16:01:02 RRSAgent has joined #pbg 16:01:02 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/07/16-pbg-irc 16:01:10 Zakim has joined #pbg 16:01:38 Meeting: Publishing Business Group Weekly Call 16:01:38 I don’t know the setup commands, sorry 16:01:43 liisamk has joined #pbg 16:01:45 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbg 16:01:46 present+ 16:01:48 Date: 2019-07-16 16:01:58 present+ 16:02:00 Chair: Luc 16:02:25 present+ 16:02:27 Luc: documentation on starting meetings: https://github.com/w3c/publ-bg/wiki/Using-IRC-for-Meetings 16:02:29 present+ 16:02:41 present+ 16:02:49 present+ 16:02:54 present+ 16:03:18 present+ 16:03:32 scribenick: Karen 16:03:59 garth has joined #pbg 16:04:04 present+ Garth 16:04:08 mateus has joined #pbg 16:04:16 present+ 16:04:21 present+ 16:04:36 Luc: we had a few regrets for today 16:05:01 Julie_Blair has joined #pbg 16:05:03 Luc: we sent out an agenda 16:05:06 regrets+ ivan 16:05:09 ...a bit late, so sorry for that 16:05:20 present + 16:05:27 Luc: We have information updates 16:05:32 mateus_ has joined #pbg 16:05:38 Topic: Vote in PBG about Avneesh to be member of Steering Committee 16:05:46 Luc: Lissa, you launched the vote 16:05:51 ...you received only +1 16:06:01 Liisa: yes, we received only plus ones 16:06:16 Thank you to all 16:06:25 Luc: So we can resolve that Avneesh is a member of the Publishing Steering Committee 16:06:41 Topic: Publishing F2F meeting at TPAC 16:06:47 ...Daihei, where are we on the agenda? 16:06:57 Daihei: The proposed agenda is sorted out lightly 16:07:47 *EPUB3.2 16:07:51 *@ 16:07:53 *@ 16:07:58 *@ 16:08:06 ...and gaming to be discussed in Japanese and English 16:08:12 ...I will send out the program committee members 16:08:19 ...tomorrow to ask for meeting next week 16:08:25 q+ 16:08:26 ...and then we will discuss further and report back to you 16:08:48 ...for logistics, I have requested from W3C, and Naomi Yoshizowa 16:09:02 q? 16:09:06 ...to prepare for simulataneous translations from Japanese to English and English to Japanese 16:09:14 q+ 16:09:17 ...the meeting will be Thursday, 9:00am to 12:00pm; it's on track 16:09:26 Luc: i understand there will be a PC call next week 16:09:27 ack Rachel 16:09:29 ack Rachel 16:09:43 Rachel: Is the draft agenda available for the PBG SC to review and comment on? 16:09:55 Luc: Probably not yet; we will have to work on the draft 16:10:00 ...but we will share once it's ready 16:10:00 q? 16:10:05 ack Tzviya 16:10:05 ack tzviya 16:10:12 Tzviya: I was wondering on two areas of focus 16:10:20 ...Accessibility and Gaming 16:10:28 ...is this of interest to the rest of the W3C? 16:10:41 https://www.w3.org/2018/12/games-workshop/ 16:10:43 ...especially Accessibility, very broadly of interest to W3C 16:10:56 ...and Gaming likely broader interest as well. There was recently a Workshop on Web Games 16:11:03 Daihei: regarding Gaming 16:11:14 ...as it relates to Web Publications 16:11:27 ...might be enough of new perspectives to put into discussion 16:11:43 ...in Japan, some Japanese entertainment companies are providers, such as Anime 16:11:50 ...this is still a proposed agenda to be discussed by the PC 16:11:58 ...and then after we will finalize with you 16:12:09 ...there is interest to have non-traditional publishing people 16:12:12 ...that is where that is 16:12:18 q? 16:12:27 ...I mentioned probably other people could be invited into the discussion 16:12:47 ...also I will ask Makoto to coordinate with Daisy Japan to participate 16:12:52 ...to have a global point of view 16:12:57 ...also Accessibility issue 16:13:05 ...to discuss Japanese people's interests 16:13:08 q+ 16:13:11 Luc: Thank you, Daihei 16:13:21 Topic: EPUB3 CG Resolution 16:13:24 ack Wendy 16:13:25 ack wendyreid 16:13:32 Wendy: I have a quick question 16:13:35 ...about meeting in Japan 16:13:41 ...I hear about Gaming 16:13:50 ...but also wondered about the chapterization of books 16:14:07 ...our Rakuten colleagues say Japanese offer a service chapter by chapter 16:14:10 ...and you see ads 16:14:24 ...I think it's something quite pertinent to what we are doing; wonder if we would see something there? 