national levels first before it can be officially phased out. The French are not amúséd. 16:07:31 scribe: joconnor 16:07:40 zakim, take up item 1 16:07:40 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Announcements; Charter; Time Changes -- taken up [from becky] 16:07:57 BG: Anything that people want to add? 16:08:04 https://www.w3.org/blog/2021/03/group-calendaring-service-enters-beta-test/ 16:08:08 Please be aware of the group calendaring 16:08:29 I'll double check it. 16:08:31 Anyone have feedback or like to review for a11y? 16:08:54 BG: Thats great 16:09:03 JS: Actions to track? 16:09:04 How formal do you want the check to be? 16:09:08 Please, yes. 16:09:17 ACTION: Fredrik to check the a11y of the calendar 16:09:18 Created ACTION-2285 - Check the a11y of the calendar [on Fredrik Fischer - due 2021-03-31]. 16:09:29 Right. I was more concerned with the formatting. 16:09:38 JS: If you find issues we can escalate for fixes. 16:09:41 @Janina: sure. 16:09:57 JW: I did use if for RQTF - didn't encounter any 16:10:05 @Fredrik - any format works: email would suffice 16:10:10 JS: ARIA are using it 16:10:38 JS: Also next week EU goes to daylight time 16:10:39 IrfanA has joined #apa 16:10:43 present+ 16:11:01 Sydney moves April 4th 16:11:22 zakim close item 2 16:11:26 zakim, close item 2 16:11:26 agendum 2, New Group Calendaring Service -, closed 16:11:28 I see 10 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:11:28 1. Agenda Review & Announcements; Charter; Time Changes [from becky] 16:11:31 zakim, take up next 16:11:31 agendum 3 -- Task Force Updates -- taken up [from becky] 16:11:44 BG: The TFs are busy 16:12:01 Personalization are cleaning up doc and working away 16:12:16 JS: For COGA CFC, that we know is postponed for a week 16:12:31 We have found issues 16:12:55 I've looked through, extra content needed to explain how the doc is organised is needed 16:13:12 present+ 16:13:16 uh oh 16:13:21 BG: EO is also looking at it 16:13:28 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/COGA-accept-response/results 16:13:34 They have a survey on some of the issues, if you want to look 16:13:47 We'd like all to review 16:13:58 JS: RQTF also had a request for a CFC 16:14:51 JOC: I've prepped e'thing and think we just need URIs for the CFC if that is possible by Michael 16:15:03 @JF thanks! 16:15:06 JW: Gives overview of the RAUR and XAUR status 16:15:45 We discussed all related feedback, including new comments via Silver group 16:16:15 The TF is satisfied with the state of the document 16:16:30 I can't access the COGA questionnaire (linked above) "You are NOT allowed to see this questionnaire." Are we meant to just review the results? 16:16:59 https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/6d5bf713d9d7c65ecda104c213ad47b0e98cfbe1/raur/index.html 16:17:03 https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/6d5bf713d9d7c65ecda104c213ad47b0e98cfbe1/xaur/index.html 16:17:04 MC: I can give you URIs for these 16:17:14 JOC: Great 16:17:39 Janina: Maybe Michael should have a look 16:17:47 MC: You could do that. 16:18:08 MC: Documents are valid, thats good. 16:18:28 Looks like my comments wouldn't invalidate a CFC 16:18:31 +1 on Paul's question about the questionaire. 16:18:55 JS: Sounds like we are pretty safe 16:19:10 I'll put out the CFC 16:19:43 BG: Paul has a question about the COGA questionairre 16:19:56 16:20:18 BG: On the EO survey 16:20:40 Paul should be able to review 16:20:43 Aha. right. Thanks. 