<scribe> scribe:CharlesL2
lisa: I took an action to add
user needs from COGA
... , they are not all for this module but some other modules.
Does this go in the explainer?
... , it was really what Becky/Janina had written
... , and a little on aria-live covering somethings.
... , I think the user needs should be added to the explainer,
but not sure we can move it.
... , last paragraph has new things in it about aria live
... , and advertising.
Janina: we are trying to satisfy
the TAG, adding to explainer is good but wont help the TAG. So
for the moment our answer to them. and they wanted to know who
is this helping.
... , only adding use cases we are planning on delivering and
what is going to go to CR.
Lisa: if its going in the explainer then the whole list is important.
Janina: I agree, except the TAG we need to limit the scope to only module 1 items.
Lisa: we can edit that then.
Janina: just don't want to loose your work.
Lisa: list of user needs here but only have module 1.
Janina: yes
Lisa: explainer can identify Module 1, and then say the other items?
Becky: we can add them at any time, so comment out those not relevant to module 1.
Janina: keep it in the email for now, we can add them to the mainstream explainer at some point.
Lisa: so just in this email… does everyone agree? I did this after a redline of the explainer.
Janina: we are responding for a direct question from them. So we need to be very specific of what we are delivering now.
<becky> the link to the personalization video needs to be updated to: https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/apa-personalization.html
Lisa: I do like the idea of commenting out those items in future modules.
Becky: it should also include the
updated link to the video.
... , assuming this link won't go away.
Janina: yes I agree
Sharon: So you know where that goes Lisa the 2nd link in the email. video link.
Lisa: Ok.
... , I need to update the email and resend it. I will do this
Sharon: do we want to add it to the explainer… maybe a note reminder not urgent but something we want to add.
Janina: I think we could but its not urgent so something to keep on our radar.
Lisa: I think its going to Janina for a review?
Janina: I did get this but I last
week I was busy.
... , I should be able to get them soon, but if you want to add
those needs just let me know.
Sharon: so we can look at this once Janina has finished.
Lisa: don't wait for me, we can always add these user needs.
Janina: ok
Sharon: 3 issues to review but
nothing is closed. can we close 139?
... , Last comment is from Becky but self assigned to Roy. we
can look and see, I guess
Becky: editors draft Nov
1…doesn't look like its published.
... doesn't look like it merged since I didn't do a pull
Sharon: we will leave open for
... 141
<LisaSeemanKest> . It is worth noting that our
<LisaSeemanKest> use-cases are to map between different symbol sets in the same natural
<LisaSeemanKest> language. We are not enabling translation for different symbol sets across
<LisaSeemanKest> different natural languages at this time.
<LisaSeemanKest> The reference numbers are from Bliss symbolics, which was designed to be an
<LisaSeemanKest> international language similar to Esperanto. They already have a published
<LisaSeemanKest> set of usage rules at:
<LisaSeemanKest> http://www.blissymbolics.org/images/bliss-rules.pdf
Lisa: we have the answers from
... , we can add some key points in #141
<LisaSeemanKest> i think most of this was answered in 144
<LisaSeemanKest> but here are some key points
Janina: "we believe" not "I
... , so we need to add a comment in #141 that "We believe we
have addressed this in #144"
<LisaSeemanKest> We believe these are addressed in #144 , but here are the main points for quick reference.
<LisaSeemanKest> Our use-cases are to map between different symbol sets in the same natural language. We are not enabling translation for different symbol sets across different natural languages at this time.
<LisaSeemanKest> The reference numbers are from Bliss symbolics, which was designed to be an international language similar to Esperanto. They already have a published set of usage rules at: http://www.blissymbolics.org/images/bliss-rules.pdf
<LisaSeemanKest> Please let us know if you have more questions at this time.
Lisa: should I add this in?
Becky, Sharon, Charles: Yes
Becky: Regarding #139 looks like Roy hasn't finished this work yet.
<becky> so #139 change IS in the Nov 1 editor's draft but the references to WCAG do not show up in the resources section
Becky: , need to add these links to the references which Roy will do.
Sharon: #146 looks like it can be
closed, but we haven't heard anything since May
... , can we just close it?
Janina: I think we can just close
it, we can do a final pass and let them know at that
... , they won't understand BLISS.
Sharon: should I just close it?
Janina: yes, they can always reopen it.
Charles: always good practice to say why you are closing something.
Lisa: the date we answered is
... #155 and #157 are still outstanding.
Becky: that should be done right?
Lisa: yes we can close it
Becky: as long as they are there.
Sharon: yes i remember you doing it.
Becky: yes they are in the latest draft.
Lisa: Sent the email for the TAG response
<LisaSeemanKest> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2020Nov/0007.html
Becky: need to remove (please note the location of this video will change once it is moved
into W3C space – we will update as necessary).
scribe: , since the link is valid now.
Lisa: help icons..
Becky: thats in a future module.
Janina: we should remove them for now for TAG for future modules.
Lisa: controls must be consistently positioned.
Becky: Concerned giving them too much could find new issues.
Lisa: to me things might be clearer why they are related. simple consistent content should also go I guess.
Becky: some of the symbols little repetitious placement of symbols but that is not symbol replacement
Lisa: I can answer that but maybe this should be removed.
Janina: bad answer is it is in module 2.
Lisa: right but its an AT specific. AT will customize it.
Janina: not tech in the module itself.
Lisa: I have made changes.
Sharon: 2nd last paragraph (3rd part should be 3rd Party)
Lisa: one of the co-facilitators should paste it into the Issue after typo's are corrected.
Sharon: I will double check it
and send it to the list, and once it is approved then attach it
to #146
... , ok I can do that.
<LisaSeemanKest> to send tag responce after sharons edit
<LisaSeemanKest> all agree
<LisaSeemanKest> !
<LisaSeemanKest> :)
#157 is also open.
Becky: John answered that back in
... , we shouldn't be using data-
Sharon, we haven't heard anything back since then
Becky: I think its fine what John wrote.
Janina: Yes we can close it. even though it has some slight bias to non-prefixed values which may not happen.
Sharon: Ok will close #157
... , there are a lot of them here. the I18N #145 is still
Becky: we updated the spec. to
pattern the autocomplete of HTML5
... , no objections so we are closing.
Sharon: next one is #144
... , long response from Lisa,
Lisa: I think we can close that one.
Becky: direction of text issue with the symbols.
Sharon: closing since there was no objections.
Becky: similar to #141
Sharon: #143
Becky: attributes for simplification.
…, different module #2
Sharon: should we keep it open then so we don't loose this info?
Becky: John and Lisa did respond to this.
Janina: we won't see a risk about using plane language.
Sharon: will close this
... , Next is #142. define sections of text
Becky: I provided a
... , concerned about how its broken into sub-words.
Sharon: we offered them a
solution and will reach out when we are working on that. So I
will close this for now.
... , #140 specifying character set.
... , similar to the last one.
... , character encoding vs character sets.
Becky: you can probably close this as a NOP.
Sharon: we just close it then.
and if we need it later.
... , cleans up all of the I18N issues!!
<scribe> Meeting: Personalization Task Force Weekly Meeting
rssagent, draft minutes
trackbot, end meeting
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