12:25:33 RRSAgent has joined #epub 12:25:33 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/10/23-epub-irc 12:25:35 RRSAgent, make logs Public 12:25:36 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), dauwhe 12:25:55 meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telecon, Virtual TPAC Day 2 13:03:03 zakim, start meeting 13:03:03 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:03:04 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 13:03:23 Meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group vF2F — 2nd Day 13:03:27 romain has joined #epub 13:03:44 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2020-10-23: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2020Oct/0034.html 13:03:45 Chair: wendy 13:03:45 Date: 2020-10-23 13:03:45 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2020Oct/0034.html 13:03:52 regrets+ mattg 13:27:39 wendyreid has joined #epub 13:39:44 duga has joined #epub 13:51:18 present+ 13:52:55 present+ 13:53:02 present+ brady 13:53:04 present+ 13:53:10 present+ avneesh 13:53:17 present+ tzviya 13:53:21 present+ wendy 13:53:38 guest+ dauwhe 13:53:49 present+ mattchan 13:54:02 MattChan has joined #epub 13:55:39 Avneesh has joined #epub 13:55:42 dkaplan3 has joined #epub 13:56:13 present+ 13:57:06 Yanni has joined #epub 13:57:21 toshiakikoike has joined #epub 13:57:32 present+ 13:57:47 present+ 13:57:56 present+ 13:57:56 MasakazuKitahara has joined #epub 13:58:40 George has joined #epub 13:58:48 present+ 14:00:09 present+ 14:00:09 plh has joined #epub 14:00:19 As of this point the attendees have been tzviya, ivan, brady, duga, avneesh, wendy, mattchan, toshiakikoike, dkaplan, Yanni, George, romain 14:00:24 Garth has joined #epub 14:00:31 present+ 14:00:33 present+ 14:00:34 guests+ dkaplan3 14:00:37 present+ 14:00:38 present+ 14:00:59 guests+ courtneyb 14:01:17 scribe+ MattChan 14:01:42 gpellegrino has joined #epub 14:01:53 LauraB__ has joined #epub 14:02:01 guests+ plh 14:02:04 jmcshane_ has joined #epub 14:02:06 present+ 14:02:07 present+ 14:02:17 present+ 14:02:26 JuanCorona has joined #epub 14:02:29 Courtney_B has joined #epub 14:02:38 guests+ judy 14:02:38 guests+ karen 14:02:54 guests+ Julie_Johannessen 14:03:01 CharlesL has joined #epub 14:03:27 present+ toshiaki 14:03:31 circularken has joined #epub 14:03:36 fchasen has joined #epub 14:03:39 present+ 14:04:04 marisa has joined #epub 14:04:05 dauwhe: welcome everyone to day 2 to virtual TPAC for epub 3 wg 14:04:22 ... we had a good meeting last night, sorted through a couple highly commented issues 14:04:22 Garth has joined #epub 14:04:35 present+ 14:04:42 ... nav vs spine order, external entity declarations, started convos about testing and fxl accessibility 14:04:55 ... now continuing with those last two topics 14:05:17 guests+ fchasen 14:05:23 ... do we have any new people who want to introduce themselves? 14:05:46 guests+ Ken_Jones 14:06:07 present+ Garth 14:06:19 Judy has joined #epub 14:06:29 present+ 14:06:30 Judy introduces herself 14:06:43 present+ Rachel_Yager 14:06:54 present+ 14:07:03 Guests+ Daniella_Levy-Pinto 14:07:03 fchasen: i'm also new, from scribd. Just looking on as an observer for now and perhaps will join the process 14:07:27 PLH, W3C 14:07:34 guests+ Danny_Faris 14:07:35 plh: hi, project manager for the w3, responsible for all the wg, thank you for your work 14:07:41 zhengxu has joined #epub 14:07:46 JulieJ has joined #epub 14:07:52 Guests+ Rachel_Yager 14:08:08 dkaplan3: hi, i'm a project coordinator for NNELS, happy to be here 14:08:11 present+ 14:08:16 q+ 14:08:28 Danny, also from NNELS, an accessibility developer, introduces himself 14:08:30 ack tz 14:08:53 q? 14:08:56 q+ 14:08:59 tzviya: explains the irc queueing mechanism to the new folks 14:09:07 s/dkaplan3/Daniella/ 14:09:28 Topic: testing 14:10:05 dauwhe: epub 3.2 was done by the community group as a report, but didn't go through the full w3c wg process 14:10:22 ... we want to take advantage of w3c experience in developing spec 14:10:44 ... we need to prove that everything in our spec is implementable, and we do that by showing 2 independent implementations 14:11:18 ... yesterday we talked about history of previous attempts at doing this, e.g. epubtest 14:11:40 ... it tried to be something like caniuse for epub, providing authors info about which features work on which rs 14:12:11 ... epubtest faced significant problems, there are lots and lots of rs, and those rs behave differently even depending on which os they are on 14:12:23 ... work kind of overwhelmed the volunteers 14:12:32 present+ Hadrien 14:12:40 ... it was also focused on testing large scale features vs normative statements in the spec itself 14:12:52 guests+ Karen 14:12:54 ... the newer version of epubtest is working very well, is a great resource 14:13:09 ... we going to need people to work on testing, including a test lead 14:13:09 old epubtest: https://daisy.github.io/old-epub3-support-grid/features/ 14:13:13 Bill_Kasdorf_ has joined #epub 14:13:18 ... if you can, please volunteer! 14:13:21 new epubtest: http://epubtest.org 14:13:30 present+ 14:13:38 ... we're going to need a lot of planning re. our test approach, define what the scope of testing will be 14:14:01 ... we can't do every web platform test for css, but wrapped up in an epub 14:14:05 present+ MasakazuKitahara 14:14:29 ... ivan, should this be a separate github repo, just for testing? would be difficult to include it in the spec repo 14:14:36 q? 14:14:45 repo for the old epubtest test contents: https://github.com/IDPF/epub-testsuite 14:14:53 ivan: the spec repo is already pretty big, and will be subject to a clean up for order 14:15:06 dauwhe: maybe we can talk offline about how to do this 14:15:09 ack Geor 14:15:15 q+ to ask about testing approach 14:15:20 ivan: if you assign this to me, i'll do it 14:16:36 dauwhe: other thing that came up yesterday, browsers can be tested using test harnesses that can automate tests 14:16:48 ... we don't have that, so a lot of our testing is going to be manual, more laborious 14:17:18 present+ romain 14:17:24 q- 14:17:46 ... the other thing that came up last night, we need to do some experimentation, starting with a small corner of the spec, to determine how will we document, how we will collect normative statements from the spec/identify testable assertions, create testable content, how we will maintain all our epub test files... 