16:43:44 RRSAgent has joined #silver-conf 16:43:44 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/11-silver-conf-irc 16:43:53 rrsagent, make log public 16:44:08 Meeting: Silver Conformance Options Subgroup 16:44:19 Date: 11 Mar 2021 16:44:31 Chair: sajkaj 16:44:42 Regrets: Wilco 16:45:08 agenda? 16:45:12 Agenda+ Agenda Review & Administrative Items; Seasonal Time Shift 16:45:15 agenda+ Review and Plan for March Deliverable -- Report on Use Cases 16:45:18 agenda+ Assigned github issues 16:45:21 agenda+ Use Cases Discussion (Continued) 16:45:23 agenda+ Other Business 16:45:26 agenda+ Be Done 16:45:39 rrsagent, make minutes 16:45:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/11-silver-conf-minutes.html sajkaj 16:56:44 Azlan has joined #silver-conf 16:59:52 ToddLibby has joined #silver-conf 17:00:00 present+ 17:00:29 present+ 17:00:52 PeterKorn has joined #silver-conf 17:04:21 sarahhorton has joined #silver-conf 17:05:10 JF has joined #silver-conf 17:05:16 Present+ 17:05:19 present+ 17:06:26 John_Northup has joined #silver-conf 17:06:32 present+ 17:06:33 zakim, take up item 1 17:06:33 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Administrative Items; Seasonal Time Shift -- taken up [from sajkaj] 17:06:41 resent+ 17:06:42 scribe: sarahhorton 17:06:52 jeanne has joined #silver-conf 17:06:53 present+ 17:06:54 present+ 17:06:55 zakim, who is here? 17:06:55 Present: ToddLibby, Azlan, JF, sarahhorton, John_Northup, PeterKorn 17:06:57 On IRC I see jeanne, John_Northup, JF, sarahhorton, PeterKorn, ToddLibby, Azlan, RRSAgent, Zakim, sajkaj, MichaelC, Rachael, trackbot 17:07:01 present+ 17:07:38 present+ 17:08:29 Janina: Promised Silver deliverables, two calls left this month, look at what we promised to deliver 17:08:53 ...what use cases are already covered in the FPWD 17:09:26 ...reminder, North America on daylight time early Sunday, Europe end of month, two weeks call will be 1 hour earlier 17:09:46 ...advise if problem 17:09:59 zakim, take up item 2 17:09:59 agendum 2 -- Review and Plan for March Deliverable -- Report on Use Cases -- taken up [from sajkaj] 17:10:14 agenda? 17:10:51 Janina: Wiki and Google doc say, agree on principles and use cases and report out in March on what use cases are covered 17:10:57 q+ 17:11:23 ...only one, Whoville, might be covered by scoping 17:12:04 ...others? Think about and be prepared to report out next week 17:12:08 q+ 17:12:46 Peter: Does text of FPWD, does the design and structure of the FPWD have means to address use case 17:13:29 ...e.g., discussion of alternative text, would not bring score down to bring out of Bronze 17:13:46 ...don't know Guidelines that aren't yet written 17:14:06 ...if Guideline is written in certain way, would not go out of Bronze 17:15:01 ...e.g., fixed-width viewport that doesn't quite scale without clipping, might report out that this use case could be handled in existing structure if guideline on font increase is scored to address it 17:15:14 q- 17:15:40 q+ 17:15:41 John: How define when use case is covered? 17:15:53 ack Jo 17:16:00 ack Pe 17:16:13 q+ to say I appreciate the nuanced evaluation 17:16:23 Peter: How we feel it's covered, how we feel it could be easily covered 17:17:11 ...e.g., use case covered because alternative text is scored as non-critical missing alternative text 17:17:45 ...or straightforwardly coverable, will be covered if Guideline is written to cover it 17:18:05 ack je 17:18:05 jeanne, you wanted to say I appreciate the nuanced evaluation 17:18:06 q? 17:18:29 Jeanne: Appreciate nuanced evaluation esp with subtle aspects of model 17:18:55 ...also good to have feedback from different perspectives 17:19:11 ...use cases are awesome, good to test what we're doing 17:19:24 ...could also bring in use cases, our opinion, what do you think? 17:19:50 Janina: Would cover hidden iframe that triggers failure but checker finds it 17:20:15 Jeanne: Will add to to-do list 17:20:40 q+ 17:20:42 JohnF: Ongoing concern that scoring is not scalable 17:21:13 Janina: First report is to give overview, suggestion to be generous about where we think FPWD covers things 17:21:26 ...in May will report on what is still missing 17:22:03 q? 17:22:03 JohnF: Goal to focus on positive, okay, want to make sure response is tempered 17:22:08 ack pe 17:22:27 Peter: Any use case you can write to address scoring would be welcome 17:22:54 Janina: New use cases, hoping to get to them today 17:23:22 ...link to GitHub issues in wiki 17:23:38 Jeanne: Adding to Google doc 17:24:09 ? 