20:55:54 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 20:55:54 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/02/23-dxwg-irc 20:56:02 rrsagent, make logs public 20:56:06 chari: PWinstanley 20:56:23 regrets+ Alejandra 20:56:38 meeting: DXWG Plenary 20:56:59 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2021.02.23 20:57:03 present+ 21:01:18 riccardoAlbertoni has joined #DXWG 21:01:34 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwg 21:01:51 plh has joined #dxwg 21:02:29 Rachel has joined #dxwg 21:02:49 antoine has joined #dxwg 21:02:50 kcoyle has joined #dxwg 21:03:33 agenda? 21:03:37 trackbot, start meeting 21:03:40 RRSAgent, make logs public 21:03:43 Meeting: Dataset Exchange Working Group Teleconference 21:03:43 Date: 23 February 2021 21:03:52 present+ 21:03:56 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2021.02.23 21:03:58 present+ 21:04:02 present+ 21:04:02 present+ 21:04:06 annette_g has joined #dxwg 21:04:07 regrets+ Alejandra 21:04:11 present+ 21:04:14 present+ 21:04:39 scribenick: kcoyle 21:04:42 agenda? 21:05:17 proposed: accept minutes https://www.w3.org/2020/01/26-dxwg-minutes 21:06:06 Ana has joined #dxwg 21:06:14 agenda+ Subgroups Updates - report 21:06:14 agenda+ GitHub Housekeeping 21:06:14 agenda+ Checking Open Action items 21:06:29 https://www.w3.org/2021/01/26-dxwg-minutes 21:07:03 TOPIC: Admin 21:07:05 +1 21:07:09 +1 21:07:12 +1 21:07:16 +1 21:07:30 PWinstanley: minutes of previous meeting (Jan 26); meeting before that was cancelled 21:07:32 +1 21:07:36 +1 21:07:36 +1 21:07:51 s/before/after 21:07:57 0 (absent) 21:08:04 resolved: accept minutes https://www.w3.org/2021/01/26-dxwg-minutes 21:08:04 resolved: approve minutes of Jan 26 21:08:17 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:08:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/23-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:08:28 topic: subgroup meetings 21:08:41 PWinstanley: mainly dcat 21:08:45 RRSAgent, make logs world 21:08:47 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:08:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/23-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:08:49 +1 fwiw 21:09:53 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/pull/1292 21:10:23 riccardoAlbertoni: DCAT update: advancing the work on versioning; adding "series"; got feedback on whether class series should be subclass of resource 21:10:37 ... deciding to make it a subclass of dcat:Dataset 21:10:44 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/pull/1295 21:11:31 ... versioning, AndreaPerego has a proposal; it is an evolution of first version of DCAT 21:11:44 PWinstanley: a response to feedback 21:12:16 riccardoAlbertoni: yes, after feedback we added new terms for versioning 21:13:31 PWinstanley: got response from draft that there is a desire for stronger guidance; we've been using a light touch because such a wide field of useres 21:13:49 ... we might review this in the future, to give a more focused guidance 21:14:09 riccardoAlbertoni: Important to do these things incrementally, starting with a simple solution then adding 21:15:10 q+ 21:15:11 ... not taking all the terms from P? 21:15:18 s/P?/PAV 21:15:24 s/P?/PAV 21:16:05 PWinstanley: PAV is no longer being maintained, so need to go beyond that 21:16:25 q- 21:16:35 q+ 21:16:41 ack antoine 21:16:42 ... are the other things that we can take an idea from but provide foundation to take it forward 21:17:46 ok question is: will you include PAV terms (some) and then create 'official versions of them' in the DCAT namespace? 21:17:58 a bit like we've note in DQC for DAQ 21:18:06 s/note/done 21:18:08 dsr has joined #dxwg 21:18:27 ok thanks this sounds good! 21:18:33 riccardoAlbertoni: we are minting new terms that are equivalent to PAV in the DCAT namespace 21:18:37 This all makes me happy. 21:19:14 annette_g: glad that we're putting versioning terms into DCAT 21:19:23 PWinstanley: do you have use cases? 