14:55:08 RRSAgent has joined #did 14:55:08 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/10/08-did-irc 14:55:15 rrsagent, set log public 14:55:15 Meeting: DID Working Group Telco 14:55:15 Chair: brent 14:55:15 Date: 2019-10-08 14:55:15 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2019Oct/0002.html 14:55:15 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2019-10-08: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2019Oct/0002.html 14:55:16 Regrets+ rhiaro, deiu, burn, dezell 14:58:33 jfishback has joined #did 14:59:35 David_Trang has joined #did 15:01:04 JoeAndrieu has joined #did 15:01:07 present+ 15:01:33 Dudley has joined #did 15:01:34 present+ 15:01:39 dmitriz1 has joined #did 15:01:44 present+ 15:01:47 present+ 15:01:48 markus_sabadello has joined #did 15:01:52 MacTed has joined #did 15:01:54 Present+ 15:01:58 present+ 15:02:00 present+ 15:02:14 present+ 15:02:14 dmitriz has joined #did 15:02:21 present+ 15:02:21 present+ 15:02:34 present+ 15:02:45 present+ 15:02:53 present+ 15:03:15 present+ 15:03:30 scribe+ manu 15:03:35 selfissued has joined #did 15:03:37 brent goes over Agenda. 15:03:45 1-Agenda Review, Introductions, Re-introductions (5 min) 15:03:45 2-Accept Previous Meeting's Minutes [1] (2 min) 15:03:45 3-Assign owners to unassigned issues [2] (18 min) 15:03:45 4-DID WG did-spec open PR Discussion [3] (15 min) 15:03:45 5-CCG did-spec open PR Discussion [4] (15 min) 15:03:48 present+ 15:03:52 present+ 15:04:00 brent: That's the Agenda for today, any recommendations for additions? 15:04:07 q+ 15:04:28 TallTed has joined #did 15:04:29 scribe+ phila 15:04:50 ack dmitriz 15:05:05 dmitriz: Can we talk about context hosting? 15:05:12 brent: I think that's one of the PRs 15:05:15 ahripak has joined #did 15:05:17 present+ 15:05:21 present+ 15:05:25 call in user from 612 15:05:35 drummond has joined #did 15:05:36 q? 15:05:43 present+ 15:05:46 present+ ken_ebert 15:05:49 Topic: presentations 15:05:51 brent: Anyone on the call who has not introduced themselves 15:06:03 s/presentations/Introductions and Reintroductions/ 15:06:22 @brent, I can do an intro, since I missed the last call 15:06:22 q+ to introduce myself 15:06:29 q+ 15:06:32 ahripak: I'm VP of tech at Credly(??) first time in the DID WG, excited to be here 15:06:38 q+ 15:06:58 jfishback: I'm James Fishback, I'm privacy engineer at the Wootten...?? (sorry) 15:07:03 q? 15:07:10 ack drummond 15:07:13 q+ 15:07:14 ack drummond 15:07:23 drummond: I was at IIW last week, so missed last week. I've been living with the DID spec since it was born 15:07:24 q+ 15:07:40 ack bigbluehat 15:07:40 bigbluehat, you wanted to introduce myself 15:07:49 bigbluehat: I'm Benjamin Young. I work for Wiley, and co-chair of hte JSON-LD WG 15:07:59 ... have followed along with interest as VC work has gone along 15:08:02 s/hte/the/ 15:08:09 ack phila 15:08:32 phila: introduces self from GS1 15:09:24 markus_sabadello: I missed last week too, sorry because of IIW. I'm from Danube Tech from Austria 15:09:37 ... I've been contributing to the DID spec for a while. Lots of travel recently on this topic 15:09:48 q? 15:10:00 ack markus_sabadello 15:10:01 ken has joined #did 15:10:13 present+ ken_ebert 15:10:25 brent: Our work mode says that we should formally accept the previous week's minutes 15:10:30 brent: Any objection? 15:10:31 +1 to accepting previous minutes. 15:10:34 present+ kimhd 15:10:35 If you want to fall asleep to the 2 hour webinar that Markus and I gave about the Fukuoka meeting, here's the link: https://ssimeetup.org/did-report-1-first-official-w3c-did-working-group-meeting-japan-drummond-reed-webinar-36/ 15:10:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:10:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/10/08-did-minutes.html manu 15:10:46 brent: no objections so... 15:10:48 resolved: last week's minutes accepted 15:10:54 resolution: Previous week's minutes accepted 15:10:59 topic: unassigned issues 15:11:01 Topic: Unassigned issues 15:11:06 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues 15:11:13 q? 15:11:15 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+no%3Aassignee 15:11:24 unassigned, oldest first - https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+no%3Aassignee+-label%3Adefer+-label%3Adiscuss+sort%3Acreated-asc 15:11:28 kimhd has joined #did 15:11:35 manu: If it is OK with the chairs I'm wondering if we can assign the editorial ones to the editors? 15:11:50 ... i.e. can we auto-assign. That will save us time on the call today. 