16:14:30 Daihei: yes, this could be interesting 16:14:43 ...the chapter by chapter has been an established practice, especially for Manga 16:14:53 ...several ways to provide and review content 16:14:57 ...readership increaded 16:15:02 ...with chapter reading 16:15:11 ...and large audiences help to secure the advertising income 16:15:19 ...I will share that topic with the program committee 16:15:27 ...Speaking of new business model on ebooks in Japan 16:15:33 ...there are several others outside of Manga 16:15:38 ...the business case, or business model 16:15:48 ...that we should bring into a publication discussion 16:15:53 ...we will discuss in PC and report back 16:15:58 Wendy: Sounds good, thank you 16:16:02 Luc: Thank you, Daihei 16:16:04 ...more comments? 16:16:18 Tzviya: If we can master that, that would be huge; not just for Manga 16:16:22 Luc: thank you, Tzviya 16:16:45 ...Dave, may I ask you if you can inform us about the last EPUB3 CG meeting; the resolution to downgrade this issue for navitation from error to @ 16:16:50 David: You did a good summary 16:17:11 s/@/warning 16:17:22 ...faced with feedback, we advised EPUBCheck to change the error to a warning for when the order of links in the primary navigation file does not match the spine order 16:17:28 ...we don't know enough to make a change at that point 16:17:43 q+ 16:17:52 ...not completely sure how much reading systems are using the doc structure exposed in the nav file 16:18:05 ...plan to build some test books with nav out of order and see what impact that has on reading systems 16:18:07 ack Luc 16:18:10 ack laudrain 16:18:14 q+ 16:18:14 Luc: part of resolution was to work on it 16:18:24 ...on the question of modifying or how to modify EPUB3.2 spec for the future 16:18:30 ...after the test that Dave mentioned 16:18:37 ...I am also aware that EPUBCheck is being modified these days 16:18:45 ...and should be available in a new release this week 16:18:51 ...that brings this error to warning 16:18:58 ...will be settled for the Japanese market 16:19:03 ...it will be an infomessage 16:19:11 ...that clearly says it may change in the future 16:19:17 q? 16:19:22 ...after further discussions about the specification 16:19:24 ack Rachel 16:19:32 Rachel: Just speaking about these maintenance updates 16:19:45 ...do we have any updates on the funding of EPUBCheck? And the current state of fundraising? 16:19:56 Luc: We are still able to finance the current development until the end of this year 16:20:05 ...We had a management call with Daisy Consortium last week 16:20:16 ...but there is a need for an additional $51KUSD to complete the plan 16:20:19 ...we plan to relaunch 16:20:27 ...a fundraising call at the end of summer 16:20:50 ...like September based on clear tasks that will be accomplished in the next six months or next year, 2020 16:21:07 ...The tasks will be listed in a friendly document, not too technical 16:21:14 ...and ask for funding for the additional $50K 16:21:21 ...that is the plan. Anyone can contribute right now 16:21:25 Rachel: Thank you 16:21:37 Luc: Before we have this discussion about objectives 16:21:45 ...we propose to cancel the calls on 23 and 30 July 16:21:50 ...to have a small break for summer 16:21:54 ...and reconvene in August 16:22:01 ...I know the PubWG is also having a break 16:22:07 ...thank you for PubWG members being here today 16:22:22 Garth: specifically, what meetings will be cancelled? 