<LisaSeemanKest> i cant get into the meeting?
<LisaSeemanKest> can somone message me the password
<LisaSeemanKest> thanks
scribe stevelee
scribe+ stevelee
Charles: working on for p13n for a few years
<Roy> scribe: Steve
Charles: looked at AUI but found
a few conflicts
... so using data-* attributes
... try a few alternatives and waiting to reach consensus and
critical mass
... the symbol attribute provides for extra symbols and takes
several parameters
Lisa: you don't change the
specific different symbols in the content
... they are in personal preferences
... many symbol sets are proprietary and users have paid to use
on the device (not licenced to use on the web)
... for symbols user symbols are their 'lnaguage'
Charles: deck is on the
personalisation wiki
... time for a demo.
... once chrome extension is installed a new UI item allows
personalisation settings to be altered
... [demoing setting ARASAAC symbols which appear on the
... when I select "personalize page" the symbols appear.
... if I change the profile then the Bliss symbols
... can also say if appear above or next to words
... there is also option ot have symbols appear on [pointer]
hover (AKA tooltips)
... need to set focus 1st
... can select another profile that only shows critical
portions of a page
... we demoed symbols but there are several other
... eg numbers should be replaced with relative terms
... eg rather that 90 degrees say HOT
janina: useful for dyslexia and discalculia etc
Charles: we want people to get
use to this and find out whicj are most popular
... and then try to get wider support (say browser)
<CharlesL> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/blob/master/TPAC/W3C-Personalization-2019-TPAC.pptx
link to slides ^^^
<LisaSeemanKest> i cant hear the question
<LisaSeemanKest> maybe type it into the chanel
charles: {in response to question] we have 3 levels of distraction setting in the preferences
<CharlesL> reader mode in browsers
Juan: Reading mode in browsers does simplify content but not support symbols
?: is there a move for browsers to standardise?
<CharlesL> always on reading mode
hadleybeeman: i personaly find low distraction modes very useful
?me thanks
<Zakim> hadleybeeman, you wanted to ask about privacy
hadleybeeman, is all this happening in the browser or server
<LisaSeemanKest> we have it as an extention and server side
<LisaSeemanKest> can you unmute me
<LisaSeemanKest> done
charles: lisa yo seem to have dropped of webex
<LisaSeemanKest> i can still here
<LisaSeemanKest> thanks
<LisaSeemanKest> can u here me?
<LisaSeemanKest> u cant here me, but if anyone is interested in the code or what we are doing please be intouch
<LisaSeemanKest> lisa.seeman@zoho.com
charlse: do you think this might be usefull to students in exams needing special considerations?
?: this could be more disruptive than what we've seen
<LisaSeemanKest> we very much want more implementions
<LisaSeemanKest> and we need more implementions\
<Roy> FYI, See the Personalization Overview at https://www.w3.org/WAI/personalization/
<Zakim> CharlesHall, you wanted to discuss element type of the symbol
<LisaSeemanKest> up to the implemetion I think
<LisaSeemanKest> ori is also on the webex
Charles: what the is the render element that contains the symbols?
jania: we could do with some code samples.
<LisaSeemanKest> +1
<LisaSeemanKest> and also some people just know a symbol that is familure to them like a hand set for phone
janina: saying some people need the symbols as it is their language
<LisaSeemanKest> but a younger user may not know what that is
charles: looked at code and is
using png symbols in img element
... also use the old aui-attribute rather than data-*
<LisaSeemanKest> so it lets people with dementa etc use the old symbols, and designers use modern ones without losing an audience
charles: the client process is to got through content and inject symbols where ether the attribute appear
<Zakim> aboxhall_, you wanted to ask about implementations
aboxhall_, is the intention to publish the extension?
charles: leaving up to developers to decide how to make it available
stevelee: ideal eventually in the browsers
janina: user numbers are quite large
<aboxhall_> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blissymbols
<Roy> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/About-Data-Symbol
<LisaSeemanKest> ARASAAC are open free symbols
<Roy> http://www.blissymbolics.org/index.php/
https://mulberrysymbols.org/ also CC BY
<chrishall> http://www.arasaac.org/pictogramas_color.php
<mhakkinen> is there a source for the WordNet Symbols? Can't find anything.
<LisaSeemanKest> yes. they are conceprts
<LisaSeemanKest> but http://conceptnet.io is more useful
<LisaSeemanKest> wordnet not symbols
<LisaSeemanKest> very english and not all parts of spearch
<LisaSeemanKest> bliss is just a starting point
<LisaSeemanKest> wordnet is a speach thing
<chrishall> http://conceptnet.io/?
<LisaSeemanKest> no
<LisaSeemanKest> http://conceptnet.io/
<LisaSeemanKest> we have mapping between a few words a a single symbol
<LisaSeemanKest> yes
? is there work on machine translation words to symbols eg google translate
<LisaSeemanKest> but not reliable
<LisaSeemanKest> ibm concept coder
<LisaSeemanKest> we are testing it.
ori: no, lisa: yes butnot reliable
<LisaSeemanKest> lots of errors. very difficalt for this user group
<LisaSeemanKest> to work out what is needed
<LisaSeemanKest> what was intended
<LisaSeemanKest> ai not reliable enugh
<LisaSeemanKest> at this point
tomayac: client side machine translation by avoid potential security issues
<tomayac> tomayac is Thomas Steiner, Google
<jcraig> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_character
<LisaSeemanKest> thank YOU1!
<tomayac> Advertisers could embed fake annotations to see if a "load" event is triggered
<LisaSeemanKest> sory about the tech problems
<CharlesL> Summary: Presented an overview of the prototyping data-symbol attribute for personalization of web content. Showed a demo using a Chrome Browser Extension that could switch depending on the users personal preferences between using BLISS or ARASAAC symbols which would show up as images above the text they represent. Also shown was how the personal preference could show only the critical sections of the authored page and not ren
<CharlesL> der those portions of the page below a certain threshold also set by the user's "data-distraction" level of which there are three choices (low/med/critical).
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