14:10:50 RRSAgent has joined #did 14:10:50 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/06/09-did-irc 14:10:51 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:10:52 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 14:12:35 Meeting: DID WG Telco 14:12:35 Chair: brent 14:12:35 Date: 2020-06-09 14:12:35 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2020Jun/0006.html 14:12:35 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2020-06-09: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2020Jun/0006.html 14:12:36 Regrets+ andrei 14:41:56 gannan has joined #did 14:53:20 burn has joined #did 14:56:06 gannan has joined #did 14:56:43 present+ 14:58:46 present+ 14:59:00 markus_sabadello has joined #did 15:00:12 present+ 15:00:17 present+ markus_sabadello 15:00:27 present+ jonathan 15:00:34 Orie has joined #did 15:00:45 present+ adrian 15:00:48 present+ rhiaro, manu 15:00:55 present+ Orie 15:01:16 oliver has joined #did 15:01:19 present+ oliver_terbu 15:01:31 justin_r has joined #did 15:01:34 present+ 15:02:31 present+ 15:02:58 present+ selfissued 15:03:11 selfissued has joined #did 15:03:14 present+ yancy 15:03:18 present+ 15:03:20 agropper has joined #did 15:03:21 present+ brent 15:03:30 present+ phila 15:03:42 present+ drummond 15:03:46 present+ 15:03:48 brent has joined #did 15:03:52 phila has joined #did 15:04:00 What a guy, Justin! 15:04:00 present+ 15:04:03 present+ dmitri 15:04:16 dmitriz has joined #did 15:04:22 scribe+ justin_r 15:04:24 present+ 15:04:29 drummond has joined #did 15:04:34 present+ 15:04:59 brent: agenda for today = next topic call, feature freeze, extended discussions, straw poll resolution about publishing first public WG note of registries, jump into core issues 15:05:05 ... any agenda bashing? 15:05:14 present+ 15:05:26 ... hearing none we move on. Introductions. 15:05:45 scribe+ rhiaro 15:05:48 ... re-introducing yancy 15:05:56 sorry my audio is on the fritz 15:06:10 yancy: ... (maybe no audio but here in spirit) 15:06:21 brent: re-introducing rhiaro who also has no audio 15:06:31 jonathan_holt has joined #did 15:06:34 brent: MOVING ON 15:06:48 present+ jonathan_holt 15:07:04 brent: next topic call is coming up; focused on resolution contracts; th 6/11 @ noon EDT 15:07:25 q+ 15:07:26 Eugeniu_Rusu has joined #did 15:07:27 ... please join us, we want to wrap things up 15:07:44 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/labels/contract 15:07:54 ... there's momentum, see existing pull requests 15:07:56 dezell has joined #did 15:08:01 ack manu 15:08:01 present+ 15:08:38 manu: is justin able to process proposed changes to merge in? 15:08:46 present+ dezell 15:08:56 justin_r: maybe 🤷‍♀️ 15:09:30 brent: feature freeze ❄️. It means "no more substantive changes, no more big ideas, we have everything we want" 15:09:38 identitywoman has joined #did 15:09:43 present+ 15:09:54 ... we have already passed our original deadline but we're still working towards it. 15:10:06 ... if you have something you want to add, do it now, because we're going to feature freeze in the next month or so 15:10:10 ... otherwise we'll never get this done 15:10:12 q+ 15:10:20 ack burn 15:10:25 burn: "month or so" actually means "next few weeks" 15:10:36 ... realistically this is right before fake/virtual F2F discussions 15:10:52 ... we haven't seen "new stuff" rolling in in general. bug fixes and repair are ok 15:11:03 ... if you think something major is missing get it in now 15:11:04 q+ 15:11:36 justin_r: Point of clarity on feature freeze, is that for things that are already incorporated into the spec at that point, or are outstanding discussions about things that we may or may not want in the spec will continue? 15:11:40 ack justin_r 15:11:44 brent: It's more "Let's not bring up anything new" 15:11:51 scribe+ manu 15:12:02 brent: next topic is extended discussion time -- "fake F2F" 15:12:09 https://doodle.com/poll/9gr3824w5p3qxs3e 15:12:16 Topic: Fake F2F 15:12:17 ... it won't be face to face but will be excellent™️ 15:12:50 ... please fill out the poll, it lets you indicate availability during the selected week (in 3.5h blocks). Chairs will check it Friday morning (7am mountain time US) 15:13:09 ... please pretend that you're actually traveling and skip your regular meetings to attend this 15:13:53 present+ ThomasSchwarz 15:14:02 ... going to have 2 or 3 blocks of 3.5h each over 2 or 