16:22:42 Luc: The next one is Asian friendly time on next Tuesday, 23rd/Wednesday Japan 16:22:50 ...next one is European friendly on Tuesday, 30th 16:22:57 Garth: I have cancelled both of those now 16:23:06 Luc: thank you, Garth; always so efficient 16:23:20 ...there is a meeting next week, remote, on the Publishing strategy and W3C 16:23:31 ...the PubSC has invited Avneesh to come and be a member 16:23:35 ...there were many +1s 16:23:43 ...we discussed for plans for strategy for 2020 16:23:51 ...Avneesh had useful comments 16:24:01 ...without objectives it is difficult to plan for strategies 16:24:10 ...as co-chairs we have prepared a list of objectives 16:24:21 ...which we discussed around some kind of model 16:24:29 s/model/moto 16:24:37 ...idea to put objectives 16:24:43 ...a list of five bullet points in the agenda 16:24:49 ...what we could call objectives 16:24:56 ...what we expect Pub at W3C to do 16:25:01 ...for the publishing community 16:25:14 ...these five bullets are about existing standards like EPUB that are operational today 16:25:25 ...we rely on EPUB3 already 16:25:38 ...that was a big achievement from EPUB3 CG and the EPUBCHeck being modified 16:25:47 ...by the PubBG, and development of this new release 16:25:59 ...So this is first real objective, to maintain EPUB3 and EPUBCHeck 16:26:09 ...Let me present all the points before taking quesitons 16:26:28 ...Second one is Publications on the web 16:26:39 ...We have a place to think about Web Publications 16:26:44 ...two years in the WG, a huge effort 16:26:53 ...expect a deliverable in the first semester of 2020 16:26:58 ...Web Publication for Audio Books 16:27:15 ...other discussions in this area that would bring specializations, depending upon needs of industry 16:27:25 ...what is not clear is what the PubWG will do after the publication of Audio Books 16:27:38 ...One objective is to identify needs from the publishing industry for publishing on the web 16:27:49 ...on higher level, we think different kind of books may have different needs 16:28:01 ...and something could help to define the needs of the publishing industry 16:28:06 ...and to collect needs by sectors 16:28:16 I would suggest changing "books" to "publications" 16:28:22 ...we had this idea that STEM would need web publications; but we have not seen this result today 16:28:33 ...PubBG would be place to identify needs of the whole industry 16:28:52 ...also identify needs...what we do in publishing with web tech needs to be improved, rendering content 16:28:59 ...rendering content on web with web tech we have issues 16:29:17 ...there we have understood that CSS is place we should contribute to fulfill this objective 16:29:27 ...there are some difficulties because we need resources to contribute here 16:29:41 ...thanks to some of you, like Dave, there are huge efforts 16:29:52 ...We can also expect new features could be incubated and tried 16:29:59 ...between web people and publishing industry 16:30:06 ...where we have a new PubCG in place 16:30:13 ...they started recently 16:30:26 ...and the visual narratives CG 16:30:33 ...to bring new narrations to the web 16:30:43 ...places where these [ideas] can be incubated 16:30:46 q? 16:30:55 q+ 16:30:55 ...these are the five areas of the bullet points. Now invite your comments 16:30:58 ack Tzviya 16:30:59 q+ 16:31:00 +1 to the five bullets and their sub-bullets. Great work from the chairs! 16:31:06 ack tzviya 16:31:08 Tzviya: I just want to say first of all 16:31:16 ...the objectives here are just a draft and we do need feedback 16:31:25 ...I had envisioned the objectives being a bit broader 16:31:35 ...In some ways, this reminds me of the charters we already have 16:31:45 ...so the current charters may have not worked out as well as we hoped 16:31:57 ...we have had issues getting feedback from all the sectors we need 16:32:10 ...would be nice to get feedback from scholarly community, but our approach to date has not worked 16:32:22 ...our needs are not reflected yet 16:32:34 ...The objective should be to assess the needs and do a gap analysis 16:32:40 ...to see what the web and publishing are lacking 16:32:46 ...maybe we need to refine this a bit 16:32:55 ...to assess where our previous actions have not worked as well as hoped 16:33:03 ...and where we got caught up in vision before needs 16:33:15 ...I would hope we would have more clear documentation of business needs 16:33:31 ...We