15:47:47 RRSAgent has joined #pwg 15:47:47 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/09-pwg-irc 15:47:48 rrsagent, set log public 15:47:48 Meeting: Publishing Working Group Telco 15:47:48 Chair: garth 15:47:48 Date: 2019-09-09 15:47:48 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publ-wg/2019Sep/0005.html 15:47:48 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2019-09-09: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publ-wg/2019Sep/0005.html 15:47:49 Regrets+ Luc 15:54:54 dauwhe has joined #pwg 15:58:10 present+ 15:59:22 NickRuffilo has joined #pwg 15:59:29 present+ 15:59:49 mateus has joined #pwg 16:00:18 dkaplan3 has joined #pwg 16:01:08 CharlesL has joined #pwg 16:01:13 present+ 16:01:18 present+ 16:01:25 Kenneth has joined #pwg 16:01:25 Nellie has joined #pwg 16:01:38 dauwhe has joined #pwg 16:01:44 franco has joined #pwg 16:01:45 gpellegrino has joined #pwg 16:01:49 present+ 16:01:52 present+ 16:01:55 JunGamo has joined #pwg 16:02:31 present+ 16:02:42 Avneesh has joined #pwg 16:02:46 present+ 16:02:52 geoffjukes has joined #pwg 16:03:08 present+ 16:03:30 simon_collinson has joined #pwg 16:03:36 present+ 16:03:42 zakim, pick a victim 16:03:42 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose simon_collinson 16:03:53 present+ 16:03:54 marisa has joined #pwg 16:04:29 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pwg 16:04:32 chair: wendy 16:04:36 present+ 16:04:44 present+ 16:04:45 https://www.w3.org/publishing/groups/publ-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2019/2019-08-19-pwg 16:04:53 Topic: Last week's minutes 16:04:54 Wendy: First up, approval of minutes. 16:04:55 +1 16:05:06 scribe+ simon_collinson 16:05:17 BenSchroeter has joined #pwg 16:05:19 duga has joined #pwg 16:05:21 George has joined #pwg 16:05:24 present+ 16:05:26 Wendy: Today's meeting is about wrapping up loose ends before TPAC next week. Hope to see many of you there… 16:05:27 resolved: last week's minutes are accepted 16:05:33 Garth and Brady joining shortly 16:05:34 …if you haven't RSVPd yet, please do… 16:05:47 Topic: Horizontal reviews 16:05:59 …Ivan, do you want to review internationalisation? 16:06:07 present+ 16:06:17 q+ 16:06:18 present+ 16:06:19 Ivan: Nothing to say yet - I don't have an answer from the internationalisation group… 16:06:34 ack CharlesL 16:06:35 present+ 16:06:38 …we should consider it closed and add a note. We've made changes here and there and had a positive effect. 16:06:47 garth has joined #pwg 16:06:56 Present+ Garth 16:07:02 rkwright has joined #pwg 16:07:12 Charles: As part of APA's personalization work, I'm reviewing it all from that angle. We have a joint meeting during TPAC, so we can discuss any issues then. 16:07:31 Brady: We are private and secure! 16:08:09 …I've filled out the ping quest. The answers are the same for privacy and the audiobook manifest. I got a couple of comments from Benjamin, may not have the correct email for Deborah 16:08:18 present+ 16:08:27 Deborah: Brady does have the right email address, it's on me to reply :) 16:08:42 s/quest/questionnaire 16:09:03 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rkVNSAfQMiS72mBzeCa9dceFEh5VsqLdzxxz0Mzvtj8/edit?usp=sharing 16:09:07 Brady: I'll post a link to the minutes. There's a Google Doc - anyone with the link can comment. 16:09:26 Brady: Not sure what next steps are - do I give to someone, put it somewhere? 16:09:26 q+ 16:09:30 ack ivan 16:09:34 q? 16:09:41 dkaplan3 has left #pwg 16:09:52 Ivan: If you look at the issue list of the repo, there are some issues open for internationalization… 16:10:25 …we should make some sort of report and mark it up, then contact the relevant people… 16:10:34 …is there anything that we have to change? 16:10:52 dkaplan3 has joined #pwg 16:10:53 Brady: I don't know if we have a privacy/security section in the manifest? 16:10:59 Ivan: There is one in the editor's draft. 16:11:08 Brady: We should put something other than 'coming soon' in there. 16:11:19 davd_stroup has joined #pwg 16:11:36 Wendy: I'm already talking to the PING people - if they can spend some time with us next week, so I'll forward this to them. 16:11:47 -> https://w3c.github.io/pub-manifest/#security-privacy Security and Privacy section in the editor's draft 16:11:47 q+ 16:11:51 q? 16:11:58 ack ivan 16:12:32 Ivan: A small flag - Matt has created a section for security and privacy… Wendy has already added something similar for audio (?) 