16:44:37 RRSAgent has joined #silver-errors 16:44:37 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/02/17-silver-errors-irc 16:44:40 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:44:41 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), sarahhorton 16:44:47 rrsagent, make logs public 16:44:54 Meeting: Silver Errors Subgroup 16:45:00 present: 16:45:06 chair: sarahhorton 16:45:12 present+ 16:45:20 zakim, clear agenda 16:45:22 agenda cleared 16:45:27 rrsagent, make minutes 16:45:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/17-silver-errors-minutes.html sarahhorton 16:45:42 agenda+ Review and discuss coding in Errors User Needs Worksheet 16:45:50 agenda+ Review and discuss content categories in Errors Guidelines Worksheet 16:45:57 agenda+ Discuss next steps; assign tasks 17:03:33 Todd has joined #silver-errors 17:03:39 present+ 17:04:37 Sukriti has joined #silver-errors 17:04:50 present+ 17:05:00 scribe:Sukriti 17:05:40 zakim, next item 17:05:40 agendum 1 -- Review and discuss coding in Errors User Needs Worksheet -- taken up [from sarahhorton] 17:10:40 sarah: update the group on guidelines we're thinking about 17:11:50 Crispy has joined #silver-errors 17:11:54 sarah:confirm user needs to address with guidelines to present at the end of the month 17:12:05 +Present 17:13:16 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BEzSKUsoMQZAwLY5uM5T4Jk7vqKruQT8EaheijQJ7nk/edit#gid=14365122 17:16:28 sarah: whatever we include as a user need is specific to errors 17:16:42 ...we might have a different level of requirements 17:16:48 ...for example color contrasts 17:17:04 ...clear language is a requirement overall 17:17:17 ...yes - all about errors and needs its own guidelines 17:17:31 ...another category. This is an a11y need, but not an errors need 17:18:28 ...yes, yes-adjacent, yes-imperative (matters overall, but more for errors) 17:31:12 crispy: could say that error messages in general need to be more prominent 17:31:33 ...but need to be careful of scope of our group 17:51:08 sarah: next task would be to think about critical errors 17:51:25 ...guidelines worksheet - at the top is the guidelines and outcomes 17:54:23 ...critical errors in the sheet are currently vague 17:54:32 ...can be more specific in the sheet 17:54:51 ..i.e. the guidelines sheet 17:57:29 crispy: next steps 17:57:43 ...go through the assigned items 17:58:38 sarah: all to edit critical errors 17:59:39 ...in different columns 18:00:12 rrsagent, generate minutes 18:00:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/17-silver-errors-minutes.html Sukriti 18:02:14 Todd has left #silver-errors