20:52:52 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 20:52:52 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/02/11-dxwg-irc 20:53:01 rrsagent, make logs public 20:53:23 meeting: DXWG Plenary 20:53:29 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2020.02.11 20:53:51 chair: Caroline Burle 20:54:24 regrets+ Simon, AndreaPerego, RiccardoAlbertoni 20:54:37 rrsagent, create minutes v2 20:54:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/02/11-dxwg-minutes.html PWinstanley 20:59:18 Caroline has joined #DXWG 21:00:29 Ana has joined #DXWG 21:00:53 kcoyle has joined #dxwg 21:00:53 Present+ Caroline 21:01:05 Present+ Ana 21:02:38 present+ 21:04:51 plh has joined #dxwg 21:05:48 annette_g has joined #dxwg 21:05:55 present+ 21:05:59 present+ 21:08:15 alejandra has joined #dxwg 21:11:12 chair: Caroline 21:11:12 zakim pick a vitim 21:11:14 zakim pick a victim 21:11:19 zakim, pick a victim 21:11:19 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose kcoyle 21:11:54 scribenick: kcoyle 21:12:00 https://www.w3.org/2020/02/04-dxwg-minutes 21:12:14 topic: admin 21:12:35 proposed: approve minutes of last meeting 21:13:16 +0 (not there) 21:13:19 +1 21:13:21 0 (not here) 21:13:21 +1 21:13:28 present+ 21:13:36 +1 21:13:41 +0, not there, though I'm sure it was fabulous 21:13:46 +1 21:13:53 resolved: approve minutes of last meeting 21:14:11 topic: DCAT publicity 21:14:48 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_f5CAZv7rgUjJH5YXkmD6w5xS6GX5X2AmEp_LMptAfQ/edit#gid=560881316 21:15:00 need to review spreadsheet; put yourself on to send emails, contact folks 21:15:15 It is the same spreadsheet we had before - put together by the group 21:15:56 any comments? 21:16:16 q? 21:16:40 just a reminder for those who haven't gotten to this yet 21:16:54 I can't edit the Gdoc 21:17:05 q+ 21:17:08 ack Caroline 21:17:15 Caroline: also let us know if you have papers, conferences, etc. 21:17:38 ... blog post has been translated to Portuguese and posted 21:17:53 q? 21:18:05 topic: DCAT3 21:18:15 Caroline: many issues to resolve 21:18:24 ... split the repo? 21:18:42 ... much discussion on email; no consensus yet 21:18:43 q? 21:18:45 q+ 21:18:51 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1216 21:18:56 (the new link works, thanks) 21:19:05 Ack kcoyle 21:19:11 scribe: Caroline 21:19:50 kcoyle: I was looking at the amount of the overlap we have on the issues. Because there are concerns that if we split we will lose connections 21:20:02 ... I will continue to try to make sense of that 21:20:20 kcoyle: split will be less difficult if there is not much overlap 21:20:20 q? 21:20:30 scribe: kcoyle 21:20:51 Caroline: other comments? don't seem to be ready to vote on this 21:21:13 q? 21:21:18 ?+ 21:21:39 ack Alejandra 21:21:49 https://twitter.com/alegonbel/status/1224806505586753537 21:22:03 alejandra: think we need to try splitting; also, did a twitter thread about DCAT publicity 21:22:47 Caroline: asks Alejandra if she thinks we should try 21:23:07 alejandra: yes, we can fork the repo and we don't lose anything; start with one document 21:23:26 ... move issues; 21:23:50 q+ 21:24:12 ack annette_g 21:24:21 annette_g: experiment to find out how difficult it is 21:24:24 we are also missing some people in this call 21:24:27 q+ 21:24:35 ack kcoyle 21:24:47 scribe: Caroline 21:24:54 kcoyle: we could do a pool about it 21:25:12 ... I am wondering where are we with the conneg? 21:25:32 scribenick: kcoyle 21:25:53 Caroline: good question but no answer at this moment 21:27:04 kcoyle: shall we ask in an email? Caroline thinks there already was one 21:28:03 action: on kcoyle, ask about conneg in an email 21:28:03 Error finding 'on'. You can review and register nicknames at . 21:28:18 action: kcoyle, ask about conneg in an email 21:28:19 Error finding 'kcoyle,'. You can review and register nicknames at . 21:28:57 action: PWinstanley set up poll about trying split 21:28:58 Created ACTION-396 - Set up poll about trying split [on Peter Winstanley - due 2020-02-18]. 21:29:58 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dxwg-wg/2020Jan/0142.html 21:30:23 topic: RDA versioning proposal 21:30:24 q? 21:31:11 q+ 21:31:43 ack kcoyle 21:32:06 scribe: Caroline 21:32:25 kcoyle: some folks are connected to the RDA group 21:32:41 PWinstanley: possibly Simon 21:33:12 scribe: kcoyle 21:33:12 alejandra: no discussion at recent European meeting (is this right?) 21:33:56 Caroline: maybe we can connect with them and see what interaction makes sense 21:34:05 ... can someone take this action? 21:34:54 ... shall we ask Simon? (We could give him an action ;-) 21:35:30 action: PWinstanley to initiate contact with RDA 21:35:31 Created ACTION-397 - Initiate contact with rda [on Peter Winstanley - due 2020-02-18]. 