22:50:10 RRSAgent has joined #did 22:50:10 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/01/26-did-irc 22:50:19 rrsagent, draft minutes 22:50:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/26-did-minutes.html burn 22:51:12 TallTed has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2021-01-26: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2021Jan/0022.html 22:55:33 brent has joined #did 22:56:45 rrsagent, draft minutes 22:56:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/26-did-minutes.html brent 22:56:52 rrsagent, make logs public 22:57:08 Meeting: Decentralized Identifier Working Group 22:57:19 Chair: burn 22:57:40 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2021Jan/0022.html 22:57:47 zakim, this is did 22:57:47 got it, brent 22:58:12 present+ 22:59:56 justin_r has joined #did 23:00:05 present+ 23:00:17 agropper has joined #did 23:00:32 JoeAndrieu has joined #did 23:01:42 present+ 23:01:51 present+ 23:02:17 present+ justin_r 23:02:26 present+ 23:02:29 present+ agropper 23:02:56 jonathan_holt has joined #did 23:03:19 present+ jonathan_holt 23:04:25 dbuc has joined #did 23:04:27 drummond has joined #did 23:04:36 present+ 23:04:55 Manu: is that clean PR good? 23:05:15 present+ 23:05:22 dbuc, haven't had a chance to look at it yet -- can do that now 23:05:25 scribe+ dbuc 23:05:33 s/Manu: is/Manu, is/ 23:06:50 Topic: PR Deadline 23:06:50 Topic 1: PR Deadline 23:07:13 Sent out a notice a while back, you all should now have it 23:07:21 the PR deadline is Feb 9 23:07:42 Any PRs not raised by that day will be deferred to vNext 23:07:57 Topic 2: Special topic call 23:08:03 Will be this Thurs 23:08:25 Purpose of the call is for anyone writing PRs to get feedback, guidance, aid, etc. 23:08:57 I am planning to have the revised Appendix (based on the current comments and any discussion today) ready to review on the special topic call on Thursday. 23:08:59 Noon EST, on Thurs 23:09:11 Orie_ has joined #did 23:09:14 present+ 23:09:27 Hoping to do a quick roundtable about some of the Notes that are being written 23:09:34 Use cases is very nearly completely complete 23:09:43 kdenhartog has joined #did 23:09:48 present+ 23:09:53 q+ 23:10:02 ack JoeAndrieu 23:10:21 Daniel Hardman and Joe are meeting each week to push it forward 23:10:31 Leveraging DHS/SVIP work 23:10:44 Rubric proposed by that group as a starting point 23:11:15 Will take the feedback in incorporate it into the Rubric 23:11:44 Test suite is the other major item 23:11:49 burn has joined #did 23:11:58 Orie threatens to refactor, then made good on his threat! 23:12:09 q+ to ask about multiple did methods for did:key 23:12:44 Open PR in test suite repo. Open issue as to whether the test suite is about DID Method conformance or other variety of conformance 23:12:48 ack manu 23:12:48 manu, you wanted to ask about multiple did methods for did:key 23:13:00 https://github.com/w3c/did-test-suite/pull/19 23:13:12 Manu with a quick question: about DID Key, there may be multiple companies submitting implementations 23:13:16 How should that work? 23:13:50 Orie has no solution, but proposes two tracks: everyone implements same features for a given method 23:14:15 q+ to raise concern w/ forcing the entire ecosystem for what one organization does. 23:14:33 or track 2: different implementations, but limited to implementation tests, which may be less strict 23:14:40 implementation should be focus of test suite; that will deliver on method conformance/feature-coverage as a bonus 23:14:40 method as focus will not deliver on implementation conformance 23:14:50 by_caballero has joined #did 23:15:01 Brent: daniel, do better with nics for scribing 23:15:07 ack manu 23:15:07 manu, you wanted to raise