16:12:55 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q8PUjzMY04peuYZdTkA6A0BBoFea_BSK4ygJlphkzh8/edit#heading=h.1ryfaao4cgcc 16:13:44 Garth: Can we talk briefly about the TPAC agenda? Everyone has ability to edit but please comment… 16:13:46 topic: TPAC agenda 16:14:13 …there is the meeting with the Amazon folks, encourage people to dial in for that… 16:14:34 https://w3.org/TR/audiobooks 16:14:42 https://w3.org/TR/pub-manifest 16:14:43 q+ 16:14:46 …in pre-TPAC mindset, it would be good if people can spend time with our two drafts (links posted above)… 16:15:10 q+ 16:15:14 present+ 16:15:15 …Matt has lost power in Nova Scotia due to the hurricane… 16:15:31 q? 16:15:37 ack Avneesh 16:16:11 Avneesh: Agenda is quite full - should we discuss the Community Group and what it has planned? 16:16:41 Wendy: Major question from EPUB3 CG to WG is what happens to EPUB 3 - and we can't answer that yet. It might come up in the business group meeting. 16:16:52 ack ivan 16:16:56 Garth: It might come up, but EPUB 3 is a long topic 16:17:18 romain has joined #pwg 16:17:25 Ivan: What you put in as links are the published documents… I don't know whether we can republish the two documents officially (?)… 16:17:42 present+ 16:17:44 …I don't know whether we need permission to do that… 16:18:05 Garth: Good point. Do we need anything consensus-wise to say 'go ahead and publish' in order to update the documents? 16:18:15 Ivan: This is a good idea - we need consensus 16:18:17 Proposal publish both our Editors drafts 16:18:20 q+h 16:18:32 +1 16:18:38 q? 16:18:42 +1 16:18:43 Proposed: the WG agree to republish the manifest and the audiobook 16:18:43 +1 16:18:44 + 16:18:46 +1 16:18:54 +1 16:18:58 +1 16:19:08 Charles: Should I be reviewing the latest draft or the one published on the 27th August? 16:19:21 +1 16:19:23 Garth: Don't review the link above - review the link to come - the current editors' draft 16:19:34 q? 16:19:37 ack h 16:19:51 Editors' draft: -> Manifest https://w3c.github.io/pub-manifest/ and -> Audiobooks https://w3c.github.io/audiobooks/ 16:20:00 Garth: Let's turn it over to Wendy and then Ivan subbing for Matt, to talk about changes to editors' drafts 16:20:39 Wendy: The changes to audiobooks draft are minor. I haven't done it yet, but will change privacy and security to match publication manifest. Added a section on usage of preview… 16:20:53 …so creator can include preview of content in the manifest. Minor section sorting for readability… 16:21:17 …I also added (this is in publication manifest) abridged attribute, ie content is abridged or unabridged… 16:21:17 q? 16:21:29 Ivan: There has been quite a lot of changes to manifest… 16:21:44 …many discussions since just before last publication, lots of resolutions… 16:21:55 …long-standing discussion about having a canonical manifest or not… 16:22:05 …based on resolution, the term of 'canonical manifest' has disappeared… 16:22:21 …what used to be the web id (?) is still there and takes care of presentation of the manifest… 16:22:32 …the whole processing section has been changed to display… 16:23:18 …then we had discussion about ??, as a result of that discussion we had discussion about the language in the manifest and the content… 16:23:43 …this was previously (in EPUB days) done with dc, we have cleaned it up… 16:24:06 …quite a lot of editorial changes as well… 16:24:37 …there is a pull request put in yesterday from Marisa on how to do the alternate – I reviewed this and we had some minor changes based on that… 16:24:48 …would welcome other people looking at that - it's not yet in the editors' draft… 16:24:57 q? 16:25:07 …if there's an agreement, it could be part of the editors' draft. That covers the major changes. 16:25:25 q? 16:25:39 https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues 16:25:40 Garth: Is there anything else to discuss before open issues? 16:25:44 All: silence 16:25:45 Topic: open issues 16:25:53 Garth: Three open issues proposed to close… 16:26:01 https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/40 16:26:12 Subtopic: issue trimming white space 16:26:30 q? 16:26:32 Garth: Issue 40 - trimming whitespace. Consensus is this is (for both names and values) that we don't want to introduce any new constraint. Trimming not required/done… 16:26:42 github-bot, bye 16:26:42 github-bot has left #pwg 16:26:44 …unless there are objections, since that's been sitting a few days, we should go ahead and close it. 16:26:47 q? 16:26:47 q+ 16:26:54 ack dauwhe 16:27:17 Dave: For everyone's information, EPUB does aggressively trim whitespace on metadata values (only, not for keys since they don't exist) 16:27:46 q? 16:27:50 Garth: There's commentary on keys and values here - schema.org doesn't push us in this direction. Was Dave objecting to closing? 