15:04:13 RRSAgent has joined #json-ld 15:04:13 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/08/09-json-ld-irc 15:04:14 rrsagent, set log public 15:04:14 Meeting: JSON-LD Working Group Telco 15:04:14 Date: 2019-08-09 15:04:14 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Aug/0009.html 15:04:14 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2019-08-09: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Aug/0009.html 15:04:15 Regrets+ azaroth 15:04:15 Chair: bigbluehat 15:17:46 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 15:42:16 rubensworks has joined #json-ld 15:52:55 pchampin has joined #json-ld 15:58:01 timCole has joined #json-ld 15:58:15 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 15:58:17 ajs6f has joined #json-ld 15:59:20 present+ 15:59:22 present+ 15:59:25 present+ 15:59:29 present+ 15:59:41 present+ 15:59:53 present+ 16:01:34 regrets+ workersgnome 16:01:43 regrets+ workergnome 16:01:58 Topic: Scribe Selection 16:02:36 scribenick: pchampin 16:02:41 Topic: Approve minutes of previous call: https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2019/2019-08-02-json-ld 16:02:48 +1 16:02:49 +1 16:02:49 +1 16:02:52 +1 16:02:59 +1 16:03:00 +0 16:03:06 RESOLVED: minutes approved 16:03:16 present+ 16:03:20 Topic: Announcements / Reminders 16:03:27 Subtopic: Standing TPAC reminder 16:03:42 bigbluehat: I home everyone's booked 16:03:44 q+ 16:03:47 ack ivan 16:04:12 s/home/hope/ 16:04:26 ivan: if the DID WG is accepted, there will be a F2F on monday 16:05:07 ... that might cause a conflict with the Web Publishing WG 16:06:55 Topic: issues 16:07:07 Subtopic: Consider obsoleting use of blank nodes for properties and "generalized RDF" 16:07:12 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/37 16:07:48 bigbluehat: we more or less already aggreed to deprecate this one 16:08:09 ... but it turns out that ActivityStreams is using a bnode `@vocab` 16:08:42 ... Note that AS is part of AvivityPub, which is used by Mastodon and other 16:09:04 ... All those people get worrying warnings when using the AS context. 16:09:10 q+ 16:09:13 ack gkellogg 16:09:40 gkellogg: there is a comment in there, indicating that they don't believe that they are actually creating any property. 16:09:56 q+ to ask about 1.1 mode 16:10:03 ... pchampin suggested to raise the warning only when the bnode `@vocab` *does* create a bnode property 16:10:19 ... I think that solves Mastodon's issue. I did it in my implementation. 16:10:47 ack bigbluehat 16:10:47 bigbluehat, you wanted to ask about 1.1 mode 16:11:01 bigbluehat: could this warning be limited to 1.1 mode? 16:11:05 gkellogg: yes 16:11:32 bigbluehat: is this the default? because these people are not parsing JSON-LD 1.1, AFAIK 16:12:31 q+ 16:12:50 gkellogg: actually, that's right, the warning is not mode dependant 16:13:28 ack rubensworks 16:13:29 ... the purpose of the warning is precisely to warn people that his may go away in the *future* 16:13:53 rubensworks: are these warnings specifed in the spec or implem specific? 16:14:31 gkellogg: the spec says "feature at risk". It does not actually says anything about issuing a warning. 16:14:42 https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-api/#h-issue-0 16:14:53 ... We indeed do not specify how warnings are issued. 16:15:19 https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-api/#h-note-3 16:16:13 ... I usually use a 'validation' flag to decide whether warning are issued or not, 16:16:24 q+ 16:16:26 ack bigbluehat 16:16:26 ... although obviously I didn't to that in that case. 16:16:54 bigbluehat: distributed documents are long lived, 16:17:11 ... we should take this into account when it comes to issuing warnings. 16:17:20 ... The person we are targetting here is the context author. 16:17:59 ... Hence my suggestion to limit the warning to 1.1 mode, 16:18:10 ... meaning "it will still work here, but may break in the future". 