17:41:01 RRSAgent has joined #silver 17:41:01 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/19-silver-irc 17:41:03 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:41:04 Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group 17:41:18 Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group 17:41:18 present: 17:41:18 chair: Shawn, jeanne 17:41:18 present+ 17:41:19 zakim, clear agenda 17:41:19 rrsagent, make minutes 17:41:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/19-silver-minutes.html jeanne 17:41:19 q? 17:41:19 agenda cleared 17:42:07 agenda+ aligning with ACT 17:42:07 agenda+ updates from people working on comments 17:42:07 agenda+ resume work on AAA and bronze silver gold 17:42:43 regrets+ Bruce, Sarah 17:51:14 ToddLibby has joined #silver 17:52:44 johnkirkwood has joined #Silver 17:55:52 sajkaj has joined #silver 17:58:30 Chuck has joined #silver 17:59:09 agenda? 17:59:26 present+ 17:59:43 present+ 17:59:59 I'm only irc today due to another meeting going on right now 18:00:59 JF has joined #silver 18:01:03 Present+ 18:01:27 Lauriat has joined #silver 18:01:50 Francis_Storr has joined #silver 18:01:52 present+ 18:01:53 ChrisLoiselle has joined #silver 18:01:55 sarahhorton has joined #silver 18:01:56 present+ 18:01:58 present+ 18:02:00 KimD has joined #silver 18:02:01 Present+ 18:02:03 present+ 18:02:06 present+ 18:02:07 Scribe Francis_Storr 18:02:10 Present+ 18:02:15 jennifer_strickland has joined #silver 18:02:18 present+ 18:02:19 Scribe: Francis_Storr 18:02:21 scribe: Francis_Storr 18:02:27 CharlesHall has joined #silver 18:02:34 zakim, take up next 18:02:34 agendum 1 -- aligning with ACT -- taken up [from jeanne] 18:02:40 present+ 18:03:15 shari has joined #silver 18:03:23 laura has joined #silver 18:03:38 AngelaAccessForAll has joined #silver 18:03:39 JS: ACT is the AGWG subgroup working on accessibility conformance testing. There was a recent conversation on how we can align more closely with them. 18:03:43 present+ 18:03:47 present+ Laura_Carlson 18:04:44 JS: they're interested in picking a couple of guidelines and working with a subgroup to go through "the whole thing" to work out how WCAG 3 is set up and for the WCAG "side" to get more info on testing. 18:04:48 Awesome, all of that sounds great! 18:05:03 JS: they want to invite us to a meeting about this. 18:05:24 present+ 18:05:25 JS: are there any subgroups who are interested in this? 18:05:49 +1 to Janina 18:05:52 q+ 18:05:53 me too! 18:06:08 +1 interested in attending 18:06:23 What was the meeting time? +1 18:06:49 9am ET 18:06:53 Thu 18:06:55 RickBoardman has joined #silver 18:07:42 q+ 18:07:55 ack sarahhorton 18:08:37 SH: this is good timing as the Errors group is looking for tests at the moment and are looking at Techniques, rules, etc. 18:09:04 SH: Dean from Errors group is working on rules at the moment. 18:09:15 Please forward me the invite, I'd like to attend. 18:09:43 JS: will also put out announcement on Tuesday to catch more people's awareness. 18:09:56 present+ 18:10:36 ack Chuck 18:10:40 CL: this aligns quite well with visual contrast, is interested. 18:11:16 CA: very interested in how ACT would work with structured content, e.g. how many headings are there vs. should there be on a page? 18:11:50 CA: a difference in the amount of headings there should be on a page can make a big difference in the score. 18:11:56 zakim, who's here? 18:11:56 Present: jeanne, sajkaj, ToddLibby, JF, Chuck, MichaelC, Francis_Storr, Lauriat, ChrisLoiselle, sarahhorton, KimD, jennifer_strickland, CharlesHall, AngelaAccessForAll, 18:12:00 ... Laura_Carlson, shari, Rachael 18:12:00 On IRC I see RickBoardman, AngelaAccessForAll, laura, shari, CharlesHall, jennifer_strickland, KimD, sarahhorton, ChrisLoiselle, Francis_Storr, Lauriat, JF, Chuck, sajkaj, 18:12:00 ... johnkirkwood, ToddLibby, RRSAgent, jeanne, Jemma, Zakim, MichaelC, Rachael, jcraig, alastairc, joconnor, AWK 18:12:11 +1, and I think ACT can help us navigate things like that. 18:12:13 SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver 18:12:35 CA: I'm interested in numerous other examples, but structured content is the first one that springs to mind. 18:12:57 Q+ 18:13:04 JS: going to reach out to new leaders of some subgroups to gauge interest. 18:13:09 I'm here on the call, if that's helpful. 18:13:15 ack JF 18:14:35 https://www.w3.org/TR/act-rules-format 18:14:36 JF: Not sure if the ACT rules format is a standardized way of testing. Takes complex subjects and tries to take it down to a series of true/false questions. 18:14:36 Thanks John! 18:15:27 s/Not sure if the ACT rules format is a standardized way of testing./Not sure if the ACT rules format can address the concern Chuck rose about number of headings on a page. 18:15:28 JST: happy to participate if have the availability. 18:15:58 zakim, take up next 18:15:58 agendum 2 -- updates from people working on comments -- taken up [from jeanne] 18:17:36 ST: volunteered to work on comments on the requirements section. Started a Google Doc, will send link around. If anyone wants to help, that would be great. 