16:27:52 Dave: No. 16:27:57 proposed: close issue 40 with no actions 16:28:00 +1 16:28:00 Propose close #40 16:28:01 +1 16:28:06 +1 16:28:10 +1 16:28:10 +1 16:28:14 +1 16:28:21 +1 16:28:24 resolved: close #40 with no action 16:28:25 + 1 16:28:25 +1 16:28:36 +1 16:28:36 +1 16:28:52 https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/22 16:29:00 Subtopic: issue #22 TAG REview 16:29:08 Garth: This one should be easy, since it's lacking content entirely - issue 22. This was a placeholder for TAG review… 16:29:08 propose: close #22 16:29:14 +1 16:29:15 +1 16:29:27 +1 16:29:33 +1 16:29:36 +1 16:29:39 +1 16:29:40 +1 16:29:42 +1 16:29:46 q+ 16:29:47 q? 16:29:53 ack ivan 16:30:01 Ivan: For the record, there has been a TAG review separately - not sure why this issue was opened 16:30:15 …worth mentioning that we are not ignoring TAG review, just that issue was opened and not followed up… 16:30:19 resolved: close #22 16:30:20 https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/13 16:30:29 Garth: Next is issue 13, about typing for linked resources… 16:30:29 Subtopic: typing for linked resources 16:30:46 …that has been without comments for over six months… 16:31:00 q? 16:31:09 …Dave and Hadrien came towards not adding a typing requirement. Is that acceptable to you Ivan? 16:31:11 Ivan: It is. 16:31:27 propose: close #13 with no action (no typeing requirements) 16:31:41 +1 16:31:47 +1 16:31:47 +1 16:31:52 +1 16:31:54 +1 16:31:58 +1 16:32:07 +1 16:32:11 resolved: close #13 with no action (no typeing requirements) 16:32:12 https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues 16:32:33 Garth: There are ten other issues. I'd like to request - are there ones that people on the call have opened and that they'd like to discuss? 16:32:36 q+ 16:33:13 Garth: Self-review, there's nothing to talk about. Inviting Marisa to talk through issue 33. 16:33:13 https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/33 16:33:52 Marisa: I submitted a pull request, Ivan reviewed it, a few other people should have a look - Wendy in particular as this affects audiobooks. I don't have anything earth-shattering to announce… 16:34:11 Garth: We don't want to close the issue until the PR is merged. 16:34:21 Marisa: Agreed. 16:34:22 -> https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/pull/56 corresponding PR 16:34:34 q? 16:34:39 ack ivan 16:35:05 https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/51 16:35:28 Ivan: So far, the reading progression has two possible values, ltr and rtl… 16:35:48 …Laurent raised the possibility of whether we needed top to bottom or bottom to top… 16:36:08 …I don't know if there's a reasonable example for bottom to top. I don't know if publications would use this, but we can add another value there if it makes sense. 16:36:09 q? 16:36:10 q+ 16:36:15 ack dauwhe 16:36:46 Dave: I'm not expressing an opinion about the issue, but I don't think we should make decisions here without drawing diagrams and talking about exactly what we're expecting from user agents. 16:36:56 Ivan: I agree, we should discuss when Laurent is around. 16:37:06 q+ 16:37:07 Dave: I'm wary of doing interesting visual things without a whiteboard around. 16:37:36 Ivan: Issue 9… 16:37:40 https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/9 16:37:43 q? 16:37:46 ack ivan 16:38:20 …with the change of having publication manifest and not web publication, absolutization is done in the (?) and I wonder if this is something we definitely have to have… 16:38:44 …in the publication manifest now… should it be up to the profiles what happens? 16:38:57 Garth: It sounds like you're proposing close with no action? 16:39:19 Ivan: It might be better to wait for Laurent - he had issues with the spec. Let's put that on the agenda for TPAC when Laurent is around. 16:39:45 Garth: Is Daniel on the call to talk about (?) 16:39:56 …issue 12…? 