15:11:58 drummond: Fibe my be 15:12:05 s/ibe/ine/ 15:12:14 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+no%3Aassignee+label%3Adiscuss 15:12:16 manu: So we're just going to deal with unassigned issues that are not editoral 15:12:28 s/my be/by me/ 15:12:29 ... I'll go from the oldest to the newest 15:12:56 sam_smith has joined #did 15:12:56 daniel has joined #did 15:13:05 manu: explains importance of IRC 15:13:08 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/13 15:13:31 manu: Allow DID documents to be retrieved using any URI scheme 15:13:43 manu: We just need someone to volunteer to drive the conversation forward 15:13:46 q+ to "I'll do #13" 15:13:54 .. You don't have to write a PR, just push the issue 15:14:06 ack ChristopherA 15:14:06 ChristopherA, you wanted to "I'll do #13" 15:14:16 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/14 15:14:17 ChristopherA: Yes, I can take this on. It's something that BTCR uses, so OK. 15:14:27 q- 15:14:28 manu: Standardize the key revocation list 15:14:39 manu: How do we specify that a key has been revoked in the DID document 15:14:48 [Porridge] 15:15:25 I'm also interested in this one 15:15:28 daniel: One of the ways wold be, if it disappears from the DID doc. 15:15:35 manu: We need someone to drive the doc 15:15:45 daniel: I'm biased, so does that rule me out? 15:15:49 manu: No, that's fine 15:16:23 daniel's GitHub ID is csuwildcat 15:16:24 ivan: To do that, I need daniel's GitHub ID so I can add you to the Team 15:16:39 manu: It's CSU WildCat 15:16:44 ivan: OK, I'll take care of that 15:16:59 brent: Another admin issue - area code 612 is who? 15:17:08 dmitriz: I think that's Yancy 15:17:10 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/15 15:17:10 #96 revocation will be hard, so if another assignee is necessary I'm up for it. 15:17:19 q? 15:17:21 manu: need rationale in spec for fully qualified DID references as the value of "id" fields 15:17:41 manu: Dan Buckner - you were hoping for a clean resolution, daniel you were also concerned 15:17:46 daniel: I'd be happy to take that on 15:17:48 (The #old 96 the new is #14) 15:18:02 I don't see Daniel Hardman on the call. 15:18:41 manu: Just because we're assigning volunteers, doesn't stop anyone juming into the discussion. Anyone can commet on anything, we just need people to own the issue 15:18:42 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/18 15:18:53 manu: [PURPOSE OF THE SPECIFICATION] Is this draft specification trying to address too many topics when there should be more than 1 spec 15:19:09 manu: This is a statement that the spec is trying to do too much (Michael Herman) 15:19:13 drummond: I better sign up for that 15:19:15 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/19 15:19:26 manu: [Design Goals] all references to *identifier* management etc. should be changed to *DID Entity* management, etc. 15:19:43 manu: Again, someone needs to have a chat with Michael about that 15:19:55 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/20 15:19:55 drummond: I care about that language and I'm talking to Michael so I'll take that 15:20:13 manu: [Public Keys] re: referenced keys: Is multiple level recursion allowed? 15:20:31 ... again it's a Michael Herman issue. Needs to be taken by someone interested in key management 15:20:45 ... Some folks have been assigned but someone else would be a good addition 15:20:51 I'll volunteer if nobody else does, re keys 15:21:00 drummond: I know that Dave Hewsby is interested. I don't know if he's joined the WG yet 15:21:08 manu: We can't assign to someone who's not here 15:21:14 s/Hewsby/Huseby 15:21:17 brent: He's not in the WG yet AFAIK 15:21:24 q? 15:21:30 mike: I do plan to drive this 15:21:48 s/mike/selfissued:/ 15:21:51 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/21 15:22:05 manu: [DID Operations] "all the operations required of a CKMS" are not specified on the body of this section 15:22:13 ... another Michael Herman 15:22:33 ... need to look through the spec and match against MH's comment 15:23:04 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/22 15:23:05 ken: offers to take that one 15:23:17 manu: [Authentication] Is Authentication the correct mechanism for specifying the ownership of a Thing? 15:23:30 ... Again from Michael herman. What does authn mean in the context of this spec? 15:23:45 ... Maybe a discussion around authn and ownership. Any takers? 