IRC log of personalization on 2021-02-08

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:55:42 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #personalization
14:55:42 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:55:44 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
14:55:44 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #personalization
14:55:46 [trackbot]
Meeting: Personalization Task Force Teleconference
14:55:46 [trackbot]
Date: 08 February 2021
14:55:56 [CharlesL]
14:56:10 [CharlesL]
15:00:50 [becky]
becky has joined #personalization
15:01:54 [JF]
JF has joined #personalization
15:01:58 [JF]
15:02:06 [JF]
15:02:13 [JF]
zakim. who's here?
15:02:26 [snidersd]
snidersd has joined #personalization
15:02:30 [CharlesL]
15:02:37 [JF]
zakim, who is here?
15:02:37 [Zakim]
Present: CharlesL, JF
15:02:39 [Zakim]
On IRC I see snidersd, JF, becky, Zakim, RRSAgent, CharlesL, stevelee, hadleybeeman, MichaelC, trackbot
15:02:42 [becky]
15:03:13 [janina]
janina has joined #personalization
15:03:43 [janina]
15:04:11 [CharlesL]
15:04:13 [snidersd]
15:04:26 [LionelW]
LionelW has joined #personalization
15:04:31 [LionelW]
15:06:45 [LionelW]
zakim, start meeting
15:06:45 [Zakim]
RRSAgent, make logs Public
15:06:46 [Zakim]
please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), LionelW
15:07:01 [LionelW]
meeting: Weekly Meeting
15:07:31 [LionelW]
scribe: LionelW
15:07:57 [LionelW]
Topic: Becky's Issue #160 response
15:08:12 [becky]
15:08:40 [LionelW]
Becky: "Consider semantics for accessible route"
15:08:58 [LionelW]
... we answered, "We agree that providing one or more accessible routes through a process is important. We discussed this briefly and agreed that it was beyond the scope of our content module. We plan to examine this more thoroughly in a future personalization module. "
15:09:20 [LionelW]
Janina: +1
15:09:23 [LionelW]
Sharon: +1
15:10:10 [LionelW]
janina: Verifying, it has a keyword. The keyword is 'feature request'
15:11:05 [CharlesL]
Charles +1
15:11:38 [LionelW]
Becky: Keywords that are in use
15:11:43 [LionelW]
... let's review it
15:11:45 [LionelW]
... -- Content module #1, Help module #2, Tools module #3,
15:12:14 [LionelW]
John: Help & Support are Module #2
15:12:57 [JF]
Content Model (#1)
15:13:09 [JF]
Help a & Support (#2)
15:13:32 [LionelW]
Charles: making the changes now
15:15:30 [CharlesL]
15:16:38 [LionelW]
Charles: Done.
15:17:57 [LionelW]
Topic: Open actions
15:19:11 [LionelW]
Charles: There is a pull request
15:21:59 [LionelW]
15:22:10 [CharlesL]
original: <p>People have very different needs. There are many people with cognitive and learning disabilities that affect their ability to interact with the web. Some people cannot process numeric information (dyscalculia), but others understand numbers better than words. Some people with severe language disabilities use symbols to represent words; some people need (or want) simplified user-interfaces. One of the main challen
15:22:10 [CharlesL]
ges that has not been addressed on the web is transforming content for these varying needs. This specification provides a means for web technologies to address these requirements.</p>
15:22:10 [CharlesL]
15:22:10 [CharlesL]
15:22:12 [CharlesL]
15:22:19 [CharlesL]
Updated: <p>People have very different needs. There are many people with cognitive and learning disabilities that affect their ability to interact with the web. Some people cannot process numeric information (dyscalculia), but others understand numbers better than words. Some people with severe language disabilities use symbols to represent words; some people need (or want) simplified user-interfaces. Different people find di
15:22:19 [CharlesL]
fferent layouts and types of content easier to understand, and what is useable and understandable by one person can be be too complex for another. One of the main challenges is to address the varied and conflicting user needs, so that content can be understandable by the individual users. This specification provides a means for web technologies to address these requirements.</p>
15:22:19 [CharlesL]
15:22:19 [CharlesL]
15:22:21 [CharlesL]
15:23:25 [becky]
15:25:12 [LionelW]
John: The changes from <code> to <strong>, when it is a paragraph heading, sounds right.