are all aware of business needs, but if they are not documented, we cannot actually work on them 16:33:33 ack Dave 16:33:40 Dave: a couple of things 16:33:43 ack dauwhe 16:33:48 ...on the smaller scale, I think we need some clarity 16:33:55 q+ 16:34:00 ...we need to figure out what we are talking about when we say 'web publications' 16:34:07 ...there are already publications on the web 16:34:12 ...Moby Dick as blog post 16:34:20 ...read scholarly content online 16:34:37 ...in some sense the problems of publications on the web are business problems, not technical problems 16:34:48 ...careful not to solve business problems by creating new technologies 16:34:57 ...I agree with Tzviya it would be good to have a higher level layer 16:35:02 ...to answer questions of what our mission is 16:35:09 ...what sort of world are we trying to get to 16:35:11 ...and things 16:35:21 ...the gaps in the web platform; what we want to do but cannot 16:35:30 ...are those technical; can those problems be solved by W3C 16:35:34 https://twitter.com/dauwhe/status/1149681148957745152 16:35:37 ...what makes EPUB, EPUB 16:35:54 ...posting one of my Twitter rants which touches on some of these points 16:36:03 ack Avneesh 16:36:04 Luc: thank you; that has been ready by many people 16:36:19 Avneesh: coming to same things but from different directions 16:36:34 ...two questions I asked were our target audience, our target beneficiaries 16:36:41 ...and what will compell them to come to this work 16:36:52 ...if we do not have answers to these questions, then we are shooting in the dark 16:36:57 ...it answers some questions 16:37:03 ...EPUB3 has a short-term plan 16:37:11 ...to push this ecosystem effectively 16:37:23 ...Beyond this, in SC, it also indicates another thing 16:37:33 ...is our target only IDPF audiences, or beyond? 16:37:38 ...to reset our mindset about EPUB3 16:37:52 ...when I saw the initial agenda in the publishing strategy document, it is highly focused on EPUB3 16:38:01 ,...I would like to suggest we remove this anchor from our minds 16:38:07 ...not everyone is from the EPUB world 16:38:12 ...and they want solutions 16:38:19 ...maybe how to capitalize on EPUB 16:38:32 ...maybe the right question is what format are you using and what do you need 16:38:42 ...maybe some distance from EPUB3, we will get new answers 16:38:50 ...also George was talking about other docs 16:38:57 ...why these cannot be on HTML page publications 16:39:05 ...where we talk about the future 16:39:11 q? 16:39:17 ...with a reset I think we can get to a solution in a better way 16:39:22 ...maybe reset from EPUB3 16:39:26 q+ 16:39:31 .,..and see where we want to go collectively 16:39:33 ack Garth 16:39:45 Garth: i agree with much of what Avneesh said, but think we need to be careful 16:39:58 ...the whole Publishing@W3C was initiated by a merger of the IDPF into W3C 16:40:07 ...and EPUB was the lifeblood of the industry 16:40:15 ...be careful not to be pejorative to EPUB 16:40:24 ...it is an important animal to be nurtured going forward 16:40:29 +1 to feeding and nurturing EPUB 16:40:35 ...we got to WP because we tried to make a clean break from EPUB 16:40:40 q+ 16:40:44 ...think of EPUB as a fine sailing ship, not an anchor 16:40:46 ack Avneesh 16:40:53 ack Avneesh 16:40:56 Avneesh: Just to clarify, Garth 16:41:06 ...what I am saying there is a strong constituency of IDPF members 16:41:20 ...what i am saying is to look to a broader constituency beyond EPUB 16:41:31 ...talk about future in web oriented world 16:41:36 q+ 16:41:42 ...another part of constituency is not totally satisfied with EPUB 16:41:47 ...maybe scholarly is example 16:41:59 ...these are people who can provide us some strong business cases 16:42:09 ...who can help us to make publishing on the web more successful 16:42:12 ack tzviya 16:42:21 Tzviya: I wanted to reiterate what Avneesh said 16:42:28 ...we are not killing EPUB; it's strong and good 16:42:35 ...but maybe consider what to add in the future 16:42:39 q+ 16:42:41 Luc: More comments from others? 