15:23:57 q? 15:24:03 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/22 15:24:25 ChristopherA: I worry that we get locked into something too narrow. That's my concern but I'm not sure I'm able to take this on 15:24:30 q+ 15:24:40 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/2 15:24:43 ack dlongley 15:24:49 dlongley: This might be the same as spec issue 2 which I'm already assigned to 15:24:57 ... I'll be updating the text 15:25:15 dlongley: Issue 2 should say "re-write authn section" 15:25:34 manu: I have assigned it to dlongley. It may also apply to 4 15:25:47 drummond: here is terminology in that issue too, so I'll help with that. 15:25:53 manu: Great, I'll add you to that. 15:25:53 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/24 15:26:03 manu: make publicKey section more explicit for understanding of DIDs reliance on public keys 15:26:26 manu: From Kyle... 15:26:27 zakim, who is here? 15:26:27 Present: phila, brent, bigbluehat, dmitriz, Dudley, ivan, markus_sabadello, David_Trang, dlongley, jfishback, ChristopherA, manu, selfissued, MacTed, yancy, ahripak, drummond, 15:26:32 ChristopherA: isn't this editorial? 15:26:32 ... ken_ebert, kimhd 15:26:34 On IRC I see daniel, sam_smith, kimhd, ken, drummond, ahripak, TallTed, selfissued, dmitriz, markus_sabadello, Dudley, JoeAndrieu, David_Trang, jfishback, RRSAgent, phila, Zakim, 15:26:34 ... brent, ivan, yancy, deiu, dlehn, bigbluehat, hadleybeeman, dlongley, Travis, ChristopherA, manu, rhiaro 15:26:38 present+ JoeAndrieu 15:26:41 manu: Joe, would you mind driving this one? 15:26:43 JoeAndrieu: Sure 15:26:51 q? 15:27:24 JoeAndrieu: I'm happy to take that on. It's... a question for Kyle I think. 15:27:42 markus_sabadello: I'd be happy to work on this. It resulted in the long HR-14 discussion a while back 15:27:47 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/33 15:27:51 phila: All discussions come back to HR-14 15:28:01 manu: Cheap DIDs and the option to migrate DIDs between ledgers using standard DID Deprecation Registries 15:28:22 manu: This is a new discussion about cheap DIDs, migration, deprecation registries etc. 15:28:29 ... Any volunteers 15:28:43 ... It came from Peppo, collective1.org 15:28:55 markus_sabadello: I had a few GH discussions with him on this one 15:29:09 I'll volunteer 15:29:13 manu: I'm hesitant to give issues to editors 15:29:20 my github handle is 'dmitrizagidulin' 15:29:22 manu: Thank you dmitriz 15:29:28 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/34 15:29:38 manu: Should DID syntax allow an empty "method-specific-id"? 15:29:50 manu: Do we need a trailing colon? 15:30:08 markus_sabadello: I'm interested in all the ones to do with syntax, matrix parameters etc. 15:30:21 manu: Do you need a method-specific ID for a valid DID. 15:30:48 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/35 15:30:50 manu: It's a pretty straightforward syntax question that might open a can of worms 15:31:02 manu: Use colon separator or kebab-case for method-specific DID parameter names? 15:31:08 Do we do foo-bar or foo:bar or something else? 15:31:22 manu: This isn't matrix params, Markus 15:32:09 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/36 15:32:11 drummond: I was responsible for the original text that may or may not be there still. I want to make sure it's driven to closure so, OK, I'll take that 15:32:20 manu: 15:32:25 ... Looks like you, Markus 15:32:28 markus_sabadello: OK, done 15:32:28 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/46 15:32:37 manu: It would be useful to have `services` as a mapping instead of an `array` 15:32:51 manu: Looks like a job for a JSON-LD person 15:33:14 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/47 15:33:20 dezell has joined #did 15:33:25 dlongley: Put me on there 15:33:39 manu: Should "id" be mandatory for "service" and "publicKey"? 15:33:55 manu: I think you, Markus, raised this but you have a lot already. Anyone else? 15:34:05 I'll take it if nobody else does. 15:34:13 ChristopherA: is this more of a JSON-LD issue 15:34:34 manu: It's an identification issue. It's how do we identify things in the DID doc 15:34:55 (I think this is more a philosophical question, rather than -LD one) 15:34:56 present+ 15:35:01 ChristopherA: So, not me, but it feels like it needs some JSON-LD knowledge. This is an area where I keep hitting a problem 15:35:09 dmitriz: has volunteered 15:35:13 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/49 15:35:23 manu: If an existing DID Document has a Service Endpoint fragment, what are the primary keys to be used if that Service Endpoint needs to be replaced, updated, or deleted? 15:35:46 manu: So this has to do with... Someone needs to look into this 15:36:02 kimhd: Markus suggested it was out of scope 15:36:10 drummond: It's out of scope 15:36:17 [general agreement that this is out of scope] 15:36:56 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/51 15:37:05 manu: [Convention] Method `0` (zero) become a well-known method for retrieving properties/metadata from/about a particular DID Server 15:37:18 manu: One for you kimhd? 