13:02:47 RRSAgent has joined #miniapp 13:02:47 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/07/31-miniapp-irc 13:02:52 zakim, clear agenda 13:02:52 agenda cleared 13:04:32 xfq has joined #miniapp 13:05:24 agenda+ Welcome 13:05:27 agenda+ MiniApp URI Scheme 13:05:33 agenda+ MiniApp & IoT 13:05:36 agenda+ Break 13:05:43 agenda+ MiniApp & Web platform 13:05:51 agenda+ MiniApp Standardization 13:05:58 agenda+ Wrap up & Next steps 13:10:34 cris has joined #miniapp 13:12:42 plh has joined #miniapp 13:20:32 scribe+ 13:21:21 present+ Ralph_Swick_W3C 13:21:51 present+ Wendy_Seltzer_W3C 13:21:53 rrsagent, please make record public 13:23:00 wanming has joined #Miniapp 13:23:05 present+ Xiaoqian_Wu_W3C 13:23:28 vzasadnyy_fb has joined #miniapp 13:23:54 present+ Philippe_Le_Hegaret_W3C 13:24:07 zhoudan has joined #miniapp 13:24:17 present+ Fuqiao_Xue_W3C 13:24:28 present+ Ping_Shen_Alibaba 13:24:43 present+ Roy_Ran_W3C 13:24:44 kaz has joined #miniapp 13:25:27 present+ Qiang_Jia_China_Mobile 13:25:42 present+ Yinli_Chen_Xiaomi 13:25:59 present+ Vitaliy_Zasadnyy_Facebook 13:26:20 Vagner_BR has joined #miniapp 13:26:43 present+ Xueyuan_Jia_W3C 13:26:56 present+ Dan_Zhou_Baidu 13:27:03 YinliChen has joined #miniapp 13:27:13 present+ Kazuyuki_Ashimura_W3C 13:27:34 present+ Vagner_Diniz 13:29:27 present+ Shuo_Wang_Baidu 13:30:13 Qing_An has joined #miniapp 13:30:40 zakim, take up item 1 13:30:40 agendum 1. "Welcome" taken up [from wseltzer] 13:30:55 present+ Thomas_Steiner_Google 13:31:02 Yongjing has joined #miniapp 13:31:11 present+ Vagner 13:31:24 Wendy: Welcome everyone, good to see you at the second day miniapp workshop meeting 13:31:27 present+ Mike_Smith_W3C 13:31:33 Angel has joined #Miniapp 13:31:37 present+ Tengyuan_Zhang_Baidu 13:31:43 ... give people more time to set zoom and interpreter tool 13:31:49 igarashi has joined #miniapp 13:31:55 present+ Tatsuya_Igarashi_Sony 13:32:07 ... you could use the URI in shared screen to find interpreter 13:32:21 present+ Ning_Wang_Baidu 13:32:26 present+ Theresa_O'Connor_Apple 13:32:29 ... Also IRC channel will be #miniapp 13:32:36 present+ Jiaying_Liang_W3C 13:32:47 present+ Yves_Lafon_W3C 13:32:49 present+ Zhenjie_Li_W3C 13:32:56 Xueyuan: introduction on how to use Akkadu 13:33:05 present+ François_Daoust_W3C 13:33:11 present+ Yongjing_Zhang_Huawei 13:33:25 dape has joined #miniapp 13:33:31 present+ Jeff_Jaffe_W3C 13:33:33 jeff has joined #miniapp 13:33:43 present+ Angel, AnQing 13:33:51 ... one thing should be noticed, please lower the akkaddu volume when you speak on zoom 13:33:54 present+ Martin_Alvarez_Fundacion_CTIC 13:34:03 present+ Qing_An 13:34:05 present+ Wanming_Lin_Intel 13:34:17 present+ Keith_Gu_Google 13:34:19 present+ 13:34:27 zuming_baidu has joined #miniapp 13:34:31 Wendy: today we will have miniapp URI, miniapp IoT, and also miniapp and web platform 13:34:35 present+ Han_Huang_Baidu 13:34:59 zakim, take up agendum 2 13:34:59 agendum 2. "MiniApp URI Scheme" taken up [from wseltzer] 13:35:04 ... zhoudan will give introduction on miniapp URI 13:35:14 zhoudan: speak in Chinese 13:35:38 ... miniApp URI Scheme defines the Uniform Resource Identifier of a MiniApp 13:36:03 ... every user agent has their own way to describe a MiniApp resource 13:36:34 -> https://www.w3.org/2020/07/miniapp-virtual-meeting/slides/MiniApp-URI-Scheme.pdf Slides on MiniApp URI Scheme 13:36:48 ... slide 10 introduction why we should do the miniapp URI 13:37:41 wanming has joined #Miniapp 13:37:43 ... miniapp is a package, we need mark the specific miniapp as a miniapp 13:37:46 present+ Wanming_Lin_Intel 13:38:05 ... it will lower the first frame load time 13:38:09 