15:13:11 RRSAgent has joined #did 15:13:11 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/12/15-did-irc 15:13:13 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:13:15 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 15:13:23 Meeting: DID WG Telco 15:13:23 Chair: brent 15:13:23 Date: 2020-12-15 15:13:23 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2020Dec/0007.html 15:13:23 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2020-12-15: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2020Dec/0007.html 15:25:20 TallTed has joined #did 15:57:38 present+ 16:00:32 present+ brent 16:00:38 present+ shigeya 16:00:57 present+ rhiaro 16:00:57 present+ TallTed 16:01:37 jonathan_holt has joined #did 16:02:12 present+ jonathan_holt 16:02:40 present+ identitywoman 16:02:52 present+ 16:02:53 present+ 16:02:53 identitywoman has joined #did 16:02:56 markus_sabadello has joined #did 16:02:56 present+ 16:02:58 present+ dlongley 16:03:09 agropper has joined #did 16:03:13 regrets+ burn 16:03:19 present+ 16:03:41 present+ 16:03:44 present+ markus_sabadello 16:03:57 scribe+ jonathan_holt 16:04:04 scribe+ rhiaro 16:04:21 brent : agenda.... 16:04:48 ... special topic call, dagCBOR, DID core vocabulary. then discuss issues staring with priority 1 then 2 16:04:51 q+ to talk about TAG election (2 mins) 16:04:58 present+ manu 16:05:11 present+ 16:05:19 rhiaro : take 2 minutes to discuss TAG election 16:05:23 present+ wayne 16:05:48 justin_r has joined #did 16:05:54 brent : next special topic registry handling, on Thursday the 12/17 12pm EST 16:05:57 present+ 16:05:59 q+ 16:06:06 present+ justin_r 16:06:40 rhiaro: TAG has an election coming up. The TAG is a achetectual group. 16:06:53 ... I'm standing in this election as is Wayne. 16:07:00 phila_ has joined #did 16:07:10 ... my background is in open data and I'm hoping to represent that community. 16:07:18 when is the election? 16:07:28 ... if you are an AC rep, encourage you to vote. 16:07:35 https://www.w3.org/2020/12/07-tag-nominations 16:07:38 https://www.w3.org/2020/12/07-tag-nominations#wc 16:07:47 https://rhiaro.co.uk/2020/11/tag-statement 16:07:50 ... the election is through the 5th of Jan 16:08:04 ack amy 16:08:12 ack rhiaro 16:08:12 rhiaro, you wanted to talk about TAG election (2 mins) 16:08:15 ack wayne 16:08:26 present+ phila 16:08:27 https://www.w3.org/Member/ACList 16:08:40 wayne : i want to express my support, there are multiple seats open including possibly both of us. I can provide a link to find your AC rep. 16:08:46 q+ to note why this TAG election is extra special. 16:08:57 ... there are a lot of interest in VC and we could build that bridge. 16:08:57 ack manu 16:08:57 manu, you wanted to note why this TAG election is extra special. 16:09:35 by_caballero has joined #did 16:09:38 present+ 16:09:42 manu: that is awesome that they are running. 16:10:04 I don't have privilege to access the ACList 16:11:17 https://w3c.github.io/did-core/#dagcbor 16:11:17 brent: topic dagCbor 16:11:22 dmitriz has joined #did 16:11:34 present+ dbuc 16:11:40 present+ 16:11:43 manu: check in with jonathan 16:11:57 Orie has joined #did 16:12:11 present+ orie 16:12:12 ... CBOR is in! wow-ho!. we have made some update to make it inline including production and consumption. 16:12:15 who else is good to vote for? 16:12:38 cause there are 4 seats - like should I vote for the mozilla person? 16:13:04 ... mostly asking about canonical. then there is a section on dagCbor. I don't remember if we have consensus? 16:13:24 q+ 16:13:31 ack jonathan_holt 16:13:33 scribe+ manu 16:14:21 jonathan_holt: The section I put for canonical focuses mostly on DAG CBOR section, you need it in a deterministic canonical format... CBOR spec does give guidance, but it's not set in stone, it's up to app developers like our specification to decide what is canonical. Nuances of lossless conversion in/out of dat model... that's an additional constraint. 16:15:38 jonathan_holt: I put everything I could think of to make it canonical, very involved in IPLD / IPFS community, been working ont hat for years -- how to make sure it's as deterministic as possible... they have a billion dollar industry to make sure things are deterministics - making sure it's working as intended. Most issues are in numbers, JSON, 53-bits vs 64-bits, since we've dropped numbers, bigint, bigfloat, not an issue that will pop up right now for 16:15:38 canonical deterministic -- deterministic ordering of map - order right way, get different hash, really important. 16:15:44 q+ on canonical information models. 