15:25:44 [becky]
15:25:46 [LionelW]
... volunteering to review the changes
15:25:53 [becky]
15:25:58 [LionelW]
Charles: Suggest you pull Lisa's branch, do your changes, and commit
15:26:16 [LionelW]
... then we can merge your changes in with Lisa's
15:28:26 [CharlesL]
15:29:05 [CharlesL]
15:30:14 [CharlesL]
topic: Content Module 1 - Distraction values and examples need to be updated #170
15:30:22 [CharlesL]
15:31:04 [becky]
15:31:29 [LionelW]
Topic: Issue #46
15:33:01 [CharlesL]
Here is a list of Open issues related to 1) Content Module and sorted by oldest.
15:33:04 [CharlesL]
is:open label:"1) content module" sort:created-asc
15:33:11 [CharlesL]
15:34:27 [LionelW]
John: "ad" is no longer a distraction
15:34:38 [LionelW]
janina: 170 subsumes 46?
15:35:13 [LionelW]
John: We accept a token list, but is it comma separated or space separated
15:35:37 [LionelW]
Becky: "a list of one or more tokens" <-- doesn't say space or comma, currently
15:36:16 [LionelW]
John: ARIA is space separated, so let's inherit that for consistency
15:38:05 [JF]
15:38:29 [LionelW]
Becky: (checking in ARIA) -- they have the same definition, 'a list of one or more tokens'
15:42:38 [becky]
15:43:36 [LionelW]
Lionel: Just asking, will there be a need for ordering?
15:43:44 [LionelW]
JF: Supported
15:44:33 [LionelW]
... in this list, order doesn't really matter
15:45:03 [LionelW]
Becky: With symbols, order does matter, and we handle it
15:45:50 [LionelW]
JF: Do we expect another host language?
15:45:59 [LionelW]
... ARIA can be used in SVG as well
15:46:52 [LionelW]
janina: HTML is certainly first, then likely the education domain
15:47:06 [LionelW]
JF: In editor's draft, space separated list is mentioned twice
15:47:50 [becky]
15:49:00 [LionelW]
Charles: Tokens are expected to be Camel Case compressed
15:49:09 [LionelW]
JF: The tokens are defined in advance
15:51:09 [LionelW]
CharlesL: Double checking-- we implemented 'dash' and not CamelCase
15:51:59 [LionelW]
JF: New issue found (!) says, 'symbols is a URI'
15:52:20 [LionelW]
... the value is a numeric reference
15:53:04 [becky]
15:55:25 [LionelW]
JF: Proposed: I will take the ARIA wording, build on it a definition of token list.
15:55:52 [LionelW]
... Since personalization requires token lists, we will specify the types of lists we expect
15:56:23 [LionelW]
... drafting: a token list can be either a space separated list of values, or for symbols, a conjugated list of values
15:57:24 [LionelW]
becky: Thinking out loud: will we ever need to combine these two types, and then will the separator become ambiguous
15:59:46 [JF]
ACTION: JF to research token list, draft definition for our spec. Also look at conjugated terms and space between + symbol?
15:59:46 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-79 - Research token list, draft definition for our spec. also look at conjugated terms and space between + symbol? [on John Foliot - due 2021-02-15].
16:10:23 [LionelW]
zakim, end meeting
16:10:23 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been CharlesL, JF, becky, janina, snidersd, LionelW
16:10:25 [Zakim]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
16:10:25 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Zakim
16:10:28 [Zakim]
I am happy to have been of service, LionelW; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye
16:10:33 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #personalization
16:11:37 [LionelW]
trackbot, bye
16:11:37 [trackbot]
trackbot has left #personalization
16:16:51 [MichaelC_]
MichaelC_ has joined #personalization
16:27:27 [CharlesL]
CharlesL has left #personalization
18:49:00 [stevelee]
stevelee has joined #personalization