3 days. Hoping to find times that work for all three time regions (US/EU/APAC) 15:14:23 Topic: Publising registries document as a FPWD Note 15:14:26 brent: time to put forth a proposal about DID registries document. it's a NOTE 15:14:58 ... proposing that we will publish our first public Working Draft. does not indicate any consensus at all. Doesn't even mean we like it. 15:15:06 https://w3c.github.io/did-spec-registries/FPWD/2020-06-18/ 15:15:06 ... it means "here's a thing and it's probably worth looking at" 15:15:16 PROPOSED: The DID WG will publish a FPWD Note of the DID Specification Registries document, using the short name did-spec-reg, and use echidna to update the note as PRs are merged. 15:15:34 q+ to verify did-spec-reg 15:15:37 dbuc has joined #did 15:15:40 present+ 15:15:49 +1, but did-spec-registries better 15:16:01 ack manu 15:16:01 manu, you wanted to verify did-spec-reg 15:16:16 PROPOSED: The DID WG will publish a FPWD Note of the DID Specification Registries document, using the short name did-spec-registries, and use echidna to update the note as PRs are merged. 15:16:16 manu: what's the reason to did-spec-reg instead of did-spec-registries? 15:16:25 q+ 15:16:31 brent: that's what I typed, will amend proposal 15:16:34 ack selfissued 15:16:52 q+ that is not where consensus was. 15:16:55 selfissued: for all the reasons we talked about on the special topic calls, we should just use "did registries" rather than "did spec registries" 15:16:55 let's please not rename 15:16:57 q+ to note that is not where consensus was. 15:17:03 ack manu 15:17:03 manu, you wanted to note that is not where consensus was. 15:17:23 We had consensus on the name "DID Specification Registries" 15:17:23 manu: that is not where we had consensus. we specifically put that to the group and decided not to. consensus was on "did spec registries" 15:17:32 +1 that was the consensus 15:17:55 selfissued: why this proposal? 15:17:59 burn: brent mistyped 15:18:04 selfissued: comment withdrawn 15:18:13 +1 15:18:13 +1 15:18:13 +1 15:18:14 +1 15:18:14 +1 15:18:15 +1 15:18:16 +1 15:18:16 +1 15:18:17 +1 15:18:20 +1 15:18:21 +1 15:18:22 +1 15:18:35 +1 15:19:01 RESOLVED: The DID WG will publish a FPWD Note of the DID Specification Registries document, using the short name did-spec-registries, and use echidna to update the note as PRs are merged. 15:19:18 brent: We are resolved. that feels good. 15:19:37 brent: we got through that in record time so we have lots of time for issue status check 15:19:43 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-asc 15:19:46 Topic: Core issues 15:20:01 ... these are our issues in the order that we most recently looked at them 15:20:08 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/85 15:20:31 ... syntactically differentiate data about the did, assigned to selfissued 15:20:51 selfissued: i thinkw e need to have a call where we discuss this 15:20:52 q+ 15:21:05 ... this is an important thing to solve before feature freeze 15:21:29 ack justin_r 15:21:55 justin_r: i don't think it necessarily does, but this conversation is going to follow on from the functional contracts conversation because one of the big purposes of that in the core spec is to create an actual notion of what this metadata stuff is 15:21:58 justin_r: don't think it necessarily does, but do think this conversation is going to follow on from functional contract conversation. One of the purposes of getting that into the spec is to create an actual notion of what this metadata stuff is. 15:22:13 ... so we have a way to talk about it which we dont' in the core spec right now 15:22:20 ... [missed a bit] we need to define as sa thing first 15:22:25 s/justin_r: don't think it necessarily does, but do think this conversation is going to follow on from functional contract conversation. One of the purposes of getting that into the spec is to create an actual notion of what this metadata stuff is.