16:42:39 RRSAgent has joined #silver-conf 16:42:39 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/01/28-silver-conf-irc 16:42:48 agenda? 16:42:53 Agenda+ Agenda Review & Administrative Items 16:42:53 agenda+ Use Cases Review & Continued Discussion 16:42:53 agenda+ Other Business 16:42:53 agenda+ Be Done 16:43:05 agenda? 16:43:41 regrets: John_Northup 16:43:47 Chair: sajkaj 16:44:01 Meeting: Silver Conformance Options Subgroup 16:44:11 Date: 28 January 2021 16:50:17 present+ 17:00:33 Wilco has joined #silver-conf 17:01:00 PeterKorn has joined #silver-conf 17:01:03 present+ 17:02:05 bruce_bailey has joined #silver-conf 17:05:15 present+ 17:05:26 present+ 17:06:44 sarahhorton has joined #silver-conf 17:06:54 present+ 17:07:21 Jemma has joined #silver-conf 17:09:08 zakim, take up next 17:09:08 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Administrative Items -- taken up [from sajkaj] 17:09:29 agenda? 17:09:54 zakim, take up next 17:09:54 agendum 1 was just opened, sarahhorton 17:10:02 zakim, close this item 17:10:02 agendum 1 closed 17:10:03 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:10:03 2. Use Cases Review & Continued Discussion [from sajkaj] 17:10:07 zakim, take up next 17:10:07 agendum 2 -- Use Cases Review & Continued Discussion -- taken up [from sajkaj] 17:10:43 scribe: sarahhorton 17:11:58 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GyUYTnZp0HIMdsKqCiISCSCvL0su692dnW34P81kbbw/ 17:12:58 Peter: Reads through use case 17:13:41 ~~~~q? 17:14:03 ~~~~q? 17:14:27 Peter: Want to engage Detlev on the case study 17:15:30 Janina: Started email with Detlev, he'll try to expand on it 17:16:08 …started draft 17:16:33 ...can't you tell if there's a programmatically associated label, isn't that testable 17:16:46 ...can automatically test it but don't know if labels are correct 17:17:07 ...provide guidance about what's in process or what's out of scope 17:17:25 ...ratings are important to buying decisions, sharing information about products 17:17:39 ...going to have to provide guidance on how to reach that decision 17:17:59 q? 17:18:00 ...obvious ones that are out, ones that are in, and gray area 17:18:31 Peter: Make comments to Detlev in doc to capture thinking, can't resolve without him here 17:19:27 ...adds questions to Google doc 17:20:57 +10 17:21:13 q? 17:21:14 Jeanne: What can be detected by test is moving target, haven't thought of way to codify that's flexible 17:22:36 Wilco: ACT Taskforce decided to move away from automated and manual, depends on context, how many assumptions, anything can be automated if you know the environment really well 17:23:38 Peter: Wondering about after time has passed with introduction of code, testing for things, changes what's required to hit levels, don't know how to work into structure 17:24:24 ...grace period reasonable amount of time to adopt techniques to when we expect they will be used 17:24:43 Jeanne: Should only be thinking bronze level, bronze is regulatory 17:25:39 ...new category of critical error, e.g., error identified by automated test 17:26:44 ...error discovered by automated test, but then issue of false positives, complex sites where portions are not accessed by user, but trigger in automated audit, should add to use case list 17:27:12 ...automated test, user accessible area, impact of accessibility, could be easily fixed 17:28:06 Peter: Vendors developing tests, vendor A finds it, vendor B doesn't, need some notion of managing new technique, allowing some period of time 17:28:48 Jeanne: Could include here with caveats, make note in document to add use case 17:29:04 q? 17:32:08 Janina: Working on response to issues in B, needs to think through different types of interactions 17:33:16 Peter: Reads through #5 17:33:31 ...break down use case into issues 17:33:57 ...Read through #6 17:36:10 q+ 17:36:17 q? 17:36:52 Bruce: Wants to keep conformance compatible with gov space, okay with use case 17:37:20 Wilco: Not telling use case, what is it trying to get at 17:37:51 q? 17:38:13 Peter: Separate from critical error, must be fixed, separate from primary and secondary areas, will always encounter bugs that impact users, sometime severe 17:38:49 ...should accessibility be treated differently than issues that impact users generally 17:39:37 ...e.g., train station, 2 entries, ticketing machine out affects everyone, elevator affects wheelchair users 17:40:28 ...nothing of sufficient size/cmplexity