14:18:22 ... let's try to work at a small scale to figure out what will work, and what won't, before we start to try to tackle everything 14:18:43 ... we'll have to have a taskforce within the wg to do a lot of this, meeting and talking separately from the regular wg calls 14:18:55 zakim, who is here? 14:18:55 Present: tzviya, ivan, brady, duga, avneesh, wendy, mattchan, toshiakikoike, dkaplan, Yanni, George, romain, MasakazuKitahara, wendyreid, plh, LauraB__, gpellegrino, jmcshane_, 14:18:58 ... CharlesL, marisa, Garth, JuanCorona, Rachel_Yager, Karen, zhengxu, Hadrien, Bill_Kasdorf_ 14:18:58 On IRC I see Bill_Kasdorf_, JulieJ, zhengxu, Judy, Garth, marisa, fchasen, circularken, CharlesL, Courtney_B, JuanCorona, jmcshane_, LauraB__, gpellegrino, plh, George, 14:18:58 ... MasakazuKitahara, toshiakikoike, Yanni, dkaplan3, Avneesh, MattChan, duga, wendyreid, romain, RRSAgent, Zakim, ivan, tzviya, Karen, dauwhe 14:19:00 q+ 14:19:03 q+ 14:19:21 q+ 14:19:30 ack plh 14:19:53 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wOe-6MqFk296dCoRUmrd3ghmVXH3yM-i97hFOuGlX4k/edit#gid=708869567 14:20:06 plh: you have different categories of tests, e.g. unique tests 14:20:07 q- 14:20:22 ... we have test harness tech 14:20:45 ... then you have tests that test sections, we don't have any of those 14:20:53 ... then you have marketing tests 14:21:18 q+ 14:21:35 ... these tests were not so much aimed at testing implementation, but more at motivating conformance 14:21:55 ... e.g. the happy face that showed up if you passed this type of test 14:22:14 q- 14:22:23 http://acid2.acidtests.org/#top 14:22:56 http://acid3.acidtests.org/ 14:24:00 wendyreid: for content authors, what testing information are you looking for, or would like to see as a result of the testing? 14:24:28 q+ 14:24:32 ... this is aiming at the same thing as the acid tests (i.e. the final category), so authors can see how many rs have a smiley face for a feature they want to use 14:24:34 ack wen 14:25:18 tzviya: responding to wendy, good point. A big thing that discourages authors from using a feature is that they are unsure about interoperability 14:25:23 ... i really like the idea of the acid tests 14:25:23 q? 14:25:38 ack tz 14:25:41 q+ 14:25:52 ... a lot of devs do unit testing for their own rs, could we reuse some of these? 14:25:57 q+ 14:25:59 q+ 14:26:37 ack dauwhe 14:26:40 dauwhe: the tests that some of these rs have might be embedded into their development framework, and not reusable 14:27:06 ... or they might be dealing with handling of invalid content, i.e. handling things that would never get through epubcheck 14:27:10 q? 14:27:11 ... these tests wouldn't help us 14:27:12 ack gp 14:27:26 qq+ 14:27:28 gpellegrino: is css support outside scope of these tests? 14:27:35 ... i.e. using new css rules, etc. 14:27:37 dkaplan31 has joined #epub 14:27:49 ... also, it would be useful to determine if metadata is used by rs 14:27:57 q+ 14:28:07 ... also if rs use toc, landmark, etc. 14:28:33 dauwhe: i've started on a script that turns browser css tests into tests for epubs 14:28:41 ... but if we start testing all css features, we're never going to finish 14:29:00 ... maybe css support is more an area for acid testing, as opposed to comprehensive unit testing 14:29:02 q+ 14:29:06 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wOe-6MqFk296dCoRUmrd3ghmVXH3yM-i97hFOuGlX4k/edit#gid=1730700660 14:29:12 ack dauwhe 14:29:12 dauwhe, you wanted to react to gpellegrino 14:29:42 q+ 14:29:43 ... re. the metadata test, that is definitely going to get tested. Some of these things correspond to assertions in the spec 14:29:59 q? 14:30:02 ack ivan 14:30:20 ivan: how do we relate to the existing testing environment for css, svg, mathml? 14:30:29 q+ 14:30:35 ... because epub's content document are made of those, so we shouldn't repeat work 14:30:38 ack mari 14:31:07 marisa: we should mine the old epubtest for content 14:31:29 https://github.com/IDPF/epub-testsuite 14:31:38 ... the process for building those test books should be streamlined, but once we determine what we want to test, we could look through the epubtest repo and see what we can reuse 14:31:44 dauwhe: agreed 14:31:45 ack dug 14:31:52 q? 14:32:24 duga: it'll be harder for us to go through our own testing framework and pull tests for reuse vs just going through the spec and making new tests 14:32:45 ... when it comes to the acid tests, as someone who tried to pass, I didn't find them terribly useful 14:33:12 ack plh 14:33:22 ... you essentially had to implement everything before you could get a pass, no indication as to how close you are to passing, it was pass/fail 14:34:05 plh: the acid test was a marketing test, purely meant as motivation to implementors, that's why it didn't give an indication as to how close you were to being feature complete (according to the test) 14:34:09 q? 14:34:16 q+ 14:34:27 q+ 14:35:12 ack rom 14:35:23 ... you won't be able to test everything, so prioritize which areas of the spec are most crucial for testing 14:36:04 romain: one of the primary sources of interop problems between rs is that spec is not clear on how rs should process content that is invalid 14:36:16 ... should spec provide some guidance on error handling? 14:36:24 Hadrien has joined #epub 14:36:25 +1 to romain 14:36:40 +1 to romain 14:37:24 dauwhe: one interesting source of tests is bugs, if we want to decide how rs should respond to erroneous content, its difficult to do this in the abstract 14:37:31 present+ 14:38:16 q+ 14:38:22 ... about the scope of testing, the scope should depend on the epub community and the wider ecosystem, but it also depends on demands of w3c management 14:38:27 ack we 14:38:28 ... may have to consult the director 14:38:44 s/the director/"The Director"/ 14:39:58 wendyreid: any rs which fail our test shouldn't see this as a mark against them, what we are testing is the quality of _the spec_ 14:40:15 q+ 14:40:19 ack dauwhe 14:40:22 +1 wendyreid 14:40:22 ack plh 14:40:24 ... it could be either that the rs hasn't implemented properly, OR that the spec is really hard to implement/needs to be rewordd 14:40:30 s/rewordd/reworded 14:40:32 ack George 14:40:34 q+ 14:41:25 George: at epubtest we will be continuing our accessibility testing, but in that process we end up testing a whole lot of things that the epub wg will end up testing 14:41:37 q? 14:41:50 ... maybe when we report these relevant results, we can report to the epub wg too 14:41:54 q+ 14:42:05 ack plh 14:42:35 plh: about talking to the w3, look at it like a negotiation entering CR phase 14:42:41 ... w3 will be reasonable 14:42:45 although we need to consider that epubtest.org tests are all manual tests 14:42:46 q? 14:42:55 ... our goal is to make the web work, not to nitpick on the spec 14:43:02 q+ 14:43:11 ack garth 14:44:10 q+ 14:44:23 Garth: re. George's last comment, tests that determine things not covered by an in-spec assertion aren't as relevant to our testing here 14:44:25 q+ 14:44:44 ... those tests may be relevant to the individual rs, but might not be as relevant to us 14:45:33 ... re. wendy's comment, we should start with the must assertions, and just try to get the 2 independent implementations 14:45:47 ack judy 14:45:47 re. marissa's comment, we don't need to test a lot of those higher level features 14:46:27 s/marissa/marisa 14:46:41 Judy: re. manual testing vs testing automation, large scale testing that w3 has done have been automated 14:47:21 ... but testing in accessibility has been manual, so it would be good to point this out, and make a specific plan for these more laborious tests 14:47:35 ... this also applies to the entire class of tests that have to be done manually 14:48:02 0% fully automatable I'm afraid :/ 14:48:05 ... what percent of your tests are: fully automatable/semi-auto/fully-manual req. human experts? 