16:16:06 See also https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7049#section-3.9 16:16:21 jonathan_holt: wrt. production/consumption rules -- consensus on DagCBOR -- suppose section on deterministic representation has more to do w/ DAG section, I certainly am heavily into DAG, lightweight approach to blockchain. 16:16:35 dbuc has joined #did 16:16:49 jonathan_holt: I think we do have a lot of consensus on worth of this approach, lot of work done in CG... multihash/multibase/hashlink in DID URL this community is invested in that technology 16:16:59 selfissued has joined #did 16:17:20 present+ 16:17:27 jonathan_holt: DAGCBor is extension of hashlink -- rather than URL can be a type in DID Document... this probably needs to be worked out in DID Spec registries, can push DID Spec registries back into DID Core to get more cohesive support for it. 16:17:35 q+ to talk about "cbor flavors" 16:17:39 jonathan_holt: How to build out extensibility... DAG CBOR extension to CBOR 16:17:41 q- later 16:17:50 ack Orie 16:17:50 Orie, you wanted to talk about "cbor flavors" 16:18:02 manu: wrt your latest comment in effort to resolve the serviceEndpoint value, the LinkedDomains SE will need to require that the values are only parsed as origins, in the form defined by the HTML spec and its same origin model 16:18:21 orie: I have support for CBOR, I want to make sure that doesn't cap us for vanilla cbor. 16:18:32 Orie: Generally supportive of CBOR, need to do that in a way that doesn't cap us -- added support for vanilla CBOR to did:key that supports vanilla CBOR (What you get when you call CBOR.encode() on DID resolution) 16:18:59 ... vanilla CBOR is what you get when you convert. our implementation of did key and CBOR. 16:19:02 manu: if we remove objects as a valid value, the one thing that could bite us is instances where a Service Endpoint needs to have other values outside of the URL - where would a SE put those values? 16:19:41 ... when you talk about CBOR, the is an RFC. dagCBOR is a document. i'm not sure about the sub-types. 16:20:04 ... i' having trouble understanding how we support them in the DID spec registries. 16:20:19 s/manu: if we remove/manu, if we remove/ 16:20:23 ... I can only do so much for the CBOR section. 16:20:36 ack manu 16:20:36 manu, you wanted to comment on canonical information models. 16:21:26 manu: the concern I have is calling something cananical form is that you have some mathmatical form. I don't think we have that. 16:22:16 ... having spent the last 7 years to get the JSON-LD stuff, it is hard. 16:22:32 q+ 16:23:27 ... dagCBOR, i agree with Orie that we can do this in DID spec registries. we need to address. pushing canonical out and dagCBOR out as another representation. 16:23:38 q+ 16:23:44 ack selfissued 16:24:08 it is definitely not defined in the CBOR spec 16:24:12 I will find a link 16:24:13 ack jonathan_holt 16:24:13 selfissued : canonical is in the RFC, we ... 16:24:17 whats in the cbor spec is not dag cbor, fyi 16:24:56 q+ 16:26:30 ack manu 16:26:41 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7049#section-3.9 16:26:58 manu: this is shaping up to need a special topic call. 16:27:05 Those protocols are free to define what they mean by a canonical format and what encoders and decoders are expected to do. 16:27:17 ... protocols are free to define what they mean by canonical. 16:27:37 jonathan_holt agrees with justin_r 16:27:46 ... needs more discussion. 16:27:58 yes, thatnk! 16:28:02 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/404 16:28:04 TOPIC: DID Core vocab 16:28:17 brent: this was raised by ivan, folks have commented 16:28:21 ... we have 10 minutes or so to talk about it 16:28:28 q+ to get a plan of attack together. 16:28:31 q+ 16:28:34 ack manu 16:28:34 manu, you wanted to get a plan of attack together. 16:28:43 manu: ivan this is mostly, the question to you - what are the expectations here? 16:28:55 ... we've had discussion, the core thing we're trying to get to is we need a formal RDF vocabulary for DID core 16:28:57 q+ 16:29:04 ... what I want to make sure is that we're all aligned on what we need to do to make that happen 16:29:17 ... we've got a human readable part of this which is the registries to a certain degree, itd oesn't have rdfa 16:29:28 ... the expectation is that we will probably have some rdf schema definition somewhere 16:29:32 ... I believe that's primarily what you're asking for? 16:29:33 some related conversation on this dead PR 16:29:34 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec-registries/pull/170 16:29:40 ack Orie 16:29:47 Orie: I linked.. I had a conversation with amy related