23:59:07 RRSAgent has joined #pbg 23:59:07 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/06/09-pbg-irc 23:59:13 Zakim has joined #pbg 23:59:19 present+ 23:59:35 liisamk has joined #pbg 00:00:03 Meeting: Publishing Business Group Telecon 00:00:16 Date: 2020-06-09 00:00:48 present+ 00:01:04 present+ ShinyaTakami 00:01:19 present+ Daihei 00:01:26 present+ 00:01:35 wendyreid has joined #pbg 00:01:41 present+ wendyreid 00:01:42 skk has joined #pbg 00:01:44 present+ 00:01:45 Zakim, who is here? 00:01:45 Present: jyoshii, dauwhe, ShinyaTakami, Daihei, liisamk, wendyreid 00:01:47 On IRC I see skk, wendyreid, liisamk, Zakim, RRSAgent, ShinyaTakami, jyoshii, dauwhe, Karen, bigbluehat, war2, Ralph 00:01:51 Daihei has joined #pbg 00:01:54 present+ 00:01:57 present+ 00:02:27 Makoto has joined #pbg 00:02:42 present+ Makoto 00:02:59 Thanks, Dave. 00:03:19 jkamata has joined #pbg 00:03:27 scribe+ liisamk 00:04:08 Topic: EPUB 3 WG Charter 00:04:24 Daihei: almost worked out all the details 00:04:47 Michelle_Kelly has joined #pbg 00:04:55 wendyreid: almost complete, added Shinya as a third co-chair 00:05:05 https://w3c.github.io/epub-3-wg-charter/ 00:05:19 ...today got feedback from Judy Brewer from the APA and changes were made 00:05:37 ...ready to go to the next phase to send to the W3CM 00:06:00 Daihei: can you comment on the process from here? 00:06:23 present+ Michelle_Kelly 00:06:29 Zakim, who is here? 00:06:29 Present: jyoshii, dauwhe, ShinyaTakami, Daihei, liisamk, wendyreid, skk, Makoto, Michelle_Kelly 00:06:32 wendyreid: the W3CM process should be a week or two and maybe the week after next would send to the AC 00:06:32 On IRC I see Michelle_Kelly, jkamata, Makoto, Daihei, skk, wendyreid, liisamk, Zakim, RRSAgent, ShinyaTakami, jyoshii, dauwhe, Karen, bigbluehat, war2, Ralph 00:06:56 ...then go to the AC for a 6-week process 00:07:09 ...if approved would be around the end of July 00:07:15 present+ 00:07:27 ...start date has been changed to be Sept. 1 00:08:03 Daihei: important announcement that Shinya Takami-san has accepted co-chair position 00:08:31 ...W3M happy and met to discuss collaboration 00:09:04 ...when the charter goes to approval for W3M he will be nominated a co-chair with Wendy and Dave 00:09:38 ...he can represent the Japanese industry and be a great co-chair for the global industry, this is an honor for the Japanese publishing industry 00:10:28 ShinyaTakami: all of you know me, hello and nominated as one of co-chairs of the EPUB 3 WG with Dave and Wendy 00:11:10 ...ask Daihei to help to support with the co-chair job and willing to work and bring the perspective of the Japanese industry 00:12:46 Daihei: will assist Shinya in this work 00:13:18 Topic: The Digital Publishing Summit 00:13:35 Daihei: was originally scheduled to take place in Madrid, but was held online 00:13:57 ...organized by Laurent of EDRLab and we presented on the epub survey 00:14:22 scribe+ dauwhe 00:14:39 liisamk: we were asked by laurent to talk about where epub is going 00:14:47 ... and what we learned from the survey 00:14:59 ... we learned epub is good and strong and healthy 00:15:05 ... and that our work is not yet done 00:15:10 ... hence the EPUB 3 WG 00:15:27 ... and make sure EPUB becomes a full w3c REC, and gets testing and better interop 00:15:33 ... and that it be backwards compatible 00:15:44 ... people need to not revisit their catalogs 00:16:05 ... but there are things people want to do, like mixing FXL and reflow (which is allowed by spec) 00:16:12 ... there are interactivity features people want 00:16:42 ... we didn't ask about geographic info 00:16:50 ... we don't know where they came from 00:17:18 ... there were 100 people in the session, lots from europe, AU, NZ, SA... 00:17:38 ... Laurent was happy with attendance; there is video online 00:17:50 ... links in meeting agenda 00:18:34 scribe+ liisamk 00:19:08 Daihei: looking to translate into Japanese and want to make a presentation in July to the Japanese people who contributed 00:19:23 ...want to make sure that they know where global interests are 00:19:47 ...planning to involve Shinya to do a presentation together 00:20:19 ...Wendy did a great job with the blog post and summary of the survey that is linked in the agenda 00:20:39 Wendy: blog post went up a couple of weeks ago, there has been good feedback 00:21:16 ...highlights: EPUB3 is widely used, most people are using EPUB3 and not so much EPUB 2 and PDF 00:21:51 ...EPUB features - full bleed images and fixed+reflow, lots of misinformation in the market 00:22:00 ...share info about features that are in and work 00:22:15 ...people want better testing and reading system conformance 00:22:52 ...people also want multiple languages in same book, lots of info about accessibility 00:23:03 ...people are thinking about it even if they are doing it yet 00:23:17 ...lot of energy around EPUB living on and getting better 00:23:28 ...better support for javascript and web APIs 00:23:42 ...want more modern things, but to keep the format 00:23:47 ...excited to start the work 00:24:32 Topic: Collaboration with EDRLab and LIA for Japan 00:25:06 Daihei: out of all these PBG activities