16:21:29 JW: Just to finish - there is work in RQTF on Media Syncronisation and work on Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements ongoing 16:21:36 BG: Pronunciation? 16:21:50 Irf: We are keeping Micheal busy - we have a final edit etc 16:21:58 Planning on FPWD 16:22:09 Will then send to Michael for review 16:22:34 We have followed guidelines etc and will forward for CFC 16:22:43 JS: Spoken presentation 16:22:57 JS: We'll need a TR link 16:23:00 MC: Timeline? 16:23:31 Irf: Making final change tonight - by end of week 16:23:47 MC: Will put on my list 16:23:57 BG: Anything else? 16:24:26 DF: COGA are working through the issues etc - should be a couple of weeks 16:24:38 zakim, take up next 16:24:38 agendum 4 -- FAST Progress -- taken up [from becky] 16:25:11 MC: Within the Functional Needs subgroup we have been discussing the user needs 16:25:25 We are looking at structural options - start that with the Silver TF and expand 16:25:36 Will tie into Silver and FAST guideline dev 16:25:40 Thats it really 16:25:48 Packed agenda for tomorrow 16:25:52 BG: Good to see progress 16:26:00 zakim, take up next 16:26:00 agendum 5 -- New Charters Review -- taken up [from becky] 16:26:36 MC: There are no new charters for us 16:26:37 zakim, take up next 16:26:37 agendum 5 was just opened, joconnor 16:26:39 zakim, take up next 16:26:39 agendum 5 was just opened, joconnor 16:26:51 zakim, close this item 16:26:51 agendum 5 closed 16:26:52 I see 6 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:26:52 6. Horizontal Review Issues Tracker [from becky] 16:26:55 zakim, take up next 16:26:55 agendum 6 -- Horizontal Review Issues Tracker -- taken up [from becky] 16:27:26 MC: There are two types of issue here, new for our attention 16:27:27 https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5857 16:27:30 CSS containment 16:28:05 Lots of discussion, flagged a week ago. 16:28:11 Should we track? 16:28:33 BG: Yes 16:28:49 ? 16:29:01 BG: They want AT users feedback 16:29:09 One time has to be the first: let me! :) 16:29:38 I am. 16:29:51 Not just in the subjunctive. 16:29:53 BG: Thanks Fredrik! 16:29:55 Yup. 16:30:09 Yes. 16:30:32 fredrika11y 16:30:41 No! 16:30:51 fredrika11y 16:31:22 MC: 16:31:26 @Becky: any deadline? 16:31:48 Great. Thanks! 16:32:05 Okay. Thanks! 16:32:16 https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5983 16:32:20 MC: We have two issues, that are proposed as dealt with 16:32:26 CSS override details 16:32:57 MC: Ian says its ok, happy to close? 16:33:02 Amy? 16:33:07 AC: Thats ok 16:33:11 https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5927 16:33:16 CSS Ruby layout 16:33:38 MC: We chatted a month or so ago, no decisions 16:33:55 JF was involved, is this ok to close? 16:34:19 JF: I'm not sure if they have answered the question 16:34:26 16:35:09 JF: Maybe UA issue 16:35:16 JS: If so, I'd rather agree 16:35:47 JF: I've not seen a working example 16:35:59 Happy to watch it. 16:36:19 16:36:48 JS: We are happy if the implementation of the spec includes keyboard a11y 16:37:03 Can we revisit? 16:37:11 MC: In terms of this tool, no. 16:37:29 We can say we want to see - a keyboard supported expand/collapse 16:37:34 but not trackable. 