15:41:28 RRSAgent has joined #did 15:41:28 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/03/03-did-irc 15:41:30 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:41:32 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 15:41:50 Meeting: DID Working Group Telco 15:41:50 Chair: burn 15:41:50 Date: 2020-03-03 15:41:52 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2020Feb/0045.html 15:41:54 /topic Meeting Agenda 2020-03-03: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2020Feb/0045.html 15:42:14 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2020-03-03: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2020Feb/0045.html 15:49:20 burn has joined #did 15:51:13 present+ 15:55:48 Eugeniu_Rusu has joined #did 15:57:09 present+ 15:58:38 present+ sumita 15:58:52 sumita has joined #did 15:59:19 present+ justin 15:59:28 Identitywoman has joined #did 15:59:34 present+ Identitywoman 15:59:36 present+ 15:59:55 present+ drummond 16:00:33 phila has joined #did 16:00:43 justin_r has joined #did 16:00:52 present+ phila 16:01:00 present+ 16:01:44 present+ selfissued 16:01:55 selfissued has joined #did 16:01:59 present+ markus 16:02:04 markus_sabadello has joined #did 16:02:06 present+ 16:02:15 present+ 16:02:16 present + 16:02:23 scribe+ phila 16:02:24 present+ rhiaro 16:02:29 present+ 16:02:31 scribeNick: phila 16:02:34 Topic: Agenda Review, Introductions, Re-introductions 16:02:37 Orie has joined #did 16:02:37 present+ 16:02:55 present+ 16:03:05 present+ 16:03:17 burn: Already an item added - invitation to the RWOT meeting 16:03:21 present+ 16:03:31 ... then scheduling a topic all 16:03:45 ... then items we started at the F2F (lots of calls to action) 16:04:02 ... majority of the call will be issue status checking 16:04:12 dbuc has joined #did 16:04:14 burn: Anyone here for the first time? 16:04:19 [no] 16:04:28 jonathan_holt has joined #did 16:04:31 burn: Anyone like to re-introduce yourself. yancy? 16:04:51 yancy: I was originally a member of the VC WG 16:04:58 ... changed affiliation now 16:05:20 ... now independent contractor, working on bitcoin and blockchain tech 16:05:44 ... here to add input when possible, helping out when I can as I think the tech is interesting with lots of use cases 16:05:52 Topic: WoT meeting invite 16:06:01 https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_16-19_March_2020,_Online 16:06:19 burn: The WoT group will be meeting w/c 16 March 16:06:23 30m on Wednesday from 8am-8:30am EST 16:06:24 ... reserved a 30 min time slot 16:06:41 present+ jonathan_holt 16:06:42 q+ to volunteer to go and present. 16:06:53 ack manu 16:06:53 manu, you wanted to volunteer to go and present. 16:06:55 ... would love to have someone come and present on DIDs, looking at collaboration, especially around discovery 16:07:16 manu: I've already volunteered, but if someone feels more strongly, please feel free to do so 16:07:29 burn: Anyone here is welcome to join. 16:08:06 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_16-19_March_2020,_Online WoT F2F wiki page 16:08:27 Topic: Schedule Topic Call 16:08:44 burn: There was a Doodle poll sent out 16:08:54 agropper has joined #did 16:09:00 -> https://doodle.com/poll/ztvun7vatamu2yz9 Doodle poll 16:09:10 JoeAndrieu has joined #did 16:09:15 present+ 16:09:24 present+ 16:09:38 burn: Seeing some good availability on Thursday 16:09:42 ... No clear winner 16:10:02 ... I will declare that this call will be Thursday 5 March noon EST 16:10:44 burn: That call will be on registry/registries as we determine 16:11:00 ... There are def deff pieces of info that need to be stored 16:11:15 ... We will have the editots of the doc be ready to lead a discussion 16:11:30 s/editots/editors/ 16:11:34 burn: Decisions will not be taken on that call, those are taken in an issue or a pull request 16:11:38 q? 16:11:44 Topic: Matrix Parameters - call to action 16:11:56 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ttRWB2lwYSw7bZMRY6wTY9lzGaHcSvOKFYfNZaBBS_4/edit#heading=h.lcyr1j1pzkp2 16:11:58 burn: This is from the F2F meetings 16:12:06 burn: 2 parts to the assignment 16:12:23 ... proponents were to come up with the use case that they believe can only be accomplished by MPs 16:12:26 present+ Tzviya_Siegman 16:12:32 Github issue about matrix parameters: https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/159 16:12:46 ... and those who are opponents, to provide concrete guidance on how those use cases can be solved in other ways 16:12:54 dmitriz has joined #did 16:13:01 present+ 16:13:18 burn: This is important if you are against matrix parameters. You need to show how to do it without MPs in detail 16:13:31 q+ 16:13:33 burn: We need to cut off this part of the assignment so we can move on. 16:13:34 q+ to ask where to add the "you can do it this way" to the document? 