15:37:29 kimhd: If anyone has any strong opinions, great, otherwise, sure 15:37:47 manu: Sounds like Markus and Kim 15:37:49 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/issues/57 15:37:58 manu: Clarification of other verification methods in authentication section missing 15:38:19 manu: There is an undocumented thing in the spec that talks about verification methods 15:38:42 ... we talk about these verification methods and Oliver is raising questions about whether there will be a registry or similar 15:38:46 q+ 15:38:47 i'll volunteer (since I have some PRs pending in the proof 15:38:51 specs) 15:38:59 ack markus_sabadello 15:39:10 markus_sabadello: You mentioned authn ... verification method, Isn't that a proof? 15:39:23 manu: This is what needs to be written down 15:39:24 I could do this 15:39:30 dmitriz: I think I'll volunteer for this one 15:39:42 q- markus_sabadello 15:39:48 kimhd: I'd be interested in this one 15:40:01 q+ 15:40:03 manu: So i'm linking dlongley, kimhd and dmitriz for this one 15:40:09 manu: So good - all issues assigned. 15:40:17 ack ChristopherA 15:40:22 What is the expected way to discuss these things? 15:40:43 ChristopherA: The pattern was one person per issue, by the end it was multiple people. I wanted to add my name to the revocation one from earlier on 15:40:48 Does this group have some set of expected ways to communicate/discuss our issues 15:40:52 manu: That's Issue 14 I think 15:40:52 ? 15:41:26 ChristopherA: If anyone else hesitated because the pattern at the beginning was single issue owner. 15:41:38 manu: I'm going to add Oliver to ?? as he was interested on the list 15:41:51 s/??/14/ 15:42:17 brent: There's a question about work mode - There's a page about this 15:42:33 ... Once an issue is assigned, jump into GH and get involved 15:42:40 q? 15:42:44 ... Most of the discussion will be in the issue tracker and PRs 15:42:51 Topic: Open PRs 15:42:56 Daniel, Issue assignees don't have to make decisions, only help drive agenda to resolve it. I think using mail list for this one is fine. 15:43:03 brent: Let's start with the ones open in our DiD spec 15:43:16 brent: Recall that dmitriz Asked about context hosting 15:43:23 manu: OK, let's take that one first 15:43:35 dmitriz: It's an issue targeting a PR 15:43:44 [scribe calls for a link please] 15:44:09 dmitriz: The issue asked whether we're going to host the ... [distracted] 15:44:43 brent: Issue 5 - where will the context he hosted, assigned to chairs and Ivan 15:44:52 dmitriz: I'd like to say a couple of words... never mind 15:44:57 ... Take it to the issue 15:44:59 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pulls 15:45:07 manu: Here are the pull requests 15:45:51 q? 15:45:52 I was hoping to talk about 63 at some point 15:45:59 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/54 15:46:03 subtopic: pull 54 15:46:05 manu: I'll try and pull some easier ones 15:46:16 manu: Minor, essentially editorial changes 15:46:24 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/54 15:46:33 manu: Ivan has gone through and made sure that references are correct. 15:46:34 +1 15:46:37 ... Anyobjections? 15:46:46 manu: No objections 15:46:53 ... I'll go ahead and merge 15:47:33 manu: There are 4 pull requests to add more content to the data model section on IDs, DID docs, crypto keys and on services 15:47:35 subtopic: adding more content 15:47:37 ... All explaining things 15:47:45 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/29 15:47:52 manu: I don't think we have enough review to pull these in for now 15:47:54 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/30 15:47:59 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/31 15:48:08 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/32 15:48:31 manu: We have three reviews but they're all people from the same organisation - needs wider review 15:48:46 manu: I think they're editorial but we need someone else to review 15:48:59 ken: I'll do it 15:49:14 drummond: I think I should do it too - by the end of the week 15:49:29 ivan: Shall we add the reviewers to the issue? 