17:24:12 q? 17:24:30 zakim, take up item 3 17:24:30 agendum 3 -- Assigned github issues -- taken up [from sajkaj] 17:25:24 Janina: Review of status of issues 17:25:37 q+ 17:26:25 ...accessibility bugs issue, asked for additional guidance, no additional comment on #281 17:26:46 https://github.com/w3c/silver/issues/281 17:27:08 Issues -> https://github.com/w3c/silver/labels/Subgroup%3A%20Conformance%20Options 17:27:28 https://github.com/w3c/silver/issues/219 17:27:42 https://github.com/w3c/silver/issues/277 17:27:49 ack pe 17:28:20 Peter: For each issue, if fit in principle, add link to principle to note also addressing Github issue 17:28:57 ...adds links to Google doc 17:29:33 Jeanne: Would be good to include use case for disproportionate burden 17:30:03 q+ 17:31:41 Sarah:In the case of disproportionate burden (GitHubt issue Scoring #281), believes this is about "undue burden" from the perspective of the author, NOT the website visitor 17:32:45 q+ 17:32:51 ack sarah 17:33:16 Peter: Asking for something close but different 17:34:01 ...if the working group can define thresholds, use those it its analysis 17:35:04 ...imagine agency saying, we will decide based on guidance from WCAG 17:35:22 q? 17:35:25 ack P 17:35:44 JohnF: Understands use case, concern will introduce fracturing, alternative example 17:36:32 ...CA based on WCAG, if allow different thresholds, what does tech company do 17:36:47 ...anything that encourages would be counter-productive 17:37:03 q+ 17:37:06 ...shifting burden on agencies, where do they sit on exceptions 17:37:11 ask pe 17:37:19 ack pe 17:37:26 s/ask pe/ 17:37:53 Peter: Request for something we are doing, which is have levels of goodness that sites can use to drive what they do 17:38:47 ...bronze for little guy, silver for the big guy, they are asking for levels 17:39:02 JohnF: Didn't read that way, but can see it 17:39:19 Janina: Asked for more information about how it's important 17:40:04 Peter: Assigned some to principles, not sure where to assign others 17:40:58 ...flexibility in conformance and scoring less obvious 17:41:13 Janina: Read comments before next meeting, come back to them 17:41:16 To come back next meeting to look at https://github.com/w3c/silver/issues/362 and https://github.com/w3c/silver/issues/281 17:41:42 zakim, take up next item 17:41:42 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Administrative Items; Seasonal Time Shift -- taken up [from sajkaj] 17:41:51 zakim, take up item 4 17:41:51 agendum 4 -- Use Cases Discussion (Continued) -- taken up [from sajkaj] 17:42:34 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GyUYTnZp0HIMdsKqCiISCSCvL0su692dnW34P81kbbw/edit# 17:43:26 Janina: Educational use case, plain language, let's talk about that one 17:43:50 JohnN: Reads use case 17:44:50 Janina: similar to journal, jargon in language 17:45:01 ...not plain language 17:46:05 Peter: Two related but different things, site wants to use 3rd-party tool (LMS) to do things it doesn't support, also how to help content contributors do something without skills and knowledge 17:46:25 q? 17:46:25 JohnN: Yes, some things they can control with learning, some things they can't control 17:47:11 JohnF: Instances when producers are using framework, affordances in tool for accessible product, but user/purchaser doesn't use those affordances 17:47:30 ...e.g., prompt for alternative text in Wordpress 17:48:06 ...concerned we are not recognizing middle pieces 17:48:47 Jeanne: Where is it not possible with what we have proposed, can't see exclusion 17:49:23 JohnF: All discussions are for final website, how does WordPress ensure plain language? 17:49:59 ...publishing platform, not applicable? 17:50:27 Janina: Need to factor use of accessibility-supporting platforms? 17:51:01 JohnF: Platforms can make NA claims, then are we comparing apples to apples, don't know 17:51:33 Janina: Comment from Mike Gower, need to think more holistically, encourage people for making good choices in tech adopted 17:52:11 q+ 17:52:28 JohnF: Scoring based on subtraction, start perfect and lose points, other way around, here's the max number of points, here's where you are 17:52:36 ask pet 17:52:42 ack pet 17:52:49 s/ask pet/ 17:53:04 Peter: Is something not covered in use case or something added into use case 17:53:43 Janina: One school chooses accessibility supported, another one chooses tool that doesn't address accessibility 17:54:18 q+ 17:54:27 JohnF: New or existing use case, not clear, issue of platforms, need to be able to report level of conformance based on what they can and cannot do 17:54:55 ...at some level have to break things into unit tests 17:55:52 ...category of product, things can achieve or break accessibility 17:55:56 q+ 17:56:05 ...additional of editorial content changes things 17:56:37 Janina: What tool can provide is what we can test for in automated testing, could define more cleanly, this is what you must have 17:57:05 ...threshold, insufficient to get to bronze but you need to address it to get to bronze 17:58:15 Azlan: With WordPress example, as site owner set up WP, use it out of box, default theme, run tests on output, baseline 17:58:36 ...anything beyond is on website owner, manager 17:59:36 Jeanne: Scoring is not subtractive, each org declares what is NA, also have authoring tool guidelines as methods 18:00:13 ...WP example in alternative text, would need to meet method, have addressed some, more to do 18:00:24 Janina: Pick up discussion from there 18:01:09 rrsagent, make minutes 18:01:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/11-silver-conf-minutes.html sarahhorton 18:01:29 Azlan has left #silver-conf 18:07:05 ToddLibby has left #silver-conf 18:51:59 jeanne has joined #silver-conf 19:54:20 sajkaj has left #silver-conf 22:28:57 jeanne has joined #silver-conf