Fuzzy geolocation

Thijs Brentjens, Geonovum (the Netherlands)

September 23rd 2020
W3C/OGC Joint Workshop Series on Maps for the Web


Picture of an ancient map

In the age of analogue maps, who else than the user knew exactly what a user was looking for on a map?


For many digital applications (mobile, desktop) geolocation is valuable.

Use cases with extra attention for security and privacy:

Sending a (very) accurate geolocation to online services may compromise privacy or may be a security risk.

Can we do better?

Secured location

Fuzzy geolocation

Example of an interaction pattern

Fuzzy geolocation

Example of an interaction pattern

Fuzzy geolocation

Example of an interaction pattern

Adding fuzziness

Invitation to collaborate

Let's explore a privacy preserving mode for geolocation

Thank you!

Twitter: @thijsbrentjens @geonovum

September 23rd 2020
W3C/OGC Joint Workshop Series on Maps for the Web