19:37:17 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 19:37:17 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/08/20-dxwg-irc 19:37:25 rrsagent, make logs public 19:37:37 chair: PWinstanley 19:37:50 meeting: DXWG Plenary 19:38:04 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2019.08.20 19:38:33 regrets+ riccardoAlbertoni; DaveBrowning; Alejandra 19:54:50 TomB has joined #dxwg 19:55:29 dsr has joined #dxwg 20:00:06 kcoyle has joined #dxwg 20:00:34 present+ 20:01:49 ncar has joined #dxwg 20:05:18 present+ 20:05:38 present+ 20:05:40 present+ TomB 20:05:40 scribenick: dsr 20:05:40 present+ 20:05:43 annette_g has joined #dxwg 20:05:54 rrsagent, set logs public 20:05:55 present+ 20:06:07 Topic: Admin 20:06:13 proposed: accept https://www.w3.org/2019/08/13-dxwg-minutes 20:06:30 +1 20:06:34 +1 to approve minutes 20:06:35 +1 20:06:36 +1 20:06:37 +1 20:06:42 regrets LarsG 20:06:48 resolved: accept https://www.w3.org/2019/08/13-dxwg-minutes 20:07:21 regrets+ LarsG 20:08:27 PWinstanley: way back in March we decided that we would stop work on some work items until we had progressed some other items 20:09:03 it was march 19 20:09:18 We are not intoAugust and 20:09:31 q+ 20:09:50 s/We are not intoAugust and/We are now into August and need to resolve how to move forward/ 20:09:51 ack ncar 20:10:14 ncar: Conneg has pretty much finished a big round of work 20:10:51 As soon as the pull requests are through we are ready for review by the full WG 20:11:22 We’re wanting to focus on the vocabulary 20:12:28 PWinstanley: for the last 2 weeks we. haven’t had a DCAT task force meeting, and work has been edging ahead on github 20:12:58 q+ 20:13:05 There has been a kind of lunn on ConNeg and a chance to progress other things 20:13:25 s/lunn/lull/ 20:13:29 ack TomB 20:13:31 acl TomB 20:13:42 s/sr: acl TomB// 20:13:45 ack TomB 20:13:54 TomB: there are 12 20:14:17 .. weeks left in the charter, and we’ve focused on the main spec 20:14:47 q+ 20:14:56 I am a little but puzzled and am wondering what the goal should be 20:15:03 s/but/bit/ 20:16:17 +1 to look forward to a community group 20:16:29 ack ncar 20:16:38 PWinstanley: I wanted to consider if we lift the hold on the work items whether there is sufficient resources for the time left in the chsrter to finish them. I would need to wait for a fuller group to formally decide, but today we can collect input 20:17:04 ncar: I haven’t done any work on the guidance document for some time 20:17:14 s/chsrter/charter/ 20:17:29 No substantive changes to the vocab spec 20:17:31 q+ 20:18:06 ack kcoyle 20:18:26 q+ to suggest that the goal be to publish a WG Note 20:18:58 kcoyle: we need to provide feedback to the person who commented 20:19:23 q+ 20:19:38 ncar: the profile vocab document is quite mature 20:20:01 s/the profile vocab document is quite mature/ 20:20:26 ncar: the actual ontology has remained unchanged for some time 20:21:09 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Afeedback+label%3A%22ON+HOLD+profiles-vocabulary%22 20:21:12 that's 30 items 20:21:20 ncar: we would need about one month to prepare the next WD 20:23:06 ack TomB 20:23:06 TomB, you wanted to suggest that the goal be to publish a WG Note 20:23:52 q+ 20:24:26 TomB: I don’t like the idea of trying to rush through a REC in the last 12 weeks of the charter 20:25:27 ack ncar 20:25:45 There are 88 issues that are open https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22ON+HOLD+profiles-vocabulary%22 20:26:11 q+ 20:26:28 ncar: it is rediculous for not proceeding with the vocabulary 20:26:52 q+ to suggest that work in fact proceed - but as a WG Note 20:27:25 s/rediculous/ridiculous/ 20:27:27 q+ 20:27:47 PWinstanley: Nick, the DXWG wasn’t chartered for that work, … 20:28:38 q+ 20:29:13 People in the WG were happy to take on the vocab work to see how it would fly 20:30:10 I don’t want any mud slinging, rather to focus on the process and the chartered work items as a priority 20:30:22 ack kcoyle 20:31:15 kcoyle: PLH has a tool that allows you to work back from the delivery date to see what needs to happen by whem 20:31:37 ack TomB 20:31:37 TomB, you wanted to suggest that work in fact proceed - but as a WG Note 20:31:38 s/by whem/by when/ 20:31:41 s/whem/when/ 20:32:41 TomB: I hope Nick that you understand that I don’t want to stop work, and there is