present+ Alex_Russell_Google 13:38:21 igarashi__ has joined #miniapp 13:38:29 thank you, xfq 13:38:40 ... the security will ensure by the supported vendors 13:38:49 q+ 13:38:54 ack Yves 13:39:17 Yves: W3C staff, speak English 13:39:36 ... I noticed some issues, URI only a name 13:41:02 tidoust has joined #miniapp 13:41:27 ... in past, the certain URI only works on specific webpage, then we have service worker for more use cases 13:41:50 wanming has left #miniapp 13:41:58 wanming has joined #Miniapp 13:42:20 ... URI just a name, but now you want to use this as a identifer, that meanings we will create a new URI 13:42:35 q- 13:42:38 another way of restating Yves' point is that we can provide cacheable packages for URLs and indicate miniapp identity via mimetype 13:42:44 ... we could have some alternative way to resolve those issues 13:43:12 q? 13:43:30 ... we still have lots of issues should be addressed 13:43:31 q+ 13:44:15 @@: have you every think about to use the @ to run the miniapp? 13:44:17 for instance, we can host all other sorts of media types (video, audio, html, PDF, etc.) within packages and Service Worker caches 13:44:18 present+ Chuangjie_Luo_Vivo 13:44:45 s/@@/Vitaly/ 13:44:49 s/@@: have you/Vitaliy_Zasadnyy_Facebook: have you/ 13:45:19 s/Vitaly/Vitaliy_Zasadnyy_Facebook/ 13:46:06 q? 13:46:09 ack plh 13:46:24 PLH: there is may have many different way to resolve this issues, we know that we don't need download all miniapp when we use the it 13:46:36 I'll share it in a second 13:46:47 doing a HEAD on a URL for a mini app could give information (via Linkk: header) about description, on top of the media type and payload length 13:46:52 q? 13:46:54 Wendy: any file want to share could send link to IRC 13:47:06 q+ Dan_zhou 13:47:20 ack D 13:47:54 q+ 13:48:20 q+ to mention other reasons for not coining new URI schemes 13:48:36 zhoudan: I want to say, indeed zip is one of the way, but we also want the platform know this is a miniapp before they load 13:48:41 q+ 13:49:04 ... also in W3C process, is there any suggestions to address this issue 13:49:11 I would suggest the TAG more than webperf for this, but webperf can have hints 13:49:28 ["have a conversation with", not only "present to..."] 13:49:56 PLH: we could have presentation in Web platform, Glad to help us to outreach related WG 13:49:57 ack next 13:50:09 ack plh 13:50:10 zhoudan: when you say that you want to understand it is a mini-app before it loads, does that involve inspecting the zip file? Or do you need to know even earlier? 13:51:15 yongjing: most trick use case is when you download a miniapp in local 13:52:06 q+ 13:52:08 yes, the system should have a way to register that resolution of URL might end up in a miniapp (that was my XML catalog example) 13:52:14 ... on slide @, if we use the http to request, that will be need further step to identify is this a miniapp or not 13:52:37 s/slide @/slide 18 13:52:55 ack next 13:52:56 MikeSmith, you wanted to mention other reasons for not coining new URI schemes 13:53:01 as the mini-app is trusted (through a store) it is legit to have resolution in the space limited to the origin of the mini app done thtough the said mini-app 13:53:03 ... I thing we still need further discussion, we may not want to new URI document, but this use case may important 13:53:27 TAG discussion -> https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/issues/34 13:53:49 q+ 13:54:24 zhoudan, Yongjing: have you investigated Android's intent filters? 