14:48:32 dauwhe: i think fully automatable tests is 0% since we aren't working in browsers, and cannot assume scripting support 14:48:37 q? 14:49:14 Judy: i suggest you look for appointments with Phillipe or myself, to specifically look at testing challenges on rec-track, and how to scale that in light of the manual nature of a lot of your tests 14:49:20 q+ 14:49:22 ... i was hoping more of your tests were already automated 14:49:35 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wOe-6MqFk296dCoRUmrd3ghmVXH3yM-i97hFOuGlX4k/edit#gid=1730700660 14:49:51 dauwhe: this doc is trying to start identifying normative statements in our spec 14:50:09 ... categorizing by topic and subtopic, listing the assertion itself, whether it is must/should 14:50:12 s/or myself/and if needed also myself/ 14:50:17 ... this is an example of some of the work we need to start doing 14:50:35 q+ 14:50:42 ack dauw 14:50:43 ... i think someone mentioned tooling that could automatically find some of the normative statements 14:50:45 ack zh 14:51:14 zhengxu: we need to start with the must items, no need to spend time on css errors in the beginning 14:51:44 ... re. css support, we can let the publishers work directly with the css cg 14:52:38 q? 14:52:38 ... we should start with a smaller scope of testing, and gradually expand scope as we develop our testing methods 14:52:39 q? 14:53:13 George: though js support is not required, some do. Can we automate testing on the rs that do support js? 14:53:31 ack Judy 14:53:34 dauwhe: not sure... that might present issues in terms of how we report results... 14:53:34 ack geor 14:54:09 Judy: i understand someone from publishing area has been liaising with accessibility testing taskforce 14:54:11 Romain from DAISY is in ACT 14:54:19 q? 14:54:23 q+ 14:54:29 I am (was really) in that group 14:54:46 ... has this resulted in any advances in getting testing automation? 14:55:41 romain: i have an idea of what is going on in that taskforce, but that is more concerned with how those tests are worded, vs. how the testing is actually done 14:55:56 q+q+ 14:56:06 q- q+ 14:56:08 q+ 14:56:10 Judy: will follow up with the taskforce, and see if we need to focus more on enabling testing automation 14:57:05 ack zh 14:57:13 q+ 14:57:14 zhengxu: if we don't try automation testing, we'll never know how well automation testing works 14:57:22 During accessibility testing we observed 60% of the tested RS had Java Script support 14:57:51 ... the rs who can't support these automatic tests might be able to make some changes to support these tests 14:57:53 ack plh 14:58:20 plh: there are around 270 musts in the spec as is, and you have to test both the positive case, and the negative case 14:58:43 ... plus, there are some assertions which aren't phrased as must, but effectively are must statements 14:59:19 ... then, where the spec includes algorithms, these effectively imply must statements as well 14:59:44 ack mar 14:59:52 ... remember that your time isn't unlimited, timebound your testing 14:59:56 https://daisy.github.io/old-epub3-support-grid/features/ 15:00:18 https://github.com/IDPF/epub-testsuite/tree/master/content/30/epub30-test-0102/EPUB/xhtml 15:00:26 marisa: re. epubtest, there is a small section about scripting, beyond this section, we weren't able to automate anything 15:00:40 ... for that number of musts, are those content musts, or rs conformance musts? 15:00:45 circularken has left #epub 15:00:51 plh: that's both 15:00:55 ken has joined #epub 15:01:44 q? 15:01:46 q+ 15:02:05 marisa: i'm noticing some musts that will be hard to test 15:02:13 q+ 15:02:21 ack roma 15:03:18 romain: part of this work will involve reworking conformance classes 15:04:34 ... e.g. your content must have nav document - this is about content, this is easy to test, only a matter of creating a test content that has these features 15:05:19 dauwhe: re. marissa's last, i've also found some musts that are hard to test. This process will help us reword the spec to make it more clear 15:05:48 s/marissa/marisa/ 15:05:53 ... next step is to collect the people in the group who are interested in working on this 15:06:48 wendyreid: is there anyone interested in volunteering today? 15:07:05 George: i chaired the rs accessibility working group so... 15:07:13 dauwhe: if possible I will contribute 15:07:18 certainly interested in contributing too! 15:07:19 marisa: me too 15:07:22 zhengxu: me too 15:07:36 duga: i would like to participate 15:07:55 dkaplan31: in theory, include me! 15:08:36 ivan: we need someone really willing to lead 15:08:46 wendyreid: we'll organize that later 15:09:03 Daniella will also participate! 15:09:25 15:09:46 I can try to scribe 15:10:38 Thanks MattChan 15:21:59 as long as having fallback it should be fine? 15:26:23 dkaplan31 has left #epub 15:26:29 dkaplan31 has joined #epub 15:27:31 Scribe: Karen 15:27:59 Topic: FXL A11y 15:28:09 https://comica11y.humaan.com/ 15:28:09 Wendy: this part of the session we will continue conversation we started last night on EPUB accessibility 15:28:14 ...this link is fun, cool 15:28:17 ...It's a comic 15:28:32 ...get to look at comics as part of work...who doesn't love that! 15:28:45 ...I did this introduction yesterday but will do it again today because we have a different audiences 15:28:47 love the responsive design! 