15:59:36 RRSAgent has joined #pbg 15:59:36 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/06/11-pbg-irc 15:59:42 Zakim has joined #pbg 16:00:37 zakim, bye 16:00:37 Zakim has left #pbg 16:00:43 rragent, bye 16:00:47 rrsagent, bye 23:46:51 RRSAgent has joined #pbg 23:46:51 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/06/11-pbg-irc 23:46:57 RRSAgent, make logs public 23:47:09 Meeting: Publishing Business Group telecon 23:47:19 Date: 11 June 2019 23:47:25 Chair: Daihei 23:47:59 Thank you very much, Dave! 23:48:38 Dave, should I still ask somebody to scribe the meeting? Or, it would be automatically done? 23:50:08 better to get a volunteer :) 23:54:21 Okay, I will ask at the beginning. If I inadvertently forget, please remind me. 23:58:33 jkamata has joined #PBG 23:59:34 MURATA has joined #pbg 00:00:44 present+ 00:00:52 Zakim, who is here? 00:00:52 Present: dauwhe 00:00:54 On IRC I see MURATA, jkamata, RRSAgent, Zakim, jyoshii, Daihei, dauwhe, wendyreid, Rachel, bigbluehat 00:01:16 Hi! 00:01:23 present+ 00:01:28 join+ 00:01:33 Shie has joined #pbg 00:01:41 present+ jyoshii 00:01:42 I volunteered to be the scribe. 00:01:52 Zakim, who is here? 00:01:52 Present: dauwhe, jkamata, jyoshii 00:01:53 present+ 00:01:54 On IRC I see Shie, MURATA, jkamata, RRSAgent, Zakim, jyoshii, Daihei, dauwhe, wendyreid, Rachel, bigbluehat 00:02:01 liisamk has joined #pbg 00:02:01 scribenick: MURATA 00:02:10 present+ 00:03:28 present+ Daihei 00:03:50 Shiohama-san welcomed everybody. 00:04:19 The first topic is BISG Webinar. 00:05:07 Lisa explained the agenda of fhe BISG webinar. 00:05:27 Validation demo. 00:05:44 Recent work on audiobooks. 00:06:02 What the business group is. 00:06:18 Topics about A11Y 00:06:59 Lisa: Any suggestions are welcome. 00:07:12 Shiohama-san: Any suggestions from Japan? 00:08:16 MM: What is the purpose of this webinar? 00:08:32 Lisa: Update to BISG. Encourage people to join us. 00:09:20 SH: Next topic in the agenda 00:09:28 TPAC Fukuoka 00:09:54 Registration is open. The early bird price is still available. 00:10:45 SH: From 9 to 12, September 19. 00:11:00 SH: Will organize a PC. 00:12:31 MM: SC34/JWG7 in Fukuoka 1 week before. 00:12:47 MM: A report from the JWG7 meeting would be a good topic. 00:13:05 SH: MM, may I ask you to do so? 00:13:33 Luc and Laurent, as well. 00:13:52 q+ 00:14:05 SH: Any other ideas? 00:14:27 present+ ShinyaTakami 00:14:29 Takami-san: I want to request a topic. 00:14:54 T-san: epubcheck recent update has a big impact on Japanese users. 00:15:07 MM: seq issue? 00:15:50 SH: toc issue? 00:15:53 T-san: Yes. 00:15:59 q+ 00:16:03 ack shiny 00:16:33 Dave: Did you submit an issue to the github repository for epubcheck? 00:16:49 https://github.com/w3c/epubcheck/issues 00:17:37 SH: Have you already submitted an issue? (In Japanese) 00:17:53 T-san: There was an issue but was closed. 00:18:01 Sh: Could you check? 00:18:22 SH: Any comments, everybody? 00:18:49 SH: Kamata-san, is the error message in TOC is a really important issue? 00:18:59 Kamata-san: Yes. 00:19:20 Is this the issue? https://github.com/w3c/epubcheck/issues/1036 00:19:28 K-san: The impact is more than we expected. 00:20:10 K-san: Existing EPUB publications are really problems. New ones can be fixed. 