to this on the did spec registries 16:29:56 ... it's a PR for a thing that's probably not going to get merged but there's good conversatin on there 16:30:28 ... my initial proposal would be lets set up the html side of the vocab definitino the same way activitystreams have (see thread) and suse the DID spec registries repo for it for the time being, and work towards getting stable urls behaving in the way we want them to, and then work on setting up proper redirects for the vocab after that 16:30:50 .. .from the perspective of what is needed, it's a versioned html and jsonld files and I think we can do all that in the did spec registries and work towards a working solutin there before we worry about fixing the top level urls 16:30:55 ack ivan 16:31:09 ivan: I was probably not clear in what I wrote, but manu unfortunately this is not what I meant 16:31:12 ... forget about RDF 16:31:20 ... I used RDF as an example simply because that's what I understand well 16:31:35 ... the problem is that if you read the document you have a bunch of properties that are defined there and it is not really clear .. two things 16:31:50 ... one is, maybe it has improved, what are the properties and classes that are defined as part of the core standard and what are there as an example 16:31:53 ... I have said that many times 16:31:58 ... and it hasn't been clearly spelled out somewhere 16:32:10 ... and what is even worse is that there are a number of constraints that are not clearly spelled out for the reader 16:32:20 kristina has joined #did 16:32:38 ... the various examples is on the top of my head the id property which in some ases can have only this and this values and in other cases can be used with different values, sometimes only did as a value, some cases you can use whatever url you imagine 16:32:51 ... there are the property controller which can be used on some types of objects and cannot be used somewhere else, what do they mean 16:32:57 ... there is a set of clear definition and constraints that are missing 16:33:03 present+ 16:33:08 ... hard to have those constraints spelled out as part of the spec is largely an editorial thing 16:33:25 ... what I did was spell out those constriants for the RDF side by using shacl and I realise that this was more an execise for myself because you don't necessarily know shacl 16:33:38 ... in a way what I saw done by jonathan for cddl is doing something very similar 16:33:40 q+ to note we might have solutions in CDDL, official RDF Vocab, and JSON-LD Contexts. 16:33:49 q+ to note JSON Schema as well. 16:33:50 ... I am not a real expert in cddl but what I understood is describing more or less the same things 16:33:58 ... I don't are in which format we do that, but the spec must be clear 16:34:00 ... in my reading it is not 16:34:18 ... apart from that, yes we define a vocab for the usage of rdf and linked data and yes for that we should have a formal vocab that describes the vocab in terms of rdf 16:34:22 ... that is not the same as the context file 16:34:29 ... it's a rdf specification or something 16:34:32 identitywoman has joined #did 16:34:42 q+ to mention ADM being tightened up. 16:34:47 ... that is something that should be done, it is not necessarily part of the spec, not normative, should be present and reachable, that's something we can do very easily once the spec is out 16:34:52 ... that's okay, that's not the real issue 16:34:58 ... the real issue for me is the proper specification 16:35:10 ... I think that amy began to thinka bout ding some kind of table representation of the terms to express the various constraints 16:35:13 ... that can also work for me 16:35:15 ... it's up to the editors 16:35:20 ack manu 16:35:20 manu, you wanted to note we might have solutions in CDDL, official RDF Vocab, and JSON-LD Contexts. and to note JSON Schema as well. and to mention ADM being tightened up. 16:35:30 manu: that is helpful, thanks ivan 16:35:38 ... there are a couple of things that have happened since yoru review that have improved things 16:35:53 ... we're in the process of really nailing down the ADM and the representations, so hopefully it's far more clear what you can have associated with each property across all representations 16:36:00 ... that's one level of improvement, not done we need another pass 16:36:07 ... hopefully that addresses one of your main concerns 16:36:27 ... the other thing we've got now, jonathan put all that work into the cddl stuff os we have a syntax enforcement mechanism now for things that support it, like json, jsonld and cbor 16:36:29 q? 16:36:33 q+ 16:36:35 ... we have