15:28:49 ...to make sure everyone gets the context 15:28:58 ...one of the deliverables that we have in this WG 15:29:19 ...is to update a number of documents, including the EPUB Accessibility Guidelines; 1.0 or 1.1 thanks to ISO 15:29:31 ...one of biggest questions is fixed layout content, fixed layout accessibility 15:29:52 ...a lot of publishers use for comics, cookbooks, magazines, text books; many use cases and needs 15:30:04 ...especially as more publishers move to born accessible workflows 15:30:11 ...we want things to be consistently accessibilty 15:30:14 s/accessible 15:30:30 ...core spec has all the tools we need to make fixed layout accessible; HTML; SVG; CSS 15:30:38 ...but we need guidelines to make a consistent experience 15:30:44 ...put out a call on twitter, talked with people 15:30:51 ...about content accessibility experiences 15:30:57 ...Studio called Human in Australia 15:31:05 ...spoke to developer Paul to walk me through the process 15:31:16 ...it is a completely unsustainable way to produce content at scale 15:31:27 ...what might be an outcome is creation of a tool 15:31:36 ...for an automated tool for writing captions 15:31:51 ...talking to other people, SVG was recommended a lot for description text and overlays 15:31:56 ...other things were core best practices 15:32:05 ...put in agenda an item written by Ken Jones 15:32:20 ...we have outlined some in accessibility, but these core principles are very important 15:32:26 q? 15:32:34 q- 15:32:36 ...see the rec and say reading order is important, but how do I apply it; how do I watch out for this problem 15:32:42 ...other problem is tooling, if we can apply that 15:32:54 q+ 15:32:54 ...not saying lack of tools is causing problem, but there is that 15:33:00 ...some output from tools I have seen is crazy 15:33:02 ack Garth 15:33:05 ack Garth 15:33:07 Garth: A lot of time allocated to this topic 15:33:13 ...wonder what we think the output will be 15:33:17 ...you started out correctly 15:33:29 ...you can write accessible content using fixed layout in text 15:33:31 ...can use SVG 15:33:41 ...and stroke every curve of every letter and it can be horrible 15:33:52 ...are these...do we think what comes out of this is a set of best practices 15:33:56 ...is that in the scope of this WG/ 15:34:08 ...or do we envision changes to FXL spec 15:34:16 ...I'm curious how we envision "winning"? 15:34:25 Wendy: what I would like to see come out of this conversation 15:34:32 q+ 15:34:37 ...I have some ideas about directions, but as a group would like to discuss what is the best output 15:34:46 ...I don't think it's changes to FXL stuff, tools are there 15:34:53 ...I definitely see additions to the accessibility docs 15:34:58 ...but I am opening up the floor 15:35:03 ...I would like us to come out of this meeting 15:35:24 ...with either a single direction to research, or have a few people go off to experiment and research different options 15:35:41 ...we need a solution or series of recommendations that are implementable for content authors and reading systems 15:35:58 ...one things from last night's conversations, we might have to recommend different things for different content types 15:36:07 q+ 15:36:07 ...for example, manga and text books may differ 15:36:07 ack Avneesh 15:36:18 Avneesh: First step is to clarify from some fundamental things 15:36:37 ...when it comes to EPUB Accessibility; EPUB 3.1 examples of low vision 15:36:44 ...text spacing 15:36:51 ...hard in fixed layout to meet such requirements 15:36:52 q- 15:36:52 http://kb.daisy.org/publishing/docs/fxl/index.html 15:36:57 Ken Jones's Accessibility in EPUB FXL https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10203370195236373&set=a.10203370195636383 15:36:59 ...Marta has already written some best practices 15:37:06 ...what we have done for last 2-3 years 15:37:10 ...pretty clear from that 15:37:12 s/https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10203370195236373&set=a.10203370195636383https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Accessibility-in-Fixed-Layout-EPUB-3il8mlIqLpUfHHhcZEmgy 15:37:21 s/Marta/Matt/ 15:37:27 ...if you are assuming we can find out some persistent way to ensure most of fixed layout can be EPUB accessible 15:37:30 Ken Jones's notes https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Accessibility-in-Fixed-Layout-EPUB-3il8mlIqLpUfHHhcZEmgy 15:37:33 ...that is difficult; have to be realistic 15:37:52 ...if you see the principles of accessibility, may be reflowable or fixed layout 15:38:06 ...if standard way for reflowable; but more difficult for fixed layout 15:38:20 ...purpose of techniques is for accessibility @ 15:38:33 ...the techniques goes into detail 15:38:36 ...two scope areas 15:38:51 ...one to provide ways of implementing...specific for EPUB, techniques for numbers and metadata 15:38:57 ...and tell you how to apply WCAG 15:39:01 ...applies to a web page 15:39:09 ...whereas apply conformance into EPUB 15:39:15 ...has to have a title; has to map to EPUB 15:39:22 ...two purposes of technique 15:39:25 ...fixed layout 15:39:35 ...motivation behind FL is the @ 15:39:42 ...some people go into visual layout 15:40:00 ...a better way is not to look at from Accessibility techniques POV, look at it as independent best practices 15:40:12 ...when I proposed in charter, I said we would be exploring for fixed layout 15:40:21 ...I did not say we would conform to WCAG 15:40:31 ...in some cases we will succeed, but more ad hoc 15:40:42 ...have to look at manga, how to inject accessibility 15:40:50 q+ 15:40:54 ...main things to mention, let's take an independent project from access. and techniques 15:41:07 plh has left #epub 15:41:07 ...look at ways in which people are producing the fixed layout and then bring up the best practices 15:41:23 ...during that process we may find there is a kind of unified approach that could work for 4050% of FL 15:41:28 ack CharlesL 15:41:29 ...then we can look at best practices 15:41:35 Wendy: I 100% agree with you 15:41:43 Charles: with 1.0 spec, geared to WCAG2.0 15:41:52 ...and other is it has a baseline of WCAG single A 15:42:00 ...we always thought we would raise the bar on that to AA 15:42:19 ...on FL, we might say for Excel layout we would require a single A because of issues of WCAG AA for fonts spacing and the like 15:42:22 ...that may not be possible 15:42:36 ...we could relax that and go back to single A for these types of docs; something to consider 15:42:41 Wendy: yeah, that is all brilliant 15:42:42 q+ 15:42:49 ack dkaplan31 15:42:52 ...trying to wrap my head around Avneesh's wisdom 15:42:53 ack dkaplan31 15:42:57 ack dkaplan 15:43:00 dkaplan31: Maybe less require single A 15:43:06 ..but FL has some limitations 15:43:07 q+ 15:43:19 ...no reason to drop to single A for things FL can do just fine, which is most things 15:43:43 ack Avneesh 15:43:45 ...I think it would be reasonable for a guidance document to identify what you cannot do that are part of WCAG A, AA, AAA; things you cannot do in FL 15:43:55 Avneesh: we are recommending AA but min is A 15:44:04 ...making a decision on moving toward AA is already in WG charter 15:44:13 ...WCAG2.1 is out a couple years 15:44:19 ...what I want to elaborate 15:44:34 ...we already have providion in EPUB access for optimized publications, for example audio books 15:44:45 ...not accessible entirely, but for people who are visually empaired 15:44:53 ...not say they are universally inaccessible 