16:47:23 RRSAgent has joined #apa 16:47:23 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/02/24-apa-irc 16:47:25 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:47:28 Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference 16:47:28 Date: 24 February 2021 16:47:34 chair: becky 16:47:48 agenda+ Agenda Review & Announcements 16:47:49 agenda+ Rechartering CfC: 16:47:49 https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/charter-2021/charter.html 16:47:49 agenda+ Task Force Updates 16:47:50 agenda+ FAST Progress 16:47:50 agenda+ Final review of Web Auth issue #1557 16:47:50 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1557 16:47:50 agenda+ New Charters Review 16:47:50 https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Horizontal+review+requested%22 16:47:50 agenda+ Horizontal Review Issues Tracker 16:47:51 https://w3c.github.io/horizontal-issue-tracker/?repo=w3c/a11y-review 16:47:51 agenda+ new on TR http://www.w3.org/TR/tr-status-drafts.html 16:47:52 agenda+ CSS Update (Amy) https://github.com/w3c/css-a11y/issues 16:47:52 agenda+ Actions Checkin (Specs) 16:47:52 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/track/actions/open 16:47:52 agenda+ Other Business 16:48:00 zakim, clear agenda 16:48:00 agenda cleared 16:48:09 agenda+ Agenda Review & Announcements 16:48:09 agenda+ Rechartering CfC: 16:48:09 https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/charter-2021/charter.html 16:48:09 agenda+ Task Force Updates 16:48:10 agenda+ FAST Progress 16:48:10 agenda+ Final review of Web Auth issue #1557 16:48:10 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1557 16:48:10 agenda+ New Charters Review 16:48:10 https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Horizontal+review+requested%22 16:48:11 agenda+ Horizontal Review Issues Tracker 16:48:11 https://w3c.github.io/horizontal-issue-tracker/?repo=w3c/a11y-review 16:48:11 agenda+ new on TR http://www.w3.org/TR/tr-status-drafts.html 16:48:12 agenda+ CSS Update (Amy) https://github.com/w3c/css-a11y/issues 16:48:12 agenda+ Actions Checkin (Specs) 16:48:12 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/track/actions/open 16:48:12 agenda+ Other Business 16:48:37 stevelee has joined #apa 16:53:48 Christos_Petrou has joined #apa 16:56:20 present+ 16:57:16 present+ 16:58:37 JPaton has joined #apa 16:59:49 present+ 17:00:28 Fazio_ has joined #Apa 17:00:40 Present+ 17:01:13 regrets: Amy Carney, Matthew Atkinson 17:01:18 present+ 17:01:36 Ela has joined #apa 17:01:52 Gottfried has joined #apa 17:02:11 present+ 17:02:20 JF has joined #apa 17:02:24 present+ 17:02:26 Present+ 17:02:33 Scribe: JF 17:02:43 agenda? 17:02:47 present+ 17:02:52 Zakim, first item 17:02:52 I don't understand 'first item', JF 17:03:00 Zakim, take up item 1 17:03:00 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Announcements -- taken up [from becky] 17:03:30 JonnyJames has joined #apa 17:03:54 BG: discussion on turning on captions - need to have a chair made host 17:04:04 BG: any other reviews or announcements? 17:04:58 GZ: have discussed personalization and media queries Lvl 5. Has a student who has done a great PoC - includes some features we've looked for. Student has a polyfil if interested 17:05:14 ...Student could come and do a presentation either for here, or for another group 17:05:34 BG: thinks personalization would be interested. Open question - anyone else? 17:05:42 Q+ 17:05:47 IanPouncey has joined #apa 17:05:48 +1 interested 17:05:59 present+ 17:06:35 JF: thinks that APA should host this and invite other interested parties 17:06:55 MC: we can invite people to any meeting on a one-off basis 17:07:07 fredrik_fischer has joined #apa 17:07:19 present+ 17:07:24 BG: not sure if we have anything critical - Propose to work with Gottfried to arrange a call 17:07:31 GZ: Can work with student to do that 17:07:44 BG: can we shoot for next week? will that be enough time? 17:08:04 GZ: can investigate and respond tomorrow 17:08:13 JS: do we know who we want to invite 17:08:16 Q+ 17:08:26 BG: share with AG WG? 17:10:21 JS: suggest we spend some time on a call - invite as many as we can think of, and then maybe even create a brief demo video 17:10:42 GZ: student already made a video for thesis - in German with english Captions/sub-titles 17:10:48 ack me 17:11:00 BG: plan for 2 weeks for now? (March 10) 17:11:08 GZ: will need to check with student 17:11:42 BG: Any other announcements? 