concern w/ forcing the entire ecosystem for what one organization does. 23:15:38 Manu: Ted said it in IRC - thinks it is going to be problematic if we don't focus on implementation-wide focus for testing 23:15:39 q+ to propose test stuff 23:15:58 GeunHyung_Kim has joined #did 23:16:11 Manu: With DID Key we're seeing disjoint implementations, and the design decisions have been very different 23:16:18 @JoeAndrieu - I made a thingy for the DID-Rubric to help out Eric Welton at the DIF F2F last week - not sure if it's useful but ping me when the cohort gets around to discussing did methods again? https://github.com/bumblefudge/blotter/blob/main/did-rubric-strawmen.md 23:16:45 ack Orie_ 23:16:45 Orie_, you wanted to propose test stuff 23:16:48 Manu: Let us know how hard it's going to be to focus the testing on cross-implementation conformance 23:16:53 present+ 23:17:05 present+ 23:17:15 present 23:17:57 Orie: can support different implementations, but when we try to add up the coverage across many implementations, the reports will be spotty, given the different support across method implementations 23:18:26 q+ to note typically, it's there is no ONE 23:18:26 Orie: will there be a single set of test vectors per implementations all implementations will be judged by? 23:18:34 ack manu 23:18:34 manu, you wanted to note typically, it's there is no ONE 23:18:55 Manu: typically no one true set of vectors for an implementation 23:19:15 Manu: just looking for at least two implementers implemented a feature 23:20:05 Dan: next topic is the Implementation Guide 23:20:14 q+ 23:20:25 ack drummond 23:20:53 +1, thank you Orie! 23:20:57 Orie: we should adjust the test suite until it does what Manu said 23:21:14 Drummond: I was assigned, but will not have time to do it 23:21:30 Drummond: I am busy vaccinating the world 23:23:11 Dan: Notes in process become the priority as we move to CR 23:23:25 Dan: Chairs are leaning toward no Implementation Guide 23:23:33 Topic: Issues 23:23:34 Dan: next topic: Issues 23:23:53 q+ 23:23:59 ack manu 23:24:19 Manu: Good news is we have many PRs 23:24:36 Manu: heads up: check your PRs regularly 23:24:49 Manu: lolly lolly lolly get your PRs in 23:25:15 Manu: Two questions on Appendix and Persistence PRs 23:26:07 q? 23:26:11 Drummond: Joe's new PR on Persistence is good, and please review, over to Joe for details 23:26:28 Joe: Did see the comments, not sure how URNs apply here 23:26:46 Joe: URNs don't do the thing they were brought in for 23:27:21 Drummond: think we need 1/2 paragraphs that have generations of specs around the issue of URNs and the relationship to them 23:27:42 Drummond: think we need 1/2 paragraphs around the issue of URNs and the relationship to them 23:28:35 Manu: please take a look at that PR 23:29:01 Drummond: we should shoot for Thursday, and give it a go ahead 23:29:50 Manu: those are PRs 457 and 460 23:30:14 Manu: going to PR about DagCBOR 23:31:16 Brent: A section of text was moved by Manu as part of an editorial cleanup. Wasn't a violation, but we need to move the text back 23:31:18 q+ 23:31:33 zakim, who is here? 23:31:33 Present: brent, TallTed, shigeya, JoeAndrieu, justin_r, manu, agropper, jonathan_holt, drummond, dbuc, Orie_, kdenhartog, burn, GeunHyung_Kim 23:31:36 lets just see the PR, and object to the PR 23:31:36 On IRC I see GeunHyung_Kim, by_caballero, burn, kdenhartog, Orie_, drummond, dbuc, jonathan_holt, JoeAndrieu, agropper, justin_r, brent, RRSAgent, Zakim, TallTed, tzviya, 23:31:36 ... bigbluehat, ChristopherA, dlehn, shigeya, faceface, hadleybeeman, wayne_, cel, Travis_, dlongley, manu, rhiaro 23:31:37 Manu: will move the text back, but objections will likely result 23:32:19 q? 23:32:23 ack jonathan_holt 23:32:24 