16:39:59 https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/9 16:40:06 https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/12 16:40:53 q+ 16:41:00 Wendy: I need to read this over before I have any opinions… I think we can save this one for discussion. Maybe Ivan has more info? 16:41:23 Ivan: Related to what I said before - at the moment we have the publication manifest, where the base comes from is up to the various profiles… 16:41:38 …it was all about what happens if web content has an iframe, what is the base URL? 16:41:47 …we haven't solved this issue, but it's not relevant any more for the manifest… 16:41:52 q? 16:41:59 ack ivan 16:42:10 Garth: Was that a 'leave to TPAC' or 'close now'? 16:42:18 Ivan: Leave to TPAC… 16:42:43 https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/16 16:42:56 Garth: We'll have Laurent with us at TPAC, so that makes sense. One other wasn't postponed, and hasn't been addressed for some time - issue 16 - to do with version in the manifest. 16:43:03 …is this obviated or are we still live? 16:43:30 …we didn't get to a satisfying conclusion… 16:43:54 q? 16:44:10 All: silence 16:44:31 q+ 16:44:34 Wendy: I do love the aspirational nature of the question 16:44:40 ack CharlesL 16:45:10 Charles: Looking at this, because it also goes in line with the accessibility specification, with the conforms-to suggestion, I like that you can specify the version number and have all the information right there… 16:45:27 …we have that already as a basis for conformance to the a11y spec… 16:45:58 …but we're trying to avoid compatibility issues, if we have a version in the future which requires special handling, if we don't put it in there now we could be in trouble… 16:46:06 q? 16:46:10 q= 16:46:12 q+ 16:46:12 Q+ 16:46:22 ack dauwhe 16:46:22 ack dauwhe 16:46:27 Dave: I hope we can avoid having version numbers on this. 16:46:31 +1 16:46:39 …it feels like a nightmare of incompatibility and writing special paths and code etc.… 16:46:47 …we've managed to avoid it in HTML and CSS, let's really try not to go there… 16:46:56 q? 16:47:01 ack ivan 16:47:07 Garth: One can also argue that even if we do choose to go there, we don't have to go there at the first try… 16:47:50 Ivan: I agree - if we look back at the comments; if we want to express conformance with a version of the specification, (??), there is a comment I made in Feb which said you can put this kind of information in the manifest… 16:47:56 …there's a way of using dc terms to do that… 16:48:13 …if this information is necessary in the document, we can do that with the manifest… 16:48:15 Propose: close #16 without action (not adding version numbering) 16:48:23 +1 16:48:24 +1 16:48:24 +1 16:48:25 +1 16:48:26 Garth: Between Dave, Wendy, and Ben, I'm proposing we close without action 16:48:28 +1 16:48:30 +1 16:48:32 +1 16:48:33 +1 16:48:36 +1 16:48:36 q+ 16:48:38 +1 16:48:45 q? 16:48:58 ack ivan 16:49:01 Resolved: close #16 without action (not adding version numbering) 16:49:32 Ivan: I agree with this, maybe we can ask Matt to put in an example of how this would be provided as an information - if someone were to do that, how they would go about it 16:49:45 Garth: This is with dc terms 'conforms to'? 16:49:47 https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/16#issuecomment-464087617 or https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/16#issuecomment-464098251 16:49:54 https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues/16#issuecomment-464098251 16:50:20 Ivan: Yes, conformsTo. 16:50:30 acton: mattg to add an informational text on using dcterms 16:50:33 Garth: Action item for Matt, review comment ending in 251 16:51:14 https://github.com/w3c/pub-manifest/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+-label%3A%22status%3A+postponed%22+ 16:51:15 q? 16:51:17 Garth: Is there any other issue to review on today's call? The metadata one is postponed 16:51:33 q? 16:52:11 q? 16:52:22 Garth: Is there any other business? 16:52:39 q? 16:52:39 …the homework remains, of reviewing the editors' drafts, and if they get published soon you can review the non-draft version… 16:52:58 …hopefully a good time and accomplishment-filled time will be had by all at Fukuoka! 16:53:01 dkaplan3 has left #pwg 16:53:07 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:53:07 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/09-pwg-minutes.html ivan 16:53:07 zakim, bye 16:53:07 rrsagent, bye 16:53:07 I see no action items 16:53:07 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been ivan, wendyreid, CharlesL, dkaplan, franco, gpellegrino, Nellie, mateus, dauwhe, simon_collinson, JunGamo, Rachel, Bill_Kasdorf, 16:53:07 Zakim has left #pwg