16:13:40 burn: 17 March is the deadline 16:13:43 q? 16:13:48 ack selfissued 16:14:08 selfissued: The doc you're talking about... 16:14:09 q+ 16:14:33 selfissued: Is the document you're talking about titled the Web address portability use case? 16:14:37 burn: Yes 16:14:53 ... That's why I'm describing the issue, not the title 16:15:16 burn: Feel free to add your additional use cases that you feel require MPs 16:15:33 ... There are places where you can add examples of how this can be achieved in other ways 16:15:53 selfissued: This is so simple as to not need an assignment. Just use a query parameter 16:16:03 burn: Please just write your commnet in the doc 16:16:26 please elaborate on the exact use case/example, don't just write "Use a query parameter, it's simple." :) 16:16:29 burn: There are requirements on both sides (for and against MPs). Need detail both ways 16:16:40 ... This is an information-gathering exercise 16:16:42 q- 16:16:47 There is going to be an issue with name-spacing query parameters, and the ordering of resolution-required params vs actual query params in a URL string 16:16:55 selfissued: Where do I put this in the doc, it's so strangely structured 16:16:57 ack markus_sabadello 16:17:09 markus_sabadello: We can probably improve the title of the doc 16:17:21 markus_sabadello: I thought the assignment was to focus on one use case. 16:17:25 zakim, who is here? 16:17:25 Present: burn, ivan, sumita, justin, Identitywoman, drummond, phila, justin_r, selfissued, markus, markus_sabadello, rhiaro, Orie, dlongley, yancy, jonathan_holt, chriswinc, 16:17:29 ... agropper, Tzviya_Siegman, dmitriz 16:17:29 On IRC I see dmitriz, JoeAndrieu, agropper, jonathan_holt, dbuc, Orie, markus_sabadello, selfissued, justin_r, phila, Identitywoman, sumita, Eugeniu_Rusu, burn, RRSAgent, Zakim, 16:17:29 ... ivan, tzviya, llorllale, chriswinc, deiu, wayne, dlehn, manu, dlongley, Travis, bigbluehat, jfishback, ChristopherA, rhiaro, hadleybeeman, yancy 16:17:57 markus_sabadello: I believe there was strong support fr the use case itself, it's a question of whether matrix parameters are needed to solve this use case 16:18:05 q+ 16:18:13 ack selfissued 16:18:19 burn: There's a section in that doc I think for how to achieve the ends without MPs, I believe 16:18:21 present+ dpuc 16:18:52 selfissued: I'm not trying to get into to the discussion but the doc already says it can be done with query parameters, proving MPs aren't necessary 16:19:10 burn: Repeats need for the info-gathering 16:19:28 present+ chriswinc, dlongley, JoeAndrieu 16:19:30 JoeAndrieu: You're shifting the homework to cover multiple use cases, not just one 16:19:42 burn: Doubles down on the definition of the homework 16:19:55 +1 to the chairs statement; I understood it was to gather use cases and identify one killer one 16:20:15 q+ 16:20:20 [Back and forth between Joe and Burn] 16:20:40 burn: This is an opportunity for anyone who believes they have a killer use case to add it 16:20:41 I am on the phone, so when called, you may need to unmute me from your side 16:20:58 burn: Clearly the 2 of you have added what you think is the best shot 16:21:02 there is a nice RWOT paper on the arguement 16:21:03 Topic: Metadata - call to action 16:21:11 burn: metadata is not about use cases per se 16:21:13 There 16:21:16 q? 16:21:17 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WoHIA5MzC-kKdyS3XVp5qT-ZiNUbpqXH59g3Q9Fnk04/edit?usp=sharing 16:21:24 present+ Eugeniu_Rusu, jonathan_holt 16:21:30 There's a heck of a lot more to consider than positive, killer use cases 16:21:43 for