Dan: we will treat this as a new set of objections for discussion 23:32:53 q+ 23:33:14 present+ by_caballero 23:33:16 Jonathan: notes issues with DagCBOR, knows about need for more eyes-on, but mostly concerned with the overarching CBOR representations, and thinks it needs to be reflected in the spec 23:33:59 Jonathan: pulled much of the text from the canonicalizaton text from other spec, by this is a good approximation of a deterministic representation 23:34:00 q+ to explain "at risk" again to put it to bed 23:34:19 Jonathan: this was my attempt to create one such implementation of the representation 23:34:48 isn't this entire debate about did+dag+cbor ? pretty sure did+dag+cbor != did+cbor != did+ld+cbor 23:35:02 Jonathan: I think we can get to some synergy where this is hardened and secure for the CBOR representation s 23:35:11 q+ 23:35:24 Dan: let's not talk about At-Risk 23:35:31 q- later 23:35:36 ack manu 23:35:36 Manu: let's have that discussion on Thurs 23:35:49 Manu: on CBOR canonicalization, DabCBOR 23:36:13 Manu: background is in Issue 551 23:36:18 q+ 23:36:19 See https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/551 23:36:25 q- later 23:36:30 ack jonathan_holt 23:36:59 Jonathan: in absence of Jim Shad and Carsten, I am not an expert, but this was an attempt to get to an approach that would work 23:37:32 ack burn 23:37:32 burn, you wanted to explain "at risk" again to put it to bed 23:38:13 Dan: At-Risk is marked because there is a concern that there may be insufficient implementations for a given feature 23:38:54 Dan: risk of not having two implementations is the one and only thing that At-Risk is meant to convey 23:39:13 Dan: it is an editor/chair decision 23:39:13 q+ to go through other PRs 23:39:29 What about the testable risk? 23:39:42 I always see things being testable, not testable 23:40:10 Dan: Manu, you fall on this sword 23:40:46 Manu: we have made a pass to identify testable statements. Some are clear, others are unclear how/if the WG can test things 23:41:55 Manu: All tests should be in RFC language, and we need to look at ever normative statement, and ask ourselves, do we feel testable? Well, do we, punks? 23:42:03 s/you fall on this sword/you take a shot at explaining testability and how we handle it/ 23:42:39 Manu: we expect normative statements to be testable by a machine 23:42:56 q+ 23:43:12 ack jonathan_holt 23:43:27 Dan: if the editors feel something is not testable, you must throw down the gauntlet with a test 23:44:25 Jonathan: if it's one big number vs another big number, how to you handle errors in the test code/vectors? 23:45:04 Dan: we have an errata process, and if it's a small bug, we correct it. We are more concerned with whether the issue is one that would occur outside of simple spec dev mistakes 23:45:53 Manu: we need to do this cleanly, else our charter time could run out, and we could get canned by the W3C 23:46:17 Manu: ideally we should have multiple conforming implementations now, before CR 23:46:17 q 23:46:20 q+ to ask for the latest list 23:46:27 ack Orie_ 23:46:27 Orie_, you wanted to ask for the latest list 23:46:47 Orie: as i was updating some of the tests, I was looking around for all the testable statements 23:47:00 Orie: is there some tool or process to help divvy up work 23:47:17 q+ 23:47:24 manu: we don't have a plan, but Amy has a normative statement extraction tool 23:47:32 q+ 23:47:35 ack TallTed 23:47:37 Manu: we will set aside a special call to go through those 23:48:02 Ted: GH has a feature called a Draft PR, could be of use for this 23:48:07 ack kdenhartog 23:48:07 q- 23:48:09 q+ 23:48:28 Kyle: can we use Amy's tool and work on them now, or do we feel they will change? 