15:45:00 totally agree 15:45:02 ...for screen readers; doesn't work for a low vision person 15:45:11 ...should not need to scroll the text horizontally 15:45:25 ...it may be accessible for screen readers, but may not be universally access; telling you what poss are there 15:45:42 ...maybe for screen reader use, but doesn't conform for EPUB access, but we can specific using metadata properties 15:45:45 q+ 15:45:47 ...it has reading order TOC 15:45:57 ...explain in summary; this can be a way 15:46:04 ...following up on what Deborah mentioned 15:46:05 ack George 15:46:12 George: I think that the comic and manga issue 15:46:22 ...may end up being different than fixed layout solution 15:46:34 ...looking at FL, wonder if it would be acceptable for a presentation to be different than 15:46:39 ...the fixed layout view 15:46:46 ...if the content would ignoreing the 15:46:55 ...layout still be presentable in a logical reading order 15:47:02 ...and be essentially reflowed if that would 15:47:13 ...so throw out FL aspects and as long as you still know it's a heading 15:47:19 ...and it comes before the body text it refers to 15:47:23 ...if that is appropriate 15:47:33 q+ 15:47:38 ...don't think it's just possible to have the same presentation and make it accessible to a person with low vision 15:47:43 ack marisa 15:47:47 Wendy: I think everyone is making excellent points 15:47:48 +1 to George. FXL is fundamentally all about visual appearance. 15:48:06 Marisa: Looking at an example; looking at viewpoint in HTML metadata; looking at heighth and width 15:48:14 ...is it common to target one specific size? 15:48:20 Wendy: depends upon size of page, image size 15:48:24 Marisa: @ 15:48:35 Garth: setting an aspect ratio; very common, almost universal 15:48:41 Marisa: thinking about ways to arrange the content 15:48:45 ...for different sized screens 15:48:57 ...not sure if these reading systems have scrolling ability or have fixed pagination for everything 15:49:05 ...not the time to do this yet; just thinking about our options 15:49:07 Wendy: good point 15:49:11 ...I have never seen a FL book 15:49:17 ...where there is media queries 15:49:24 ...this aspect ratio for iPads, iPhone 15:49:31 ...what I have oftened seen in reading systems 15:49:49 ...designed for a tablet or laptop sized screen; see phone reading systems offer zoom and pan; automatic panning 15:49:55 ...or pinch to zoom as big or small as you want 15:50:05 ...lets you move around the page; that has been the common affordance of reading systems 15:50:08 ...especially on phones 15:50:21 ...on ipad screen, font is small, and you have to zoom in to read a paragraph 15:50:28 ...probably the more common experience on the reading system side 15:50:42 @: maybe apply an alternative style sheet when zoom button is pressed 15:50:52 Garth: take a kid's book or cookbook, every line is spaced 15:51:01 s/@/marisa/ 15:51:04 ...browser is not doing the line breaking, and maybe not the character spacing 15:51:13 ...if you do something with font...in response to aspect ration 15:51:20 ...better way to do FL...rather than 15:51:34 ...a lot of manga is FL, but all it is is a jpeg with the art and text squashed into an image 15:51:40 ...the antithesis of something accessible 15:51:49 Wendy: this gets to where some of this guidance should go 15:51:55 q+ 15:51:59 ...in FL content, I see two types; one is image only 15:52:11 ...essentially it's a slide show; image, image; likely no alt text 15:52:22 ...may have some navigation; TOC page; mixed bag 15:52:27 ...other side is when live text is applied 15:52:43 ...have seen solid image background with text over top and media overlays to even background is not a single image 15:52:57 ...precisely placed bubbles, captions; get quite a bit of markup for a single page experience 15:53:12 ...I have seen books with an entire block of text; to where every letter is wrappted 15:53:27 ...get t--h--e--space 15:53:31 ...steer people away from that 15:53:49 ...no way to make every letter wrapped in a span, will sound or look like someone citing the alphabet to you 15:53:49 ack tzviya 15:53:55 Tzviya: is my sound better? 15:54:16 ...this is a huge accessibility issue, but I don't look at FL books as a sighted reader; a basic usability issue 15:54:27 ...I have to work with a @ square; look at something square 15:54:43 ...even on a tablet, no way to make that book, if trying to duplicate it; the aspect ration becomes destroyed 15:54:59 ...or doesn't work on rectangular devices; difficult to read unless a few words on a page 15:55:04 FXL = small print edition 15:55:06 ...even if not talking about something being read aloud 15:55:08 Having spans for every character was originally how bee-line reader https://www.beelinereader.com spanned each character so they could have a color gradient so the end of one sentence was the same color on the next line. 15:55:14 [missed last point] 15:55:27 q+ 15:55:31 ack Garth 15:55:41 Garth: I think Tzviya raises a good point there 15:55:49 ...Everything said there is equally applicable to PDF 15:56:02 ...a square PDF; pan and zoom, do synthetic spreads to make it better in landscape 15:56:10 q+ 15:56:11 ...EPUB fixed layout is PDF but done with HTML and CSS 15:56:22 ...it's the same; which is inherently more accessible which is better 15:56:28 We can approach this as a usability issue not just accessibility, but we solve the usability issues with accessibility 15:56:33 ...Tzviya has disdain for FL; but I love it, especially for kids' books 15:56:37 and when fxl epub is not easy to do, people who need fixed just create PDF, which is less accessible and usable. 15:56:40 ack George 15:56:41 ...do what PDF does, but still may get horrible results 15:57:03 George: part of this mess started when Apple implemented the media overlays before the spec was approved 15:57:20 ...they took the fixed layout and media overlays partially implemented and got a good part of the marketshare 15:57:21 q+ 15:57:30 ...I wonder if we demonstrated media overlays with reflowable content if we could 15:57:36 ...demonstrate that as a good product 15:57:43 ...that would make it in the European market 15:57:55 ...if you have this FL that is not access; and @ that are not media overlays 15:58:03 ...you can sell one in Europe and you cannot sell the other 15:58:17 ...Wonder if the cookbook people gravitated to fixed layout because they did not know any better 15:58:17 q? 15:58:22 ack marisa 15:58:24 +1 to George 15:58:29 ...I see college text books that are gorgeous and they are all reflow 15:58:42 q+ 15:58:57 Marisa: pretty sure that FL....algorithsm required...can be difficult to know what page the reading system is on to do the synchronized highlight 15:59:03 ...pretty sure that's why they did it that way 15:59:16 ...I believe that Readium and hopefully Thorium 15:59:28 ...had a good reflow media overlays implementation; would be a good way to show it 15:59:35 ack Garth 15:59:37 ...I think we have 20 Moby Dick's in reflowable overlays 15:59:44 Garth: I think George raises an interesting point 15:59:54 ...have not seen anything beyond a text book doing overlay 16:00:02 ...not doing beyond FL because there is no production content 16:00:11 we have in Italian! 