W3C Games Workshop — Opening Remarks

François Daoust — W3C

Copyright © 2019 W3C ® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang)

Games Workshop
Opening remarks

François Daoust
fd@w3.org / @tidoust


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W3C & the Web

The Web

Web & Games

Games already influenced Web technologies such as WebAssembly and WebGPU.

Workshop Goals

W3C Groups

Community Group (CG)
Open to all, limited IPR protection & commitment
Incubation of a technical solution
Business Group (BG)
Open to all, fees for non W3C Members
Assess requirements for a technology space
Interest Group (IG)
Open to W3C Members
Set roadmap for a technology space (Media, Payments, etc.)
Working Group (WG)
Open to W3C Members
Define W3C standards under strong RF policies

Choices per topic

Option 1: Do nothing
Already addressed in a W3C WG or best addressed outside of W3C
No concrete work item and/or no concrete agreement
Option 2: Scope refinement within a BG/IG
Use cases & requirements need to be agreed upon
Roadmap is still unclear, needs to be discussed
Option 3: Incubate idea in a CG
Technical problem is understood but solution space still needs to be explored
No general agreement in the room to go beyond that for now
Option 4: Create/Re-charter a WG
Technical problem is understood, solution space has been explored
There is agreement in the room to develop a W3C Web standard

Code of conduct

The workshop operates under CEPC.

We all share responsibility for our work environment.


Chair & Program Committee

Host / Sponsors




Facebook gaming