IRC log of silver-conf on 2021-02-25
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 16:46:08 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #silver-conf
- 16:46:08 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 16:46:27 [sajkaj]
- Meeting: Silver Conformance Options Subgroup
- 16:46:35 [sajkaj]
- Date: 25 Feb 2021
- 16:46:41 [sajkaj]
- Chair: sajkaj
- 16:46:48 [sajkaj]
- rrsagent, make logs public
- 16:46:53 [sajkaj]
- agenda?
- 16:47:03 [sajkaj]
- zakim, clear agenda
- 16:47:03 [Zakim]
- agenda cleared
- 16:47:11 [sajkaj]
- Agenda+ Agenda Review & Administrative Items
- 16:47:11 [sajkaj]
- agenda+ Assigned github issues
- 16:47:11 [sajkaj]
- agenda+ Use Cases Discussion (Continued)
- 16:47:11 [sajkaj]
- agenda+ Other Business
- 16:47:11 [sajkaj]
- agenda+ Be Done
- 16:53:46 [sajkaj]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 16:53:46 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate sajkaj
- 16:53:51 [sajkaj]
- present+
- 17:01:13 [JF]
- JF has joined #silver-conf
- 17:01:18 [JF]
- Present+
- 17:01:24 [JF]
- agenda?
- 17:05:08 [sarahhorton]
- sarahhorton has joined #silver-conf
- 17:06:08 [JF]
- scribe: JF
- 17:06:17 [JF]
- zakim, take up item 1
- 17:06:17 [Zakim]
- agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Administrative Items -- taken up [from sajkaj]
- 17:06:30 [jeanne]
- jeanne has joined #silver-conf
- 17:06:46 [JF]
- rrsagent, make minutes public
- 17:06:46 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', JF. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 17:07:16 [JF]
- JS: new item - silver has begun to assign comments. many have come in
- 17:07:17 [Jemma]
- Jemma has joined #silver-conf
- 17:07:29 [JF]
- some have come to this sub-group for our feedback. 2 in particular
- 17:07:41 [JF]
- we also have several new use-cases to review
- 17:08:05 [JF]
- JN: I added some new use-cases - or at least partials
- 17:08:31 [JF]
- JS: we also have another use-case from Wilco. He hopes to join our call shortly
- 17:08:35 [JF]
- zaakim, next item
- 17:08:40 [JF]
- zakim, next item
- 17:08:40 [Zakim]
- I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, JF
- 17:08:41 [sajkaj]
- 17:08:45 [JF]
- Q?
- 17:08:50 [JF]
- ack j
- 17:08:53 [JF]
- ack p
- 17:08:58 [JF]
- zakim, next item
- 17:08:58 [Zakim]
- agendum 2 -- Assigned github issues -- taken up [from sajkaj]
- 17:09:12 [JF]
- link
- 17:09:40 [JF]
- JS: wonder if we should read through these?
- 17:10:00 [Jemma]
- regret+
- 17:10:00 [JF]
- JS: yes, especially with the first one(s)
- 17:10:10 [JF]
- present+
- 17:10:23 [sarahhorton]
- present+
- 17:10:26 [JF]
- JS: reads out first comment "On Scoring"
- 17:12:12 [sajkaj]
- q?
- 17:12:31 [Wilco]
- Wilco has joined #silver-conf
- 17:12:35 [JF]
- TRiaged this for this sub-group based on final paragraph: However, we hope the WG will clarify whether the different thresholds or other classifications are meant to indicate that some outcomes are more important than others. Such indications, if there are any, might be valuable for authorities when evaluating exceptions due to a disproportionate burden.
- 17:13:28 [sajkaj]
- q+
- 17:14:32 [JohnNorthup]
- JohnNorthup has joined #silver-conf
- 17:14:46 [JohnNorthup]
- Present+
- 17:15:02 [JF]
- JF: believe not all reqs are 'equal' yet they are scored on a flat scale
- 17:15:42 [JF]
- JS: may not be a violation, but impact on "minimum difficulty"
- 17:15:49 [JF]
- see this often in Adnroid apps
- 17:16:11 [JF]
- if you take the time and examine the buttons, you can label them, but they aren't labeled natively
- 17:17:23 [JF]
- Jeanne: red this as a burden on the content creator/site owner and not the user
- 17:17:24 [sajkaj]
- q-
- 17:17:31 [JF]
- SH: I read it that way too
- 17:17:57 [JF]
- this is adding another layer - 'complexity' (?)... resources to fix
- 17:18:33 [JF]
- JS: to the example: can we specify the example of alt="button",alt="button",alt="button"
- 17:18:55 [JF]
- SH: figure that would score low on complexity - low burden on user
- 17:18:56 [jeanne]
- +1 to Sarah
- 17:19:26 [JF]
- JS: seems to indicate controls, as opposed to an informative image
- 17:20:02 [JF]
- JF: notes the different types of images
- 17:20:34 [JF]
- JF: asks if actionable images are more critical than informative images
- 17:21:22 [JF]
- JF: what question are we attempting to answer? What JF and JS heard, or what Jeanne and SHG heard?
