W3C Games Workshop — Next steps for standardization

François Daoust — W3C

Copyright © 2019 W3C ® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang)

Games Workshop

François Daoust
fd@w3.org / @tidoust

W3C Groups

Community Group (CG)
Open to all, limited IPR protection & commitment
Incubation of a technical solution
Business Group (BG)
Open to all, fees for non W3C Members
Assess requirements for a technology space
Interest Group (IG)
Open to W3C Members
Set roadmap for a technology space (Media, Payments, etc.)
Working Group (WG)
Open to W3C Members
Define W3C standards under strong RF policies

Choices per topic

Option 1: Do nothing
Already addressed in a W3C WG or best addressed outside of W3C
No concrete work item and/or no concrete agreement
Option 2: Scope refinement within a BG/IG
Use cases & requirements need to be agreed upon
Roadmap is still unclear, needs to be discussed
Option 3: Incubate idea in a CG
Technical problem is understood but solution space still needs to be explored
No general agreement in the room to go beyond that for now
Option 4: Create/Re-charter a WG
Technical problem is understood, solution space has been explored
There is agreement in the room to develop a W3C Web standard

Choices per topic

We want you!

Making a choice also means getting into action!

If option 2, 3, or 4:


Extend transferable objects
Workers creation can take a function


DWARF for WebAssembly
Web IDL Bindings

3D rendering

Universal textures
2nd generation PBR
Metadata format for glTF to describe semantics
WebGPU - Shading language
WebGPU - standardization

Assets loading

Background Fetch
Mechanism to cache common libraries (e.g. game engines)
Best practices for games developers


Quota detection


Mapping between native assistive APIs and AOM
Web IDL Bindings to expose a11y hooks in source code
Game accessibility guidelines



Game inputs


Cloud gaming




Discoverability & Monetization


Tracking game needs

Game activity at W3C

What else?


Host / Sponsors




Facebook gaming