13:54:37 Mike: not review the URI scheme TAG's feedback, in a high-level, it may difficult if you want to create this URI scheme, you should have some good use cases 13:54:58 [I note that zhoudan's slides show good flowcharts] 13:55:20 igarashi has joined #miniapp 13:55:45 ... and wrt share feature need more discussion on security 13:56:07 [Alex, what are the analogs to Android's intent filters in other environments?] 13:56:12 ... it may make easier to do more work in advance 13:56:15 ack slightlyoff 13:56:24 @xiaoqian 13:56:24 present+ Zitao_Wang_Huawei 13:56:28 Android and iOS has implemented very similar approach to associate native applications with https URLs. Flow: 1. User want to access https://example.com/product/123 2. Host platform (host super app) verifies if there is Mini App associated with the current domain by checking https://example.com/.well-known/app-assosiation 3. If app-assosiation file is present, get metadata where Mini App (native app) can be downloaded 4. Launch[CUT] 13:56:59 Docs: 13:57:00 Intents and Intent Filters -> https://developer.android.com/guide/components/intents-filters?hl=en 13:57:00 Android: https://developers.google.com/digital-asset-links/v1/getting-started iOS: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices/supporting_associated_domains 13:57:19 Alex: Android has some feature may support this issue 13:57:35 ack next 13:57:49 zakim, close queue 13:57:49 ok, wseltzer, the speaker queue is closed 13:57:56 ... want to make sure if Android and iOS lack those features 13:58:37 on Apple platforms, you could use Universal Links: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/inter-process_communication/allowing_apps_and_websites_to_link_to_your_content 13:59:07 yongjing: those are close to our needs, host platform may works on this aspect, but they only registered their own miniapp with their own rules 13:59:54 ... that means miniappA in PlatformA can't be recognized by platformB 14:00:04 thank you, Yongjing! 14:00:55 ... we just want to find the best way to let developer and miniapp take advantage from the URI standardised 14:01:27 you can also set metadata in the HTML to indicate what is intended in a link, that might help early optimisation 14:03:05 Zhoudan: as I mentioned, our purpose is not to create a new URI scheme, we want to have a good way to land the issues we faced, and slide 20 also have a neutral proposal, we could use Orange to identify a miniapp, but in that way we may need a unified Orange 14:03:26 zakim, take up agendum 3 14:03:26 agendum 3. "MiniApp & IoT" taken up [from wseltzer] 14:03:35 https://w3.org/2020/07/miniapp-virtual-meeting/slides/Ideas-for-IoT-MiniApp-Standardization.pdf 14:03:44 espinar has joined #miniapp 14:04:26 shenping: I am from Alibaba 14:05:08 ... we still use the traditional way to develop miniapp for Iot 14:05:47 ivan has joined #miniapp 14:06:14 ... miniapp develop is cheap, now we could use the miniapp and combine with super app 14:06:43 present+ Ivan_Herman_W3C 14:06:50 q+ 14:06:51 q+ 14:07:00 ack kaz 14:07:02 ... slide 5 and 6 should some thing may could standardised in further 14:07:27 present+ Nicole_Yu_Alipay 14:07:53 Kaz: thanks for introduction, W3C has a WG to find a better way to develop Wot 14:08:13 ack next 14:08:31 ... if there are any use cases it may much better 14:08:54 i/thanks/[Kaz Ashimura - W3C Team Contact for the WoT WG]/ 14:10:04 q? 14:10:45 fuqiao: is there any all of things you want to standard different with existing specifications in mobile and web@@@, also I work for DSWG, and there are some related specs in there 14:11:20 s/DSWG/Devices and Sensors WG/ 14:11:46 s/if there are any use cases it may much better/the WG published W3C standards in April and working on 2nd-gen standards for IoT integration using Web technology. so it would be