and the new direction of the publishing work 00:25:21 ...things are having more interest globally 00:26:04 ...Laurent gave us the presentation on Thorium and Cristina representing LIA want to work with the Japanese industry 00:26:21 ...think that Japan has a lot of things that could be influential 00:26:30 ...have been in a lot of discussions with them 00:27:00 ...bridging the W3C publishing activities and the Thorium and LCP and the accessibility activities 00:27:12 ...give more in details about how we will collaborate together 00:27:42 ...intending to bring back the outcomes to publishing@W3C 00:28:06 ...between Europe and Japan collaboration should be transparent to rest of world 00:30:44 Makoto and Daihei: asked about the translated version of the LIA's report about accessibility 00:31:19 ...Makoto has been in discussion with Cristina and collaboration with LIA and training activities and publisher implementation 00:31:48 ...for the publishers to implement the accessibility 00:32:02 ...recommendations from the European Commission 00:32:20 Topic: EPUB Reading System Bug GitHub Repo 00:32:37 liisamk: we put this repo together, and started to collect some stuff 00:32:42 ... don't have much in the repo yet 00:32:58 ... please take a look and let us know what you need to put bugs in 00:33:09 ... make sure that there are labels for all the reading systems you might need 00:33:48 Daihei: there are so many reading systems and bugs to be shared 00:34:38 Shinya: this github for the Japanese market, reading system development is stable and not big feedback 00:34:57 liisamk: if you don't have open bugs, there's nothing to put in 00:35:12 ... we've seen a lot of bugs with a particular partner in the US 00:35:18 ... if things are stable, that's great! 00:35:39 ... we could set up templates in Japanese, too 00:37:00 Topic: Discuss goals/ideas for guest presentations 00:37:37 Daihei: we have opened this discussion and want to have more open discussion about digital publishing 00:37:55 ...first presentation was Thorium and the accessibility that it supports 00:38:19 ...we have a list of possible guest speakers and ideas 00:38:35 ...question of what people want these speakers to do and what people want to hear about 00:40:03 ...want to avoid this to be marketing 00:40:23 ...presentation should be 10 minutes and 10 minutes of QA 00:40:45 ...presentation can be slides or videos and should be relevant to the work 00:41:02 ...no self-promotion, spam 00:41:15 ...will be recorded so that it can be shared with others in the PBG 00:41:39 ...will not be shared outside the group 00:41:53 q+ 00:42:03 ...would like to invite guests like the list that is in the invite 00:43:56 ...M&E co-chairs to talk about visual materials and the relationship to publishing 00:44:52 dauwhe: question about why to share with just the business group 00:45:50 Daihei: agree- no reason to make it PBG only 00:45:53 liisamk: I agree with Dave; we should make sure that people understand that things are available through the minutes 00:46:18 liisamk: agree that it should be made clear that it is as public as anything we post and should be available 00:48:02 Daihei: AR, VR may come into publishing sometime soon and Web XR might be interesting 00:49:03 ...also the WOT is working to standardize all kinds of smart technologies and it might be interesting 00:50:11 ...lots of discussions amongst the hardware folks and discussions should be had with content people 00:50:33 ...WOT became a recommendation from W3C in April 00:51:30 ...intention to get recommendations from people to invite and please think of people broader than our members who might join in to present 00:51:45 Topic: schedule over summer 00:52:07 Daihei: June 23rd NA/Europe July 7th/8th NA/Asia July 21st NA/Europe August 4th/5th NA/Asia August 18th NA/Europe 00:52:33 ...we will extend activities in the fall 00:52:55 ...thanks to North American participation tonight! 00:53:00 Zakim, who is here? 00:53:00 Present: jyoshii, dauwhe, ShinyaTakami, Daihei, liisamk, wendyreid, skk, Makoto, Michelle_Kelly, jkamata 00:53:02 On IRC I see Michelle_Kelly, jkamata, Makoto, Daihei, skk, wendyreid, liisamk, Zakim, RRSAgent, ShinyaTakami, jyoshii, dauwhe, Karen, bigbluehat, war2, Ralph 00:53:19 Daihei: any topics to discuss? 00:56:17 https://github.com/w3c/epub-rs-bugs 00:56:22 https://github.com/w3c/epub-rs-bugs 00:57:45 jyoshii: is organizing a seminar for Japan in a month or 2 months and would like to include what we did for the digital publishing summit 00:57:53 ...to coordinate with APL 00:58:41 zakim, please end meeting 00:58:41 As of this point the attendees have been jyoshii, dauwhe, ShinyaTakami, Daihei, liisamk, wendyreid, skk, Makoto, Michelle_Kelly, jkamata 00:58:43 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 00:58:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/09-pbg-minutes.html Zakim 00:58:46 I am happy to have been of service, liisamk; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 00:58:50 Zakim has left #pbg 00:59:00 RRSAgent: make logs public 00:59:18 RRSAgent: make logs public 00:59:57 RRSAgent, bye 00:59:57 I see no action items