14:01:31 RRSAgent has joined #epub 14:01:31 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/11/20-epub-irc 14:01:34 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:01:35 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 14:01:37 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2020-11-20: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2020Nov/0010.html 14:01:38 Chair: wendy 14:01:38 Date: 2020-11-20 14:01:38 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2020Nov/0010.html 14:01:38 Meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telco 14:01:38 Regrets+ daihei 14:32:09 Karen has joined #epub 14:32:11 zhengxu has joined #epub 14:52:31 Guest+ dauwhe 14:55:22 MattChan has joined #epub 14:57:18 tzviya has joined #epub 14:57:45 present+ 14:57:57 present+ 14:57:59 present+ avneesh 14:58:48 wendyreid has joined #epub 14:59:08 MasakazuKitahara has joined #epub 14:59:31 toshiakikoike has joined #epub 14:59:43 present+ 14:59:56 BenSchroeter has joined #epub 15:00:01 present+ 15:01:01 Avneesh has joined #epub 15:01:07 present+ 15:01:16 duga has joined #epub 15:01:25 present+ 15:01:32 present+ 15:01:56 scribe+ 15:02:01 present+ brady 15:02:49 present+ 15:03:11 Hopefully I didn't miss anything - audio trouble when I first joined 15:03:31 present+ BillK 15:03:33 present+ 15:03:37 CharlesL has joined #epub 15:03:43 present+ 15:05:04 present+ george 15:06:00 wendyreid: welcome. We're mainly going to be talking about testing this week 15:06:13 mgarrish has joined #epub 15:06:52 George has joined #epub 15:06:58 topic: testing 15:07:04 present+ 15:07:12 Bill_Kasdorf_ has joined #epub 15:07:19 present+ 15:07:20 dauwhe: there's been progress since the f2f, ivan created a repo for tests 15:07:23 https://github.com/w3c/epub-tests/ 15:07:32 present+ hadrien 15:07:37 ... let's go over some of the big questions about testing 15:07:42 https://github.com/w3c/epub-tests/wiki/People-interested-in-testing 15:07:43 ... e.g. who is doing what work? 15:07:57 present+ mattg 15:07:58 ... there's a wiki on the repo about this topic 15:08:01 present+ 15:08:17 ... check the repo if you volunteered to make sure you're on the list 15:08:29 ... we still need an official test lead to manage and drive the testing effort 15:08:30 present+ 15:08:31 (join only from irc for a few mins) 15:08:42 ... if you are that person, please let us know! 15:08:53 ... Q2 what do we test? 15:09:23 ... i.e. What is testable in the spec, What is the scope of testing? What doesn't need to be tested? What will satisfy W3 management? 15:09:45 ... How do we write and organize test? 15:10:12 ... I've started a PR in the test repo, a folder structure based on how the spec is organized 15:10:25 ... folder for core spec, folder for RS conformance 15:11:00 ... there are also a couple tests already in there that I've written in the past 15:11:26 ... e.g. if epub version = 0 15:11:56 ... yes, go ahead and merge the PR 15:12:25 s/merge the PR/merge the PR Ivan 15:12:39 ... Q. How do we deal with all the overhead of our tests? 15:13:22 ... Most of these tests will be an HTML file that shows an issue, or a package file that shows an issue. But for it to be an epub it will still have to have all the other elements that make a complete epub 15:13:41 q+ 15:13:41 ... could each test be that bare minimum html or package file + a script that builds it into a complete epub? 15:13:51 ... i've experimented with that approach a little 15:14:05 q+ 15:14:07 ... or should we just have a generic epub that we modify to have whatever specific assertion that we are testing? 15:14:24 ... not sure which way is better 15:14:50 q+ 15:14:55 ... maybe we should just pick a small piece of the spec and write a handful of tests for that, and discover best-practice based on that 15:14:56 ack tzviya 15:15:07 tzviya: agree with dave about experimenting to see what will work 15:15:43 ... did Richard say that he had already started experimenting with something like this, or a parallel effort? 15:15:52 q+ 15:16:06 ack ivan 15:16:08 ... we should figure out what he has that we can build on 15:17:02 q+ 15:17:03 ivan: If we had a script that could make an epub from a test html, it should be possible to have github automatically turn it into a epub 15:17:10 wendyreid: that's github actions 15:17:16 gpellegrino has joined #epub 15:17:17 ack George 15:17:18 ... does the w3c have access? 