Matrix params/URL params 16:21:50 burn: The metadata doc ... the work during the F2F was to collect a set of potential properties/pieces of info that you might think belong 16:21:54 ... as data/metadata 16:22:04 Github issue for the metadata discussion: https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/65 16:22:10 ... so we could figure out the categories of information 16:22:34 burn: Short descriptions, not a naming exercise. Talk about what it's for and where it comes from 16:22:53 burn: e.g. provided by the generator of the DID, or otherwise 16:22:56 q? 16:22:59 regrets+ brent 16:23:00 burn: Also a 2 week deadline on that 16:23:02 ack dbuc 16:23:28 dbuc: I'm starting to type in this doc... 16:23:47 dbuc: I don't see it as being about one use case, there are other factors that might be more compelling 16:24:10 ... for example, if you just use query params that need to be parsed first, how do you display that in the URL bar? 16:24:36 ... a browser would have to parse out the order-independent params and grey those out 16:24:58 burn: I'm going to stop this discussion. We've spent 15 mins on what was meant to be a reminder 16:25:12 ... It's not a decision point. WE're gathering info so that we can move forward 16:25:24 dbuc put those UI concerns in the document. 16:25:29 burn: Anyone not understand what the purpose of that exercise was? 16:25:37 q+ 16:25:45 ack manu 16:25:54 manu: I thought I understood, but I want to confirm 16:26:05 ... It looks to me like... we're onto the metadata one? 16:26:26 manu: OK... Im concened that I dont understand what's going on at this point. Others are confused as well. 16:26:36 ... There's trepidation when we say we're going to cut off input 16:26:42 Orie: " dbuc put those UI concerns in the document." - I am not sure they want that in this doc 16:26:52 manu: It feel like we're done on MPs, but I don't see people adding new argumnets 16:26:58 q+ 16:27:01 manu: With metadata, it seems more about classification 16:27:22 q- 16:27:25 burn: We're talking about metadata and what you just said is correct 16:27:26 It sounds like it's about positive use cases that are the "killer use cases" 16:27:47 burn: It's a classification exercise. People disagree about the different categories of data/metadata 16:27:55 ... We want to see what people have in mind 16:28:06 ... Trying to reduce hand waving 16:28:32 q? 16:28:35 burn: Any other questions about the metadata doc? 16:28:43 Topic: Issue status check 16:28:56 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-asc 16:29:17 s/ point. WE're / point. We're 16:29:27 burn: We'll start at the top 16:29:30 Issue-119 16:29:38 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/119 16:30:02 burn: Intent here is to ask the assignee what the status is and if blocked, what's needed. 16:30:22 burn: I'm the assignee here. We'll start this one up when the doc text is more coherent 16:30:34 burn: We just restructured the doc. It's not easy to read right now 16:30:42 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/118 16:30:53 Topic: Issue 118 16:31:11 burn, sorry, haven't looked at that 16:31:16 burn: This probably falls into the same category. Assigned to rhiaro 16:31:44 burn, yes, can do 16:31:49 burn: Please just put a comment in along the lines I did for the other one, or when you'll look at it 16:31:56 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/72 16:32:02 Topic: Issue-72 16:32:09 burn: Also assigned to rhiaro 16:32:21 burn, no, I'm not sure why that's assigned to me 16:32:26 Kimhd has joined #did 16:32:26 burn, I can help with editorial, but not actual content 16:32:44 burn: You assigned yourself ;-) 16:32:50 Present+ 16:33:01 maybe I thought I could help, I'll look again 16:33:19 burn, yes, that seems feasible 16:33:21 burn: Comment from Markus there. Looks like he suggested a term change... 16:33:44 manu: It was Drummond before, I can switch it back 16:33:49 burn: Thanks Manu 16:33:49 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/10 16:33:55 Topic: Issue-10 16:34:02 burn: Assigned to selfissued 16:34:11 selfissued: Let me look it up 16:34:12 q+ to note that we need a special call for this, and should skip it. 16:34:36 burn: Now that you know we're doing this each week, you might want to look through before the call and be ready 16:34:54 selfissued: This is tightly tied to the registry decision, as well as another issue... 