17:11:43 Sorry, for some reason my mic is out of joint. How much time should be allocated for Mar 10? 17:11:46 Video with demo of my student's work: https://youtu.be/cmnjqyWQvvw 17:11:47 zakim, next item 17:11:47 agendum 2 -- Rechartering CfC: -- taken up [from becky] 17:12:05 Thanks! 17:12:22 Fazio has joined #APA 17:12:43 Present+ 17:12:47 BG: we have a CfC - most agreed but a few editorial changes needed to be made 17:13:01 ...so some minor updates to charter 17:13:12 https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/charter-2021/charter.html 17:13:39 ...believe that because these were simply editorial changes no need for another CfC. Next step is to send to W3M review 17:14:04 BG: note that some start and end dates remain TBC 17:14:31 zakim, next item 17:14:31 agendum 3 -- Task Force Updates -- taken up [from becky] 17:14:48 BG: anyone who can provide updates? 17:14:55 Nothing in COGA 17:15:12 PG: Pronunciation are moving ahead to complete our FPWD - target end of this week early next week 17:15:25 still working through issues on our Making Content Usable doc 17:15:43 BG: Personalization - moving through issues to prepare for CfC for CR - slogging thrrough issues 17:17:11 Gottfried has joined #apa 17:17:41 JO: RQTF had a good call - RAUR almost ready. couple of i's to dot and t's to cross with XAUR. 17:18:05 ...interesting conversations around 'conversational applications' (sic?) 17:18:25 JS: we also discussed a color workshop 17:18:43 ...hoping to put together a presentation to offer to workshop, but unable to do that. 17:19:29 Seeking an APA member to participate - looking to set up virtual workshop sessions (+interactive), and believe there are at least 2 items of interest 17:19:49 ...daltonization and flash mitigation - can those be addressed in the user-agent space? 17:20:12 https://www.w3.org/Graphics/Color/Workshop/ 17:20:42 JS: workshop in April/May - schedule not yet announced 17:21:15 DF: some small editorial updates on Content Usable 17:21:28 zakim, next item 17:21:28 agendum 4 -- FAST Progress -- taken up [from becky] 17:22:05 @JF: like your responses to it at least. And your wit. ;) 17:22:12 JO: Michael and I have been meeting regularly - making good progress. Have some questions that we'll want to surface (shortly) 17:22:33 we'll be seeking input - want buy-in and feedback 17:22:56 MC: Looking to restart Functional Requirements group 17:23:30 ...there is a connection here with WCAG 3 and other activities - we have ideas on how that would work, but want the feedback 17:23:50 ...working on a database to illustrate a demo - almost there 17:24:13 zakim, next item 17:24:13 agendum 5 -- Final review of Web Auth issue #1557 -- taken up [from becky] 17:24:39 https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#sctn-accessiblility-considerations 17:24:52 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1557 17:24:53 BG: we had a CfC that we responded to. Group has closed our issue and provided an accessibility section 17:25:00 Thanks to paul for responding to questions 17:25:24 BG: [reads aloud their edit] 17:27:09 BG: we need to close the loop here - note we've reviewed response and then officially close it 17:27:25 PG: happy with changes - makes it clear for implementors 17:27:26 I'm very happy with the changes, too. Looking forward to implementations. 