- 17:21:43 [JF]
- JS: Maybe we go back and ask for mor specificity/clarity. We see perspectives, maybe ask for examples?
- 17:22:17 [JF]
- JF: +1 to returning for more details\
- 17:22:56 [JF]
- SH: we could adopt the idea that conformance approach will support orgs that need to make determinations and add use-case
- 17:23:15 [JF]
- we know ultimately that orgs will need to be making those kinds of decisions - examples would be beneficial
- 17:23:35 [JF]
- Jeanne: it would be helpful to have some ideas written up
- 17:23:57 [JF]
- if we had examples, we could show them to other stakeholders for feedback
- 17:24:10 [JF]
- Jeanne: found this interesting as something we never considered
- 17:24:22 [JF]
- what are the pros and cons of this? we don't know
- 17:24:30 [JF]
- ... so we should ask for examples
- 17:24:53 [JF]
- JS: Will respond on our behalf and request more examples/illustrations
- 17:25:37 [JF]
- JF: URLs or usecases
- 17:25:45 [JF]
- Jeanne: and why that is important to them
- 17:27:27 [JF]
- Jeanne: this comes out of the presentation to Access Board/Trusted Tester
- 17:27:38 [JF]
- [Jeanne reads second issue]
- 17:28:02 [PeterKorn]
- PeterKorn has joined #silver-conf
- 17:28:05 [PeterKorn]
- Present+
- 17:28:16 [PeterKorn]
- I'm so sorry I'm coming in so late. Wasn't a great night...
- 17:29:43 [JF]
- Q+
- 17:30:27 [sajkaj]
- q?
- 17:30:32 [JF]
- JF notes that bug trackers like JIRA have 5 levels of severity: Blocker, Critical, Major, Moderate, Minimal
- 17:30:34 [sajkaj]
- ack jf
- 17:30:50 [JF]
- also notes that tools like axe-core uses 5 levels of severity as well
- 17:31:35 [PeterKorn]
- q+
- 17:32:12 [jeanne]
- q+ to say that there is a serious structural problem with criticality as in the example because it penalizes cognitive disaiblities more than sensory disabilities
- 17:32:20 [JF]
- JS: the only thing that troubles me is that it adds complexity to the scoring mechanism
- 17:32:36 [sarahhorton]
- q+
- 17:32:46 [JF]
- ...we're no longer an itemized list, but instead a table
- 17:32:58 [JF]
- the idea of making it part of the normal bug-tracking process
- 17:33:55 [JF]
- PK: hars the concern about adding the complexity, but like how this dove-tails into principles
- 17:34:13 [JF]
- ...perhaps we take this on as a 'test' - try applying it to our test examples
- 17:34:19 [JF]
- ...but move to levels of severity
- 17:35:05 [sajkaj]
- q?
- 17:35:05 [JF]
- But there is also the idea of the "spoons" concept... adding up 'criticals' ... exceeding your "spoons" limit
- 17:35:08 [sajkaj]
- ack pet
- 17:35:16 [JF]
- +1 to enumeration of "how many issues"
- 17:35:36 [JF]
- contrasts 40 major bugs versus 100 minor bugs [sic]
- 17:35:50 [JF]
- ...may be a good way of capturing the cumulative friction issues
- 17:36:24 [JF]
- PK: we had the prior example of a 200 page document that lacks headers: lacking one page versus lacking all pages
- 17:36:32 [sajkaj]
- ack jea
- 17:36:32 [Zakim]
- jeanne, you wanted to say that there is a serious structural problem with criticality as in the example because it penalizes cognitive disaiblities more than sensory disabilities
- 17:37:06 [JF]
- Jeanne: the example provided worries me because it seems to perpetuate the structural bias problem
- 17:37:37 [JF]
- where people with sensory disabilities are generally considered higher priority because there is a workaround
- 17:37:44 [PeterKorn]
- q?
- 17:37:58 [JF]
- Q+
- 17:38:45 [JF]
- Jeanne: get lots of questions on this - how?
- 17:38:51 [JF]
- and we're not sure
- 17:39:13 [JF]
- ack s
- 17:39:37 [PeterKorn]
- When do we need to respond to these GitHub Issues?
- 17:39:41 [JF]
- SH: thinks this is an interesting perspective to explore more deeply
- 17:40:31 [sajkaj]
- q?
- 17:40:33 [JF]
- ... think one of the things that is interesting so far is notion of critical errors apply to outcome, and also apply the cross-functional categories
- 17:41:06 [Wilco]
- present+
- 17:41:11 [JF]
- ...its a coarse measure, and i'm in favor of breaking things down, along with functional categories and user needs
- 17:42:59 [sajkaj]
- q?