16:35:16 ... we shouldn't be referencing non-normative registries not under the control of the WG 16:35:29 burn: If you can add those 2 comments, that would be good 16:35:29 q? 16:35:33 ack manu 16:35:33 manu, you wanted to note that we need a special call for this, and should skip it. 16:35:35 burn: The goal is to moveissues forward 16:35:57 +1, I think there's a larger discussion here as well; it's a scoping issue 16:36:06 manu: We need a special call on this. There's a larger discussion around crypto with some disagreement. Issue 10 and 8 fall into that 16:36:23 manu: Lots of discussion to be had on these topics on a special call 16:36:28 +1 there are a lot of issues around that subject (crypto, expressing required crypto, scope, so on) 16:36:37 ... chairs currently scheduling a call for that 16:36:51 burn: You're in a differnet role here, Manu, as an Editor 16:37:19 burn: If editors believe that progress can't be made without a decision, say so 16:37:35 ... No reason not to put opinions into GitHub - that's valuable 16:37:40 s/decision/discussion/ 16:37:54 burn: We just talked about 8 16:37:56 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/8 16:38:02 Kimhd_ has joined #did 16:38:30 present+ Kimhd 16:38:34 burn: I'll put ... you're right, you have asked the chairs to schedule a call on that, which makes it assigned to me and Brent 16:38:46 q? 16:38:47 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/195 16:38:47 Topic: Issue-195 16:39:00 burn: Assigned to Tobias 16:39:16 burn: Anyone else want to comment? 16:39:34 manu: This is semi-blocked by the registry discussion 16:39:42 ... I can put that in there 16:39:54 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/185 16:39:57 Topic: Issue-185 16:40:31 manu: We continue t have a discussion about this. It feels like we came to a resolution and then the conversation shifted. I can put something to that effect in here 16:40:45 burn: You can propose to close the issue and take up a new one 16:41:00 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/65 16:41:00 Topic: Issue-65 16:41:20 burn: Oh, metadata, never mind... 16:41:35 burn: You have next steps proposed, Markus... 16:41:55 ... So we're still waiting on this over the 2 week timeout 16:41:59 should there be github tags for "2-week-timeout" ? 16:42:03 on issues? 16:42:43 burn: Not for this occasion, unless this becomes a common theme of the group 16:42:51 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/34 16:42:51 Topic: Issue-34 16:43:06 chaals has joined #did 16:43:18 burn: Markus - looks like you pinged Drummond but haven't heard back? 16:43:59 Sorry I lost audio.. 16:44:13 q+ 16:44:32 Status of #34 is that I made a proposal but there hasn't been any discussion. This is about whether empty method-specific IDs should be allowed, e.g. did:btcr: 16:44:39 ack jonathan_holt 16:44:42 Please add opinions 16:44:56 bad audio 16:45:05 q- 16:45:08 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/198 16:45:15 Topic: Issue-198 16:45:28 burn: Also Markus 16:45:51 q+ to maybe help 16:45:53 burn: We'll need an update on this one when you get a chance please 16:46:03 ack justin_r 16:46:03 justin_r, you wanted to maybe help 16:46:31 markus_sabadello: I lost audio. regarding Issue-34 16:46:45 ... Its; about whether empty method-specific IDs should be allowed. 16:46:59 ... There was strong support to add ?? section to the spec 16:47:16 s/ Its; a/ It's a 16:47:45 markus_sabadello: ... It's about the relationship between DIDs, DIS documents, DID URLs etc 16:47:58 burn: Who is taking the next step 16:48:17 markus_sabadello: I can add more but maybe others want to? 16:48:48 burn: It sounds like you're waiting for others to comment. In that case can you please add a comment to that effect in the issue? 