16:00:17 ...for some flavor of content, that would be great to see people building to get people to support it 16:00:26 ...substantial majority; a lot is kids' books 16:00:34 ...you are no going to do Dr. Seuss in flowing 16:00:35 q+ Ken Jones 16:00:43 ...when you need print fidelity 16:00:55 ...not use FL when you can do flowing, but there is a lot of content that does not work 16:00:55 ack ken 16:00:57 ack ken 16:00:59 q? 16:00:59 or you _can_ do kids books flowing, but it won't happen 16:01:01 ack jone 16:01:18 ken: I would say Florium and Calegran reader are doing good examples of overlays; best readers for that; chicken and egg 16:01:21 q+ 16:01:22 ...if no reader that supports it 16:01:31 ...not nec accessibility 16:01:37 ...but poss of doing things in FL with interactions 16:01:42 s/Calegran/Colibrio 16:01:46 ...which means, that's what sets it apart 16:01:49 s/Florium/Thorium/ 16:01:50 ...from design things you can do 16:01:53 ...also do more with page 16:02:02 ...and that sort of thing; another differentiator 16:02:07 Wendy: cut in here to add 16:02:15 ...talking about parts of the spec that are under utiliized 16:02:21 ...we really have all the tools at our disposal 16:02:28 ...what came up in pub BG and survey 16:02:33 ...mixing FL with reflowable 16:02:41 ...an undersupported feature by reading systems 16:02:44 ...we don't and it's cool 16:02:51 ...wonder if that could have a huge impact 16:02:53 s/Florium/Thorium 16:02:58 ...when designing page, it could be 16:03:00 s/Calegran/Colibrio 16:03:04 ...like Dr. Seuss 16:03:08 ...could have overlays 16:03:17 ...or text or cook book with full bleed photo of food 16:03:26 ...and reflowable page so I can read the recipe 16:03:32 ...but I still get the full screen images 16:03:46 ...wonder if that is a direction to look at; the under-utilized parts of spec 16:03:48 ack dauwhe 16:03:53 ...look at reflow and flowable aspects 16:04:07 q+ 16:04:11 Dave: the lack of uptake of reflowable with synched audio is not just a tech issue, it's a rights issue 16:04:18 ...because audio rights are separate from the print rights 16:04:22 dkaplan3 has joined #epub 16:04:24 dauwhe++ 16:04:31 ...I have tried to convince my company to combine and offer as single product 16:04:36 ack George 16:04:38 ...but there are contractual obstacles there 16:04:52 George: explain what you mean by this full bleed stuff; can you explain it? 16:05:03 ...you have great image, flow text around it; picture of George's goulash soup 16:05:08 Wendy: thinking about soup 16:05:17 ...one thing that happens with reflowable books with image 16:05:26 q+ 16:05:31 ...even if you set CSS to object fit, you end up with margins, or the image breaks 16:05:36 ...if height of image 16:05:45 ...depending upon screen size; image might get cut in half 16:05:51 full bleed = no "columns", no margin? 16:05:57 ...idea of a full bleed image is make it fit and fill the screen 16:06:03 ...like in FL book 16:06:08 George: is this an SVG thing 16:06:13 Wendy: could be mixed modality 16:06:17 q? 16:06:21 ...I could say image 5 got HXTML 16:06:28 ...and defintely alt text in spine 16:06:38 ...final item is the 16:06:43 +100 for mixed modality, full bleed utilization in reflow 16:06:48 George: Picture would always be the full page? 16:06:50 Wendy: yes 16:07:06 George: I remember many text books where first page would be a full page image and on the right would be the chapter 16:07:25 ...and elephant and mouse diving off a diving board...very cool...we need to do that 16:07:35 Wendy: that is possible today within the spec but it is not used widely 16:07:42 ...It works in Thorium when I tested it 16:07:42 ack dauwhe 16:07:56 Dave: this is a larger issue than fixed layout or reflowable 16:08:00 q+ Ken_Jones 16:08:05 ...balance of power between content author and reading system 16:08:12 ...my content is displayed on part of device 16:08:20 ...and part of device reserved for the reading system 16:08:33 ...I want to take up every inch of screen, which could interfere with user interface 16:08:45 q+ 16:08:47 ...we are looking for a way...can I take over your screen for a while and it gets complicated 16:08:55 Wendy: don't think most reading systems would let you do that 16:09:06 Dave: you don't want problems with text butting up against margins 16:09:14 ...reading system will put margin on body element 16:09:20 ...image will still have that margin 16:09:36 ...have not done way to communicate the content and to have reading system still work if content obscures device port 16:09:41 ack ken_ 16:09:52 Ken: I think part of the dislike of FL in general is that it's really bad on small screens 16:10:07 ...in terms of accessibility if we can have something well structured, reading order, well described 16:10:12 ...that would be good for accessibility 16:10:24 ...you should not be looking at elephant diving off board on small screen 16:10:32 ...Like versions of books for small screens 16:10:36 ...and FL for no screens 16:10:44 ...and let's enjoy design aspects of larger screens 16:10:49 q+ 16:10:59 ...most publishers don't want to publish books that are basic and not lavishly illustrated 16:11:03 ...not just that it looks nice 16:11:06 ...if a complex topic 16:11:20 ...it helps convey complex information by having a well illustrated...photography and annotation are important 16:11:29 ack Avneesh 16:11:33 +1 to Ken 16:11:34 ...not look at complex illustrations on devices that don't support it 16:11:47 Avneesh: one practical application is tables 16:12:03 ...reflow text books, but have to put images for the tables because they will not flow 16:12:16 ...maybe publishers not aware that you can have table in FL and have text in reflowable 16:12:22 ...a practical example that came up 16:12:26 ...are we discussing the things 16:12:32 ...on this problem, or going out of the track 16:12:33 ack gre 16:12:39 Gregorio: proposal that Ken did 16:12:41 ack gpellegrino 16:12:46 ...having same EPUB with two renditions 16:12:57 ...rendition specifications; but now we don't have it any more 16:13:05 ...that is not a born accessible approach, so I don't like it 16:13:07 q+ 16:13:18 ...one way for sighted and one for those who have impairments, so I don't like it so much 16:13:23 ...If content creators work hard 16:13:24 q+ 