14:00:48 RRSAgent has joined #webmachinelearning 14:00:48 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/09/05-webmachinelearning-irc 14:00:53 Zakim has joined #webmachinelearning 14:00:58 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:01:02 Meeting: WebML CG Teleconference – 5 September 2019 14:01:06 Chair: Anssi 14:01:11 Agenda: https://github.com/webmachinelearning/meetings/blob/master/telcons/2019-09-05-agenda.md 14:01:21 Scribe: Anssi 14:01:27 scribeNick: anssik 14:01:28 Rafael has joined #webmachinelearning 14:01:32 Regrets+ Thomas_Steiner 14:01:45 Present+ Anssi_Kostiainen 14:01:57 Present+ Ningxin_Hu 14:02:47 Present+ G_Ramalingam 14:02:57 Present+ Jonathan_Bingham 14:03:04 Present+ Kai_Ninomiya 14:03:08 Present+ Nikhil_Thorat 14:03:12 Present+ Paul_McDaniel 14:03:16 Present+ Rafael_Cintron 14:03:29 Jonathan_ has joined #webmachinelearning 14:03:32 nsthorat has joined #webmachinelearning 14:03:47 +nsthorat 14:03:59 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 14:03:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/05-webmachinelearning-minutes.html anssik 14:05:07 TOPIC: Ops compatibility study 14:05:15 -> Ops compatibility study https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/issues/17 14:05:19 -> ONNX vs TF Lite op comparison: Conv2D, Matmul / Fully Connected https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RXCkZ9mliWbqSakYvNlWhsRH4yFtnpe1YQQNFAIRZo8/ 14:06:05 nsthorat: spent time with Googlers discussing this topic, Google consensus seems to be standardizing on ops is too early at this point 14:06:39 ... TensorFlow in general is not in a position to endorse ONNX in a web spec, prefer create a new spec for ops 14:07:07 ... we think ops are not the right level of abstraction that lasts the test of time 14:07:37 ... MLRA might be it, but we not ready yet 14:07:42 Present+ James_Darpinian 14:07:55 ... there's a lot of valuable exploration with e.g. custom ops 14:08:24 s/we not/we're not/ 14:08:28 q? 14:08:44 q+ to speak up 14:08:46 q? 14:08:47 ack anssik 14:08:47 anssik, you wanted to speak up 14:08:55 jdarpinian has joined #webmachinelearning 14:09:18 q+ 14:09:23 ack Rafael 14:09:30 s/MLRA/MLIR/ 14:09:58 Rafael: nikhil I'm curious about the rationale re ONNX, is it political or thinking we cannot find a middle ground? 14:10:06 Jonathan_ has joined #webmachinelearning 14:10:36 nsthorat: TensorFlow has not publicly endorsed ONNX and does not want to do that for the purpose of the web spec 14:11:12 daniel: we feel ONNX is too big of a spec as of now, question of neutrality as well 14:11:24 Present+ Daniel_Smilkov 14:12:09 q+ 14:12:17 Rafael: I understand this would be something we start small, all ISVs are part of ONNX, Amazon, it is not meant to be one company driven effort 14:12:38 nsthorat: I think the (ONNX) issue is more organization than technical 14:13:35 q+ 14:14:08 paul: we started looking at things that could be hardware accelerated 14:15:11 nsthorat: feedback we got internally was creating a spec on an ops level there would be a lot of issues for hw vendors(?) 14:15:52 ... TF thinks it is too early to standardize ops set, but we do not want to remove momentum from this CG and do explorations that could evolve, maybe with custom ops, sharing memory 14:16:03 q? 14:16:22 paul: thinking what would be next steps in the light of this new information 14:16:50 ... we're also working with vendors, working with IRs, we're on a similar journey 14:16:56 q? 14:18:33 anssik: does it make sense to phase work e.g. phase 1 explore ops + custom ops, phase 2 look into MLIR or whatever comes in the future 14:18:55 nsthorat: we should do there explorations we have ongoing 14:20:06 James is on the queue with an idea 14:20:53 q? 14:23:05 nsthorat: looking ops and custom ops with shared memory in parallel would be reasonable exploration 14:23:26 q? 14:23:35 ack jdarpinian 14:24:03 jdarpinian: James from Chrome, thinking what we can do that's minimal and simplest thing that could possibly work 14:24:26 ... looking at doing a WebGL extension, benefits: WebGL extensions are optional, if we ship it we can always unship it later 14:24:43 ... almost all NN frameworks already make use of WebGL 14:24:55 ... could be simple to add couple of API calls to access vendor-specific kernels 14:25:25 q+ 14:25:27 ... seems like a simplest way as a CG to achieve the goal, not needed to be supported forever 14:25:28 q? 14:25:53 ack Rafael 14:26:15 Rafael: doing a WebGL extension sounds good 14:26:34 ... custom ops could use compute shaders of WebGPU 14:27:00 anssik: WebGL compute extension status? 