00:20:17 q+ 00:20:22 ack dau 00:20:43 The issue was discussed by the epub 3 CG https://www.w3.org/2019/04/11-epub3cg-minutes.html 00:22:00 SH: Please raise an issue in the github repository. 00:22:33 Dave: Consensus of the community group: No, since it has bad impacts on navigation. 00:23:17 q? 00:23:24 Dave: You can reopen an issue, probably in the EPUB github repository. But I expect opposition. 00:24:12 Lisa: We need more input about use cases, user requirements. 00:24:30 Lisa: Input to the original issue was not clear enough. 00:24:34 ack liisamk 00:24:41 Lisa: We need more input. 00:25:03 SH: Any other comments? 00:25:23 q+ 00:25:36 SH: This is a change to EPUB 3.2. 00:26:02 SH: The severity of this error is more than Japanese people expected. 00:26:30 SH: Since this is a spec issue, an issue in the github for epubcheck might not work. 00:27:00 Karen has joined #pbg 00:27:06 Dave: I do not believe that this a change to EPUB 3.2. It is a change to EPUB 3. 00:27:27 Dave: This error was looked over by earlier versions of epubcheck. 00:28:05 From epub 3.0.1: "The order of li elements contained within the toc nav element must match the order of the targeted elements within each targeted EPUB Content Document, and must also follow the order of Content Documents in the Rendition's spine." 00:28:15 SH: I encourage Japanese users to make further comments. Here or github? 00:28:17 ack dauwhe 00:29:00 Lisa: Navigation and occurrence order difference. I would like to see examples. 00:29:53 Lisa: Before we design a technical issue, we have to understand business issues. 00:30:22 SH: T-san, is it possible to submit an example EPUB for demonstrating this? 00:31:14 SH: Other than Japan, people do not see a big problem. T-san, is it possible to provide more through info? 00:31:22 T-san: Yes. 00:31:33 T-san: Kadokawa will work with other publishers. 00:31:55 SH: possibly email to the pbg. 00:32:19 SH: Any other ideas? 00:32:21 Yanni has joined #pbg 00:32:24 SH: for TPAC? 00:33:31 The last topic in the agenda. 00:33:39 Digital Publishing formats in general 00:34:03 SH: Lisa, could you elaborate this topic? 00:34:28 Lisa: We have to understand what is needed as a standard. 00:34:38 Lisa: What is happening WITHOUT a standard? 00:35:06 Lisa: Journals 00:35:10 Lisa: Webtoon 00:35:12 q+ 00:35:31 Lisa: Are they happy without a standard? 00:35:45 Dave: Journal world has a lot of standards, including JATS. 00:36:40 ack dauwhe 00:36:57 Lisa: Understand the landscape. What is happening? 00:37:05 Lisa: Would standards help? 00:37:28 SH: Any comments? 00:37:36 https://jats.nlm.nih.gov 00:38:12 SH: How should proceed from here? 00:38:48 SH: We have audiobooks, but no other profiles. 00:39:12 SH: Any profiles needed for business reasons? 00:40:09 Lisa: Please email to the PBG about possible such profiles. 00:40:46 Lisa: We will have a US Europe meeting next week. 00:41:08 Lisa: But in the week after that, we will have a DPUB summit in Paris. 00:41:32 SH: Next ASIA meeting will not be held the week after next. 00:42:29 MM: If you attend the SC34 meeting before TPAC, there will be a social event. 00:42:39 RRSAgent: draft minutes 00:42:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/06/11-pbg-minutes.html dauwhe 00:42:41 SH: The meeting is adjourned. Thank you everybody. 00:42:43 RRSAgent: make logs public 00:43:18 RRSAgent, make logs public 00:43:27 RRSAgent: bye 00:43:27 I see no action items