great if you could bring your ideas and use cases to that WG./ 14:11:48 shenping: I mentioned in my slide, we want to define some high-level and low-level api, and has some control from devices 14:12:06 q? 14:12:54 q+ 14:13:50 fuqiao: is there any overlap with the scope of IoT miniapp you want to proposal with existing W3C specs 14:14:17 shenqing: there are many details, we could talk them offline 14:14:18 ack next 14:15:35 would second kaz's point about the Devices and Sensors group. We're pushing APIs forward for many hardware interfaces there, including Serial, USB, HID, and USB in addition to Bluetooth and NFC 14:15:35 Kaz: will have further discussion on WoT WG, we also want to find some coordination on miniapp and devices and sensors 14:15:35 q? 14:15:51 Wendy: hope we could have more discussion on TPAC 2020 14:16:03 ... any other question? 14:16:13 even if we are not able to achieve alignment in other areas, we should be able to standardise APIs for device access 14:16:30 s|is there any all of things you want to standard different with existing specifications in mobile and web@@@|wonder the scope/level of the ideas, is it for smartphones? IoT devices? Or both? Is it high-level abstraction like WoT? Or talk to hardware directly? Or both?| 14:17:25 s/will have further discussion on WoT WG, we also want to find some coordination on miniapp and devices and sensors/would suggest you join the WoT WG' meetings at some point. also we should have a joint session during the upcoming TPAC 2020 in October probably by WoT, MiniAppos and DAS at once :)/ 14:17:50 q+ 14:17:57 ack next 14:18:16 ... W3C WG take efforts on those use case and also safe to use them, we want to user to use all of those things without care about security issues 14:20:14 anqing: I think wrt miniapp IoT, the Devices and Sensors WG and smart cities may have some related topic, and also WoT as Kaz suggested, we could work coordinate to fulfill our requirements 14:20:20 q? 14:20:20 +1 to collaborating on mesh APIs 14:20:25 ... such like Bluetooth 14:20:33 (fyi, various use cases are being collected for wot: https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/tree/master/USE-CASES) 14:20:41 q? 14:21:21 Qing_An: my team would love to understand your needs better; we have been expanding into BTLE scanning and predicted that we will need to address mesh, but haven't expanded Web Bluetooth to do it yet. Would love to collaborate on that. 14:22:12 shenping: our goal is that we hope there is a simply way to support IoT miniapp develop, and we will involve in those WG to have further discussion 14:22:30 Wendy: we will have 10 minutes break 14:22:59 ... will start with PLH's talk 14:23:13 [break] 14:23:23 zakim, take up next agendum 14:23:23 agendum 1. "Welcome" taken up [from wseltzer] 14:23:27 zakim, drop agendum 1 14:23:27 agendum 1, Welcome, dropped 14:23:30 zakim, drop agendum 2 14:23:30 agendum 2, MiniApp URI Scheme, dropped 14:23:33 zakim, drop agendum 3 14:23:33 agendum 3, MiniApp & IoT, dropped 14:23:37 zakim, drop agendum 4 14:23:37 agendum 4, Break, dropped 14:25:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/31-miniapp-minutes.html Roy 14:25:55 To slightlyoff: agree with that. We have done many implemention on Mesh. We believe standardized Web API can bring benefits. Look forward to further discussion. 