will be free of bugs, if standard says need to be free of severe bugs, will never have site that passes bronze 17:40:59 Jeanne: Giving range of what's acceptable, alt text, full rating if you meet X% 17:41:47 Peter: One of two biggest concerns, need to figure it out 17:42:08 Jeanne: Alt text, in critical flow and block user from accomplishing task 17:42:41 ...if 95% passes and there are no critical errors it will pass 17:43:19 Peter: Temporal concern, any moment in time may be bug, hours or days, will find error, fail site 17:43:48 q? 17:43:58 ...large sites some page will have critical error, esp if discovering error needs manual testing, no different from errors that affect everyone 17:44:04 ack w 17:44:16 ack w 17:44:22 present+ 17:44:38 Janina: Luck of draw because sampling expectations 17:45:09 Peter: Accurate sampling, might find it — most concerning when bug that can't be found with automated tests, still critical error 17:45:57 Wilco: QualityMark, did audits, even ones that had mark year before, always found something new 17:46:15 ...agree that it needs to be taken into account 17:46:26 rrsagent, make minutes 17:46:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/28-silver-conf-minutes.html Jemma 17:46:41 Peter: No idea how to take it into account 17:47:11 rrsagent, make logs public 17:47:19 q? 17:47:20 Wilco: Critical errors works well page by page, very large — even moderate — will have errors, process question 17:48:00 Jeanne: QA has normal testing procedures for everything, does the button work, does it work on mobile, 1000s of tests that QA runs 17:48:22 ...small projects don't go out door until no critical bugs 17:48:39 q+ 17:48:58 ...when testing on way out door, will do what org does for testing, accessibility bugs can't be worse than other bugs of other types 17:49:51 ...lots of testing in QA, automated, manual — accessibility bugs are proportional 17:50:10 ...maybe belongs in maturity model, nothing going out with critical bugs 17:50:32 Peter: In agreement, not coming to solution about codifying in Silver 17:51:00 ...blocker bugs discovered late, go to publish, fix quickly 17:51:28 ...blocker bugs launch, add fix to next launch 17:51:33 q- 17:51:54 ...massive site/software, going to have some number of critical bugs always 17:52:12 q? 17:52:40 ...if not treating accessibility differently, critical things are critical, not treating disproportionately, should that be okay? How do we capture 17:53:49 ...going to be period of time between when flashing is noticed and when it's fixed, could be 2 hours, will be flashing 17:54:14 ...if test finds flash, is it noncompliant, penalties? 17:54:53 Janina: User agent could check for flashing, doesn't work in real time, would catch this critical error 17:55:45 q? 17:55:46 Jeanne: Don't want to solve individual examples, we have categories, could add category for automated testing 17:56:18 I agree with Jeanne. 17:57:12 ...even with temporal problem, critical error that needs to be fixed, site overall has good accessibility, still only need 3.5 out of 4 to get bronze level, even with critical errors 17:57:46 Peter: Few critical errors could bring down below 4 and could get bronze 17:58:28 Jeanne: Guideline, write in different breakpoints of accessible and acceptable, overall score could address temporal, averaged and normalized over all guidelines 17:58:36 Peter: That works 17:58:56 ...will be lots of arguing about numbers, but it works 17:59:04 ...will clean up example 17:59:18 ...will report on extent to which use case is already addressed 17:59:51 Jeanne: Write up article explaining to people, good to have to explain how things are working 18:00:28 Peter: Yes but not until March when use cases are addressed 18:01:15 Jemma: Is the information about scoring somewhere? 18:01:47 Jeanne: It's in the FPWD, been looking at comments, questions, clearly didn't explain this well 18:01:58 ...figured out last minute 18:03:01 ...trying to address this important and valuable questions 18:03:42 ...need to make it more understandable 18:11:57 zakim, bye 18:11:57 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been sajkaj, PeterKorn, bruce_bailey, Wilco, sarahhorton, Jemma 18:11:57 Zakim has left #silver-conf 18:12:05 rrsagent, make log public 18:12:22 rrsagent, make minutes 18:12:22 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/28-silver-conf-minutes.html sajkaj 19:24:12 jeanne has joined #silver-conf