16:18:55 ... People mining old 1.0 data will get the warning, but there is nothing they can do about it. 16:20:00 gkellogg: without warnings, the developers will not get pressure from their user to drop deprecated features 16:20:50 ... the 'validation' flag is probably a good way to solve this 16:21:22 dlongley: there are a lot of implementations that can only report errors, not warnings 16:22:12 bigbluehat: so do we need to change the spec? 16:22:17 https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11-api/#algorithm-2 16:23:16 gkellogg: we need to be clearer about the bnode properties 16:24:00 bigbluehat: should we recommend an alterative to the bnode `@vocab`? 16:24:17 ... such as a "fake bnode" IRI acting as a catch-all for undefined properties? 16:25:05 ... The AS context shows that there is a need for that; 16:25:17 q+\ 16:25:23 ... JSON users do not like their properties to *disappear* through JSON-LD processing. 16:25:23 ack \ 16:25:56 gkellogg: the most suitable replacement would be `"@vocab": "#"` 16:26:03 ... this is common in other uses of RDF, 16:26:04 +1 to `"@vocab": "#"` 16:26:21 ... and the reason why we allowed relative IRIs as `@vocab` 16:27:19 scribe+ bigbluehat 16:27:48 q+ 16:27:55 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/37#issuecomment-515799176 16:28:05 and in the spec at https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11/#data-model 16:28:40 ack dlongley 16:28:41 ... If we provide such an alternative to bnode properties, we can change the 'AT RISK's to simple notes. 16:29:35 q+ 16:29:53 https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11/#h-issue-0 16:29:54 dlongley: when we go to CR, I'm affraid people would object to bnode properties if we remove the 'AT RISK'... 16:30:06 q+ 16:31:00 gkellogg: these AT RISK are not normative. We could leave them for CR, and remove them afterwards. 16:31:02 ack timCole 16:32:19 timeCole: for me the purpose of 'AT RISK' is testing; it draws the attention to points that we are not sure can be implemented. 16:32:41 ack ivan 16:32:47 PROPOSED: turn blank node issue https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11/#h-issue-0 into a note to suggest new context authors avoid using `"@vocab": "_:"` as well as direct use of blank nodes as properties. 16:33:07 +1 16:33:08 +1 16:33:12 +1 16:33:15 +1 16:33:15 +1 16:33:28 This would be a note that accompanies 1.1? 16:33:30 ivan: timCole is right. It is used to mark features that can be removed if they lack implementation, without having to go through CR again. 16:33:41 +0 fine with me 16:33:46 +1 16:34:15 +0.5 16:34:21 RESOLVED: turn blank node issue https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11/#h-issue-0 into a note to suggest new context authors avoid using `"@vocab": "_:"` as well as direct use of blank nodes as properties. 16:35:33 gkellogg: we will then turn the 'AT RISK' issues into notes; 16:35:36 ... we will recomment to use `#` relative IRIs instead; 16:35:55 ... we will suggest to issue a warning whenever a bnode property is generated. 16:36:08 q+ 16:36:10 ... None of these points are normative. So they don't need more WG action. 16:36:14 ack dlongley 16:36:51 dlongley: if don't have a base IRI set and use a relative IRI for the `@vocab`, 16:37:16 ... then properties will *still* be droped when converted to RDF. 16:37:38 ... So we are improving the situation, but not solving it 100%. 16:37:59 PROPOSED: close https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/37 once blank node property issue is changed to a note 16:38:03 +1 16:38:04 +1 16:38:04 +1 16:38:05 +1 16:38:06 +1 16:38:10 +1 16:38:11 +1 16:38:15 RESOLVED: close https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/37 once blank node property issue is changed to a note 16:38:30 Subtopic: What is null base URL for an embedded json-ld? 16:38:38 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/103 16:38:38 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/103 16:39:23 bigbluehat: the question is raised when JSON-LD is embedded in HTML or anything. 16:39:46 ivan: someone cameup with this example involving data: URL and iframe, 16:40:02 ... leading to a situation where the base URL is not clear. 16:41:44 gkellogg: the fact that it is in HTML does not change anything, 16:42:43 ... the processor tries to determine the base URL based on the source document URL. 16:43:06 PROPOSED: close #103 as wontfix because the JSON-LD document would be treated as if it were alone--and not embedded. 