14:29:47 vagner has joined #miniapp 14:30:04 zakim, take up next agendum 14:30:04 agendum 5. "MiniApp & Web platform" taken up [from wseltzer] 14:31:22 present+ Xueyuan_Jia_W3C 14:31:29 Wendy: MiniApp & Web platform from PLH 14:31:46 chair: Wendy_Seltzer_W3C 14:32:18 PLH: I want to talk about the difference between miniapp and web platform 14:32:50 ... miniapp CG have prepared some documents 14:32:50 present+ 14:33:11 YinliChen_ has joined #miniapp 14:33:23 ... hope the miniapp and web platform could be harmonized 14:34:00 ... at present, there are still some gaps in Package, lifecycle and URI scheme 14:34:55 chunming has joined #miniapp 14:35:25 ... also we need to learning some resolution way on mobile side 14:35:47 ... and we try to figure out some API issues 14:37:22 ... we have a timeline for those goals 14:37:49 s/have/should develop/ 14:37:49 ... to let the miniapp unified in different platform 14:38:34 ... hope you could share some information related different platform 14:39:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/31-miniapp-minutes.html chunming 14:39:05 q? 14:39:19 ... we want to have a good harmonization on miniapp and web platform 14:39:39 q 14:39:40 Wendy: any questions for platform 14:39:47 q+ zuming_baidu 14:39:50 ack zuming 14:39:51 ack z 14:40:14 zuming: speak in Chinese, come from Baidu 14:40:29 q+ 14:41:38 ... there is an essential question, the runtime environment of the current browser is quite different from miniapp 14:42:08 ... most miniapp use the native runtime environment 14:42:23 ... what do we expect or advocate for the future runtime environment? 14:43:21 ... Is it based on the existing browser runtime framework, enhancing its ability to run miniapp? Or the browser to have two models, one for the Web and one for the miniapp? 14:43:58 q? 14:45:05 PLH: I can't speak too much on different on two platform, appreciate on you mentioned this issue, we should look into this 14:45:08 [I would hope that we can learn how to extend the runtime framework such that it supports MiniApp and WebApp in a fully integrated fashion] 14:46:19 ack next 14:46:22 Wendy: @@@ 14:47:21 speaking only for Chrome, I'd imagine that expanding to process a different type of content that can't easily run on Windows, Mac, and Linux would be difficult. The extent that we can align miniapps around HTML/PWA tech to enable the broadest possible reach seems valuable to developers 14:47:57 yongjing: the primary thought on miniapp when we develop miniapp is to use web platform, that will be the ideal way to develop miniapp 14:48:35 ... for this purpose we still need some works from Browser vendors 14:49:01 q? 14:49:17 ... and we also want to make the miniapp works like a native app with usage of web technologies 14:50:00 Wendy: is there any one to share comments? 14:50:24 PLH: notice the feedback by Alex on IRC 14:51:05 present+ Chunming_Hu_W3C 14:51:29 q? 14:51:37 present+ Ivan_Herman_W3C 14:52:03 Wendy: next topic will on miniapp standardised by Angel 14:52:17 Topic: MiniApp Standardization 14:53:18 angel: after two days discussion, we have clarified some issues, and also I have some discussions with miniapp vendors 14:54:17 ... and also miniapp developers want their miniapp could be used by vendors in same standards 14:54:52 [DRAFT] MiniApps Working Group Charter -> https://w3c.github.io/miniapp/charters/wg-2020.html 14:55:17 ... miniapp CG will keep promote the charter, such as scope etc. 14:55:37 Current charter issues -> https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Acharter 14:55:39 q? 14:55:45 ... and we also should figure out which WG should coordinate 14:55:55 ... any comments? 