18:47:04 RRSAgent has joined #aria-at 18:47:04 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/18-aria-at-irc 18:47:13 Zakim has joined #aria-at 18:47:56 MEETING: ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group 18:48:08 CHAIR: James Schoels 18:48:22 rrsagent, make log public 18:48:38 present+ 18:48:56 rrsagent, make minutes 18:48:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/18-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 18:49:04 zakim, clear agenda 18:49:04 agenda cleared 19:05:35 scribe: matt_king 19:07:41 TOPIC: Plan for code sprints for supporting aria-at issues 19:07:54 jesdaigle has joined #aria-at 19:08:45 James: What is plan for issues like the setup test script changes 19:09:14 Seth: Bocoup hasn't started planning sprints yet. Still working on the test format deep dive. 19:09:33 If you have issues for us ready, we can track and comment. 19:09:49 Might want a label that is helpful for tracking these. 19:10:23 mk: do you mean a label like ready for implementation because design is specified. 19:10:50 Seth: Yes, and specifically if it is something that should be owned by bocoup 19:11:17 James: Maybe the label means that the CG has reached consensus on what implementation should loook like 19:11:53 Need a way to surface via github that it is now moving from bucket of ready for discussion vs ready for bocoup 19:12:14 Seth: forgot we have some status labels. this could fit right in. 19:12:56 mk: how about a label "requirements complete" 19:13:09 present+ 19:13:33 present+ 19:13:35 mk: or "requirements specified" 19:13:55 present+ 19:14:10 mk: James, can you label the issues tha need that? 19:14:14 james: yes 19:15:07 TOPIC: Document APG Example Modification Process 19:15:09 https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/issues/394 19:16:29 james: We modify the examples when we pull them into aria-at from apg. 19:17:02 We want consensus on what we are doing. Want to make sure the modification process does not cause problems. 19:17:28 And, we want a wiki page that describes this as part of the test writing process. 19:17:48 This would define the standard that the PAC team needs to meet in terms of process. 19:21:43 James: in some cases we have multiple examples 19:21:55 mk: we only have a few where the examples are different 19:22:57 james: sometimes we have two radio groups that are ame features, we test only one 19:23:13 mk: like a menubar with multiple pulldowns, we test only one; reduendant to test all 19:25:07 mk: eventually we want to make this unnecessary with the apg redesing by enabling embedding 19:30:41 Jes: we do this all over the web with test262 19:31:16 james: is it pulled in every time runs the test page, or is it a script that pulls it in once when the test is created 19:31:40 have to be careful that the apg example does not change after the test is written. 19:32:19 seth: This is kind of lik a lock file that specs dependencies. Your src is tied to a specific version of the downstream dpeendency. 19:32:47 You might also want to think about need to see how much divergence you have from the dependency. 19:33:36 could think of APG as another dependency package. 19:34:06 james: a higher level concept is that APG is not going to be the only source of content. 19:35:35 We could have code that pulls in content, it would define what is needed in a dependency 19:36:49 mk: I think next step is to document what you are doing. then we can use that to shape reqs for code that pulls in content for tests. 19:38:46 TOPIC: autocomplete assertions (issue 383) 19:38:51 https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/issues/383 19:39:36 james: This relates to editable combobox with both list and inline autocomplete. 19:40:13 Michael asked if we have any opion about asserting the specific value of autocomplete, e.g., list vs both. 19:40:50 If we have different assertions for different values, then we are getting at making up what we think screen reader behavior should be. 19:44:45 mk: we could go either way, autocomplete should be boolean. Or, we could try to use different values to push SRs to a better future with optionalassertions. 19:45:11 james: I tend to lean toward the idea that boolean is all we need. HTML is boolean in this sense. 19:45:50 If we had different ones, they would have to be optional, but then we would need multiple assertions. 20:01:50 hadi: wonder if aria descriptionscan be used to help users understand the different behaviors 20:04:32 james: we may have to revisit this next time. How does this match with html, which is boolean. The screen reader may not be able to distinguish between the two. 20:04:36 rrsagent, make minutes 20:04:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/18-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 23:56:17 Zakim has left #aria-at