16:42:43 ack Rachel 16:42:55 Rachel: going forward as we prepare for this meeting for next week 16:42:59 ...a couple things to keep in mind 16:43:04 ...make sure that we are collaborating 16:43:07 ...in a single location 16:43:10 ...in a single group 16:43:22 ..to establish these objectives and keep our proposed agendas and details in mind 16:43:30 ...keep these conversations moving foward 16:43:33 q+ 16:43:44 ...propose we try to keep all of this in the Google doc that Wendy had started 16:43:54 ...keep all of that commentary and conversation together in one place 16:44:02 ...Getting the conversation started 16:44:15 ...next week is to start by talking about the things we all agree upon, what we know to be true 16:44:24 q? 16:44:30 ...EPUB is not something that is going away, and not something we want to go away 16:44:39 ...and some other truths we want to perpetuate as a group 16:44:55 ...putting those out there in writing may help us to not revisit those conversations and lose time in going through them over and over again 16:45:06 ...I will with Wendy's permission add a section to the agenda 16:45:12 ...these are the things we know to be true 16:45:19 +1 to Rachel 16:45:23 ...we can have that as our strong starting point going into the conversation 16:45:29 ...I see a strong support on irc 16:45:31 ack Liisa 16:45:46 Liisa: I wanted to note that having this conversation here today 16:45:54 ...was to help us in thinking about what these objectives are 16:46:02 ...that document is not a public doc and will not be a public do 16:46:05 c 16:46:14 ...we will take solicitation of ideas 16:46:26 q+ 16:46:27 ...there is a tiny proprietary piece of SC business that we cannot share with everyone 16:46:32 Luc: Thank you, Liisa 16:46:34 ack Rachel 16:46:45 Rachel: I definitely appreciate that and thank you for sharing that 16:46:59 ...I was surprised to see PWG work may be adjourned until publishing sectors pushes reveal 16:47:05 ...I was a bit panicky 16:47:28 ...pushing a message that PWG might retire or stop working seemed like an extreme message to throw out in a public draft 16:47:29 Luc: Ok 16:47:43 ...It's not an affirmation, just a question 16:47:54 ...I understand the @ is questioning the post charter 16:48:06 better to say. Further work on PWG will continue after collecting strong business cases from industry 16:48:14 ...I understand that PubWG charter will end; there is a big question for the working group 16:48:30 ...what do you mean by mis-interpreting, Tzviya? 16:48:34 Tzviya: Some of tweets 16:48:49 ...when people see 'suspending' does not necessarily mean 'ending' 16:48:53 q+ 16:48:59 ...concerned that people think that we are ending the PubWG 16:49:10 ...the charter will end, but not decisions have been made 16:49:16 ...ending the charter is not under discussion 16:49:22 ...let's be careful what we put in public 16:49:33 ...tweet, 'since web publications is dead, here is my proposal' 16:49:37 ...in the past week or so 16:49:42 Luc: not just now; that is a big issue 16:49:45 ack Liisa 16:49:49 ack liisamk 16:50:02 Liisa: Tzviya, that is a great lesson to take now and in our conversations next week 16:50:08 ...it is easy to be misinterpreted 16:50:25 ...one objective is to show on-going work to support publishing both on and off the web 16:50:27 Luc: ok 16:50:37 ...more comments from people who did not express their thoughts until now? 16:50:54 ...I understand that there is a need for a higher level of something 16:50:57 ...of objectives 16:51:09 ...I don't know how and who could work on that for the meeting next week 16:51:22 ...or it's something we try to extract from this draft of objectives? 