that shacl/json schema mechanism but in this case we're using cddl to do that 16:36:47 ... the third thing we have are the jsonld contexts which are in flux but we're getting them shaped up 16:36:54 ... the only missing item is a good rdf voabulary 16:36:55 q+ 16:37:01 ... something that more of the Semantic Web folks could utilise 16:37:22 ... and we should probably look at gregg kellogg's tool that converts csv files into full blow human readable vocabs plus the rdf schema stuff in turtle format and whatever different formats we want 16:37:26 ... I feel like that's the last missing thing 16:37:34 ... that can be autogenerated into the rdf things 16:37:36 q+ 16:37:42 ... with all of those things in place my hope is it addresses all the concerns you raised 16:37:44 ... I just don't know if it would 16:37:50 ack ivan 16:38:06 ivan: as I said I am perfectly fine to use cddl for that. If that's the way we do it, that's fine. 16:38:15 ... the only quesiton I have and maybe it's an obvious answer, is the cddl part of the normative spec? 16:38:18 manu: no 16:38:21 ivan: it should be 16:38:23 ... that's the major point 16:38:30 ... it's the definition of all the constraints in a clearly defined way 16:38:33 ... this is one point 16:38:35 -> Draft RDFS Vocabulary https://github.com/w3c/did-core/wiki/Draft-DID-Core-Vocabulary 16:38:49 ... the rdf vocabulary I did something back then which is already on our wiki page. this has to be updated because we don't have the whole thing 16:38:53 ... it was not perfect at that point 16:39:06 ... but that is there and as I said if the cddl is normative then this rdfs vocab doesnt have to be normative 16:39:17 ... it is perfectly fine to have it .. it should be properly doen but it's not something that holds up the CR 16:39:23 ... and we can start if from there 16:39:28 ack jonathan_holt 16:39:43 jonathan_holt: the cddl spec itself is normative and it extends the abnf rules, it is a normative description of the constraints and type definitions 16:39:52 ... which is what I think the rdf attempts to do with symbol representaiton for concepts 16:39:57 ... as ascii strings, it representsion something 16:40:00 Editor's note: It is not normative right now... it would take a lot of work to get it to be normative. 16:40:10 ... I think cddl tries to not boil the ocean in that way, it really is a constraint satisfaction which is mathematically proven 16:40:15 ... you can do the closures to make sure it captures everything you hope 16:40:18 ... I've demoed that before 16:40:25 ... you can genreate examples using cddl which I've found really helpful 16:40:30 -> Draft SHACL version https://github.com/w3c/did-core/wiki/Draft-DID-Core-Vocabulary-Shape 16:40:41 ... cddl does have a lot of power to help along the spec and really help constrain it into what types are allowed 16:40:50 ... as we've been finding there are some challenges when you go into an abstracted version of that 16:40:56 ... still a challenge with numbers 16:41:10 ... the number representation in ipld is still challenging to represent when you have limitations with certain representations 16:41:16 ack selfissued 16:41:31 selfissued: I push back on the idea that rdf is necessary or even useful 16:41:40 ... if we do that it would be one more parallel representation of what we already have normatively in the spec 16:41:50 ... if we believe the spec is not sufficiently clear in places that ivan described we should make the spec clear 16:42:03 ... we shouldn't fall back to trying to maintain and create a separate paralell representaiton of the spec 16:42:08 ... I think we should do no rdf work 16:42:20 brent: if we could have those comments occur in the issues I think that would be best 16:42:23 ... issue 404 16:42:30 Topic: issue processing 16:42:33 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Apre-cr-p1+sort%3Aupdated-asc 16:42:50 brent: these are priority 1 issues 16:42:58 ... a few we'll go through pretty qickly 16:43:03 ... 118 we'll do before CR 16:43:14 ... horizontal review tracking is an open issue 292 to track the various horizontal reviews, will stay open 16:43:22 ... 