16:37:39 JF: We could file issue 16:37:49 MC: Messy 16:37:58 We can comment 16:38:25 MC: An open issue with stop it going ahead 16:38:44 16:39:21 JS: Sounds like a note like this is good 16:39:29 We can develop it 16:39:53 MC: Leaving open, but we want to see a demo of keyboard supported expand/collapse 16:40:07 BG: They may need to add UI 16:40:42 JF: Ruby expanded/collapsed state info needs to be exposed 16:41:03 JonnyJames has joined #apa 16:41:21 JF: 16:41:39 MC: Relates to bigger issue on CSS => A11y tree 16:41:48 JS: lets not do that now 16:42:34 MC: We may need an issue in the CSS A11y tracker 16:42:36 https://github.com/w3c/css-a11y/issues 16:42:41 Can someone file it 16:42:44 JF: I will 16:43:40 https://github.com/w3c/a11y-review/issues/55 16:44:18 MC: We should move this into TR, closer 16:44:37 BG: Last one? 16:44:54 zakim, take up next 16:44:54 agendum 7 -- new on TR http://www.w3.org/TR/tr-status-drafts.html -- taken up [from becky] 16:44:56 https://github.com/w3c/a11y-request/issues/1 16:45:11 MC: 16:45:27 When groups go into wide review 16:46:00 MC: In our wiki we decided in level 5 not to review 16:46:15 We could decline to review 16:46:22 JS: Thats ok 16:46:36 BG: 16:46:51 MC: Ok, that signals to them that we are done with Horz review 16:46:53 thats it 16:47:13 PG: I had an action about the vocabulary 16:47:30 I gave it a thumbs up, defer to JF 16:47:56 Image resource 16:48:00 JF: Ongoing 16:48:09 https://github.com/w3c/image-resource/issues/39 16:48:44 JF: 16:49:52 JF: Issue still open - being discussed, going well 16:50:03 BG: Relates to the manifest issue? 16:50:06 PG: Yup 16:50:38 https://github.com/w3c/manifest-app-info/issues/29 16:50:39 I found https://github.com/w3c/manifest-app-info/issues/29 16:51:36 PG: There is a PR showing people how to clarify 16:52:01 JF: These issues are related 16:52:28 BG: Anything else? 16:52:47 agenda? 16:52:49 zakim, take up next 16:52:51 agendum 8 -- CSS Update (Amy) https://github.com/w3c/css-a11y/issues -- taken up [from becky] 16:53:04 BG: Amy? 16:53:15 AC: I have things marked as questions from TPAC 16:53:24 https://github.com/w3c/css-a11y/issues/6 16:53:30 Can we run thru? 16:53:44 CSS counterstyles - there had been a review 16:54:04 Still needs review 16:54:16 Need a status check on this. 16:54:21 JS: This is old 16:54:38 IP: I dont remember it 16:54:53 BG: OCBE 16:55:17 AC: We can close then 16:55:25 https://github.com/w3c/css-a11y/issues/9 16:55:38 CSS Rhythmic Sizing 16:56:08 AC: We were to bring back to CSS - seems to still be public WD 16:56:21 Do they need us to review? 16:56:37 JS: I'd wait for it to come around, unless we have an issue 16:57:00 BG: We can wait till they ask for formal review 16:57:04 JS: Yup 16:57:19 BG: Close with a note for formal review 16:57:25 AC: Sounds good 16:57:31 https://github.com/w3c/css-a11y/issues/12 16:57:45 Web Animations 16:58:03 These have the same note - relates to reduced motion etc 16:58:07 Drop? 16:58:14 JS: OCBE 16:58:30 Fixed by media queries 5 16:58:52 BG: Thanks Amy 16:59:20 zakim, list attendees 16:59:20 As of this point the attendees have been paul_grenier, janina, becky, jasonjgw, JF, IanPouncey, joconnor, FredrikFischer, amy_c, IrfanA, Fazio_ 16:59:27 trackbot, end meeting 16:59:27 Zakim, list attendees 16:59:27 As of this point the attendees have been paul_grenier, janina, becky, jasonjgw, JF, IanPouncey, joconnor, FredrikFischer, amy_c, IrfanA, Fazio_ 16:59:35 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:59:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/24-apa-minutes.html trackbot 16:59:36 RRSAgent, bye 16:59:36 I see 1 open action item saved in https://www.w3.org/2021/03/24-apa-actions.rdf : 16:59:36 ACTION: Fredrik to check the a11y of the calendar [1] 16:59:36 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/03/24-apa-irc#T16-09-17