15:17:24 ivan: i wouldn't worry about that 15:17:42 present+ 15:17:48 George: at epubtest.org, each test book has a unique id for each test, along with the success criteria for that individual test 15:18:13 ... when we go to the website and query a RS that we are testing against, we then mark that test as fail/pass, and the grid gets updated 15:18:28 ... the books are built though github scripts that we maintain 15:18:42 ... the tests are manually carried out 15:19:01 ... would something like this be helpful to this group? 15:19:20 ... also, would the existing books that we have for epubtest be used for our testing in this group? 15:19:31 ... should I share my screen and do a demo? 15:19:41 ack mgarrish 15:19:42 wendyreid: let's go through the queue first 15:20:39 mgarrish: i think this could get difficult, esp. with package files that contain special settings 15:20:44 ack duga 15:20:46 q+ 15:20:51 ... may wish to consult roman 15:21:18 duga: i would like as little in the github as possible, to keep it clear what is being tested in each case 15:21:41 ... prefer not to have dummy files that clutter up the repo 15:22:01 ... but i also want something easy to test, i.e. a packaged up epub that is ready to be tested 15:22:28 ack Bill_Kasdorf_ 15:22:30 q+ to respond to duga 15:22:39 ... some sort of scripting mechanism will probably be necessary, but trying to do it cleanly is going to be interesting 15:23:01 Bill_Kasdorf_: when you start from a master and make variants from it, we have to be careful not to have variants and variants 15:23:02 ack dauwhe 15:23:02 dauwhe, you wanted to respond to duga 15:23:11 ... quickly gets out of hand with duplicates 15:23:36 dauwhe: maybe some of this can be handled with careful file naming conventions 15:24:58 q+ 15:25:20 ack dauwhe 15:25:23 wendyreid: yes, we'll have to have a robust naming convention for different versions of files 15:25:53 dauwhe: one thing that happens in the css test is that the html files have a prescribed structure and use meta elements in the html to describe things about the test 15:26:10 s/variants and variants/variants of variants/ 15:26:23 ... e.g. the a meta element contains the test assertions, a meta element that contains a link to the section of the spec being tested 15:26:35 q+ 15:26:54 ack duga 15:27:39 duga: looking at the version = 0 test, I wouldn't know what this test was meant to show 15:27:57 duga: that's why that test comes with an html file that describes the test 15:28:37 duga: if you had a script that could generate a package based on a number of named parameters, we could include a desc of the test in those parameters 15:29:03 dauwhe: web developers would probably do this using a json data structure that goes into the script 15:29:35 duga: well, most of this is just boilerplate, so the json structure could just say version = 0, that would work 15:30:35 wendyreid: another thing to consider is that the tests should have very clear pass/fail states 15:31:22 ... e.g. in some of the tests I've run in the past, there were partial-passes, which made things difficult for testers, complicates efforts to use automation 15:31:52 ... at Kobo we've had automated rendering tests that just use a compare, if you run it enough its very easy to tell if anything has changed 15:32:04 ... took testing time down from ~day to ~15 minutes 15:32:23 +1 to Wendy on the tests should be pass/fail and automatable; automation also reduces the variations you get from various people doing the testing 15:34:11 dauwhe: this is a difficult subject to hash out with out being in person, with a whiteboard... 15:34:32 wendyreid: w3c has etherpad... but there are also other similar tools 15:34:59 dauwhe: or what about more information collaboration? IRC outside of official meeting hours 15:35:08 {package: {version: 0} result: {text: "This test checks if a reading system will open an EPUB with package version attribute less than 3"}} 15:35:14 ... I'm going to keep filling the testing repo, and welcome people to comment 15:36:46 dauwhe: what about when tests start involving interactions between files? Could the json be modified to describe these interactions? 