21:36:07 topic: DCAT "future work" issues 21:36:07 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/milestone/27 21:36:19 Caroline: Alejandra created the milestone document 21:36:36 Ack alejandra 21:37:26 alejandra: created initial milestones; Riccardo and Andrea have added more issues, those 21:37:39 ... tagged with feedback (although most are editorial) 21:37:56 ... Andrea tagged some untagged issues 21:38:12 ... issues around versioning, future work, and feedback 21:38:55 Caroline: alejandra you suggest that we deal with these issues first 21:39:12 alejandra: need to first prioritize the future work ones 21:39:29 ... have called it DCAT3, FPWD 21:39:44 Caroline: yes, please continue with that 21:40:43 topic: extract from UCR 21:40:57 q? 21:41:02 Caroline: we talked about this last week. Extract those related to versioning, ... 21:41:11 q+ 21:41:20 ack kcoyle 21:43:16 plh: as for use cases and requirements in the evergreen situation 21:43:24 ... (digging up slides) 21:44:23 Caroline: we talked last week about splitting up UCR document 21:44:26 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1x_FrdVUt2Hp01t2fXyQa0sROwkzC8UKFIhcNqsyoSCQ/edit#slide=id.p 21:45:39 plh: on slide 13 - to be a REC or not to be 21:46:03 ... remember that evergreen is not yet adopted by W3C; and this group will need to adopt it 21:46:17 ... slide 13 gives 3 options 21:46:43 ... CR forever, doesn't move beyond that 21:47:06 ... versions: you can publish DCaT3 same as was done for DCAT2 21:47:45 ... third is rec forever; instead of publishing in stages you directly revise existing rec 21:48:13 ... you don't have to go back to early stages (PWD); you have one single step 21:48:22 ... that is only available in process2020 21:48:45 ... if DCAT2 worked for you, do the same for DCAT3 (FPWD, etc.) 21:49:05 ... if that is difficult you can do the 3rd option 21:49:35 ... so, the question is? do you want a big version, or have more granularity 21:49:53 q? 21:49:55 q+ 21:50:07 ack kcoyle 21:50:29 scribe: Caroline 21:50:40 kcoyle: it seems the questions have to be about the users of DCAT 21:50:45 q+ 21:50:57 ... it seems they should have a say in this 21:51:05 scribenick: kcoyle 21:51:08 scribe: kcoyle 21:51:09 dsr has joined #dxwg 21:51:16 ack PWinstanley 21:51:35 PWinstanley: my concern is the business about ? fatigue, and the other is that this 21:51:58 ... could become a niche project of a small number of people; hard to get wide review 21:52:23 ... it would be challenging to keep the energy behind a project that is ongoing 21:53:06 plh: peter, are you saying that he don't have the energy to do dcat3? 21:53:40 PWinstanley: I think we can do 3, but am not sure about 4 and 5 because it may become narrower 21:54:06 ... difficult getting non-W3C folks to give the necessary feedback in the early stages 21:54:46 plh: one approach is like web application group - they have a scheduled approach 21:55:00 ... each year they decide which properties will be added 21:55:16 ... it gives them a focus on a reduced set of issues and a specific time 21:55:57 ... you could decide that we will do DCAT3 in one year; and decide what will be in that 21:56:08 ... and have it ready for fall 21:56:28 PWinstanley: that cadence sounds about right; needs to be balanced with the push 21:56:43 ... to publish frequently. we realized that didn 21:56:58 ... didn't work for use, to publish many small changes 21:57:12 ... shorter than one year may not work 21:57:38 plh: ok, so decide a once a year version; work back from February to set milestones 21:57:58 ... and dates; folks know that if they don't get their property this year that can look forward 21:58:24 ... to the following year; and you can always decide that a version is an x.1 21:59:00 PWinstanley: if decision about changes has to do with support then there's likely to be broad 21:59:04 ... review 21:59:43 Caroline: do we have to make a decision now? or should we first work on milestones and cases? 22:00:01 plh: first sort out issues - which are DCAT3, which are a later version? 22:00:22 PWinstanley: alejandra has already started this 22:00:45 alejandra: yes, I was thinking about FPWD, so what I've done is just the very first stage 22:01:18 rrsagent, create minutes v2 22:01:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/02/11-dxwg-minutes.html kcoyle 22:01:50 Caroline: in the next meeting we can cover more with more of the editors here 22:02:08 rrsagent, create minutes v2 22:02:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/02/11-dxwg-minutes.html kcoyle 22:02:09 bye! 22:02:12 bye all! 22:02:14 thank you, bye 22:02:51 rrsagent, create minutes v2 22:02:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/02/11-dxwg-minutes.html PWinstanley 22:03:24 dsr has joined #dxwg 22:12:29 dsr has joined #dxwg