14:56:20 step: 1.The MiniAPp CG will improve the proposed charter and redefine the scope and deliverable of the MIniAPp WG 14:56:32 Wendy: I will share screen to recall our objectives and plan 14:56:35 step 2: 2. This working group will set joint task force with related working groups to develop specs when necessary and feasible 14:57:09 s/MiniAPp/MiniApp/ 14:57:20 s/MIniAPp/MiniApp/ 14:57:41 q? 14:58:06 ... coordination WG including: Web app, WoT, Device and Sensors, TAG, PING, and web app security 14:58:44 q+ 14:59:12 angel: still not sure what' s feedback from international org of set up a miniapp WG 14:59:40 ... we also want to have some feedback on miniapp WG 14:59:47 present+ Nan_Shang_Bytedance 15:00:07 s/international org/global communities/ 15:00:39 Wendy: we could create some surveys to collect feedbacks 15:01:10 ack next 15:01:18 ... and wrt global communities we are trying to collection 15:01:45 q+ 15:02:18 ack next 15:02:24 ... it may difficult to set up a miniapp WG, start with joint meeting maybe is good start 15:03:34 kaz: would suggest we start with "joint meetings" instead of "joint task forces" (to see the possibility of the expected TFs) :) 15:04:10 PLH: not sure all of the related specs are up to date, also web performance WG could be one. 15:04:34 q? 15:04:47 q+ 15:04:54 ... we need resolve lifecycle and runtime, service worker may address those issues 15:04:56 SW can definitely help on the cache side, but implication on the runtime and underlying OS are not in their charter 15:04:57 ack Angel 15:05:23 angle: about the miniapp charter, we have a discussion and review in last month 15:06:03 ... I think global communities could help review and give some input for the scope 15:06:39 ... I want to invite some global companies to join us to have some discussion on the charter 15:07:40 s/angle:/Angel:/ 15:08:12 Wendy: it is the best way to have more global organizations to join to discuss the group charter 15:08:57 Deliverables section in the Web Fonts Working Group Charter -> https://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/webfonts-2018.html#deliverables 15:09:17 q? 15:09:29 q+ 15:09:34 ... and technology still in incubation period, we could have more discussion on possibility 15:10:06 ... also a11y is also an important aspect 15:10:12 ack next 15:11:15 kaz: I noticed some miniapp actives in W3C, @@@ 15:11:54 q+ 15:11:57 Wendy: any feedbacks from TAG, for next steps? 15:12:01 ack next 15:13:02 Theresa: from TAG side we encourage miniapp CG to work on those aspects 15:13:19 [I was more understanding Kaz' comment as suggesting to create a MiniApp IG instead of a WG, to collect use cases & requirements, and liaise with other groups responsible for specs of interest, which could be a good idea to start with] 15:13:30 q+ 15:13:36 ... although there are still a lot of issues pending 15:13:48 zhenjie_ has joined #miniapp 15:13:51 s/I noticed some miniapp actives in W3C, @@@/within W3C, I work for the Media and Entertainment Interest Group (MEIG) as well, and I think maybe the group's approach would make sense for MiniApps discussion as well, i.e., as a central hub for discussions on use cases and requirements, then send requirements and proposed APIs to all the related groups/ 15:14:13 ... we encourage miniapp keep work on and make progress 15:14:39 ack next 15:14:53 Wendy: we have a lot of experts in various expertise 15:16:03 Jeff: need make sure what's the next plan for miniapp 15:16:33 angel: lots of thing should be done, we need set up a timeline first 15:17:06 q+ 15:17:08 q+ 15:17:12 I want to second hober's comments about joint meetings. I'm encouraged by the areas where the miniapps designs thus far can help push a joint vision of the platform forward. There are gaps in the web's surface and speaking only for my team, we're keen to understand and collaborate on closing them 15:17:15 ... we want to start AC review for our charter before TPAC 15:17:24 