<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/421
MK: link from WG Note to Editor Draft of Rules Format spec, rather than public TR version
... propose to update those links in the Note
... preparing draft of WG Note with fixed links
... but need to do some manual work in Bikeshed
... not sure about publication steps after that
SAZ: need AGWG decision but before that be good to run by TF
... may only need CFC email but up to chairs/facilitators
MJM: can send 48hr CFC to the TF once receive staging version
MK: hopefully later today
WF: need more input
... will reach out to several non-respondents
TB: do partial implementations count?
WF: no. need to clarify that
TB: on the reporting page, will EARL context be the same for everyone?
WF: no, this is just a suggested context
TB: was not really clear for me
... also don't know how to create a context
WF: not explained. there is a link to JSON-LD
TB: needs maybe a little more
... even if it refers people to the JSON-LD spec
WF: agree, will add such information
TB: assertion section gives example of duplicate IDs
... not sure if these are HTML or Rule IDs etc.
WF: to do code example of duplicate IDs, need to have that in the code
TB: OK, just that casing of "ID" in HTML is different so was unclear
WF: will take a look
TB: confused a little by Dublin Core and optional bits
[WF explains; TB withdraws comment]
<MoeKraft> I have to drop early. Have a good one.
WF: will be trying to lower implementations threshold in the CG, to allow for more inflow