16:43:38 ivan: the problem is the use of the data: URL. The question is not JSON-LD specific. It would be the same with HTML 16:43:52 gkellogg: this is a TAG issue 16:45:30 ivan: It is a HTML problem. Whatever HTML does, we do it. 16:45:41 +1 16:45:53 +1 16:45:56 +1 16:45:56 +1 16:45:59 bigbluehat: and if HTML has no answer wrt to the base URL, then you are on your own. 16:46:00 +1 16:46:00 +1 16:46:04 +1 16:46:09 RESOLVED: close #103 as wontfix because the JSON-LD document would be treated as if it were alone--and not embedded. 16:47:23 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/pull/132 16:47:25 Subtopic: Please review https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/pull/132 16:47:39 Subtopic: Link header for HTML and JSON-LD 16:47:44 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/204 16:48:28 gkellogg: this was trying to rely to danbri's concern about relying on content negociation 16:49:03 ... the best solution I came up with was to rely on a link HTTP header 16:49:12 q+ 16:49:22 q+ 16:49:30 q+ to mention Link headers aren't always possible on static hosting either (seeAlso github pages) 16:49:32 ack ivan 16:49:35 ... A JSON-LD processor expecting a context at a given URL would check for this header, 16:49:46 ... and follow the link if any. 16:50:01 ivan: other people do that, with `rel="manifest"` 16:50:27 ... the Web Publication WG does something similar with `rel="publication"` 16:50:28 q+ 16:50:47 ack rubensworks 16:51:09 ... we can bikeshed about what `rel` value we want. But this makes sense. 16:51:13 q+ 16:51:28 rubensworks: link headers are not always possible on static websites, e.g. github pages. 16:51:38 ack bigbluehat 16:51:38 bigbluehat, you wanted to mention Link headers aren't always possible on static hosting either (seeAlso github pages) 16:52:15 bigbluehat: just to be clear, the link header we are talking about is a HTTP header, *not* HTML `` 16:52:28 ... It is not as common as content negociation on static sites. 16:53:08 ... So we should specify that JSON-LD processors should first try content-negociation, 16:53:49 ... it it fails, it should try HTML (which implies embedding a HTML parser) 16:53:59 s/it it fails/if it fails/ 16:54:05 +1 to link headers, -1 to involving HTML processing *at all* w/context processing as it breaks the ecosystem 16:54:10 ack pchampin 16:54:16 ... then it should check the link header. 16:54:36 pchampin: I think this solution makes sense 16:54:50 ...whether content negotiation has priority or not, I think this would be nice to have 16:55:17 ...the way I saw it this was a way to get rid of a dependency on HTTP 16:55:32 q+ 16:56:01 ack gkellogg 16:56:21 gkellogg: this is all because the desire of schema.org (and may be others) 16:56:28 ... to avoid doing content negociation. 16:56:53 ... Whenever we can't do conneg nor HTTP headers, 16:56:59 ... we are back to parsing HTML. 16:57:19 q+ 16:57:24 ack dlongley 16:57:48 dlongley: I would be in favor of the link HTTP header solution, 16:57:54 ... even if it does not solve all problems. 16:57:57 q+ 16:58:14 ack bigbluehat 16:58:14 ... I am against the reliance on HTML parser. This would break the ecosystem. 16:58:36 ... Also, we should not make decision on the features that github pages have *today*. 16:58:50 ... That may change in the future. 16:59:01 ack rubensworks 16:59:10 bigbluehat: (a cosmetic argument that I missed) 16:59:26 q+ 16:59:32 rubensworks: I don't see the benefit of the link header over conneg; 16:59:32 ack dlongley 16:59:45 ... if a host supports one, it should supports the other, right? 16:59:56 dlongley: some static sites can do link headers. 17:00:07 ... It requires less processing on the server side than conneg. 17:00:11 +1 17:01:09 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:01:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/08/09-json-ld-minutes.html ivan 17:01:09 zakim, bye 17:01:09 rrsagent, bye 17:01:09 I see no action items 17:01:09 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been ajs6f, bigbluehat, rubensworks, pchampin, gkellogg, timCole, dlongley 17:01:09 Zakim has left #json-ld