23:48:29 ack burn 23:48:46 Manu: brace yourself for change, CR-winter is coming 23:49:39 q+ to keep going through PRs 23:49:40 Dan: we will start requiring a test if you submit a PR that could affect a test, and we use this as a natural PRDDoS mechanism 23:49:45 ack manu 23:49:45 manu, you wanted to keep going through PRs 23:50:11 Manu: Orie, I know you resubmitted revocation/rotation PRs, how good do you feel about them? 23:50:29 Orie: meeting with D. Hardman, and we're getting there 23:51:01 Orie: section on revocation is something everyone should get eyes-on. I am surprised by the position he takes 23:51:51 See the PR on revocation https://github.com/w3c/did-core/pull/570 23:52:09 Manu: any issues you concerned about not being resolved? 23:52:31 q+ 23:52:33 q+ 23:52:39 q+ to ask about resolution being concrete 23:53:04 dbuc: I have a concern. relative paths. if controller is a blank string. 23:53:06 identitywoman has joined #did 23:53:26 ... Is it a DID URI? have to walk back and forth. Seems hazy. 23:53:34 q+ to talk about relative paths 23:53:47 ack Orie_ 23:53:47 Orie_, you wanted to talk about relative paths 23:53:51 Identitywoman__ has joined #did 23:53:53 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/337 23:53:54 q- 23:53:56 Orie: relative pathing is confusing 23:53:57 q+ to ask about resolution being concrete 23:53:57 scribe+ 23:53:59 Present+ 23:54:13 Orie: open issues exist about derefing, frags, base, etc. 23:54:30 Orie: if you care about how these are handled in the spec, please look at Issue 337 23:54:44 Orie: there are multiple ways relative refs can be formed 23:55:04 Orie: Shares the concern about relative pathing 23:55:22 Orie: please contributed to those examples if you want to de-FUDify 23:55:23 I share similar feeling on relative path. it's also to related to the relationship of resolver and method, I think. 23:55:33 q? 23:55:39 ack JoeAndrieu 23:56:17 ack manu 23:56:17 manu, you wanted to ask about resolution being concrete 23:56:19 Joe: I still have on my plate to read through 100 pages regarding herd privacy, and I am hoping to get through it 23:56:31 q+ 23:56:40 Manu: we need to make resolution more concrete, and bring more specifics into our scope 23:57:11 ack kdenhartog 23:57:26 Manu: We can no longer operate on the notion that the first rule of Resolution Club is that we don't talk about Resolution Club 23:57:40 q? 23:58:01 Dan: anything else for this wonderful Tuesday? 23:58:38 present+ Identitywoman__ 23:58:47 zakim, who is here? 23:58:47 Present: brent, TallTed, shigeya, JoeAndrieu, justin_r, manu, agropper, jonathan_holt, drummond, dbuc, Orie_, kdenhartog, burn, GeunHyung_Kim, by_caballero, Identitywoman__ 23:58:51 On IRC I see Identitywoman__, identitywoman, GeunHyung_Kim, by_caballero, burn, kdenhartog, Orie_, drummond, dbuc, jonathan_holt, JoeAndrieu, agropper, justin_r, brent, RRSAgent, 23:58:51 ... Zakim, TallTed, tzviya, bigbluehat, ChristopherA, dlehn, shigeya, faceface, hadleybeeman, wayne_, cel, Travis_, dlongley, manu, rhiaro 23:59:02 rrsagent, draft minutes 23:59:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/26-did-minutes.html burn 23:59:39 zakim, end the meeting 23:59:39 As of this point the attendees have been brent, TallTed, shigeya, JoeAndrieu, justin_r, manu, agropper, jonathan_holt, drummond, dbuc, Orie_, kdenhartog, burn, GeunHyung_Kim, 23:59:42 ... by_caballero, Identitywoman__ 23:59:42 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 23:59:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/26-did-minutes.html Zakim 23:59:44 I am happy to have been of service, brent; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 23:59:49 Zakim has left #did 23:59:58 rrsagent, please excuse us 23:59:58 I see no action items