14:04:42 RRSAgent has joined #personalization 14:04:42 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/01/11-personalization-irc 14:04:44 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:04:47 Meeting: Personalization Task Force Teleconference 14:04:47 Date: 11 January 2021 14:05:12 zakim, clear agenda 14:05:12 agenda cleared 14:05:43 agenda+ Distraction example PR, https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2020Dec/0008.html 14:06:46 agenda+ Charter for APA (due end of the month)- Proposed https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2021Jan/0004.html 14:07:13 Link updates to explainer and requirements, https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/ and https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/Requirements 14:07:32 agenda+ Link updates to explainer and requirements, https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/ and https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/Requirements 14:08:04 agenda+ WhatWG re: data- ask for a permanent reserved prefix 14:08:33 agenda+ Review remaining Actions, https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/actions 14:08:38 agenda? 14:08:51 chair: sharon 14:54:37 LisaSeemanKest has joined #personalization 15:00:33 janina has joined #personalization 15:00:37 present+ 15:01:16 present+ 15:02:00 present+ 15:02:34 becky has joined #personalization 15:02:45 CharlesL has joined #personalization 15:02:56 present+ 15:04:05 present+ 15:11:13 agenda? 15:11:15 scribe: becky 15:11:34 zakim, next item 15:11:34 agendum 1 -- Distraction example PR, https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2020Dec/0008.html -- taken up [from sharon] 15:11:54 +1 to Beckies examples and pll request 15:12:45 Becky: I added the two examples, just need people to review 15:12:47 +1 15:12:52 +1 15:13:01 Sharon: if no objections will ask Roy to approve the pull request 15:13:08 zakim, next item 15:13:08 agendum 2 -- Charter for APA (due end of the month)- Proposed https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2021Jan/0004.html -- taken up [from sharon] 15:14:27 module 1: pr 15:14:27 > - module 2: WD Hopely CR if we can 15:14:28 > - develop best practice (may included user settings) 15:14:28 > - module 3 : WD 15:14:44 Sharon: John's suggestion for our charter. Lisa suggested Mod. 1 to PR, mod. 2 as WD, Best practices, and Mod. 3 as WD 15:15:17 Janina: clarification for module 1 - do we mean TR (technical) vs PR (proposed) 15:15:26 Lisa: yes TR for mod. 1 15:16:16 q+ 15:16:45 Sharon: reads John's email. Wants to see Best practices for both tool implementers and content authors, suggests we add wording about proposing new SC for WCAG version 2.3 as part of our mandate 15:17:47 q+ 15:17:58 Janina: I think list of deliverables is ambitious; probably ok since only TR is module 1; specify that best practices are for module 1 only; less comfortable doing prototype work for AG working; might be useful to have cross group meeting 15:18:02 ack Janina 15:18:48 Janina: we don't have to have work with AG / suggest new SC within the charter, that is part of overall APA to work with other groups 15:19:26 ack Lisa 15:21:24 Lisa: I agree that we don't need working with AG in the charter. We can certainly develop some best practices but if we need implementations before we can create content best practices. So, not as comfortable promising authoring best practices. 15:21:56 Lisa: previously we made two lists - one for charter and another for the group. They may not be exactly the same. 15:22:45 Janina: suggest wording of creating best practices for "such as" and provide examples - content and authoring. 15:23:35 Becky: Biggest issue is the dates. So have 3 normative track and 1 supporting document 15:24:53 Janina: the key with the normative specs if we have to agree on when we will get to CR. Michael okay with going to CR with data- as long as make sure implementers are aware that data- will be replaced with a reserved prefix when it is determined 15:26:14 Lisa: then we can add an editor's note about data- changing 15:26:45 Janina: yes, add an editors note where data- is introduced 15:26:48 Lisa: will draft editor's note and send to the list 15:27:47 Sharon: do we want module 2 as CR? 15:28:14 Janina: can't go to CR unless it is listed in the charter 15:28:24 q+ 15:29:13 Janina: propose TR