15:37:07 duga: the json could be modified to include a reference to a file name, yeah 15:38:10 q+ 15:38:13 dauwhe: okay, we have lots of ideas, so let's go and experiment 15:38:29 ... tell us what you've done and what the results are in the repo using issues 15:39:41 wendyreid: we also need to pull out a new list of assertions 15:40:11 dauwhe: how should we time that with the FPWD? 15:40:18 ack George 15:40:30 ... maybe wait until FPWD? 15:41:18 George: I like the idea of developing a unique ID for each assertion, or each test of each assertion, maybe pointing to the specific section of the spec being testing 15:41:25 Topic: FPWD 15:41:31 Topic: FPWD 15:41:42 wendyreid: mgarrish has made a number of changes to a bunch of the documents 15:42:00 q+ 15:42:06 ... it feels like now is a good time to publish the FPWD 15:42:16 ... the group just has to agree to publish 15:42:30 ... there are a number of open PRs right now, ~7 15:42:41 mgarrish: yes, some are for the a11y spec though 15:42:59 q- 15:43:00 ... i'm going away for a while, so you guys can review and merge during that interim period 15:43:08 q+ 15:43:18 ack ivan 15:43:42 ivan: mgarrish, how long will you be gone for? 15:44:03 mgarrish: probably from next wed thru to ~Dec 20 I'll be on the road 15:44:16 ... i'll still be contactable though 15:44:31 ivan: we won't be able to publish by next Wed 15:44:48 q+ 15:44:49 ... i would prefer to wait until you are back 15:45:36 ... even if we agree today to go to FPWD, I think we should agree not to pub until January. But we can get the process of approvals for FPWD started now 15:45:55 ack Avneesh 15:46:10 Avneesh: I think Jan is fine. Our deadline for FPWD isn't until Feb 15:46:38 ... regarding a11y, we've just started. I'd like to have some substance in this section of the spec before we publish 15:47:16 ... I'd prefer if we stick to the timeline 15:47:54 ivan: maybe we can make a formal decision about publishing FPWD in december, and I can start the publication process then? 15:48:03 Avneesh: fine with me 15:48:40 I'm not sure 2020 will concede. 15:49:14 Proposal: Publish the EPUB Core and Reading System documents as FPWD in January 2021 15:49:28 +1 15:49:29 +1 15:49:29 +1 15:49:31 +1 15:49:32 +1 15:49:32 +1 15:49:32 +1 15:49:33 +1 15:49:34 +1 15:49:36 +1 15:49:38 +1 15:49:50 +1 15:50:05 +1 15:50:12 +1 15:50:19 Resolved: Publish the EPUB Core and Reading System documents as FPWD in January 2021 15:50:30 Hadrien has joined #epub 15:50:38 q+ 15:50:45 present+ 15:50:47 Proposal: Use the ECHIDNA publishing system 15:50:55 +1 15:50:57 +1 15:51:09 +1 15:51:15 +1 15:51:28 +1 15:51:32 +1 15:51:40 +1 15:52:11 +1 15:52:13 +1 15:52:27 +1 15:52:34 Resolved: Use the ECHIDNA publishing system 15:52:37 +1 15:53:00 ack George 15:53:26 wendyreid: is there AOB? 15:53:37 dauwhe: What about the patent policy? 15:54:03 wendyreid: I submitted the survey. Ivan, will this be processed in the beginning of Dec? 15:54:04 q+ 15:54:05 ivan: yes 15:54:12 ack Avneesh 15:54:29 wendyreid: so everyone, look out for an email about the policy/re-joining 15:54:48 Avneesh: Did this group have a resolution about patent policy? 15:55:24 ivan: Yes, some weeks ago. It happened during a japanese time meeting, but we should not separate the groups. A resolution for one applies to the other as well 15:55:31 Avneesh: is that true? 15:56:08 wendyreid: Yes... but when a resolution is raised, we won't act on it until a few days later, to give the rest of the members time to comment via email mailing list, to contact the chairs, etc. 15:56:17 ... but we won't re-do the resolution, no 15:56:40 ... Note: we are not going to be meeting next week 15:57:16 ... happy Thankgiving to those celebrating next week! 15:57:25 s/Thankgiving/Thanksgiving 15:57:56 zakim, end meeting 15:57:56 As of this point the attendees have been ivan, MattChan, avneesh, toshiakikoike, MasakazuKitahara, tzviya, BenSchroeter, wendyreid, brady, duga, BillK, CharlesL, george, 15:57:59 ... Bill_Kasdorf_, hadrien, mattg, zhengxu, mgarrish, gpellegrino 15:57:59 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:57:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/11/20-epub-minutes.html Zakim 15:58:01 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:58:05 Zakim has left #epub 15:58:15 CharlesL has left #epub 15:58:50 rrsagent, bye 15:58:50 I see no action items