21:19:33 annette_g: not sure 21:20:31 PWinstanley: do we have enough horsepower in the group? Fewer active members 21:21:59 Rachel: Intend to join the subgroup, catch up with what's going on, need more review of the work 21:22:20 PWinstanley: Don't need to hold back; feel free to join and listen 21:22:53 Rachel: Not yet implementing DCAT in work 21:23:04 q+ 21:23:22 ack annette_g 21:24:02 annette_g: Question about current version term - is this to say this is a more current version and this points to it 21:24:12 q+ 21:24:17 ack AndreaPerego 21:24:22 PWinstanley: with PAV you have two options: one points to previous, one says this is current 21:24:52 AndreaPerego: what we use is the version chain and the version hierarchy; chain is links to previous/next versions 21:25:18 ... the hierarchy from abstract resources to versions 21:26:03 ... for DCAT3 there is a URI, then we have working drafts, etc., so the relationship between DCAT3 (unversioned) and the versions 21:26:21 ... current version points to the latest stable version (which we don't have yet) 21:26:46 ... the section on versioning has graphs that explain how these work 21:27:09 annette_g: is there a use case for current version that would not run into a problem of maintaining versions over time 21:27:40 q 21:27:43 q+ 21:27:44 AndreaPerego: yes, when you have versions of a dataset and they are revised over time you get links to a previous version 21:28:31 ... but if you have a URI that points to the latest you have to update the link to point to the new version when those happen 21:28:58 ... in DCAT you can decide whether to use one or both of these types of versions 21:29:28 annette_g: it would be good to point out that uri for latest is always correct 21:29:36 ack antoine 21:30:11 antoine: which channel to use for detailed comments? 21:30:20 PWinstanley: probably github 21:30:42 riccardoAlbertoni: yes, github. pull request not yet merged so comments can be added to PR 21:31:31 antoine: PR is pretty complex at this point, and it's hard to find specific issues 21:31:52 riccardoAlbertoni: PR will be merged soon; so probably best to comment in issues 21:32:07 AndreaPerego: prefer github issues 21:32:53 ... we have to open issues about the versioning section; the first is related to specifying backward compatibility to previous versions 21:33:56 Backward compatibility: https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1258 21:34:35 Version delta: https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1271 21:35:19 AndreaPerego: next - how to specify version delta; should we provide a machine-actionable version delta? needs more discussion 21:36:12 antoine: should create new issues for specifics? (yes) 21:36:42 topic: github housekeeping 21:36:43 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:36:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/23-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:37:04 chair: PWinstanley 21:37:05 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:37:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/23-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:37:54 PWinstanley: we have a lot of open issues for all projects, and it's difficult to understand scope of work 21:38:38 ... some need to be closed; some need to be deferred. Need to deal with those that relate to more than one work product 21:39:46 AndreaPerego: That's right. We have a lot of issues that have had no discussion for years. We have over 200 open issues. Need to decide what to do with them 21:39:56 q+ 21:40:16 ack antoine 21:40:18 PWinstanley: close those that are no longer relevant; for those with more than one deliverable decide if there is a primary 21:41:12 antoine: I am guilty for stale issues for profile guidance. This is one reason why I was against splitting the repo's; but the profile vocabulary is working well 21:41:30 ... but we could move everything relevant into profile guidance 21:42:07 PWinstanley: over next few weeks look things over individually 21:42:14 q+ 21:42:20 ack kcoyle 21:42:38 kcoyle: some time ago I did a list of open issues 21:42:39 kcoyle: some time ago, I did a list of open issues 21:42:50 ... I will find that again 21:44:41 plh: not sure how to archive; can use labels on the issues. archiving is a last resort when not longer working on it 21:45:07 PWinstanley: so, characterize, don't archive 21:45:18 ... put this on the agenda for next plenary 21:45:21 s/not sure how to archive/not sure how to unarchive an archived repo/ 21:45:38 s/not longer/no longer/ 21:46:16 rrsagent, draft minutes v2 21:46:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/23-dxwg-minutes.html kcoyle 21:46:29 thank you 21:46:34 thank you, bye! 21:46:35 Thanks, bye bye 21:46:49 rrsagent, draft minutes v2 21:46:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/23-dxwg-minutes.html kcoyle 21:48:33 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 21:48:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/23-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:49:29 still not there. I've taken a copy of the irc 21:50:00 Oh, thanks, I finally got it! 22:01:11 dsr has joined #dxwg