16:48:55 burn: And you're asking for volunteers 16:48:57 +q to volunteerish 16:49:02 ack justin_r 16:49:03 justin_r, you wanted to volunteerish 16:49:29 justin_r: I am happy t help out with a little of that language. I can't take the main pen but gladly give you a hand for the right kind of connection language 16:49:41 ... I think we're close to each other on what needs to go in there 16:49:54 ... If you take a swing at it, and ping me, I'll take a look 16:49:54 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/85 16:49:57 q+ 16:49:58 Topic: Issue-85 16:50:19 burn: Assigned to selfissued 16:50:45 selfissued: This is related to the metadata issue - this *is* the metadata issue 16:50:55 burn: I believe you're correct. 16:51:08 ... This is not showing any kind of recent update 16:51:20 selfissued: What's the issue number for the metadata issue? Is this it? 16:51:41 q? 16:51:43 65 is the one you're looking for 16:51:54 really bad connection today. I just want to suggest tagging issues with "enhancement" and make a proposal for a DIP (DID Improvement Proposal) similar to Bitcoin's BIP. 16:51:59 burn: That's helpful - need to make sure we capture links between issues 16:52:00 ack dlongley 16:52:25 +1 to dlongley 16:52:27 dlongley: I just wanted to say I was hoping we could close 85 and reference 65 as it went in that direction 16:52:42 burn: Can you please write that as a comment in 85 16:52:45 dlongley: Yep 16:52:50 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/160 16:52:54 Topic: Issue-160 16:53:13 burn: Submitted by selfissued 16:53:23 burn: How can we move this one forward 16:53:51 selfissued: I added a comment to this effect - we need to add to the doc the registry language and then excise the language about there being no dependence on registries 16:54:24 burn: From a status perpsective, who will do what? 16:54:40 selfissued: I can write a PR to remove the language that's false, but I can't write the registry language 16:55:04 burn: We have a separate doc with a separate repo for registry stuff so we can work there 16:55:14 q? 16:55:15 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/161 16:55:25 Topic: Issue-161 16:55:29 burn: Also from selfissued 16:55:41 burn: You have instructions on what to do. But again, who is going to do what next? 16:55:59 selfissued: I do not have the expertise to write about graph based and tree-based 16:56:22 ... So those who advocate keeping those terms should write that. I can write a PR to remove the terms 16:56:49 q+ to note that editors will get to it eventually, but will not merge something that removes that distinction. 16:56:59 burn: Our suggestion is - if someone in the Wg wants changes to the wording in the doc, they write the change as a PR 16:57:13 ack manu 16:57:13 manu, you wanted to note that editors will get to it eventually, but will not merge something that removes that distinction. 16:57:19 burn: If you write a PR that just deletes, that's going to cause a problem 16:57:26 can we just agree that trees are a special case of graphs and be done ; ) 16:57:47 manu: The editors will get to a definition in due course. Mike please don't write a PR to remove those terms. It will create a conflict 16:58:04 selfissued: Its deeper than that. These terms don't create actionable text 16:58:18 burn: So we need a PR to define those terms 16:58:22 manu: Will do 16:58:31 selfissued: I'll read it when I see it 16:58:51 burn: This is an attempt to move the discussion to GH, not to stop the discussion 16:58:57 burn: We are out of time 16:59:05 ... I won't try and do 'just one more' 16:59:19 ... Any more comments that people want to make today? 16:59:25 burn: Thanks everyone 16:59:31 zakim, end meeting 16:59:31 As of this point the attendees have been burn, ivan, sumita, justin, Identitywoman, drummond, phila, justin_r, selfissued, markus, markus_sabadello, rhiaro, Orie, dlongley, yancy, 16:59:34 ... jonathan_holt, chriswinc, agropper, Tzviya_Siegman, dmitriz, dpuc, JoeAndrieu, Eugeniu_Rusu, Kimhd 16:59:34 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:59:34 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/03/03-did-minutes.html Zakim 16:59:34 thanks! 16:59:36 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:59:37 === Meeting adjourned === 16:59:39 JoeAndrieu has left #did 16:59:41 Zakim has left #did 17:00:00 phila has joined #did 17:00:12 rrsagent, bye 17:00:12 I see no action items