16:13:33 ...they can make fully accessible fixed layout EPUBs for web apps 16:13:38 ...to be fully accessible and so on 16:13:43 ack Avneesh 16:13:45 Avneesh: just clarification 16:13:47 ...for information 16:13:54 ...mention for clarification 16:14:03 ...European accessibility act requirement of multiple renditions 16:14:07 ...how we do @ is a question 16:14:10 ...spec in EPUB 3 16:14:13 q+ 16:14:13 ...thinks it's somewhere ther 16:14:17 ...may not be normative 16:14:20 ...may be @ 16:14:23 ...let's stop here 16:14:31 q+ 16:14:33 ...EPUB accessiblity app with multiple renditions 16:14:35 ack Bill_Kasdorf_ 16:14:47 Bill_Kasdorf: to reinforce Ken and Avneesh's points 16:15:02 q+ Ken_Jones 16:15:08 ...in science, STM, often need for complex diagram or flow chart that cannot be viewed on a small screen 16:15:14 ...so you need an alternative way to describe it 16:15:21 ...think of an info graphic in NYTimes 16:15:31 ...they are geniuses at conveying info in a visual way 16:15:39 ...for non-sighted, not make markup do the work 16:15:50 ...have to provide content in a separate form with an extended description 16:16:02 Wendy: I do look at those NYTimes infographics on my phone 16:16:03 ack tzviya 16:16:08 Tzviya: you said something I was going to say 16:16:24 ...at Wiley we have text books, many types of complicated stuff 16:16:32 q+ 16:16:32 ...students tell us they are using their phones 16:16:43 ...not optimized for desktop; people will use what they want 16:16:47 ...we have seen from NYTimes 16:16:54 ...good job of making things available 16:17:02 ...talking about WCAG 2.1... 16:17:18 ...maybe someone from CSS WG can come talk to us on recent developments, and get a crash course on SVG 16:17:25 ...not that it's impossible; may be more difficult 16:17:30 ...table rendering is hard anywhere 16:17:39 ack George 16:17:40 ...if you deliver an HTML table, it is possible to scroll through it 16:17:49 George: can we get Gregori to explain what he said 16:17:58 ...about fixed layout that it could be accessible? I did not understand 16:18:15 Georgri: FL for ebook can be fully accessible 16:18:20 ...PDF is problematic 16:18:38 George: how does a low vision person get around the need to increase the font size and stop from panning back and forth from reading text 16:18:57 Gregorio: my POV, if you don't have this text in the page, you can increase the fonts as you want and it reflows some way in the page 16:19:01 q? 16:19:18 q- 16:19:21 ...I know we don't have all the controll like PDF, but it can be done; design of page needs to support increase of font size to 200% as WCAG requires 16:19:29 George: having a table as a fixed layout 16:19:37 ...and zooming in to 200% and panning back and forth 16:19:47 ...from a low vision perspective, I would think that'sok 16:19:56 ...as long as body text, you don't have to do that for the body text 16:20:03 ...where reading comprehension and flow matters a lot 16:20:19 ...almost like a magnifying glass looking at cell by cell reading rather than a paragraph 16:20:31 ...a fl table with reflowable text is something that could work 16:20:39 ...Looking at EU requirements with multiple renditions with FL 16:20:49 ...I think they are looking at specs from a long time ago 16:20:56 ...and our work will impact what they say moving forward 16:21:06 ...their requirements are not fixed; they were putting out early thoughts 16:21:11 ...not an absolute requirement 16:21:19 ...we have opportunities to 'head them off at the pass' so to speak 16:21:25 ack Ken_Jones 16:21:32 ken: wonder if we should have a classification of a visual book like we have an audio bok 16:21:41 ...that it needs to be viewed in a certain way 16:21:51 ...audio books are not accessible for people who cannot hear thm 16:22:00 ...visual book works for those who cannot hear 16:22:06 ...cannot have one thing that suits everybody 16:22:19 ...if we could we would not be worrying about it ten years after EPUB standard has been around 16:22:32 ...not right to say we should not do certain design things because not everyone will benefit 16:22:42 ...if not working on a phone, maybe use the audio version 16:22:51 ...not dismiss what we get from a visual publication 16:22:55 q+ 16:23:03 Wendy: a lot of excellent points have been made here 16:23:08 q- 16:23:09 ...coming up on one hour of discussion 16:23:21 ...I would like us to come around on some, not resolutions but directions 16:23:33 ...I think we have a couple of things we want to look into 16:23:35 ...some of the stuff is 16:23:41 ...what does this document look like 16:24:01 ...Avneesh made a good point that this is likely a separate set of recommendations; a separate document to put together and access 16:24:06 ...looks like one area is better 16:24:18 ...mixed modalities; fixed and reflowable together 16:24:23 q? 16:24:24 ...is a direction that would be positive in this space 16:24:33 ...approachable for content authors and reading systems 16:24:41 ...and also do investigation into SVG and what we can do around that 16:24:45 ...I think Tzviya mentioned 16:24:49 ...we talked about CSS as well 16:24:53 viewport? I think it is a big limit for responsive design within EPUBs 16:24:58 ...we could talk about media queries or different CSS modalities 16:25:09 ...a lot going on in modern CSS in transforming content based on context 16:25:25 ...we have flexbox and grid, almost these programmatic qualities for CSS 16:25:45 ...direction is to liaise with CSS and see what they can do for us, or we can be a test ground for more CSS magic of sorts 16:25:51 ...Sounds like we have a couple of things to look into 16:26:02 ...and this is point where I ask for volunteers to do the research 16:26:05 ...I want to work on this 16:26:15 I am keenly interested in helping on this. 16:26:17 q+ 16:26:21 ...I did not bring this up to have someone else to do it, but I need help; not my area of expertise 16:26:23 ack Avneesh 16:26:26 meeeeeeeee 16:26:30 q+ 16:26:30 Avneesh: I am not volunteering 16:26:36 q+ Ken_Jones 16:26:37 ...i queued up to say that visual layout 16:26:44 ...is extremely important; why people go for FL 16:26:56 ...include people who are actually publishing FL, like Japan to make manga accessible 16:27:05 ...we should encourage them to join this task force 16:27:15 ...I will be happy to discuss with someone from the DAISY team to join this 16:27:17 ack tzviya 16:27:26 Tzviya: I am not volunteering, but I can help with the wrangling 16:27:32 Wendy: we always need a wrangler 16:27:38 ack Ken_Jo 16:27:38 Ken: I would like to be involved also 16:27:41 ...thinking of my list 16:27:46 q+ 16:27:48 ...the reading order is at the top of my list 16:27:53 ...it is the most important one 16:28:03 ...without it, you have something that cannot