for module 1 in 2022 by TPAC (Q4) 15:29:21 ack Charles 15:30:26 Charles: Stretch goal of CR for mod. 2 by 2024, Q2 15:34:00 Janina: Reviews Candidate Rec (CR), PR proposed Rec (must have 2 independent implementations); Then create report to director with review of implementations and requirements are valid. Once approved then can transistion to TR Technical rec. after time for review and votes from w3c governing body. If enough votes, becomes an official TR 15:35:08 Janina: propose PR for mod 1 in Q2 of 2022 15:36:48 Janina: very close to CR for mod. 1 now. Second CR in Q3/Q4 of this year once have attribute. Implementers update implementations with new attribute and complete by Q1 2022. Then move onto PR 15:37:47 Lisa: need implementations before asking for attribute; lots of emails going back and forth to coordinate 15:38:21 q+ 15:38:48 Janina: if we need to push mod 1 to 2023 perhaps we should not put mod. 2 into CR 15:39:06 ack Lisa 15:39:40 q+ 15:40:06 Lisa: no one minds if you are early. Can say mod 1 in 2023 but can finish in 2022 (which may be optimistic); this gives implementers more time 15:41:23 Lisa: believe module 2 should go faster, we will have the reserved prefix and shouldn't have the research and data dash issues we had with mod. 1 15:41:27 ack Charles 15:42:45 Charles: want to keep mod. 2 as a CR by end of charter; okay with pushing for mod 1 TR by Q4 2024; There will be periods of waiting for mod 1 implementers that we can be working on module. 2 15:44:55 Janina: TR for mod. 1 Q4 2023; CR for mod. 2 by Q2 2024 15:45:32 Charles: we will be working on mod. 1 and mod. 2 in parallel 15:45:45 Janina: and will already have the reserved prefix for module 2 15:46:24 Janina: dates are not needed for WD and Best Practices 15:46:56 Charles: do we have to put WD in the charter 15:47:50 Janina: if the WD is already published it we continue to work on it, don't need to include a date. 15:48:25 https://www.w3.org/TR/personalization-semantics-tools-1.0/ 15:48:45 Janina: we will put mod. 3 in the charter as a working draft; confirmed that we have already published it is an "official" WD 15:48:46 zakim, next item 15:48:46 agendum 3 -- Link updates to explainer and requirements, https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/ and https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/Requirements -- 15:48:49 ... taken up [from sharon] 15:50:08 Sharon: these are emails from Lisa clarifying links for the module to make sure explainer and requirements go to TR track documents (not the wiki) 15:50:45 Roy: I can check all of the links in the content module (mod. 1) 15:50:45 zakim, next item 15:50:45 agendum 4 -- WhatWG re: data- ask for a permanent reserved prefix -- taken up [from sharon] 15:51:48 Janina: this is postponed now that we are going to publish (CR) with data- and editor's note that this will change. Once implementations we will go to WHAT-WG for reserved attribute 15:51:54 zakim, next item 15:51:54 agendum 5 -- Review remaining Actions, https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/actions -- taken up [from sharon] 15:52:15 Sharon: Asking about BCI numbers 15:52:44 Roy: this is still pending, will continue to pursue 15:52:46 rrsagent, make minutes 15:52:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/11-personalization-minutes.html becky 15:54:24 Lisa: add than Roy is going to update the links, remove old editor's notes so can add the new on about data- 15:54:45 s/than/that 15:54:46 Sharon: Roy has todo to add video to home page 15:54:55 Roy: have to review with Michael 15:55:46 Roy: we opened Issue #144 and #145 about I18N - we need to resolve addn. comments 15:56:45 Sharon: no meeting on Monday, Jan. 18 15:57:01 Lisa: also need a cfc to publish 15:57:11 Janina: yes, at APA level 15:57:30 Sharon: I'll clean up the list of actions in wiki 15:57:46 rrsagent, make minutes 15:57:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/11-personalization-minutes.html becky 15:59:29 thanks folks 16:02:11 LisaSeemanKest has joined #personalization 16:31:25 stevelee has joined #personalization 17:29:30 stevelee has joined #personalization 18:08:14 CharlesL has left #personalization 20:04:25 janina has left #personalization 21:49:20 micro__ has joined #personalization 21:52:37 MichaelC has joined #personalization 23:53:41 MichaelC_ has joined #personalization