15:49:33 ivan: I can do that afterwards 15:49:38 manu: yeah but I'll forget 15:49:46 [MANU REMEMBER TO DO THIS] 15:49:56 manu: Everything else is under active debate 15:50:05 ... I don't think we can get into the meat of these today 15:50:15 subtopic: calling for conversations 15:50:18 ... I'll just point out that we need more people involved in the conversation 15:50:41 manu: There are several things that refer to things that might get changed in the DID doc 15:50:50 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/26 15:50:51 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/27 15:50:53 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/28 15:51:05 manu: please weigh in on those 15:51:30 ... want to simplify the spec by removing stuff we don't think people will implement. But some people are suggesting that they will implemente. 15:51:43 subtopic: matrix parameters 15:51:44 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/59 15:51:46 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/56 15:51:47 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/51 15:51:47 ... Other important discussion that we need input on are the matrix parameter 15:51:59 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/59 15:52:03 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/60 15:52:05 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/61 15:52:06 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/62 15:52:08 q? 15:52:11 phila: Offers/commits to look at those 15:52:27 ChristopherA: I've commented on PR 26, but it's not my PR 15:52:37 ... I don't disapprive, but I think something else has to be written 15:53:09 manu: It's helpful if you object - suggest the kind of language you would find acceptable 15:53:11 s/disapprive/disapprove/ 15:53:17 ... then people can take their view 15:53:28 ChristopherA: It's more of a UI problem. I was trying to use the review feature 15:53:39 ... OK, I'll take care of it... 15:53:52 brent: I shojld jump in and say that we plan to move pretty quickly. 15:54:05 ... If your response to a merge is "why did that get merged" - tell us. 15:54:17 ... Part of our working mode is to act fast but undo if needs be 15:54:29 s/shojld/should/ 15:54:33 topic: public key formats 15:54:36 manu: Last 2 are about publick key formats 15:54:37 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/56 15:54:42 s/topic/subptopic/ 15:54:52 https://github.com/w3c/did-spec/pull/63 15:54:54 manu: Oliver said he's like to see an Etherium address 15:55:05 ... And I think it was Transmte that wanted a hex format 15:55:15 ... Feedback on how we express public keys woud be helpful 15:55:23 I think this needs a larger conversation 15:55:24 We need PEM at least 15:55:44 selfissued: We should be removing redundant stuff, not adding to it 15:55:54 q+ 15:55:55 ChristopherA: I'd like a longer discussion about this 15:56:16 Lossless translation between formats increases interop more than One Format To Rule Them All. 15:56:17 +1 to longer discussion about this is still needed 15:56:23 q? 15:56:24 ChristopherA: Unlike schemas, you can't do it yourself (adding a new format) 15:56:26 You mean the RSA compression? 15:56:37 manu: I think that's a clear question to the chairs to schedule some time 15:56:51 RSA keys are huge, so does JWK allow for the slimmer representation? 15:56:52 drummond: We mentioned that there were 2 sessions at IIW 15:57:02 ... One from Mike Huseby and I spoke to Mike Jones about it too. 15:57:07 ... def need more time 15:57:27 daniel: ... support RSA stuff... (lost it) 15:57:36 sorry, that was Daniel 15:57:59 Dudley has joined #did 15:58:05 daniel: Compressed format RSA - is that still possible? 15:58:20 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:58:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/10/08-did-minutes.html phila 15:58:22 Does JWT allow for all of the same features of the other formats? 15:58:31 manu: Clearly we have to have a discussion on this 15:58:45 https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-spec/pulls 15:58:47 topic: ccg PR-s 15:59:00 manu: There are two. I need to move them over to the spec. 15:59:14 ... The other one is dmitriz's explainer about context files 15:59:31 ... Johnny Crunch (?)'s PR has been there for a very long time 15:59:39 Not worried about JWT's current set of registered keys, more about if it has or would allow the slimmer RSA format 15:59:40 ... That would close the PRs on the DID spec 15:59:43 +1 15:59:48 ... And I suggest that we then archive the CCG DID spec 15:59:59 ivan: You mean archive the repo? 16:00:08 manu: yes, the CCG repo should be archived 16:00:25 JoeAndrieu: There was an issue about signatures too 16:00:28 CCG meeting is starting. See you there. 16:00:31 I can talk that offline w/ JoeAndrieu / CCG. 16:00:37 brent: I think that's better taken offline 16:00:42 brent: Closes the meeting on time 16:00:50 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:00:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/10/08-did-minutes.html ivan