be understood 16:28:10 ...that could be...is Romain on the call 16:28:18 ...that could possibly be automated 16:28:28 ...content sections, contrast, metadata, is already @ 16:28:34 q+ 16:28:36 ...but the reading order thing, not sure how that would be solved 16:28:47 ...in a way to be fixed layout pub would be accessible in that way 16:28:54 q+ 16:28:57 ...one of those things, i cannot check for everything 16:29:14 @: you can check level one and two but not the reading order 16:29:17 ...we check it manually 16:29:18 q- 16:29:26 s/@/Gregorio 16:29:27 ack George 16:29:43 George: with ACE we do some data visualizations to help with manual testing 16:29:51 ...wonder if you could traverse the DOM of a FL 16:29:59 ...portion of a page in order to extract the reading order 16:30:08 ...and present it not in FL but in reflowable view 16:30:18 ...which would give person the info that Ken was looking for, I think 16:30:22 ...that would be one approach 16:30:25 there is the accessibility tree 16:30:34 Ken: or a visual overlay on page so you can check the reading order 16:30:51 ...you could be proofing; still need human to look at it but a quicker way to see the flow through the page 16:30:58 right, tools and visualzation can definitely help a human check this 16:31:06 George: would that be a visual check? What software would do that? In the authoring tool? 16:31:27 Ken: if it went through a fl of an HTML doc; if that is reading order, a nice visual way to see the flow of the reading order 16:31:41 George: if these are features like mixing of FL and reflow, already features in EPUB 3.2 16:31:44 you can always start disabling the CSS to check the reading order ;-) 16:31:53 ...doesn't exist, no best practice, maybe this is a CG thing 16:31:54 q+ 16:31:59 ...to enlist the help of a wider audience 16:32:03 ack marisa 16:32:25 Marisa: when we talk about checking the reading order, is it checking that the TOC and spine are in order? 16:32:30 Ken: reading order 16:32:36 Marisa: doc order may not match reading order 16:32:40 ...I'm and ACE developer 16:32:49 ...what we do have is an outlines view that I have referred to 16:32:56 ...gets into the HTML algorithm 16:33:20 ...ACE does let you compare...TOC...headings structure; cannot tell you if visual order is in different order than doc layout 16:33:20 s/HTML a/HTML outlines a/ 16:33:24 ...not sure what approach we can take 16:33:32 ...maybe look at DOM after applying CSS 16:33:42 Tzviya: There aren't automated tools 16:33:50 Wendy: based on my experience, something that is purely manual 16:33:54 q+ 16:33:59 ...only check you are not putting an H6 above an H1 16:34:08 ...only a human knows you put the footer above the main content 16:34:18 Tzviya: @@ 16:34:27 Dave: looking at render tree would get complicated 16:34:28 ack Avneesh 16:34:35 Avneesh: i got a bit lost in this discussion 16:34:40 ...hesitating to pick up the CG issue 16:34:47 ...but I think I should say what is in mind 16:34:49 q- 16:34:50 ...when it's best practices 16:34:58 ...question is what kind of document will it become? 16:35:07 s/@@/An automated tool can only pick up what's in the accessibility tree, and if CSS reorganizes things, it's not in the a11y tree 16:35:08 ...if a WG note, remember timeline is 1 year, 15 oms at most 16:35:18 ...if it's a note, it will be a moving document 16:35:23 q+ 16:35:37 ...if note in WG, there is a heavy process to maintain it; go through the whole procedure again; processes of evergreen 16:35:46 ...a better place for best practices is the community group 16:35:56 ...just to keep in mind, don't have to make a decision now 16:36:06 ...may take a while to come up with best practices for fixed layout 16:36:14 ...so maybe CG is the better place for this 16:36:16 ack Bill_Kasdorf_ 16:36:28 Bill_Kasdorf: apologies if Tzviya already made this point 16:36:41 ...pursuing NYTimes is fertile ground as they are members now 16:36:43 ...infographs 16:36:53 ...sometimes is an entire two-page spread, a very large graphic 16:37:03 ...they clearly are providing an alternative form 16:37:15 ...what are their techniques, might be worth pursuing as we have them as members now 16:37:22 Wendy: we are getting into the weeds 16:37:44 I can take it 16:37:48 +1 16:38:02 scribe+ zhengxu 16:38:09 scribe: zhengxu 16:40:09 … we have been really productiev. Thank you everyone 16:41:00 q? 16:41:04 q+ 16:41:49 ack Garth 16:42:00 q+ 16:42:50 Garth: would like to see at least one RS to support a11y 16:42:59 ack romain 16:43:31 romain: answer tzviya, testing reading order for a11y is difficult 16:44:05 … some tool can be envisioned to help reading order with a11y. but in general it7s difficult 16:44:27 … Adobe recently has some AI tool to add reading order in PDF and make it reflowable 16:44:36 +1 to ACE adding this reading order overlay option :) 16:44:47 s/would like to see at least one RS to support a11y/If mixed modality (fixed and flowing) gets traction, I'd be pleased to guilt at least one RS to support it/ 16:45:02 q+ Ken_Jones 16:45:06 … Even Adobe started to use AI to do so. It means, it’s difficult to achieve in tech 16:45:13 ack Ken_Jones 16:45:13 ack ken 16:45:41 ken: Thinking if pages can have raw test for reading order and put to RS. 16:46:10 q? 16:46:50 wendyreid: seems we have completed our agenda 16:46:52 Topic: AOB 16:46:55 q+ 16:46:59 ack ivan 16:47:00 … do we have other biz? 16:47:44 … other other biz? 16:48:07 … thank you everyone for coming. We will be canelling next week WG. 16:48:44 November 6? 16:48:48 Thanks for your work chairing this epic meeting, Wend and Dave. 16:48:52 https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/breakout-schedule.html 16:49:07 … next WG meeting Nov 6 16:49:08 +1000 @LauraB__, thanks Wendy and Dave! 16:49:16 https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/breakout-schedule.html#calendar 16:49:16 … in Boston timezone 16:50:21 LauraB__ has left #epub 16:50:22 CharlesL has left #epub 16:50:24 zakim, end meeting 16:50:24 As of this point the attendees have been tzviya, ivan, brady, duga, avneesh, wendy, mattchan, toshiakikoike, dkaplan, Yanni, George, romain, MasakazuKitahara, wendyreid, plh, 16:50:27 ... LauraB__, gpellegrino, jmcshane_, CharlesL, marisa, Garth, JuanCorona, Rachel_Yager, Karen, zhengxu, Hadrien, Bill_Kasdorf_ 16:50:27 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:50:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/23-epub-minutes.html Zakim 16:50:29 I am happy to have been of service, dauwhe; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:50:31 dkaplan3 has left #epub 16:50:33 Zakim has left #epub 16:50:48 Garth has joined #epub 16:51:02 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:51:24 rrsagent, bye 16:51:24 I see no action items