119 is about discussion with the TAG 16:43:34 ... tahns to the gruop we now have a security and privacy questionnaire, the chairs will send it on to TAG and PING 16:43:39 ... and for those reviews to progress 16:43:45 ... I can comment on this issue 16:43:54 ... number 384 is next 16:43:58 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/384 16:44:07 ... review of all of the normative statements in the spec 16:44:19 ... the status is the same as last week, addressing this issue requires tests to be written 16:44:39 ... encourage folks to review this issue and while they review it allow the scope of normative statements to spur them to contribute to our test suite 16:44:48 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/199 16:44:50 ... next is 199, clarification of what DIDs might identify 16:44:57 ... I raised this and am assigned to it, so taking off my chair hat 16:45:01 ... the status is that there is an open PR 16:45:06 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/pull/480 16:45:07 ... the PR is 480 16:45:14 ... there has been some review but there needs to be more 16:45:17 ... please review that PR 16:45:19 ... and give your opinions there 16:45:26 ... chair hat back on 16:45:29 ... next is 291 16:45:33 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/291 16:45:45 ... PING horizontal review.. I believe Orie asked if we can check this box and I'm going to check the box! 16:46:09 ... next, 464 was raised by orie and is assigned to him 16:46:14 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/464 16:46:18 ... did core must define how to compute the digest to secure DID spec registries entries contexts 16:46:23 Orie: there is a PR open for it 16:46:27 ... hopefully it's linked there, please review that 16:46:35 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/pull/485 16:46:43 ... the tldr is if you're going to tell people that content digests are somehow going to help protect them you're going to have to describe how to use that 16:47:05 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/498 16:47:10 ... our next issue is 498, datetime data type missing timezone and precision, raised by manu 16:47:37 manu: we are trying to again get very specific with the ADM and the representations and we just didn't specify that you need to express eerything in zulu time and we didnt' specify the precision that you should express datetime values in 16:47:42 ... the suggestion is not to do milisecond precision 16:47:49 ... if people want that they can do something else, you can extend it o you can do that 16:47:54 brent: ready for a PR? 16:48:02 manu: yeah, a simple thing, I just wrote it down to make sure we were tracking 16:48:14 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/499 16:48:15 brent: next 499, metadata properties don't define data model and serialisation format 16:48:29 manu: this is to track the last item that justin had raised on the we need a better data model 16:48:38 ... justin pointed out we need to spec what the values space and lexical space of all these itmes are 16:48:44 ... those same things need to apply to the metadata properties 16:48:57 ... we've updated to be clear about the core data model and the representations but we haven't one the same work ont he metadata section 16:49:02 ... that' sa straightforward PR to write 16:49:08 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/58 16:49:12 brent: next is 58, registry handling 16:49:19 ... we are having a special topic call on this issue this coming thursday 16:49:27 ... if anyone would like to comment on it now they can but I'm happy to move on 16:49:40 Orie: please review all of the issue that have discussed this before the meeting on thursday 16:49:45 ... there has been a lot of talk about this 16:49:53 ... if you show up on thursday having not reviewd the issue I will personally be disappointed in you. 16:49:57 brent: i second that 16:50:10 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/170 16:50:13 ... next 170, this is public key id and type members duplicate jwk kid and kty members 16:50:17 PROPOSAL: close this issue 16:50:20 ... now assigned to selfissued 16:50:34 ... the last time we talked I belive you agreed that if text needed to be changed you would write a PR for that 16:51:00 selfissued: I've had other things to do 16:51:04 brent: understandable, thank you 16:51:09 selfissued, please also review https://github.com/w3c/did-core/pull/490 16:51:11 its related 16:51:19 ... issue 240, should did core restrict the use of jwk 16:51:20 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/240 16:51:29 ... assigned to manu, mike and orie 16:51:43 manu: there's a PR that orie wrote that addresses this by saying dont' express private properties in a DID document 16:51:50 ... once that PR goes in I expect that can be closed 16:52:05 ... pr 490 16:52:18 brent: looks like pr 490 may address this issue and the last ne 16:52:42 manu: specifically mike jones needs to review this PR because it modifies a section fairly heavily. My expectation is you may have concerns, but it seems