16:51:26 Dave: I can help work on it 16:51:42 Rachel: I am happy to help as well since we need to shape an agenda 16:51:52 Action: Dave and Rachel to work on agenda refinement 16:52:09 Luc: Also speak about publishing industry, inside W3C, we are very few 16:52:12 ...on a personal view 16:52:22 ...I think it's very positive to see how many people are in the EPUB3 CG 16:52:33 ...there were more than 250 people who have registered for this CG 16:52:42 ...I understand they are not always there or on calls or irc 16:52:55 ...but it's a huge group, which means people receive information, agendas on the mailing lists 16:53:08 ...but by the way, other groups are not so populated with publishers 16:53:19 ...we know it's difficult for publishing orgs to be full members of W3C 16:53:26 ...after merger of IDPF and W3C 16:53:47 ...we understood there was a TPI period of two years, but it's not being continued by many publishers 16:54:00 ...even if we have @ we are not adding so many people 16:54:05 ...the audience is not easy 16:54:15 ...as co-chairs we think the PubBG can be a hub 16:54:30 ...to collect news from publishing industry, to look at things being done without standards in the business 16:54:42 ...some digital publications like web tunes 16:54:55 q? 16:54:59 ...question of audience and target is not an easy one; I would like to push on that discussion 16:55:07 ...I see no one on the queue 16:55:10 s/tunes/toons/ 16:55:28 Luc: Thank you for your help and comments 16:55:50 ...in the agenda we had one more technical point about metadata needs and best practices 16:55:55 ...I don't think there is time 16:56:01 Liisa: I think not 16:56:12 Luc: Liisa, can you speak to that? 16:56:21 Luc: we think the BG should work more efficiently 16:56:42 ...with your help we should identify business cases and business issues and we should work on them until we get some kind of resolution 16:56:47 ...we should work on a proposal basis 16:56:54 ...one or more people work on these points 16:57:03 ...bring proposals and then we have resolutoins 16:57:09 ...and we explain these resolutions 16:57:19 ...we think we should work more on a point by point basis 16:57:22 ...as proposals 16:57:30 ...this means we cannot have a call every week 16:57:35 ...we would have two calls per month 16:57:43 ...one for European and one for Asian times 16:57:59 ...these people would agree to take these business points and have time to work onit 16:58:11 ..on their own by discussions by calls outside the PubBG calls 16:58:16 ...we would have two calls per month 16:58:22 ...but have a list of business points that would be 16:58:27 ....taken by one or two people 16:58:33 ...and it could also be a month later 16:58:44 ...could be a European or Asian business case 16:58:55 ...if we don't agree, we have discussions, but in the end we have a resolution 16:58:57 q? 16:59:00 ...that is the plan for the end of summer 16:59:04 ...any comments or questions? 16:59:07 q+ 16:59:11 ack Avneesh 16:59:16 ack Avneesh 16:59:28 Avneesh: I think the business group has a very important role to play in W3C 16:59:36 ...W3C does standards for web development 17:00:00 ...where publishing has important role to explore business cases and put them in front of the technical community 17:00:04 ...I like this plan 17:00:08 Luc: Thank you, Avneesh 17:00:18 ...We are at top of the hour 17:00:23 ...thank you all for your contributions 17:00:27 [adjourned] 17:00:52 rrsagent, draft minutes v2 17:00:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/07/16-pbg-minutes.html Karen 17:01:35 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:01:44 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:02:21 Karen: does v2 invoke the much fancier design? !! 17:04:55 yes 17:06:35 that's so cool! 17:07:39 hope you like it! 17:37:27 dauwhe has joined #pbg 17:52:45 Karen has joined #pbg 18:05:35 dauwhe has joined #pbg 19:17:57 Zakim has left #pbg 19:19:37 rrsagent, by 19:19:37 I'm logging. I don't understand 'by', dauwhe. Try /msg RRSAgent help 19:19:41 rrsagent, bye 19:19:41 I see 1 open action item saved in https://www.w3.org/2019/07/16-pbg-actions.rdf : 19:19:41 ACTION: Dave and Rachel to work on agenda refinement [1] 19:19:41 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2019/07/16-pbg-irc#T16-51-52