<scribe> scribe: becky
<janina> https://ln.sync.com/dl/04f8c9330/6wk4ff4v-77wd78s5-ge6wc24s-vm3iwxwm
Janina: have a finished video
that has been submitted. Link above is not the final so please
don't share it, yet. Will have a W3.org location soon
... once we have that we can add to personalization page and
APA page; looks good and communicates our message well
Sharon: what is status?
becky: this is the latest editors
draft: https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/
... don't believe this has been updated with Lisa's editing -
she wanted to do red-line editing; Janina was going to wait for
Lisa's review before editing
Sharon: still need editorial work on the public explainer
Sharon: requirements - was becky doing anything
becky: Needs a red-lining review
for requirements; had concerns about what a req. document was;
asked Michael; probably okay to go with red-line edits
... there is a big difference in the new version Lisa proposed;
I don't think that people have reviewed
sharon: I can take a look
becky: added start/end, up/down, updated left and right
sharon: extra column for up
becky: I will fix
... and issue a pull request; we still need a note in the issue
Charles: notice two respec errors in upper right
Roy: I will fix those errors before publish
<Roy> https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/476
sharon: discussed addition stakeholder/feedback section
Roy: got feedback from Alice (see link above); need to focus on those issues
Charles: this is referencing the content - not the missing stakeholder section
becky: reads review
Janina: looks like they looked at this carefully
becky: isn't the reasoning for picking an attribute within the explainer?
Janina and others: yes, believe we did
sharon: I thought the vocabulary comparison addressed the issue of microformats
Charles: we have addressed the distraction issue
sharon: there are many new forms of movement that designers are using
Janina: need distinction of
advertisements - some are a nucense
... others are helpful; shouldn't be forced to deal with ones
that are a nuisance
... I can draft a response to that
Charles: haven't we addressed autocomple issues?
sharon: can't you turn off autocomplete via the browser
charles: autocomplete can only be used on certain forms - our usage is more generalized
becky: may need to update that section in the explainer - but is that even in the explainer - did they dive into the content module?
Janina: yes, seems the request for a reserved prefix is getting more scrutiny
Charles: do we need to verify what explainer?
Janina: they should have been
reading the TAG explainer but they may have followed the links
and read
... need to draft answers for each of the questions; we can
discuss the answers at the TAG meeting at TPAC
... I believe we have answers for all of these and just need to
pull them together
Sharon: believe we did address
microformats in our vocabulary comparisons
... regarding request for examples (2nd bullet) we do have
examples, are they looking for more specific assistive
technolgies examples
... there seems to be wider use
Janina: yes, we may need to have additional revs as this is understood better
sharon: so we can discuss at
... I think we just need to go look at and find out what we do
have that addresses some of these issues
Janina: Becky and I can follow up
as chairs - thank them for thorough review; stress that we will
have answers for our discussion at TPAC
... will draft up a response for the advertisement/ distraction
Charles: do we know when John is back?
Janina: I believe he said mid-October
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