like the rest of the group is more or less okay with simplifying that section 16:52:49 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/325 16:52:56 OK - I'll read 490 16:53:05 brent: 325, rawsecp256r1 public keys.. 16:53:24 manu: this is fixed in 490 as well, we are just taking those details out of the DID core spec, we never should have been talking about the purvue of a cryptosuite 16:53:30 ... that is once 490 pulled in we can close this issue 16:53:40 brent: sounds like quite a few issues riding on 490, please review 16:53:40 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Apre-cr-p2+sort%3Aupdated-asc 16:53:47 ... now moving from p1 to p2 issues 16:54:08 ... first is 163, use of terms shuld be linked to definitions, will be done just before CR 16:54:17 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/208 16:54:20 ... next is 208, the ietf did+ld+json media type registration 16:54:35 manu: we haven't got ietf to review the proposal that amy put in 16:54:50 brent: still waiting on that, but am I remembering that we have contingency plans in palce in the event that review does not occur in a timely fashion? 16:54:53 manu: yes it's at risk, may change 16:54:57 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/363 16:55:01 brent: 363, clarify authorization requirements 16:55:10 manu: on me, haven't doen it yet. will probably happent owards the end in an editorial pass 16:55:26 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/425 16:55:29 brent: number 425, did spec registries needs terminological criteria 16:55:34 ... I'm hoping that this issue is part of the conversation on thursday 16:55:40 ... not seeing Joe on the call today 16:55:47 ... ivan was going to contact wendy? 16:55:56 ivan: I put the comment in the issue from wendy 16:56:18 brent: she suggests we describe the criteria and who the arbiters of the criteria are 16:56:45 ivan: she also had a remark that she doesn't see any problem with the trademark part, the namesquatting and other things yes, but with trademarks we don't define any of those tersm we just put it into the registry 16:56:50 ... trademark problem doesn't seem to be the problem 16:57:01 ... the real thing is to have a mechanism whereby eg. racist terms are not added 16:57:08 brent: hopefully thursday we will have time to get some resolutions on that 16:57:23 ivan: i didn't look at the iana protocol registry, it has a long descripton of what has to be done to avoid these things, mabe we can refer to that 16:57:29 ... somebody who is ore familair with this should do that 16:57:32 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/453 16:57:44 brent: next is 453, the relationship between VDR and DID Doc haven't show in figure one, raised by shigeya 16:57:52 manu: the diagram just needs to be updated, minor editiroal fix 16:57:55 brent: ready for PR? 16:57:57 manu: yes 16:58:34 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/463 16:58:34 brent: last issue, naming classes of properties and syntax, 463 by markus 16:59:18 markus_sabadello: we'v emade great progress on the ADM there is representations on production and consumption rules, there are some inconsistent terminology around properties and representation independant things and representation specific properties so this issue is to track that and harmonize the occurance of the different terms related to properties and syntax thorugh the spec 16:59:33 ... there's a diagram that shows what I understood was the consensus at tpac in terms of how to name these buckets, so please have a look 16:59:45 ... could use an editorial pass to make sure we use the same terms everywhere 16:59:48 brent: is this editorial? 16:59:50 markus_sabadello: I think so 16:59:54 Just as aside, I published an update to the UCR yesterday. From POV, I'm close to declaring 'done' :-) https://www.w3.org/TR/did-use-cases/ 16:59:58 brent: thank you for coming everyone! 17:00:12 ... we are making progress, please come to the special topic call this thursday, about the registries 17:00:24 zakim, end meeting 17:00:24 As of this point the attendees have been ivan, brent, shigeya, rhiaro, TallTed, jonathan_holt, identitywoman, dlongley, agropper, markus_sabadello, manu, wayne, justin_r, phila, 17:00:27 ... by_caballero, dbuc, dmitriz, orie, selfissued, kristina 17:00:27 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:00:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/12/15-did-minutes.html Zakim 17:00:29 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:00:34 Zakim has left #did 17:00:35 agropper has left #did 17:37:33 dmitriz has joined #did