17:27:29 Garth has joined #apa 17:28:46 Thanks for the good work Paul! 17:28:50 BG: thanks to Paul for that 17:28:54 zakim, next item 17:28:54 agendum 6 -- New Charters Review -- taken up [from becky] 17:29:26 MC: web auth issue has been dealt with 17:29:37 -> https://w3c.github.io/webappsec/admin/webappsec-charter-2021.html PROPOSED Web Application Security Working Group Charter 17:29:37 ...a new charter: web applications security WG 17:29:44 a re-charter 17:30:35 [MC reviews key elements of the new charter] 17:31:00 MC: includes a section on a11y impacts, but no liason to APA 17:31:18 but given they added an a11y section, suggest we let them be 17:32:09 MC: they have a hook if we need to pursue 17:32:24 BG: Fine with charter and not having a direct link to APA 17:32:55 JS: also agree - fine as is. This group/community have been responsive to our concerns and feedback 17:33:11 zakim, next item 17:33:11 agendum 7 -- Horizontal Review Issues Tracker -- taken up [from becky] 17:34:00 -> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6005 [css-ruby-1] What properties apply to annotation containers? 17:34:02 MC: there is a CSS Ruby item we discussed last week 17:35:38 Fazio has joined #APA 17:35:59 JF: This *may* have an impact on Pronunciation 17:37:25 JF & PG subscribed to that issue 17:37:26 zakim, next item 17:37:26 agendum 8 -- new on TR http://www.w3.org/TR/tr-status-drafts.html -- taken up [from becky] 17:38:12 MC: new on TR - ePub accessibility 1.1 and ePub TEchniques 1.1 17:38:25 BG: suspect twe don't need to review - any thoughts? 17:38:35 +1 to being comfortable with that work 17:38:36 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/epub-a11y-11/ EPub Accessibility 1.1 17:38:48 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/epub-a11y-tech-11/ EPUB Accessibility Techniques 1.1 17:38:56 zakim, next item 17:38:56 agendum 9 -- CSS Update (Amy) https://github.com/w3c/css-a11y/issues -- taken up [from becky] 17:39:14 BG: Amy sent regrets, but provided this feedback 17:39:42 Amy provided the following comment: Update: Issue created in CSSWG repo to address people-first language in Accessibility Concerns section of CSS Color Module Level 4. https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6035 17:40:33 JF: leave this in Amy's hands 17:40:37 zakim, next item 17:40:37 agendum 10 -- Actions Checkin (Specs) -- taken up [from becky] 17:41:13 ACTION 2282 17:41:32 ACTION: 2282 17:41:50 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-apa/2021Feb/0048.html 17:42:29 JS: believe we're promoting longer descriptions using summary/details 17:44:47 Fazio has joined #APA 17:45:07 [process discussion] 17:46:13 BG: will take care of that - will add link to ARIA Accessible Description 17:47:03 BG: will issue a CfC on that comment 17:47:22 ...reminder that everyone stay on top of their assigned actions 17:48:35 [discussion on ACTIONS maintenance] 17:49:21 +1 to closing ACTIONS OBE 17:49:22 zakim, next item 17:49:22 agendum 11 -- Other Business -- taken up [from becky] 17:49:41 [crickets] 17:49:52 BG: give back 10 minutes 17:50:08 Thanks for a great meeting! And bon appetit, Becky! 17:50:08 zakim, make logs public 17:50:08 I don't understand 'make logs public', JF 17:50:23 zakim, make minutes public 17:50:23 I don't understand 'make minutes public', JF 17:50:37 zakim, end meeting 17:50:37 As of this point the attendees have been janina, paul_grenier, JPaton, Fazio, becky, Irfan, Matthew_Atkinson, JonnyJames, JF, MichaelC, NeilS, christos, Fazio_, LĂ©onie, (tink), 17:50:40 ... amy_c, Ela, Fredrik_Fischer, IanPouncey, Christos_Petrou, Gottfried 17:50:40 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:50:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/24-apa-minutes.html Zakim 17:50:42 I am happy to have been of service, JF; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:50:46 Zakim has left #apa 17:51:07 JF some time, would you contact me? I'd like to know the scribing arts... 17:51:30 fredrik.fischer@hilfsgemeinschaft.at would be where to go. 18:33:45 Gottfried has joined #apa 18:58:56 janina has changed the topic to: APA Teleconference; Wednesday 3 March at 1700Z 19:08:54 jamesn has joined #apa