// 15:22:28 ... if you tak ethe full set of PRs, 299, that covers that 15:22:35 ... I will add a link to the new PR as well 15:22:43 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/75 15:23:50 This duplicates issue 14 -- comment regarding a PR at the end: https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/14#issuecomment-637657441 15:23:57 I will put that into the issue 15:24:00 dbuc: feels like issue 14 is the bigger issue and we shouldn't define revocation 15:24:09 ... we should just not do this and close it 15:24:23 q+ 15:24:24 ... dlongley will add comments to the issue 15:24:31 ack selfissued 15:24:44 selfissued: I had written a pull request to disallow revoked keys 15:24:47 manu: it was merged 15:24:51 If that was merged, then we can close both 15:24:53 agree 15:25:04 selfissued: I think we should close this on the basis of this PR, need PR # to make that comment in the issue 15:25:23 this PR (https://github.com/w3c/did-core/pull/308) follows on from https://github.com/w3c/did-core/pull/279 15:27:00 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/261 15:27:15 brent: definition of "client" in regard to SSI principles 15:27:49 ... [?] is not on the call, kyle and drummond are working on it 15:28:22 ... is anyone in the WG willing to accept assignment? 15:28:31 markus_sabadello: will take it, it's related to resolution 15:28:59 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/259 15:29:19 brent: DIDs and JOSE public keys, assigned to Orie 15:29:49 Orie: we can potentially close this issue, my understanding is that the 'kid' can be anything, this WG doesn't want to add specific language 15:29:59 ... about using 'kid' as the fragment 15:30:06 ... not seeing a ton of desire to do anything with it 15:30:07 q+ 15:30:12 ack manu 15:30:47 manu: we have text today that it's recommended kid values are set to public key fingerprint; we do put normative stuff on kid and how ID property is a compound key 15:30:55 ... issue is resolved because group put normative text in 15:31:08 q+ 15:31:10 ... will add that as a comment, does Orie agree for closing the issue? 15:31:13 Orie: yes, makes sense 15:31:17 ack oliver 15:31:45 oliver: to clarify, this is only about the 'kid' in the JWK? or is this also about external JWT/JWS and providing external 'kid'? 15:31:58 q+ 15:32:08 manu: yes that's fine 15:32:28 ... you can still point to an external key from the did document 15:32:54 q- 15:33:00 brent: this is not discussion time, this is status check 15:33:13 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/185 15:33:18 ... next issue 185, supported cyphers 15:33:28 ... raised by tobias 15:33:38 q+ 15:33:39 ... who is not on the call 15:33:47 acl Orie 15:33:51 ack Orie 15:34:24 Orie: most of the use cases we discuss are about signatures and this is about encryption keys; there are a couple ways of doing this and there's desire to have them in the DID documents; we want consensus as to how to do that 15:34:52 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/203 15:34:58 brent: 203, define did document metadata 15:35:06 justin_r: no update until we finish the congtracts 15:35:24 s/congtracts/contracts./ 15:35:32 justin_r: we need a place to talk about metadata before we define any metadata 15:35:48 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/269 15:36:16 brent: 269, good conversation, but they're not on the call 15:36:37 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/151 15:36:52 brent: 151, include discussion of levels of assurance 15:37:44 markus_sabadello: add discussion about eidas identities and how to link DIDs to them; not discussion about specific frameworks but about linking to a framework in general 15:38:10 link to proposed steps: https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/151#issuecomment-603932879 15:39:00 brent: is it worthwhile to split this issue or keep this one open? 15:39:19 markus_sabadello: still valuable to keep it there but need to see if it splits 15:39:46 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/204 15:39:58 brent: 204 define terminology for properties and values 15:39:59 q+ 15:40:10 q+ 15:40:13 ack ivan 15:40:26 ivan: there's a resolution to use VC terminology in our spec as well 15:40:38 I remember that same conclusion. 15:40:44 brent: "chairs have decided this is what we're going to do" 15:40:45 ack justin_r 15:41:05 justin_r: my understanding was that what we had decided was an augementation of what's in vcs to state that we have things called properties, those properties have names and values 15:41:14 ... i've seen that language applied to new PRs but not seen it back through the rest of the document 15:41:19 ... I don't think we're entirely consistent yet 15:41:25 agree that we're not consistent yet, need to do PRs to ensure consistency 15:41:26 ... we had decided what to do but we need to make sure we're doing it everywhere 15:41:41 Agree that we need to consistently use "properties" that have "names" and "values". 