18:18:56 RB: volunteered to work on the usability of the documents, but haven't started yet as waiting to get some direction on where to start, but should I just dive in? 18:19:30 JS: can meet next week to talk this through. 18:20:08 JS: Michael Cooper suggested starting with the table of contents and create recommendations on what should happen. 18:20:58 regrets+ Peter_Korn 18:21:21 Folder for processing comments Google docs <- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WQ5wfAQ30cfS3VfwspmvyN-mzhhyY9l- 18:21:22 present+ 18:23:50 @jeanne - I do not have write access to create a doc in the shared folder 18:24:42 JS: is there anyone else working on responding to a comment? 18:24:48 I plan on doing so but not until late next week 18:25:06 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Issue_Processing_Report 18:25:25 JS: has updated the weekly Issue Processing Report. 18:26:03 JS: added a new line to add a breakdown by document section by GitHub issues. 18:26:45 JS: if people think that individual searches per section would be useful, would be happy to set that up. 18:27:06 JS: earlier today, met with AGWG chairs on how to speed this up. 18:27:35 https://github.com/w3c/silver/projects/5 18:27:36 JS: Alistair recommended the project feature in GitHub to manage the breakdown of topics. 18:28:26 JS: did an experiment in scoring. 18:28:55 JS: will continue to experiment with this and keep us updated. 18:29:26 JS: are there any subgroup issues that are ready to go to survey yet? 18:30:20 CL: working with contrast team on issues, waiting on a reply to an email earlier this week. Will continue to work on that this week. 18:31:26 MC: if you don't have access, send your details to him (Michael Cooper). 18:33:21 https://github.com/w3c/silver/issues?q=is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Subgroup%3A+Functional+Needs%22+created%3A%3E2020-11-01+sort%3Acreated-asc+ 18:33:28 present+ 18:33:34 q+ 18:33:44 thanks 18:33:53 ack sarahhorton 18:34:33 SH: for the Errors group, there's one issue. Todd has taken on monitoring issues and will contact Jeanne with some questions. 18:35:11 zakim, take up next 18:35:11 agendum 3 -- resume work on AAA and bronze silver gold -- taken up [from jeanne] 18:35:13 JS: let Jeanne know feedback on accessing and keeping up to date with issues. 18:36:07 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ofQXzR6KxfQIXGQWwfw3VfkDkIHamyWxk_uCITxe3JQ/edit 18:37:09 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BjH_9iEr_JL8d7sE7BoQckmkpaDksKZiH7Q-RdDide4/edit#heading=h.r8n8wkp3rutl 18:37:27 JS: working on a document for handling options on how to manage AAA criteria. 18:38:46 JS: started looking at the AAA issue as a small piece of the bronze, silver, gold discussion. 18:40:50 JS: for those who haven't seen this before, option 6 is new and edited based on Gregg Vanderheiden’s Response to the FPWD 18:42:46 Q+ 18:42:52 ST: talks about equivalent facilitation, Section 508, including a new Disney/Pixar technology around a separate app for audio description. 18:42:57 ack JF 18:43:31 JF: are we saying the only way to get gold is to do something in Silver as well? 18:44:34 ST: I would say so—you'll need to do usability testing, which is currently part of Silver. It would be unlikely to achieve Gold without usability testing. 18:45:38 ST: option 9 is trying to get towards a level of defensibility. 18:46:17 JS: has opened up comments on the folder of documents, so anyone should be able to comment on it. If you seen spam comments, let Jeanne know. 18:47:52 q+ to ask how so? 18:47:58 +1, that seems like a huge benefit for the web platform overall 18:48:34 ack Chuck 18:48:34 Chuck, you wanted to ask how so? 18:49:25 JSA: working on a specification on how to address and mark up pronunciation. FPWD is likely weeks away. 18:49:47 SL: interested in looking at that specification. 18:50:38 Pronunciation TF: https://w3c.github.io/pronunciation/technical-approach/ 18:50:41 SL: Chrome now has auto captioning for audio sources. Should have launched yesterday. 18:50:54 Thanks, JF! 18:51:33 q+ 18:51:47 JS: any pros, cons, issues that people want to add to option 6? 18:52:09 ack Chuck 18:53:03 CA: early adoption of technologies is something I encourage but also see that it could create its own set of challenges. 18:55:02 JF: the idea with option 7 is that in the world of compliance, legal, is that it's a mashup of A, AA, AAA. 18:55:35 JF: rather than trying to perpetuate A, AA, AAA we know that there are some AAA requirements that could be AA. 18:55:53 JF: the idea with Option 7 is to look at different content types. 18:56:24 JF: there is no process with web-based apps as they don't have content. 18:57:14 JF: Option 7 is an enticement to businesses as the more they do and the more points they get. 18:58:05 JS: are there any other pro / cons comments? 18:58:30 +1 Suzanne!~ 18:58:40 ST: a pro would be that it's more applicable for games. 18:59:18 JS: have a good weekend :) 18:59:42 rrsagent, make minutes 18:59:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/19-silver-minutes.html jeanne 19:01:44 ToddLibby has left #silver 19:02:14 KimD has left #silver 19:16:20 johnkirkwood has joined #Silver 19:19:32 SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver 20:13:16 johnkirkwood has joined #Silver