https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/Overview.html 15:17:33 Wendy: TPAC will be online 15:18:05 ... will be a good opportunity to talk about the Charter 15:19:27 ack plh 15:19:49 angel: Can we invite you to join us to review the charter 15:20:02 wendy: yes, I'd love to 15:20:37 Topic: Wrap up & Next step 15:21:03 ack next 15:21:09 Wendy: hope more people join the CG discussions 15:24:44 Roy has joined #miniapp 15:25:30 Wendy: coordination with different WG 15:26:31 +1 15:26:34 this will make addressing horizontal review issues harder too 15:26:58 Angel: @@ 15:27:24 s/@@/we should avoid overcook the proposals in the CG 15:27:51 Wendy: gap analysis is also a good approach to help our existing groups to define their needs 15:28:06 q? 15:28:17 ... also joint table help them to define their features 15:28:29 ... near end of time 15:28:45 ... encourage everyone to join this discussion 15:29:34 ... hope we could define approach in WG CG or IG 15:29:56 ... any regular miniapp meeting? 15:30:28 Angel: we have monthly meeting at 9:00 am EST 15:30:41 ... on Thursday 15:30:57 ... will check the meeting call in information 15:31:35 Wendy: thanks all 15:31:47 ... will share the minutes later 15:32:04 thankyou all. 15:32:08 bye 15:32:16 wanming has joined #Miniapp 15:32:17 [adjourned] 15:32:31 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:32:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/31-miniapp-minutes.html Roy 15:33:31 rrsagent, make log public 15:36:03 zakim, list participants 15:36:03 As of this point the attendees have been Angel, Ming_Zu, Yinli_Chen, Canfeng_Chen, Han, Tenyuan_Zhang, Qing_An, Xiaoqian, Fuqiao, Xueyuan, Dan, Appelquist, Fuqiao_Xue_W3C, 15:36:07 ... Qiang_Jia_China_Mobile, Xueyuan_Jia_W3C, Dan_Zhou_Baidu, Wendy_Seltzer_W3C, Yinli_Chen_Xiaomi, Zhenjie_Li_W3C, Chuangjie_Luo_Vivo, Jiaying_Liang_W3C, Alexandra_Lacourba_W3C, 15:36:07 ... Xiaoqian_Wu_W3C, Philippe_Le_Hégaret_W3C, Wanming_Lin_Intel, Dominique_Hazaël-Massieux_W3C, Ralph_Swick_(W3C), Ivan_Herman_W3C, Canfeng_Chen_Xiaomi, Mike_Smith_W3C, 15:36:12 ... Ming_Zu_Baidu, Theresa_Apple, Chunming_Hu_W3C, Martin_Alvarez_Espinar_Fundacion_CTIC, Qing_An_Alibaba, plh, Sangwhan_Moon, Yongjing_Zhang_Huawei, Theresa_O'Connor_Apple/TAG, 15:36:12 ... Keith_Gu_Google, Kazuyuki_Ashimura_W3C, Vitaliy_Zasadnyy_Facebook, Nicole_Yu_Alipay, Kaz_Ashimura-W3C, Alex_Russell_Google, François_Daoust_W3C, Thomas_Steiner_Google, 15:36:16 ... Yves_Lafon_W3C, Jiaxun_Wei_Baidu, Tatsuya_Igarashi_Sony, Nathan_Schloss_Facebook, Roy_Ran_W3C, Shuo_Wang_Baidu, Yongqing_Dong_Xiaomi, Vagner_Diniz, Yves, Yaoming_Liu_Huawei, 15:36:16 ... Ralph_Swick_W3C, Philippe_Le_Hegaret_W3C, Ping_Shen_Alibaba, Tengyuan_Zhang_Baidu, Ning_Wang_Baidu, Jeff_Jaffe_W3C, AnQing, Martin_Alvarez_Fundacion_CTIC, jeff, 15:36:16 ... Han_Huang_Baidu, Zitao_Wang_Huawei, ivan, Nan_Shang_Bytedance 15:36:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/31-miniapp-minutes.html chunming 15:39:52 present- Philippe_Le_Hegaret_W3C 15:40:08 rrsagent, draft minutes v2 15:40:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/31-miniapp-minutes.html xfq 15:40:52 jeff_ has joined #miniapp 15:43:47 Keith has joined #miniapp 15:43:58 present- jeff, ivan, plh 15:44:03 rrsagent, draft minutes v2 15:44:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/31-miniapp-minutes.html xfq 16:08:17 xueyuan has joined #miniapp 16:23:42 -> https://www.w3.org/2020/07/seltzer-miniapp-slides.pdf Slides shown on-screen with real-time editing (p. 6 and 7) 16:23:48 rrsagent, draft minutes v2 16:23:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/31-miniapp-minutes.html wseltzer 17:08:04 Yves has left #miniapp