15:41:42 q+ to say you can assign that to me as an editorial issue 15:41:51 ack rhiaro 15:41:51 rhiaro, you wanted to say you can assign that to me as an editorial issue 15:41:53 ^^ 15:41:57 ack rhiaro 15:42:31 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/248 15:42:40 brent: 248, new term for relying party 15:43:37 "verifier" 15:43:38 phila: this is holding up the use case document; is there a term the group is happy with for whatever this thing is that some people call "Relying Party"; if so we'll use that 15:43:43 brent: let's go bikeshed 15:43:48 q+ 15:43:57 ... rough consensus within issue is "Requesting Party" 15:44:13 phila: have already written a PR with "requesting party", need to account for other views 15:44:18 q- 15:44:31 ... (PR is for use case document not core) 15:44:57 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/65 15:45:12 brent: 65, does did document metadata belong in the document? 15:45:51 markus_sabadello: current status is similar to others (203), should be addressed by resolution contract PR's that include metadata 15:46:08 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/274 15:46:22 brent: 274, ambiguity around necessity of top-level stuff 15:47:32 dbuc: should we add direction for @base in JSONLD? need to look at top-level IDs 15:47:56 brent: 258, list of early implementations 15:48:05 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/258 15:48:16 ... anyone willing to move it forward? 15:48:31 manu: will take it 15:48:50 I'll assign myself too if that's okay 15:48:59 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/273 15:49:08 brent: 273, invert mapping between proof purpose and verification methods 15:49:33 drummond: no update, daniel was the lead, need to talk to him 15:50:20 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/249 15:50:33 brent: 249, mitigating single source of failure in universal resolver 15:51:12 markus_sabadello: haven't looked recently, have talked with carsten, definitely broader than just universal resolver; has been extensively discussed in did resolution calls 15:51:35 ... have some of this in the resolution PR's 15:52:07 burn: we are now in issues from less than a month ago 15:52:17 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/165 15:52:22 brent: 165, what are entityship and startup authority 15:52:52 s/startup/start-of-/ 15:52:57 selfissued: will write the PR 15:53:18 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/170 15:53:20 brent: 170, public key IDs 15:53:29 ... duplicate JWK fields 15:54:12 selfissued: we agreed to have a special call 15:55:02 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/240 15:55:09 brent: 240, shoudl did core restrict JWKs 15:55:21 manu: needs a special topic call 15:55:36 brent: is this the same as the last issue, or should we have separate calls? 15:55:43 manu: agreed 15:55:43 selfissued: if there's time... 15:55:49 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/36 15:55:51 brent: 36, details on method-specific parameters 15:56:26 drummond: markus_sabadello and I are in active dialogue, will talk tomorrow 15:56:48 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/95 15:57:26 brent: 95, document structure 15:57:41 burn: we're on track with resolution contracts 15:57:46 present+ 15:58:06 brent: reminder, special topic call is thurs 6/11 noon EST on resolution contracts 15:58:15 ... manu issues are waiting for that ... resolution ... 15:58:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:58:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/09-did-minutes.html ivan 15:58:35 s/manu/many 15:58:45 zakim, end meeting 15:58:45 As of this point the attendees have been ivan, burn, chriswinc, markus_sabadello, jonathan, adrian, rhiaro, manu, Orie, oliver_terbu, justin_r, dlongley, selfissued, yancy, brent, 15:58:48 ... phila, drummond, agropper, dmitri, dmitriz, jonathan_holt, Eugeniu_Rusu, dezell, identitywoman, ThomasSchwarz, dbuc 15:58:48 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:58:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/06/09-did-minutes.html Zakim 15:58:51 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:58:55 Zakim has left #did 15:59:41 rrsagent, bye 15:59:41 I see no action items