nothing wrong with a WG Note for which the bar for publication is much lower 20:32:44 ack ncar 20:33:37 ncar: 2 points, if I think about my own efforts, I shouldn’t be working on the guidance document, but profiles overall, nobody I’ve spoken to has asked for major chnges 20:33:53 a short period of time would allow us to tidy up a number of issues 20:34:07 s/chnges/changes/ 20:34:41 https://w3c.github.io/spec-releases/milestones/?fpwd=2018-12-18 20:35:06 ncar: I would like to focus on progressing the vocabulary 20:36:55 kcoyle: if we get comments we need to address them 20:37:50 Tom has not heard any arguments specifically against going for WG Note (instead of Recommendation) for Profiles Vocabulary 20:38:44 kcoyle: we could do a 2 week poll to make allowance for people coming back from vacation 20:39:51 q+ to suggest that there would need to be a credible timeline 20:40:37 ack TomB 20:40:37 TomB, you wanted to suggest that there would need to be a credible timeline 20:40:44 PWinstanley: we also need to gather views on the profile vocabulary, whether or not we as a group think it is best published as a WG Note or risk it running out of time on the REC track 20:41:19 my understanding is that if you run out of time for rec track it defaults to a note - ?? dsr? does that ring true? 20:42:15 TomB: I think a WG Note is much safer given the very limited time left to us 20:43:35 PWinstanley: I thimk I need 2 actions: one on shortest possible path to REC for the profile vocab 20:44:00 and the second on a poll on th future of the 2 profiles related items 20:44:35 so that we have consensus as we start September on where we are going 20:44:59 action: PWinstanley to contact PLH to work out shortest path to REC for profiles vocab 20:44:59 Created ACTION-359 - to contact plh to work out shortest path to rec for profiles vocab [on Peter Winstanley - due 2019-08-27]. 20:45:02 kcoyle: the poll should gather info who can commit to work on the documents 20:45:03 Tom suggests that WG Note be presented as an option in the poll. 20:45:11 ...for Profiles Vocabulary 20:45:59 Tom suggests that there be two timelines - one for Recommendation, and one for WG Note - given W3C process 20:46:17 ...so that there is basis for a good decision. 20:46:35 action: PWinstanley to poll full WG to decide on taking profiles work off hold, to determine who is interested/available to do any work on these, and to determine on the basis of information from PLH what type of output we are going for 20:46:35 Created ACTION-360 - Poll full wg to decide on taking profiles work off hold, to determine who is interested/available to do any work on these, and to determine on the basis of information from plh what type of output we are going for [on Peter Winstanley - due 2019-08-27]. 20:47:15 q+ 20:47:20 ack TomB 20:47:25 PWinstanley: anyone have any issues with those actions? 20:49:00 PWinstanley: I need to understand the tightest timeline 20:50:13 PWinstanley: we need to verify that the person who raised an issue is agreeable to how we’ve handled it 20:51:36 PWinstanley: there are a whole pile of open issues, some as the task forces haven’t met recently 20:53:03 PWinstanley: Nick anything to add? 20:53:39 PWinstanley: I am to put this to the full DXWG at the end of August 20:54:14 q+ 20:54:19 some concern sbout progress in th IETF 20:54:20 ack ncar 20:54:51 ncar: Ruben and Lars shay they are making good progress 20:54:52 q+ 20:55:01 ack kcoyle 20:55:12 they think the IETF work will be done by the end of October 20:55:39 kcoyle: do the IETF docs cite the W3C ones? 20:55:47 ncar: yes 20:56:02 s/yes/no/ 20:57:51 kcoyle: where are the documents in the IETF process? 20:58:25 ncar: they are currently IETF drafts with an expiry early next year 20:58:40 PWinstanley: any other business? 20:58:44 no 20:58:57 we will meet again same time next week. 20:59:03 … end of meeting … 20:59:07 rrsagent, create minutes v2 20:59:07 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/08/20-dxwg-minutes.html PWinstanley 20:59:10 rrsagent, make minutes 20:59:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/08/20-dxwg-minutes.html dsr 21:01:01 rrsagent, create minutes v2 21:01:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/08/20-dxwg-minutes.html PWinstanley 21:29:36 annette_g has joined #dxwg 23:20:36 Zakim has left #dxwg