14:27:09 jdarpinian: not shipping on Mac 14:27:15 ack rama 14:27:19 q? 14:27:58 Rama: about ops abstraction, does that mean ops are not sufficient as part of this standard? 14:28:48 daniel: because NN/ML is evolving so quickly new ops coming into place all the time 14:29:33 ... we want all hw vendors implement them efficiently, otherwise we'll fall back to common low-level abstractions such as Wasm 14:29:59 ... ops keep on growing, ONNX, TF Lite keeps on growing, and web would be unable to catch up with their ops sets 14:30:40 Rama: this could be also modeled on higher-level ops 14:31:30 ... we could identify a collection of higher-level abstractions, would something like that address this with easy extensibility? 14:31:51 q? 14:31:54 paulmcdaniel has joined #webmachinelearning 14:32:15 nsthorat: I hear you, those are good ideas, these explorations are being done umbrella of compilers and MLIR 14:32:49 ... these explorations are happening also outside this group and will evolve significantly over the next 6 months 14:33:39 rama: can we address the extensibility question using a small collection of higher-order ops, like element-wise-op? 14:33:42 -> "Multi-Level Intermediate Representation" Compiler Infrastructure https://github.com/tensorflow/mlir 14:34:21 q+ 14:34:56 q? 14:35:13 anssik: is compat study exploration still valid? 14:35:27 nsthorat: yes, would prioritize custom ops exploration 14:35:55 q? 14:35:59 ack ningxinhu 14:36:31 ningxinhu: question to james and rafael re WebGPU extension, will it be op level abstraction or lower-level abstraction? 14:36:55 jdarpinian: I think it would be op-level, since there's nothing really concrete to propose otherwise at this time 14:38:25 ningxinhu: the idea is to add ops-level extension to WebGL/GPU? 14:38:48 jdarpinian: yes, we could implement those ops that would give biggest speedup 14:39:26 ningxinhu: we still need ops compat study to look into MPS and DirectML compatibility 14:40:14 jdarpinian: maybe we need to look (more) into compat not on the framework level, but native API level MPS etc. 14:40:29 s/jdarpinian: maybe/ningxinhu: maybe/ 14:41:12 ningxinhu: do you expect this group cound do ops study, and how do you see collaboration with WebGPU and WebGL groups 14:41:39 jdarpinian: WebGL not sure, but WebGPU probably easier since also W3C group 14:45:29 ack? 14:45:32 q? 14:45:32 q+ 14:45:41 q+ 14:47:06 ningxinhu: another question, james and rafael propose WebGL and WebGPU extension route, how to support other types of accelerators including CPU-based. 14:47:42 ... another device class is standalone accelerators, how to expose those capabilities to the web 14:47:49 q+ 14:48:10 ack? 14:48:15 q? 14:49:40 jdarpinian: I'm very interested in standalone accelerators, unclear what type of API on native side will be used to interface with them long term 14:50:07 ... would be great to be able to have a mechanism to unship 14:50:11 q? 14:50:17 ack jdarpinian 14:50:20 ack kainino 14:51:25 kainino: there has been W3C-Khronos collaboration with canvas and HTML specs that has worked via shared membership and people, has been easy in practice 14:52:18 ... WebGPU does not meet at TPAC 2019 formally, but e.g. Myles and Dean from Apple will be there 14:52:32 q? 14:52:58 ack ningxinhu 14:53:01 q? 14:53:15 q+ 14:54:39 q? 14:54:42 ack Rafael 14:55:10 Rafael: what is the roadmap of TF.js over the few next months? 14:55:49 nsthorat: good question, we're on Wasm backend for TF.js and work on WebGPU backend, trying to ship higher-level models for e.g. PoseNet 14:56:07 ... MLIR will evolve and we'll watch that space 14:56:13 q? 14:56:47 TOPIC: F2F agenda building 14:56:53 -> WebML F2F agenda https://github.com/webmachinelearning/meetings/tree/master/2019-09-17-fukuoka 14:56:58 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 14:56:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/05-webmachinelearning-minutes.html anssik 14:58:42 anssik: would nikhil want to give a briefing on MLIR? 14:58:46 nsthorat: can do that 14:58:54 [no objection] 15:00:53 -> ONNX vs TF Lite op comparison: Conv2D, Matmul / Fully Connected https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RXCkZ9mliWbqSakYvNlWhsRH4yFtnpe1YQQNFAIRZo8/ 15:01:30 nsthorat: I think we should still do compat study 15:02:24 anssik: can you share more in DirectML POC? 15:02:56 ningxinhu: that POC is a contrib to help ops compat study for DirectML and MPS 15:06:41 nsthorat: TensorFlow Dev Summit 2020 dates not yet decided 15:11:34 TOPIC: Adjourn 15:11:42 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 15:11:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/09/05-webmachinelearning-minutes.html anssik 17:10:38 Zakim has left #webmachinelearning