- 17:43:03 [sajkaj]
- ack jf
- 17:43:08 [sarahhorton]
- s/low on complexity - low burden on user/low on complexity - low burden on author
- 17:44:04 [JF]
- JS: thinking in terms of follow-up, respond to issue that this is interesting and we're still working on it
- 17:44:31 [JF]
- PK: until we have better edit control, want to avoid pointing folks to Google docs (fear of over-writing content)
- 17:44:58 [JF]
- JS: OK, will respond, but want to move to next item before end of call
- 17:45:21 [JF]
- zakim, next item
- 17:45:21 [Zakim]
- agendum 3 -- Use Cases Discussion (Continued) -- taken up [from sajkaj]
- 17:45:35 [JF]
- JS: would like to ask Wilco to expand on his contribution
- 17:45:57 [PeterKorn]
- 17:46:02 [sarahhorton]
- s/the cross-functional categories/the across functional categories
- 17:46:16 [JF]
- WF: added 2 - one I mentioned last week plus a new one
- 17:46:40 [JF]
- WF: first one is component library, and want to express the a11y of that
- 17:47:03 [PeterKorn]
- q+
- 17:47:16 [JF]
- and division of roles between author of library and content creator using the library
- 17:47:32 [sajkaj]
- q?
- 17:48:12 [sajkaj]
- ack pet
- 17:48:22 [JF]
- JF: notes that design systems are 'higher order' than juust component libraries
- 17:48:37 [JF]
- PK: this is interesting - how would this pan out in the real world
- 17:49:03 [JF]
- any author can create inaccessible content, even when using accessible components
- 17:49:12 [JF]
- Q+
- 17:50:00 [JF]
- PK: does there need to be an explicit GUI library/component, or might this be like SCAG 2 Optional conformance claim
- 17:50:09 [JF]
- 17:50:25 [JF]
- :PK how does that feel/sund?
- 17:50:29 [JF]
- WF: not sure
- 17:50:49 [JF]
- ...feels meaningless then to say "I have an accessible component library"
- 17:51:03 [JF]
- can we say something about accessible pieces used to build larger content?
- 17:51:14 [sajkaj]
- q?
- 17:51:21 [JF]
- there a way to avoid that?
- 17:51:29 [JF]
- PK: see where you are going
- 17:51:55 [JF]
- ...notes the difference between unit testing and integration testing
- 17:52:53 [JF]
- PK: talks about all of the issues related to an accessible button - there is a class of requirements, but the 'text' in the button may be a massive fail
- 17:53:04 [sajkaj]
- q?
- 17:53:34 [JF]
- ...we might have a large class of components. Is there a level where only components need to pass
- 17:55:44 [JF]
- JF: believes that use-cases like CMSes and 'templates' taht will want to be able to make claims
- 17:56:00 [JF]
- PK: thinking about this - wikis
- 17:56:11 [jeanne]
- I believe that WCAG3 FPWD has included the "not applicable" and should be able to handle components.
- 17:56:21 [JF]
- ...the way to achieve is to pair it to a level that doesn't require human asasessment
- 17:56:43 [JF]
- JS: wonder if we can pause here?
- 17:57:08 [JF]
- JN: added some ideas involving 3rd party content - one was a LMS associated to a college.
- 17:57:17 [JF]
- with multiple authors adding content
- 17:57:48 [JF]
- wonder if there is some kind of algorithm - similar to flesh-kincaid or similar - but feedback in real time
- 17:58:01 [JF]
- JN: other examples is "virtual tours" on real estate site
- 17:58:11 [sajkaj]
- q?
- 17:58:35 [JF]
- may add some sparse text that describes apartment
- 17:58:40 [JF]
- ack me
- 17:58:54 [jeanne]
- q+ to talk about 3D
- 17:59:06 [JF]
- ack J
- 17:59:06 [Zakim]
- jeanne, you wanted to talk about 3D
- 17:59:10 [sajkaj]
- ack jea
- 17:59:34 [JF]
- Jeanne: XR sub-group have been discussing a similar concern: text equiv in VR/AR (XR)
- 18:00:18 [JF]
- WR Subgroup are talking about tying it to components in XR
- 18:16:22 [sajkaj]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 18:16:22 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate sajkaj
- 18:16:32 [sajkaj]
- zakim, bye
- 18:16:32 [Zakim]
- leaving. As of this point the attendees have been sajkaj, sarahhorton, PeterKorn, Bruce, jeanne, Wilco_, JF, John_Northup, Jemma, Janina, JohnNorthup, Wilco
- 18:16:32 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #silver-conf
- 18:16:41 [sajkaj]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 18:16:41 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate sajkaj
- 18:16:59 [sajkaj]
- rrsagent, bye
- 18:16:59 [RRSAgent]
- I see no action items