12:10:40 RRSAgent has joined #dxwgcneg 12:10:40 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/05/09-dxwgcneg-irc 12:10:42 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:10:42 Zakim has joined #dxwgcneg 12:10:44 Meeting: Dataset Exchange Working Group Teleconference 12:10:44 Date: 09 May 2019 12:11:06 Meeting: DXWG CNEG Telecon 12:11:29 scribeNick: LarsG 12:11:34 Chair: roba 12:11:45 Topic: Confirm Agenda 12:12:04 agenda https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:CNEG-Telecon2019.05.09 12:12:19 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:CNEG-Telecon2019.05.09 12:12:20 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:CNEG-Telecon2019.05.09 12:12:31 +1 12:12:32 +1 12:12:37 +1 12:12:50 TOPIC: confirm minutes: https://www.w3.org/2019/05/02-dxwgcneg-minutes 12:12:55 +1 12:12:59 +1 12:13:12 present+ 12:13:17 present+ 12:13:30 RESOLVED: minutes confirmed 12:13:34 present+ 12:14:34 TOPIC: open action items https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/products/4 12:14:51 action-193? 12:14:51 action-193 -- Rob Atkinson to Move jmeter test suite to within w3c systems -- due 2018-09-05 -- OPEN 12:14:51 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/actions/193 12:15:16 roba: still working on this 12:15:39 ncar: is it planned to do QSA in this test suite, too? 12:15:52 roba: Yes, QSA as fallback 12:16:32 ... also planning to check headers etc 12:17:03 ncar: How to check that all resources are handled according to the spec? 12:17:31 roba: you have to nominate one test resource. You can e. g. use void to find those. 12:17:51 ncar: If there is wide adoption, we cannot rely that resources are RDF 12:18:01 ... so we need as simple a test case as possible 12:18:13 ... without knowledge of data cubes or anything 12:18:25 roba: the tests will be against one known resource 12:18:32 ncar: will use it to test our APIs 12:18:58 roba: delayed due to OGC paper work, not much time for implementation 12:19:26 so we leave action-193 open. 12:20:04 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 12:20:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/05/09-dxwgcneg-minutes.html LarsG 12:20:16 RRSAgent, please make logs public 12:20:37 TOPIC: review open issues labelled feedback https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Afeedback+label%3Aprofile-negotiation 12:22:19 ncar: we spent last week looking at which issues should be lifted 12:22:30 ... ending with issue #748 12:25:34 ... looking at #785 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/785 12:25:47 roba: this seems like cartesian products 12:26:16 ncar: we still hae all other dimensions, too 12:26:39 roba: suggest "links should be at the level that the implementation supports" 12:27:09 ncar: this is about a link header saying which profiles are available 12:27:35 ... if you want to know which media types are available there are other methods 12:28:32 ... looking at example 5 in 7.1 12:28:43 ... not current according to the spec 12:29:19 ... all links are resource links with combinations of media types and profiles 12:29:35 roba: there should be nothing magic about it (cartesian product) 12:29:42 ... can type be a list of types? 12:31:31 ... we could answer "yes, it's correct, we just didn't provide an example" 12:31:45 ncar: can we mark it for 3PWD? 12:32:20 roba: if I suggest 10 different profiles and media types (100 possible links):is that unreasonable? 12:32:33 ... should we limit the number of options? 12:32:50 ... are the semantics an exhaustive list or a suggested list? 12:33:03 ncar: should be exhaustive list 12:33:31 roba: so what do you do if you have further dimensions (spatial resolution etc.)? 12:34:07 ncar: Kam is right in that the URI doesn't change if we really do content negotiation 12:34:58 ... so if we just give "link" Profile-URI we should be fine (without type) 12:39:04 12:39:23 12:39:39 roba: profile should take presedence if present 12:39:56 ncar: we simply don't say anything about media types 12:40:10 roba: we should change the example so that there is one with an 12:40:32 ... explicit type and one that works dynamically 12:40:56 ... If a resource only supports one particular media type, what should the server say 12:42:05 I've used Link headers for pagination and so does GitHub (Issues list) 12:42:22 roba: back to agenda 12:42:41 ... we should address #785 in 3PWD 12:43:03 ncar: the issue is not how link headers work but what we think should be in it 12:45:12 LarsG: we should ask Mark Nottingham or dret as they wrote the Link header spec 12:46:20 LarsG: we try and solve this within a week and, if not, as them for a special teleconf 12:47:44 roba: OK, so we'll discuss it in the issue 12:48:26 ACTION: LarsG to write proposal in #785 regarding how to handle multiple dimensions in link headers 12:48:26 Created ACTION-326 - Write proposal in #785 regarding how to handle multiple dimensions in link headers [on Lars G. Svensson - due 2019-05-16]. 12:50:52 ncar: we should confirm that some issues are _not_ for 3PWD but for 4PWD 12:53:49 Milestone Conneg 3PWD: https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/milestone/20 12:56:05 roba: it's a problem to implement conneg when you don't have access to the actual server implementation but only working with redirects 12:56:38 ... i. e. #802 12:56:50 s/#802/#803/ 12:57:13 s/#803/#603/ 12:58:36 ncar: #504 could be closed as resolved 12:58:48 13:00:37 ncar: #589 should be in the milestone 13:01:25 ... it's about using specific keywords, we don't prescribe that 13:01:56 roba. what about #575 13:03:02 ncar: still significant work. will give it a go in this milestone 13:03:18 roba: points 16 and 17 are addressed already 13:03:38 ncar: we should review #575 in the next sprint 13:04:43 ncar: 14 issues are tagged for 3PWD, is that enough? 13:04:46 LarsG: +1 13:04:51 roba: +1 13:05:04 ncar: will address as many as possible 13:05:35 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 13:05:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/05/09-dxwgcneg-minutes.html LarsG 14:41:05 Zakim has left #dxwgcneg